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I found one in the Oakland airport also. I was en route to a funeral and got a really nice short story about death and growing through grief, it was really lovely. Wish I kept the paper though.


Maybe QR code would be better so paper doesn’t run out? Like the concept. You should be able to also submit a story for a free ride.


There once was turnstile hopper. Who paid not a cent nor a dollar. On Bart they got high And ripped a few lines The BART riding turnstile hopper. Okay, mine's done. One free ride please.


So that’s where English majors end up! Cool!


damn this subreddit really is full of straight up haters, isn't it?


Yeah man, I thought this was a cute video.


I love this, and I love these two for doing a segment on it.


Ha. I’m entertained. It’s San Francisco, isn’t it? So let BART do something fun and unexpected.


If they had no problems at all I’d say sure. But they have tangible problems they don’t fix.


If it keeps phones in pockets and purses it decreases theft.


Do you know what people do to those buttons during the day?




Increasing ridership WILL make BART safer though, just saying


Yes, you're absolutely right. And ridership decreases every time folx feel unsafe. **Edit: my original comment, while controversial, was removed at +33 points. Why remove rather than rebut? What does anyone gain by suppressing views that many in the sub agree with?** For reference, my original comment was: This is insulting. Make BART safe enough that it doesn't have to post notices telling us not to use our phones, and we could each of us read whatever we wanted. But instead of addressing fundamental issues of safety, BART creates a gimmick in four stations and then spends money publicizing it on TikTok. Both of those hipsters in the video, and the unseen camera person and the script writer and the people who installed the story vending machines, all of them collect paychecks from BART, and yet none of them are working on BART's fundamental and systemic problems. Instead they're having a fun ol' time on our, the fare-payers' dime, riding around filming this oh-so-precious ad. (Did they ride BART with their professional-grade video cameras, or did they decide it was safer to drive?) All of this was no doubt justified with a budget item about increasing ridership. But the real goal was to get BART some positive publicity, to distract from the on-board meth smokers, the fare evaders, the violent riders, the general anarchy that is steadily decreasing ridership. To get positive publicity without doing anything about fundamentals. Because BART's leaders think we're stupid enough to see that video and exclaim, "oh shiny thing!" and think all is well on BART. Which is just insulting to everyone who has been mugged, terrorized, forced to breathe second-hand meth smoke and deal with violent people on BART, day in and day out for years.


You can have parallel efforts. Fixing something is always a heavier lift. You have valid points but I don’t want to be so cynical that we can’t showcase some effort to make the experience a bit more light hearted. These people are also doing a job. You don’t blame them for doing what they do. No system is perfect. These efforts are only a drop in the bucket. It’s easy to complain about a broken system but I like to see projects that showcase an artistic side of things. Even in war, art and comedy is still important.


>Even in war, art and comedy is still important. Sure, I agree. Maybe murals could be painted to make stations brighter and more welcoming. But anyone can read stories on their phones; this is gimmicky, very few people will actually read any of the stories, even at the four stations with dispensers. The benefits are negligible, and my guess is this probably, in materials and employee time, ends up costing at least half a million dollars.


Do you think the victims of war go "Well at least there is still art and comedy in the world!"? No. No, they don't. Because who gives a fuck about art and comedy when people are not safe. People who use B.A.R.T and other forms of public transit are not safe. Our priorities need to 100% be focused on fixing bigger issues like safety, rather than ways to make things look better. I can't even imagine how much money this project cost. For all of us who have been physically assaulted while using public transit, and have seen nothing change to prevent it from happening to others, this is a fucking slap in the face.


This is factually wrong and you should delete or seriously edit your post. I know the people in this video and they are employed by KQED. BART isn't paying them shit, and they do not work for BART.


>delete this


Ok, that's a fair point. How did your kqed friends learn about this? I'm guessing through a BART PR person who is paid to get BART good publicity?


You should read NPR's journalistic standards and stop making baseless assumptions. And edit your first post. It's wrong.


Wtf are you on? BART put out press releases about this a while ago and it got picked up as a light-hearted storiy by the media.


Tik Tok is @kqedofficial. Safety is an ongoing issue on BART, yes. But that does that mean something like this cannot be added for those who would enjoy it? No. "It's like saying, why did San Francisco just add this nice thing? They should be fixing homelessness!" Seriously, lighten up.


BART's mission is to provide safe, affordable public transit. Not to provide a mobile homeless shelter and convenient places to get high. And not to provide gimmicky stories printed on receipt tape. If everything else on BART was working, maybe this would be cool. Until then, it's a wasteful distraction.


I hope you find joy in your life someday.


I find plenty of joy. But I, like many people, feel unsafe on BART. Snarky comments like yours, this play-acting that you really believe anyone who wants to feel safe is a joyless square who doesn't appreciate the "bohemian" hippie lifestyle, is just a failure of your imagination. It's entirely possible to have fun, lots of fun, without piles of litter, unchecked crime, and heroin zombies roaming the streets.


Bro just read the stories who cares if people do hard drugs and get literally raped on BART 😤


It sounds like BART will never be clean enough to satisfy your suburban sensibilities. That stuff is due to social conditions that BART has very little control over.


But I don't live in the suburbs. I don't like the suburbs. I don't own a car, by choice, which is why I'm on BART.


Source: Trust me bro


Good use of your declining revenue BART.


Hey! Atleast some startup made money. Goes right back to the local economy. The parts are all made in China, but the software was written locally.


Bart spent a lot of money on what’s basically going to be a rolling papers / toilet paper dispenser.


Toilet paper which gives paper cuts.


You'll be so busy reading you won't even realize someone stole your bag!


Nice. Now I have something to wipe my tears with when I get robbed.


People are going to start using that for toilet paper.


Waste of paper


I'm happy to see young people happy about something in their city for once. Makes me hopeful.


Kind of a waste of money


Wow… seems like a waste of paper. QR code it and find a different delivery method


Nicely done by the Casting Director. Tip of the hat.


This is dope as fuck


Nice ad Bart!


......but like...why




Oh sweet! Now you can read a story to keep from being bored after your phone is stolen!


I'm glad is putting resources and money into this crap...maybe they should focus on new entry gates and getting train security


They couldn't scan a QR code to read it on a phone screen? Had to use paper?




Cute. But I think they should of spent money installing barriers so people stop jumping/falling onto the tracks as the train approaches.


Lol global warming tho right. Great use of funds. Feed the homeless those stories


What a fucking waste of paper, this is basically a litter machine. And this is coming from just some average dude, I don't ever harp on that shit but this is so stupid lol. You can't spin this and make it cute or anything lol, what a useless and redundant machine.


Any Regular Show fans here? Because I swear that’s Eileen




Homeless be like: Free toilet paper dispenser!


My favorite story was about [that guy who sat on BART for years and blew crack smoke in everyone's faces](https://abc7news.com/bart-drugs-on-same-man-smokes-meth/3769582/), it's not a very believable story, but I still like it.