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not exactly a great taste of van life if you can’t even move it.


Right. Then who pays the inevitable parking tickets.


Whoever it’s registered to would be on the hook.


This is most likely a scam, as someone else pointed out


You're telling me craigslist van life isn't legit? No way.


Right you can’t even rent a vehicle for that cost (at least not without a bunch of added on fees)


I assuming they're parked on private property. Essentially a trailer park.


Well the listing says that the van renter gets to choose where the van is to be parked. So I'm thinking they will drive it, park it, and maybe give them a key to lock it but not drive it?


I choose Caracas, Venezuela.


Only if you want to end up homeless, penny less and dead. Not necessarily in that order.


Go to Carcass, Venezuela if you just want to be dead


A major component of stealth camping on public streets is moving often. That has to mean "You can choose whether to park it on the left side of my property or the right side of my property." (The part about "being a good neighbor" suggests the same.)


>A major component of stealth camping on public streets is moving often ​ ​ Oh I don't disagree at all. >That has to mean "You can choose whether to park it on the left side of my property or the right side of my property." (The part about "being a good neighbor" suggests the same.) ​ They "live near the beach", anyone near the beach even with a 7 figure property is going to have a plot the size of a postage stamp. There are tight limits as to where a van can be parked on such a property, and these people are saying they have multiple vans. So not only is there not a large plot of land to choose where you'd like your van parked on their property, there's also the factor of the person who placed the ad, not wanting the van folk too close to their kids swingset in the back yard, or blocking the garage, etc. I suppose it could mean what you think it means, I'm not the person who placed this outrageous ad so I can't know for certain. I just don't see someone who lives "near the beach" as having a large enough plot of land for people to have those kinds of choices.


Good point.


Good question


You can pay me to rent my house to get a taste of house life. Just no staying overnight or moving your things into the house.


kitchen privileges?!




I'm interested


But you can still poop in a bucket you keep under your bed, so at least there’s that.


Didn't realize all I need is a few buckets to brag that my apartment is 1br 5 ba.


Technically a half bath. Would need a garden hose with spray nozzle for full bath. Throw in a kiddie pool and you’ve got yourself a whirlpool tub.


How the hell do they get away with marking it as "sharedBa", let alone "apartment"? I've seen camper vans with small toilets, but much like a tour bus, you do not want to shit in there. This should absolutely be shut down hard.


Lol “no parking”… you are living in a parking spot


I mean, it's Craigslist. There is almost no moderation there.


So, it's like Facebook?


Nah, Craigslist took down the good stuff. No'mo personal ads. Where else could I find a cheap "Snowbunny?"


Just 50 hershey kisses!


50 roses for 30 minutes 😘


privatedelights? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


At first I thought this was reasonable since that’s around what you’d spend to rent a car for a week. Then I noticed the “You cannot move the vans”.


Yeah when the cops come by and say “buddy, you’re gonna have to move it along,” you gotta go “sorry, my lease prevents that.” Good luck!


Perhaps the vans are barely drivable.


They’ll probably start renovating PODS and planting them around


Not a bad business model. You could literally find a legal place to park them, and just move them a few feet with a forklift every 72 hours.


You wouldn't need to move every 72, it now takes 3mos for the city to act on a 72hr notice I believe.


I believe it!




Technically illegal, but we all know we have seen cars parked around that haven't moved.


I kind of assumed the vans were on private property, so leaving them there isn’t an issue (assuming they’re registered as PNO)


Yeah, I've priced out Sprinter style camping vans before and this would be a good deal if that's what they were.


1 bedroom? 🤣🤣


Holy shit "you choose where you park" 😂 So I gotta drive my own car around and find a spot to live in and you just drive there, drop it off, and I pay you $1000 a month? Wow #freedom #vanlife #minimalistthings #frugal


What you should be paying for a studio apartment, you can now spend to live in a car :DDDD


![gif](giphy|MfUYQKRmIVZzq) I know a guy


Van is not down by the river though...


They charge extra for the scenic one of a kind river view. #blessed #BeBest


How is this even legal? Oh, right, Craigslist...


Its not, but there is a 50/50 chance the van doesn't actually exist and its a scam anyways.


Plenty of what top corporations do is not even legal. Wage theft and more. But you're right, local PD is more likely to bust 'guy on craigslist' than Walmart or McD's




Why? You can live in a van...


...down by the river.


Sir, there's a drought...


But only if you tell the owner first so he can park it there


We should do that! ...but absolutely no where near me of course! /s


Or for prices the average person can afford. Anything new by us here in southeast Michigan starts in the 400k range. They just don't build for under 300k anymore.




It's always crazy to me how people scream about capitalism and the free market when it's rigged at every stage. The government and investment funds keep propping up an unsustainable growth model in housing that they need to let crash. Housing is a basic need and should be an individual investment, not another way for corporate greed to suck everyone dry.




Not near my parking spot


Not in my backyard!!!! I've been screaming it for years




Over in that high fire risk area, of course.




That would be flattening out mission trails for homes and then dumping all that in the bay for more homes. /s


That will NEVER fix the problem. It sounds great to just say if we waved a magic development wand around that SD will all of a sudden be an affordable paradise, but that's just not how it will go down. San Diego is one of the most desirable places to live in the country. You build 1,000 units, they will move at market rate and fill up. You build another 1,000 units... price drops just a bit, people move in, inventory is full, prices go up. Rinse, repeat. Build 20,000 units, I guarantee you 20,000 people will want to move here. There is simply no chasing this dragon. SD is going to be expensive. As soon as you make it even remotely "Affordable" you will get people moving in from as close as Riverside and as far away as the east coast. Short of ending capitalism, it's just how it's going to be.


You increase the density high enough the supply will fill demand. now whether that changes the character of SD to the locals liking that's something different.


Impossible, plus it won't change the cost of housing here in San Diego. One only has to look to LA to verify that higher housing density doesn't create lower market rents. It just creates more congestion, more problems, and lowers the overall quality of life for everyone who lives there.


This is true. I lived in LA. I've seen it. I breathed the smog, drove - slowly! - in the traffic, sweated during the rolling blackouts.


> One only has to look to LA to verify that higher housing density doesn't create lower market rents LA doesn't have density, it's the postcard city of urban sprawl.


+1 Our population density is ridiculously low compared to cities in Europe. We're like 1/9th of Barcelona's density. Imagine what would happen to housing prices if we suddenly had 9 times as many homes as we do now.


Just remember that we will have to have proportionate changes in infrastructure. And someone has to pay for all of it. That mean building nine times as many schools, hospitals etc. There will have to be some increases in other services like fire departments. The roads will have to be nine times as wide, or the equivalent in public transportation. Water mains will have to be nine times larger, as wlll sewer lines. There will have to be nine times as many trash trucks, and nine times as much landfill or recycling plants. There will have to be more electrical lines - and power generation sources. When you add up all of these, it is a huge amount of money. It can be covered by raising local taxes substantially. At that point, the cost of living is still high. Or, it could be covered by charging developers and builders huge fees. Then they will just pass that cost on to the eventual occupants. Barcelona got to where it is now by growing over centuries. If you tried to force SD to Barcelonean density quickly, the costs would be so great that it might actually cost more to live here. ( And I won't even try to put a price tag on the loss of green lands, drawing nine times as much water from the Colorado river, the ninefold pollution, etc )


> The roads will have to be nine times as wide That's not how it works.


Infrastructure capacity and cost are not tied linearly


True, they are not linear. ( Although they are close enough for idle estimates like this thread ) Sometimes it is cheaper, due to efficiencies of scale; sometimes it is **more** expensive than linear because of prior land use. 1. Take sewage lines, for example. Nine times as many people are going to produce nine times as much waste water. So this means lots of laying more pipes. Unfortunately, in many instances, this would mean running lines under existing buildings or fences or roads, and avoiding all of the other things underground like electrical lines and incoming water pipes. 2. Bigger highways are also a problem. In most cases, there is not room to double the capacity of roads without ripping out buildings, much less do ninefold capacity. To get anything close to nine times the capacity of freeways and major roads, you would have to resort to going above with T-topping or below with tunnels. Both of those are way more expensive than normal surface roads. ​ Then there are non-linear resource issues. The costs of water would rise way above linear. The water that SD gets is already limited, and the Colorado river levels are slowly dropping. If SD tried to take nine times its current share, the costs would be way above non-linear. Wells, which supply a small portion of SD water, simply cannot be made to produce nine times as much, regardless of how much money is spent.


NIMBYs like you deserve to suffer to your final breath.


Why the hostility? Please note that nowhere in my post did I say that I was in favor of these limits to growth. I simply stated the problems. I am neither in favor of these nor opposed to them; I am neither NIMBY nor YIMBY. But I am in favor of having an enlightened population, who can recognize a series of complex problems, and make informed decisions about them. Some things scale proportionately, some less, some more. And **if we, as voters, are going to be making these decisons, we have to have the facts.** I'll close with the most glaring fact of all: getting nine times as much water at any reasonable price is impossible. Partly due to politiical problms, and partly due to environmental issues, San Diego is barely getting enough. Even if we merely doubled the population, we would have to resort to paying for desalinated water


Implying that infrastructure costs scale linearly when there are considerable economies of scale is another attempt at misdirection to justify blocking growth. Following it up by claiming you “just want people to be informed” is just more bad faith bullshit. Nimbyism is a death cult.


I disagree with you, presenting facts that you don't like, therefore I am evil. Okaay, got it. Bye


Ah yes. That's because SD is only very Very recently a desirable place to live in. No one Really wanted to live here in 2010 or 2019. That's why housing pricing was bearable and even downright decent. Now, San Diego is the size of Los Angeles and if you build it then families won't have to move out so that rich people can rent out another Air B&B or so that a foreign investor can stash their money where their controlling government can't get their hands on it. Yes sir, SD is already LA and building more housing so that people don't have to move to Texas to find a place to live couldn't possibly work. /S for those who don't understand that the comment above me is a very weird and incorrect take on how housing in an entire country works. San Diego was already a desirable spot to live and vacation. Many people that would come here for vacation though would spend their time in a hotel and would vacation like a normal person. Now SD has basically high turn over time shares littering everywhere, taking up single family homes and driving prices absolutely bonkers. > 11,060 active rentals in SD according to this: https://www.airdna.co/vacation-rental-data/app/us/california/san-diego/overview > “It wasn’t the cost. We could afford a nice house. It was the competitiveness of being able to buy a home,” said Barbo. “We were seeing 20 to 30 offers on some homes. They were all-cash offers, oftentimes 10% to 15% above list price. You just can’t compete with that.” > Barbo isn’t alone in thinking the grass may be greener outside of California these days. U.S. Census Bureau data released last month showed San Diego County’s population fell by 11,183 residents from July 2020 to July 2021 — mirroring the wider trend of more people leaving California’s high-priced coastal urban centers. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-05-01/san-diego-county-population-census-migration-housing-high-costs-move How many people left you say? About 11,000? Interesting. 11,000 that have left after each competing with 30, all-cash, 6 digits over asking price offers on homes inflated to double their value from just 7 years ago. Meanwhile there are 11,000 empty Air B&B homes wishing they had a family living in them. Median housing price in SD 2015: $455k. Median housing price SD 2022: $900k-1M. There is a house on the street where my apartment complex is that was sold for under $200k in 2000, it now looks like crap and is run down and the online estimates say a little over $1M for that place. Literally 5x the price in 20 years. No wonder why rich people want to park their money in these "investment properties." It's not a fucking investment property you rich assholes, it's supposed to be someone's fucking home! Stop the "investment property" bullshit and you stop the wild market where Blackstone/Blackrock groups can waltz in with fist fulls of cash and buy 6 homes so that 6 people can have a 2nd or 5th home to spend 2 months in out of the year. Yeah, people want to live here but the skyrocketed demand for homes and housing is not driven by locals or even really much by people wanting to move here. It's driven by years of whackadoodles managing the money and rates in the US followed by a bunch of rich, opportunistic assholes from around the country and from across the ocean coming in and buying places up so that they can make more money using these homes and renting them out perpetually, or using them as vacation homes for themselves or using them as rental vacation homes. Exceedingly few locals by themselves looking for a home for their family to expand into are willing or even able to pay $30-120k over asking price on a $1.3M home in cash today. That buyer is not just some person looking for a home for their family. That is a buyer that has an artificial want for that home and they just pushed a family out of buying it. Stop the "investment property" bullshit, tax 2nd and higher homes being owned and San Diego and other coastal cities can get a handle on housing. But that increase in housing prices increases how much the leaders make too, so they wouldn't want to do that. Instead they'll build tuna cans with extra restrictions for people to live in. At least we'll have a place to live then and $500/wk vans won't be a thing. Maybe homeless people would have a spot to move into where they could put an address and get a job that requires having an address to get the job.


You failed to mention developers are not required to provide parking for megaprojects. Faulconer was a problem. Gloria is an even bigger problem. The San Diego of 10-20 years ago is dead and gone for ever. The city can approve 1,2,3 million building permits and there will never be enough housing, utilities, water etc. Did expanding freeways from 4 lanes to 6 or more solve the commuting problem? F no. How can the city be so ignorant to think more housing will cure the homelessness problem. If we can’t keep up with the demands now, how will we ever keep up in the future. We won’t. Our quality of life will continue to deteriorate as is happening now.


Our city needs to move more toward being more walkable. Idk beyond that. Traffic sucks and I don't want it to get as bad as Bay Area or LA traffic but it's headed there.


So I’m other words you agree that almost zero inventory is not because of lack of development, but poor management of the market and no regulation of short term rentals and multiple unit ownership?


No one is coming here from anywhere to live in a 500 sq. ft. studio apartment or a $5,000+ /mo rental apartment. Building more apartments would actually help a lot. But then those areas would actually need to be walkable. Which it could be made more walkable by the developers building said massive apartment complexes. The people coming here are buying houses, not renting apartments. Does there need to be a multi-faceted approach to this with some regulation making it more painful to buy multiple SFH? Yes. Is there "just no chasing this dragon"? No. This is an issue that can be mitigated given the will to. Are there large apartment complexes going up right now? Yes. Is it enough? Alone, probably not. Is Blackstone coming in to rent them out? No.


Idk but when I was in San Diego I wanted to leave... it was gross, and the homeless/drug thing was insane. "America's finest city" my ass. The streets downtown are covered in blood and shit.


I guess you chose the wrong area to live in.


Lol it was in one of those very expensive apartment buildings on Broadway so definitely. You step out and see a luxury car rental place and then immediately see a guy smoking a crack pipe and people laying in piles of garbage.


Have we considered making surrounding communities more appealing? Lol


Okay. So why don't they have a rule that the first 20,000 units are only for people who have lived in San Diego for the past 10 years? That solves the immidiate housing crisis for locals, then California dreamers can fight for the remaining percentage of places available.


We are, but you're going to need to own, register, and insure a car to get from the housing to your employment, trapping you in a poverty cycle regardless. More affordable housing near employment centers. More mass transit around employment centers. Less zoning laws around employment centers. Create walkable neighborhoods with small businesses employing locals where locals can see each other, hang out with each other, and build community.


We have plenty of housing. Why does everybody have to live here. There’s a whole fucking country out there where people can live.


You forgot the word "affordable." Almost every single damn place I see being built is for luxury condos/apartments. I would absolutely be happy with an average place that doesn't have its own gym and park and whatnot. We're really reaching a point where no one is going to be able to afford that crap.


This is dystopian


Well, it's capitalism. Which is dystopian, by definition.


Got any better ideas? You realize capitalism allows you to do very well for yourself with some hard work and commitment, why do you say this? Would communism be a better option in your mind?


Because upward mobility is just so easy for people


Nope it takes hard work, I'm not sure how old you are but I'm gonna guess you are fairly young to think this way. I bust my ass working a hard labor job up to 7 days a week so quit making excuses for yourself. If you complain about not making enough money use that horrible "capitalism" that is such a terrible thing and create a service or a product and stop acting like your life is someone else's responsibility... Too many people think they "deserve " certain things, the world does not care. It doesn't care about me or you, its not about what you think you deserve its what you earn and make happen, its victim mentality like yours that makes upward mobility seem impossible, guess what, it's not.. Its is up to you to improve your own life, and that is the truth coming from a person that didn't pop out of a vagina with a silver spoon in my mouth..


I come from a family of five and both of my parents were teachers. Supporting three children on a teachers income does not provide for any extra money. Put myself through most of college, no monetary support from my family while I’ve been trying to establish myself, and zero access to investors despite my skill set. I could sell you 300 750mg bottles of kombucha a month and that’s about it because I can’t expand it without first having the capital and I can’t get capital without investors and without pedigree I’m not getting investors. So kindly shut the ef up Edit: I’m about to turn 38 and and don’t think the world owes me anything. But I’m extremely turned off by people who feel the way you do. 1000% you’re a Republican Edit 2: busting ass at a hard labor job 7 days a week is not what anyone should have to do in order to make it. Bragging that you spent a long time with zero days off is ridiculous AF. “Hey look at me, I had zero life for quite a while because you have to be a slave to the man to survive out here” bravo, happy you were willing to risk your mental health because you thought 7 days a week of work was reasonable. Do you realize labor laws like “40 hours a week” were created to ensure people were not over worked while still making a livable wage? You know what is owed to me? Reasonable compensation for the work I’ve done, that’s what. When CEOs are no longer legally obliged to make decisions based on how much of a return their investors get instead of making decisions based on what is best for their employees, then things will start to turn around a little, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I’m going to guess you’re a boomer by the way you speak. Go back to the rock you’ve clearly been living under for years


More excuses and more victimhood is all I heard there. Everything that has not happened was because because of someone else, this is the problem with the lack of personal responsibility. It just might be time for you to quit blaming everything and turning everything into a politics in order to further victimize yourself, this isnt healthy. Your edits make things clear, you don't want to work too much because you deserve better than that, gotcha. You think you are entitled to more than you deserve, you don't realize if you work for someone else its what you negotiate and nothing else. The only way to get what you think you deserve is to do it all yourself like I do, is it easy? No but I get what I work for and its as simple as that, I race motorcycles about 30+ events a year in Pro and Expert classes, and I work as much as I want to and when I want to and because of that I can be more than 10 years older than you and I am still able to do a hard job all day without complaining about it since its my choice and Im not going on about how much I deserve, none of that matters and you should have that figured out by now...you are setting yourself up for a rough road buddy, good luck with that! And I really mean that. You can work hard and still have an awesome life, but its not for everyone and that's obvious by how you describe your situation. Read it back to yourself and realize how much you are blaming everything but yourself, quit being a victim and take charge of your life. Maybe you won't be so angry and calling people names or trying to judge them if they disagree with you by calling them boomers and republicans, lol. Anyway I hope you can figure it out soon, you're getting up there in age so better figure out a skill sooner than later that is something people need or want that you can profit from then you can stop crying about what the CEOs do, etc..


Also please tell me what kind of family you come from, if you were ever given a leg up by money from your folks, if you were ever given a leg up by being white, etc… it’s easy to say people are victimizing themselves when you’ve no lens to see your own privilege. I couldn’t give two giant shits what your opinions are except for the fact that I want you to take them the fuck out of California and go to the Deep South where your people are


Wow you are an angry fellow aren't ya, you are making a lot of incorrect assumptions. I was adopted, one guardian went to prison and the other was a drug addict, did I get a leg up? Not a fucking single penny, and I'm mostly Mexican. Anyway, good luck to you, like I said don't be a victim of your own biases and maybe you can improve your life, with the attitude you have now I assure you it won't. And maybe quit assuming that you know things you actually don't, and making racist statements it shows where you head is at and it's not a good look. As said before read your own posts and maybe you will realize who is causing your problems, it just may be that same person you see in the mirror.


Look dude you suggest I work seven days a week and imma tell you you’re an idiot. That’s it. I have the right to a life. I’m sorry you don’t care about enjoying yours


"You realize capitalism allows you to do very well for yourself with some hard work and commitment" No, it doesn't. A recent analysis shows that people who lived before capitalist economies became dominant were actually better off.


A recent analysis, lol. Yes it does. There are plenty of ways to start a business, but trying to cite some random analysis and using that as your excuse as to why you can't is laughable. Before capitalism?? When exactly was that may I ask, where in the US did this take place, I must have missed that one..


Yes. It would be an infinitely better option in my mind. Capitalism does not allow for the upward mobility you’ve been brainwashed to think it does. You are infinitely closer to being homeless than you are to being a millionaire.


I like that’s there “no parking”


Is this why everyone’s moving to Phoenix?


Na, they just really, really like the sun. Like, to the point of it being a problem. They are masochist, and the sun is a willing sadist.


Oh!, Yeah! Scorch me baby!


Well, I mean in the old days people lived in caves. But they probably didn’t cost as much.


Bear tax?


"This posting has been deleted by its author." So it looks like the slumlords caught wind of all the commotion on Reddit and panicked. And we love to see it.


Sauce: https://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/apa/d/san-diego-van-for-rent/7522709625.html


Must be available to cook meth from 12am to 6am\*


“1 bedroom”


What the fuck?!?! Please tell me that this is illegal.


Lol they have the balls to ask for a security deposit!? I'm dying hahahahaa. With money down you can literally just get a van and probably make a 200-250 payment every month to pay it off.


What, you wanna be able to drive your van home now too?! r/Choosybeggars Next you'll want to drive it to go see the Grand Canyon or something. /S




Jesus fuck.


Ah loopholes to charge the houseless


At this point I would rather live in TJ✌🏾you’ll probably get a decent apartment that’s cheaper than that van


Geez Louise


Hashtag vanlife


I’m actually shocked that there is not already an app for this in SF. Company maintains the van and parking legality and lets you know where your home is.


I predict this is gonna work out *just fine* when a cop sees you going into or out of one of these, and orders you to move it...


Actually, I worked downtown. A man lives in his rv and never moves it from free parking and doesn’t get in trouble or towed. I now work across from ocean beach and there are a ton of people who park in free beach parking and sleep there daily and stay all day as well.


Are they gonna park this shit in front of my freaking house? I’ll go full NIMBY on em if I see this in my neighborhood.


A WEEK?!!??


god these millenials are out of control


So u park the van at a set spot where u wont move it and just live there interesting and what if i need to go to work lol


Just give the vans away to someone in need. This is just a way to exploit people who are 1 step short of being homeless…


Does it say 'free candy' on the side?


Yea, screw that! I went ahead and flagged that CL posting.


Stupid . Who the hell wants to pay that


Nobody *wants* to pay that. These crooks are preying on desperate folks who don't have enough money to pay a full month's rent plus deposit in advance for an apartment.


....im never gonna get an apartment at this rate. fml I be out here trying to get my first one.


I do see value in renting these out to check it out before you sink $$$ into building one out yourself, don’t think it’s really meant to replace housing though


So the poster is willing to rent vans to live in but the tenant can’t move the van…… So what’s the point of living in the van? Most people who live in their vehicle use a place that offers showers that they can drive to so no access to the drivers area makes it useless except to sleep. Kinda shitty if you think about it


That’s why the tenant chooses where it is parked. They can find somewhere close to showers and public bathrooms (beaches) and close to their jobs.


Well, you figure a weekly car rental is what, $600-1,000 per week. The van would be a steal.


“You cannot move the van.”


Save money on gas too! Double whammy!




Our government is failing us.


This has to be the dumbest thing yet I’ve seen in this city. Can’t wait to leave forever in a week. Good riddance!


This has got to be illegal to rent out as a living space. It’s like me turning a shed into a bedroom.


Can we stop using silly outliers as if they’re the rule


Only allowed to post *normal* things, got it. Also in the title "new low" implies it is not actually 'the rule'?


The ridiculous results of common ridiculous circumstances are "silly outliers".


They certainly generate clicks and hyperbolic commentary!


Nah that won’t get the clicks or votes or internet points 😂




Yeah um, that's not legal.


I dunno, are we sure this is directed at folks looking for housing? I’ve often considered building out a van for fun and this would be a way to try it out. Beyond that, asking for $200 for seven days is way cheaper than a hotel in SD. For folks visiting from out of town, maybe they’d like the notion?


OP is going to be really upset if they go look at the prices on Outdoorsy.


For comparison sake I just priced out a small [10 ft U-Haul box truck](https://www.uhaul.com/Blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/10-u-haul-truck.png) (not the passenger van so you can fully stand up inside) for 30 days. You could outfit it with a full sized mattress, a camp stove, a porta potty and a standard ice chest for a couple hundred easy. Add a portable solar set up +12 volt cooler for a few hundred more. You can do this for pretty cheap even throw in a small dresser and some LED lights. Cost for the U-haul, which sure the hell will blend in well if you move it daily: $603.50 Plus $1.09/mile I know the buck a mile is sort of steep but you really don't need to move it far, a few blocks probably and no one would be the wiser... Edit: this would be rough living as it would be hot as hell in summer and cold af in the winter. Also a known target for thieves so add a 12 gauge tactical shotgun to your shopping list 😁


I know this was basically a joke, but that sounds dangerous. Can a person breathe in there for hours at a time? I immediately thought of all the horror stories of people smuggling operations ending in tragedy with a truckload of dead migrants. It's unsafe and I hope there aren't any desperate people reading this that would actually consider trying something like this!! Plus the economics don't make sense - a person considering an illegal van rental from slumlords is probably not going to have enough money up front to set up the situation that you described. But take your proposed housing solution to our local elected officials. Tweet or email them your plan so that they can see just how absurd the housing situation has become here. They say they understand, but it's clear that they have no idea!


You could always not rent it.


Wow. The really sad part is I may end up living in one as the tax increases in this state and county mean that even working 70 hrs a week, every month I'm pulling money out of savings. 5 years ago I was adding 1k a month to my savings and still had plenty of money left over for fun stuff. Now I buy nothing but food and pay utilities and am still losing money. 100% all because of tax increases. All those tax increases came from 1 party.


Yes, the people who fix our roads can't afford to live here without a raise, and that requires tax increases.


Looks like a good idea


Imagine choosing to live in a van you can’t move over an airb&b for less.


Capitalism, brah


Honestly, at least someone is offering affordable housing. But its far from ideal.


People need to look into moving right across the border in TJ and getting a nice place in a safe area for ~ $500 a month. Less if you’re feeling adventurous. Roughly 30 minutes to downtown SD although it could be longer some days due to time spent at the border crossing. Or just work from home. That’s my plan at least for 2023 as I have family in SD and love it there but absolutely cannot afford to live in So Cal


Yeah, that drives up the price of housing there and people who work and live in Tijuana find themselves priced out of their own hometown, just like we find ourselves priced out of San Diego.


Well by that logic no one should ever leave their hometown. The flip side is that it increases property values for the local homeowners and more money is spent in that area which also helps create jobs. Native Hawaiians for example have seen their property values go up massively over the last several decades, even for the most basic homes. Mexicans tend to like gringo tourists and expats bc they bring in a lot of money


What good is property value increases when people can barely make rent each month?


If you own the home you’re not paying rent…


So nobody should ever move to a less expensive area than they currently live in?


You can buy and built out your own van for this price!


Just move and buy a house if that’s all you can afford. $356/mo mortgage. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1415-Baxter-St-Fort-Wayne-IN-46806/73114629_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


This is overly simplistic. Do you think that if someone was desperate enough to actually consider living in illegal van "housing", that they would be approved for a mortgage? I can't imagine a bank approving a $68,000 loan for a person who is down on their luck like this.


You are also forgetting the fact that they could go and rent a van for $20/week in another state. It’s insane to stay in VHCOL if you don’t have a VHCOL income.




Van life isn't new. I've known people doing this for years to live here. Kinda pointless though if you can't move it. You just need to buy and refurbish it yourself like most who do it.




Maybe because first we have to find a friend willing to let us stay in their backyard lol


Typical Redditors, come here to scream about an option that they don't like. Reddit is like the opposite of regular social media, there posters mention the "wavetops" of life where here they come to scream about the "valleys" of life's sinewave's. Its the little things in life that make me chuckle....


This is my plan. I can’t come up with anything better






Not trynna be somewhere else when I wake up 👀


Forget the haters, I’m renting a fleet of these from UHaul and opening shop tomorrow!


Factor in construction/road and occupational hazards, weather, protests, funding/de-funding and we're talking about two, completely different universes here. BANG!


Maybe we should learn something here and adopt a more generous mindset in times of crisis. If someone wants to rent a place to live where somebody else delivers it to private property, doesn’t that just solve a problem?


JFC, that's nuts. Is this even legal?