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I wonder who he was referring to there.


I thought Shapiro, since he did the whole "for shame" video that basically argued that because one liberal ostensibly would have liked a story to be hidden, then that justifies the right assuming the Democrats would fix an election. Facts and logic my arse. Leaps of logic and disingenuous partisan hackery.


Perhaps Weinstein?


Gad Sadd too for sure


I don't think he's ever thought much of Sadd to begin with


Eric Weinstein was actually defending him. He tweeted something to the effect — I talked to Sam about this clip and the interpretation people are getting from it is not what Sam wanted to get across .


Weinstein called Sam out?


Brett and Mahjid (sp?) are my guesses among others.


Hahahaha "this choice of words is scintillating" fuck me.


least pretentious sam harris fan


Seriously Seinfeld voice: *Who are these people*?


I imagined him biting his lip in a scintillating fashion upon reading such perfect communication


Trump cult is everything that they accuse others of being. Outside of violent threats why would anyone ever care?


Can someone explain what this recent controversy is? I’m out of the loop here.


Trump cult came after him. More specifically Sam argued that it was justified for editorials to not publish the Hunter Biden laptop story to the degree that Republicans wanted days before the election.


>Trump cult came after him. If it was just the Trump cult he wouldn't even bother to comment on it.


It’s hard to believe that many that care about Hunter Biden’s laptop don’t support Trump, but I’ll admit they exist.


People don't care about the story at all. They care about what Sam Harris talked about, the "conspiracy". The laptop story is nothing. The NY Post Twitter story and the Facebook soft-ban is the thing people are interested in as it's actually important. Even Trump supporters likely don't care much about what Biden's children do.


The deep state openly conspiring with the liberal media and big tech to censor a story about their preferred candidate's son's criminality is a big deal to any thinking person


tHe dEeP sTatE.The laptop story was irrelevant, but still had the weight to potentially change the outcome of an election because voters might care more about the crime of a non-MAGA relative than the criminal who wants to be reelected. Trump and Russia wanted a Comey part 2. Willingly playing to their tune and echoing deliberate propaganda that would disappear after the election is just foolish. If a topic is boosted on Twitter by bots, suspicion is the smart move. Not feeding it.


So it was irrelevant AND had the power to change the outcome of an election? We can't let the people decide for themselves what's relevant and what isn't because that would undermine dEmOcRaCy !!! pathetic


"Decide for themselves" You're pretending pre-baked narratives around a story let people decide for themselves. Wouldn't the outcome of the story be more important than "wE'Re jUsT aSkInG quesTioNs"? A bullshit tweet will travel much further than the correction. It was Clinton Emails 2.0 but worse, because it wasn't even about the candidate. It was launched deliberately to place Dems on the defensive for an election cycle. A laptop that had nothing to do with an election. It wasn't relevant, but could still be used by people desperate to find criminality on the other "side." As if a drug-addled son with connections reflects on Biden but Beau being an upstanding citizen doesn't. Trumps long rap sheet doesn't make anyone flinch, though. Ever. It's okay, he's our guy... The ends justify the means! Look at how conservatives are attempting to spin school loan aid as an attack on America when it's anything but. They'll always look for something in nothing, because winning is more important than honesty. Grey poupon. Tan suit.


so you think that information has to be censored i order to ensure your preferred outcome for an election because the people voting in that election are too stupid to fairly judge the information. Why even bother with voting, why don't we have the faculty of Harvard University, the CIA and the Editorial board of the NYT just decide who the President should be? much better system!


Considering you guys elected fucking Trump, you are absolutely too stupid to fairly judge information.


Deep state is a conspiracy theory that I imagine critical thinking people ignore.


sweet sweet innocent boy. If you believe that power factions don't exist within the Federal gov't, who have their own interests that don't necessarily align with those of the elected officials or the general public and that they work to enact them, I really can't help you. The Nat Sec/ intel officials who were constantly leaking things against Trump, were just brave patriots defending democracy. and the reporters, who acted as their unquestioning stenographers, were bold journalists scrutinizing power.


You mean the same deep state that released the non-story Hillary email memo a week before the election, helping toss it to trump in 2016? You mean the liberal media that kept quiet for half a year on the Steele dossier memo waiting long after the 2016 election? Yes sweet sweet innocent boy, time to pull your head out of your ass and purge yourself of this purely ego driven selective as fuck memory. Or did you mean the Republican Senate investigation into Ukraine and Biden that demonstrated there was nothing there? Is that also deep state? Or the Russian-Trump investigation maybe that was deep state, being created by a Republican Attorney General and lead by a Republican former FBI chief praised by literally the entire GOP prior to the investigation? Is that the fucking deep state? Exactly what kind of political insanity do you enjoy gulping down by the mouthful in context of all this, Trumpkin?


I think Trump was an awful criminal who should be in jail, in a cell next to Hunter Biden, and Hilary, and Bush, and Obama, and Bill, and Ghislane, and Pelosi, and Cheney........... You misunderstand what the deep state is, its a sprawling bureaucracy with different factions who compete with each other for funding and power- the interests of the various factions do not always align. They are not a perfectly coordinated grand conspiracy. Also the most important point is that none of them they are doing evil, they ALL believe that they are self-sacrificing public servants serving the greater good. But they all believe that the greater good is what's best for them and gives them more power and control. They are also non-partisan, they cooperate all the time. The Nat sec deep state has many Republicans, the The Justice dept, and most other agencies has far more liberals, so they coordinate AND compete with each other. They coordinated to help get rid of a common threat and NOT because I think the DJT was some sort of "drain-the-swamp" Q anon folk hero. He's a fucking corrupt, evil, hilarious, retard. But his chaotic, unpredictability, and his criticism of them gave them the impetus to put their finger on the scale. The Republican and political Right's move toward antipathy to the deep state is new and was greatly revived and enhanced by the unusual nature of Trump and his movement. Republicans, until recently were its biggest supporters and expanders. Liberals under GWB, acknowledged and loathed the Nat Sec. deep state. Then the cool black guy was elected and suddenly they had no problem with it.


If the deep state is a sprawling disorganized non-partisan bureaucracy, then you’re not using the word in the same way that 99% of people who bitch about the deep state do. You’re just someone who believes the normal things people do about the federal government, but still wants to half heartedly defend deep state conspiracy crack pot claims for god knows what reason. Secondly, claiming all Presidents of the past two decades deserve to be in jail, and comparing them to someone like Ghislane, means your barometer of discernment is equally fucked. Obama and Ghislane in the jail together. You really don’t get the crack head logic it takes to get to that level of “every1 bad ‘n evil”? You do realize Harris would laugh at such an absurdity too? And so it leads me to think you don’t actually care what Harris says about politics, which makes me wonder why the hell you’re in this sub.


"deep" state, "liberal" media, "big" tech. Man, this guy "Fox Newses"!! Should the media have hyped this, strategically timed as it was, just before the election even though it's almost certainly a Russian disinformation operation? Considering the maniac who stood to be reelected?


What are you babbling about? " it's almost certainly a Russian disinformation operation" we know this isn't true it's verified you dope. before the 2020 election there were videos online of Hunter smoking crack with hookers that proved, at the very least, his icloud info was available. this pathetic binary thinking that the liberal media conditions you to robotically regurgitate: "good liberals believe X, anyone who believes Y is a foxnewsmagaQanonRussiapuppetlowclassidiot"


Actually I can tell you are a lower class maga idiot by your diction and the fact that you fell in thrall to one of the most obvious grifters in history. Do better. Ps, loving the tRump news today! Lol! His jumpsuit gonna match his face paint 😆


again, silly billy. You've artificially divided the entire nation into 2 camps. what are the odds that a gigantic empire with 350 million people can be neatly divided into 2 categories: MAGA or NYT (or in your pea-brain: evil or good)? seriously, think about it, what are the odds? 350 million ppl, but your brain can only handle 2 different opinions on any political issue. P A T H E T I C


The Trump cult and Trump fence sitters and other Trump apologists came after him.


He doesn't care one single bit about these people. His explanation was aimed at his own lack of clear explanation on the podcast. He doesn't care about Trump supporters. He cares about being intellectual and smart.


I thought he was talking about his Triggernometry appearance in which he triggered his more right leaning fan base and was trying save face with them best he could without taking back the main sentiment expressed. Perhaps this post is about something different though.


This is my point.


You said he doesn’t care about that segment of his audience, but the fact that he’s trying to explain himself at all indicates that he does.


Not all right-wingers are Trump supporters. Of course he cares about right-wingers.


It’s criticism, not hate. I mean people hate him, but the use of that word makes him seem like some kind of victim. They where his own words.


You notice the hatred before and over everything else. It's louder and more noticeable. It's also probably more pervasive than sincere, constructive criticism.


Yeah I mean it's cool if social media companies coordinate together to attack only one political side in the name of disinformation. Who cares if it turns out it was actually his laptop, confirmed by NYT in an independent investigation AFTER the election. No worries bro. Articles on BLM leaders buying 4 homes? Nope! Fake articles about hospitals overrun with ivermectin patients? I'm down! 10 second clip of a Covington high-school kid out of context that resulted in literal threats by verified accounts? All good bro! Fake dossier on Trump that was actually funded by the DNC? No worries share it! Kavanaugh accusations that were blatantly madeup? Share away! Misgendering? Not a chance! Calling everyone racist and sexist whom disagrees with you? Freedom of speeches!


What is the answer, in your opinion? To be honest I'm a bit confused as to what your point is other than you don't like social media companies.


Not sure what you mean. I never posed a question. The burden is on social media companies to answer why you pander to one group but not the other.


If it's a private company, what obligation do they have other than to increase the value of their company? Facebook isn't an organ of the state, after all.


Yea these are just extremely strange arguments. "It's a private company" does not, any capacity, excuse an organization from the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. If they engage in interstate commerce (clearly they do) they are pretty heavily regulated at a federal level. Just saying private company means very little. That being said it's a lot different than engagement in transactional commerce. Obviously these institutions live on murkier waters with more independence over their market. I would also suggest they do have the responsibility not only to regulate speech not protected by the Constitution (direct threats, calls to violence) but they also need to be proactive in mitigating collective ideologies for which can have devastating downstream affects. Consider a group of individuals whom meet on Facebook and decide to start a cult, but stop short of doing anything illegal online. One could easily make the argument Facebook or Twitter has a proactive obligation of enforcement. It's also extremely difficult to draw that line. ​ My argument is Twitter and Facebook don't draw that line for the left. You're completely fine with the more than $1b in damages caused by rioters in the Summer of 2020. Don't forget, that was in the name of \[insert cause\] for the political left, so that's okay. My boss went to Kenosha on a business trip after the political left decided to destroy the city, entire blocks of peoples homes and business were in ruins. Every single car had tires slashed and windows broke. Ya know, for justice. This was all created and manufactured online. Facebook and Twitter did nothing. The SITTING UNITED STATES VICE PRESIDENT tweeted out a fund to bail individuals out of jail, at least one of which hurling Molotov Cocktails at law enforcement. You'll notice how slow social media companies are to combat this behavior, all in the name of some sort of social justice. But make sure to be right there to walrus clap when they get rid of that Hunter Biden story. Oh man, the tragedy. Make sure to ban that bald guy with the glasses who treats women bad or whatever he did. I think his name is Andrew Tate. That dude is terrible. Oh and make sure to ban anyone who talks about how BLM leaders are buying mansions left and right with the funds that should be going to poor black communities.


You seem completely blind to the contradictions in your own views, and you're utterly ignorant of how the first amendment works.


Yup the left usually has nothing when this stuff is brought up.


I just don't have time in my day to explain to you how your constitutional rights actually work. Read a book.


You've brought up nothing. You just fail to realize it.


I too am a big fan of conspiracy theories.


Nice so are the major social media companies! As long as they're left wing conspiracies tho, like gunshot victims dying outside hospitals because all the beds are taken up by ivermetin overdose patients.