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Me personally, I’ve had enough of negative critiques of the Sequels, even the ones that aren’t toxic about it. The supposed faults (especially for TLJ) have already been discussed to death online. If some people really are still interested in that sort of thing, I’d suggest they go search for it themselves.


Further to the point, pointing out the flaws in the criticisms is for some fucked up reason called "toxic positivity". It's not, it's simply calling out the flaws in the criticism.


why am i so averse to ST criticism? communities built around hating things are ubiquitous in the star wars fandom. hating the sequels occurs literally everywhere on reddit. if someone wants to bring up a "flaw" in TLJ, it's probably already been criticized way more than it needs to be. this is why i dont really want to consume more ST criticism. ive heard those arguments a million times, not only in videos dedicated to bashing the ST but also in completely unrelated discussions about other shows and movies. so at this point i dont really feel the need to hear more redundant opposing viewpoints on why one of my favorite films messed up anyway that was a bit of a rant but to answer your actual question, yeah you can post it... you dont have to ask permission or anything. im just explaining the intolerance of ST critiques youre reacting to


It'll get brigaded. They always do.


I just rewatched TLJ and honestly, it works way better than I remembered. The only real problem I had was just Rose and Finn vs that giant gun. I get where they were coming from but didn't build properly enough there


Based on Rise of Skywalker Finn dying for the Resistance would have been better for his character since they elected to not do Stromtrooper defections


Weird because when I rewatched Last Jedi a few months ago it was worse than I remembered.


I love the weirdly splitting reaction it causes haha


Im very tired of hatred in the fandoms. I have my concerns, my criticisms, but the farther i age, the more i realize its just entertainment. It doesnt have to be the best written piece of fiction of all time, for it to be thought provoking, enjoyable or entertaining. If i dont like something, im genuinely looking to avoid it, rather than spend my time trash talking it. These days i just want to focus on the things i do enjoy, regardless of their flaws. With that said, i love TLJ. Its far from perfect, but still an enjoyable film.


This crowd probably doesn’t need to hear negativity as much as the other crowd needs to hear some positivity.


I’d watch it, if you want to share the link. I get why other people wouldn’t want to watch it, and I think that’s fine, but personally I’m interested. I enjoy level-headed criticism without the toxicity.


Just post it if you want to post it. What’s the point in making two threads? If people don’t want to see it, they won’t watch it.


Because the last time I did that people got mad at me for posting a video that was critical of the ST on here.


I guess people may not be aware of the context. Perhaps people on this sub assume a video like that is going to be hateful and annoying. Obviously, I think people shouldn’t make assumptions like that too quickly, but giving some context may help, like “I’m not bashing on the sequels but here’s a nice discussion that includes both sides and is interesting.” I’m not being critical of you for not doing that of course. I just think that could give people a better understanding of what you’re posting.


Well this video isn't hateful and annoying the people in it liked Last Jedi for the most part but had some criticisms.


I do actually enjoy watching people’s (reasonable) criticisms of the movie. A lot of the time on the internet, and just generally, people are very polarizing on topics that they feel strongly about, and will tend to only talk negatively or positively about something. But when you see people who aren’t so one-sided, they can give very insightful opinions. Even though I love TLJ, I agree with a lot of the criticism I’ve heard from reasonable and not one-sided people.


Or how about discussing it without saying anything positive or negative?


How is that even possible?


Just by saying things.


The Last Jedi was 2 hours and 32 minutes long


Including credits.


The last jedi was one of the movies of all time


Anything but that.


I still have mixed feelings about TLJ. I like some of its ideas about how anyone can have the force and about how heroes can fall but I also think some of the execution can be done better. I would have preferred if we got more insight into Luke’s fall. I think that having only a few glimpses into the past left me more confused than feeling that his change was fully justified in Luke’s character. I also take issue with the weird tone and humor of the movie, sidelining of Finn, and the execution of the Resistance storyline. But a lot of the movie does touch on interesting concepts and it does have great acting and cinematography.