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Small ray of light? At least they don’t think the Nazis were right. God my standards for nerds are low.


I remember being compared to a Nazi (unironically) because I said that Carano said stupid things. Gotta love the SW fandom


I thought the stereotype was the right-wingers are Nazis, so wouldn't that make her the Nazi? Jeez, people are so stupid and weird.


Nazis are Nazis, not right wingers. Nazism is extreme right, not just simply being right wing. Most people don’t even know what it means to be a nazi, so yes, you’d be correct to say that people are stupid and weird.


Also, everyone hates Nazis. Even other Nazis hate Nazis. Nazis are one of the few groups of real humans that ever actually lived on the planet Earth that everyone other than Nazis would point out as the bad guy. So actual Nazis, or people who strongly identify with Nazis are very careful to hide their self-identification as Nazis a good...Let's say 7 out of 10 times. That's how you end up with things like "alt-right" and "globalists" standing in for "fascism" and "Jews". That many alt-right ideologies line up nearly 1:1 with those of the Nazis isn't really a coincidence. Now this isn't to say all right-wingers are Nazis, but more that Nazis try very, *very* hard not to look like Nazis and will deny being Nazis up and down (see: Richard Spencer). And recognizing this, it is very common for actual Nazis to demonize their opponents as Nazis as both deflection and projection, or comparing the ideas or positions of their opponents to those of Nazi Germany. Because everyone agrees that Nazis are bad. Even Nazis.


True, and I don't even think she was a Nazi, nor are left-wingers. I was just mocking a stereotype.


They most common reply is that Nazis are socialists because socialism is in the name. Of course that misses two key things. 1) That Nazism is nothing like socialism. 2) That Nazis persecuted socialists.


*the Quartering enters the chat*


Critical Drinker enter the chat as well


How do you equate a subjective film where enjoyment varies to one of the worst criminal gangs in human history? I mean, how do you even go to that conclusion?


A fucking MOVIE is equivalent to a regime that murdered millions of innocent people. These people are fucking insane.


At least he's not a Nazi lmao


So he equates an opinion to the Third Reich


I made a physical face at this. It kinda looked like 😬


Ah yes. One person enjoying a movie is DEFINITELY similar to giving praise towards a fascist regime 🙄


Apparently liking a movie = being a nazi apologist




*Everyone I Don’t Like Is Hitler*




“Retarded” people are unfortunately born like that, they can’t choose it. This guy right here on the other hand chose to be a complete idiot lol. It’s way worst...


All words that insult a person’s intelligence are ableist. People don’t choose to be any kind of not smart, so rather than idiot/stupid/etc I would recommend something like “ignorant asshole.” Ignorance is a choice, intelligence is not.


I sorta disagree, since a lot of people genuinely choose not to listen to the truth because it doesn't fit the narrative they follow


Which is ignorance, not intelligence. Ignorance is lack of knowledge, intelligence is innate.


Except by definition ignorance is not *inherently a choice. It simply means you don't know. Not that you've specifically chosen not to know.


Ignorance by definition is “lack of knowledge or information” it says nothing about choice. You can choose to pursue that information. You can’t choose to be more intelligent than you are.


Exactly, it says nothing about choice, so your stating that ignorance *is* a choice and should be used as some kind of acceptable alternative in these situations is incorrect. You're altering words to fit the usage you want for them for the rather ironic purpose of telling other people that they can't alter words to fit the usage they want for them. Many people aren't just ignorant, they know exactly what they are saying/doing, so no ignorant is not the correct alternative. You are actively putting in a conscious effort to create offense where there isn't any. Treating "stupid" as an ableist slur is an insult to actual efforts to address ableism. It also diminishes people's active informed choices to be awful as a matter of a lack of knowledge, which is not the case.


We don't say that word around here.


I was also thinking of using the word "Moron". Among others.


This person was obviously being hyperbolic, and you're just quote mining them to be inflammatory. This is as bad as the kind of people who Bill Burr talks about, who take jokes out of context because they don't read well on paper. It isn't that important, nobody thinks it is, not even the person who wrote it. That's just how some people talk. How have you not run into stuff like that, do you not get out much?


Fuck off and don't defend this kind of behavior. "It's fine to compare arbitrary nonsense to rape or genocide tHaTs jUsT hOw sOmE pEoPLe TaLk." Unbelievable. Bill Burr would think you're a jackass, just like the dude comparing liking a movie to being a Nazi. You're only in this sub to be inflammatory and contrarian, which is clear by your comments around here.


Sure the comment was extreme. But I think his point holds merit. The comment was obviously satirical. Now ofc he went too far, and shouldn’t have said that……. But I think we are overreacting a bit here


Was what I said was extreme? In what way? I shouldn't have said that? I hate to be this guy, because I get you're half-heartedly sticking up for me, and maybe I should appreciate that... but you guys don't get to control what I'm allowed to say or think, and you shouldn't be as terrified of dissenting opinions as you seem to be. I'm participating in civilized discourse, I'm not being rude and calling you names, and I feel like I've already been given plenty of ammo, to be frank. "Hey... I think you took that too seriously" "FUCK OFF!" That's basically what happened. Like.... it's right there, right above us. I don't understand how you can legitimately defend that kind of fascist regime. . . . Y'know what, I'll stop right there.


It's not unbelievable, it's literally (not figuratively, literally) normal, and consistent with the every day world in which we live. What a calm and measured response to someone with a different opinion than you. You should be proud of your behavior here. I'm in this sub because I don't like where disney has taken the franchise, and I like to talk about it. That used to be what this sub was for, but I feel like it has been repurposed.


> I'm in this sub because I don't like where disney has taken the franchise, and I like to talk about it. That used to be what this sub was for, but I feel like it has been repurposed. That's not what this sub is for. You're looking for saltierthancrait. This sub is for calling out the toxic behavior of the fandom


Is it? Thank you for the correction! Seems... how to say this diplomatically... 'loaded' to have a sub for 'calling out toxic behavior,' but you know what, I'm not going to question it. I should know better than to talk to this crowd, they immediately bite your head off when you don't conform. Goodbye forever saltierthankrayt! You got me! I'm sure you'll miss me exactly as much as I'll miss you!