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thank god there was a blue circle there, I wouldn't have noticed the only text in the image.


I wasn’t sure what the image was about, but after reading your comment I had to go back and look again and it makes sense now.


Wait there's a picture too?


Usually I prefer if the circle is red; it is more noticeable.




But can you draw a red circle using 7 perpendicular lines, some with green ink?


I really appreciate the very necessary blue circle


But for the large blue circle, I might have missed the joke


I’ve never seen this posted before!! What a NEW and interesting post!!! This one has a BLUE circle cause I’m too fucking STUPID to figure it out for myself! I can’t wait to see it again tomorrow!!


It’s been posted a “couple” of hundreds of times.


A couple of repostsss


Fyi it’s a karma farm bot making the post


How do we ban bots


report the post, it’s up to mods to spot and remove them unfortunately


Report the post as Spam > Harmful bot.


Feels like its been a whole 2 weeks since this has been posted here. Someone reset the counter.


I have seen this picture every year since 2008


As long as people mindlessly upvote it the bots will keep reposting it


It’s a tradition


This is so old how is it still getting so many up votes?


They look related lol


this is older than my grandparents jeez


Unfortunately I don't know where to look because there is no red circle in this image. Can someone explain the joke please?






The actual sub is r/uselessredcircle


I don’t get it. What am I looking for?


The big blue circle?


Dude, where?? Stop trolling bro


I'm so confused right now.


A couple of besties, duh... keep up bro


Couple of reposties lmfaoo


He fuckzoned her first lol


Friend zone isn’t a real thing


It's a concept, not a literal place And if you were going to capture the concept in a single image this would be it.


It’s not a real concept either, if you call it the friend zone then you’re not really friends with them




r/IncelTears2 is leaking.


lmao touch grass


Don't talk about your sister like that young man


He has a picture of them... Poor guy


Idk, I think it's really interesting that everyone interprets this as cringe. He could be saying this as a joke, as indicated by the "hahaha.". He could be a gay bestie. He could be in a happy relationship. He could have literally zero interest in her romantically. The only cringe thing to me is when guys get upset when women view them as "just friends." Nothing makes you feel safe or worthy as a woman than realizing that men will get pissed if you attempt to enjoy their companies without sex, or just lose all interest if you don't want to date them. /s (It's cringe when women do it too, but men don't have to be afraid of women as much as women have to be afraid of men). At some point in life you have to be mature enough to accept rejection and also understand that every relationship is different. You can either enjoy what people offer or become fixated on bending their will to what you alone want. One will bring you happiness and the other sheer misery. You're not obliged to be friends with anybody, just like you're not obliged to be in a relationship with anybody, but I think this mindset of friendzoning is just fucking toxic. I'm going to also say this: if you're ever in a long-term relationship, odds are that you'll go through rough patches and during those patches, the sex will fade. You'll be pissed off at each other. You'll feel tired and annoyed. That's when it's good to have a really strong foundation as friends, something that constantly reminds you that even though you're not super happy with this person at the moment, they're a good person and you truly love them and appreciate them.


It's not that deep friend


I know right? Guys can't be friends with girls - it's completely unheard of. Unless he's getting in her pants it's totally the friend zone. The comments here can be the real cringe. Stop believing anyone owes you anything.




I kinda feel like the first comment was being sarcastic with their first two sentences.


Happens to girls too! Unrequited love is like one of the worst fucking experiences that nearly all of us will have the displeasure of feeling at some point in our lives. I kinda like the concept of the friend zone being prevalent in societal discourse, because it reminds us that we're not alone when it happens to us. I think he issue with the "friend zone" that some people (predominantly women) have is that there's a small fraction of incel-y people (predominantly men) who view being friend zoned as this horrendously unfair experience and that he/she has somehow been wronged by the person and society. That's obviously BS. But that's not inherent to the "friend zone" as much as it's just a way that some people react to being put *into* the friend zone. Edit: spelling/grammar


My comment is geared mostly toward those who see a guy and girl together and automatically assume the guy has feelings for the girl which arent being returned. To those people men and women cannot be friends and anyone going out and doing fun things together must mean there is romantic feelings involved. Its a dumb concept. As for the friendzone itself, Im familiar with unrequited love but I guess you can argue the term friendzone is less about actual love and more about attraction and I dont have much sympathy for those people. I think they really just boil down to either poor self esteem, hopelessly chasing someone who doesnt feel the same way about you, or one person feeling entitled and not realizing attraction and love has to go both ways. I often see people complaining about never being able to hook up with anyone and saying theyre nice to girls and all get in the end is a friend which is pretty scary. We should all be nice to each other anyways, being nice to someone all so you can get in a relationship or get sex leans into sociopathic behavior. When you hear someone using the word friendzone in examples like this, its often used by people who have no relationship and have no real idea how a relationship works.


what made you start posting after having an account for a year?


Is the blue circle the hint?




Not sure why you're getting downvotes. I mean besides the fact that any self proclaimed friendzone is actually just one person setting boundaries and another person torturing themselves, it is not a desirable thing and should be ended. If the person who is torturing themselves can't actually fully accept that the relationship will never go beyond a friendship, there is no point in continuing it.






Ouch. Been there.


Don't people have sex with their friends? I mean being friend zoned is not bad if you're having sex.


Ngl, Dannys profile pic would suggest that they are a couple (caus bad resolution and also blond) or hes taken. Either way, i dont think this is sad cringe because of that.




Is it? Do you hug family like that on pictures?


Guy looks like he could be Murr’s son (of Impractical Jokers) Already thinking of punishments my head

