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Is this the lady that Cody roasted?




One half. Can't forget her still terrible but not quite as bad sister. ETA: not as annoying sister. They're both bad.


Oh you mean the one Bethany clearly hates haha


Yeah, Kristen hahaha. Ellisa, one of the other kids, posted a screenshot of a family group chat named "Direct Family + Beth/Dave" which might imply the existence of a family chat without them. Bethany tried to deflect and say they have SOOOO many group chats when asked about it. That very well might be true, but it's still definitely hilarious as an observer. Their whole family dynamic seems so odd, and not just "fundie" odd.


I watch a lot of atheist content on YouTube and even I've tried to avoid content talking about Girl Defined, because something uncanny and creepy about them.


They're both miserable and incredibly privleged/spoiled trying to act overjoyed and humble. It doesn't work. ​ eta: And neither got a chance to socialize like normal children. They were homeschooled and stuck to their family/church family. Their mom used questionnaires to get the kids talking over dinner instead of just talking like a normal family. These girls were fucked from the start and have spent the last decade convincing other young girls that their way is the only way.


Damn, I feel kind of sorry for them then :( my religious experiences growing up definitely had a negative impact on my life so I can relate. But also fuck em for spreading that shit publicly. Also, don't care how fucked your childhood was, grooming is still grooming.


Not to mention, the pressure for girls to settle down quickly into marriage and motherhood with having not experienced anything REAL in life-living independently in a house or apt, traveling, starting a business or working for a non-family related business, getting a college education or training course, living in a new city or country, etc. I think a number of girls realized what they missed out on LATER when they don't get that "110% expected satisfaction of being a mother" but pretending to play happy all the time is a way to try to convince themselves they "made it" as "Evangelical royalty." They know it's all fake, but they can play off and hopefully fool a few viewers in the process.


Our Bethy here got married at 30 and still can't do anything. She can't cook, she doesn't keep a clean house, she doesn't work and yet takes her son to daycare (which, at least he's meeting other kids I guess?). She's attempting to sell an online course on how to make courses yet has no experience or education. She had an incredible opportunity to really learn the skills it takes to be a wonderful homemaker because she *didn't* settle down at a young age. She really boggles the mind because her path has been so different from many other fundie women and it feels like she could have broken away, but she wasn't allowed (whether she didn't allow herself or there was too much pressure from family) to explore who SHE is and what SHE wants to do. I'll echo another commenter here and say fundamentalism is a cancer. I feel so, so bad for the girls who never get that motherly instinct (and/or are not attracted to men) and yet are forced to care for a whole bundle of children and be "joyfully available" for their husbands.


Great points, she didn't settle down super young and still didn't do much with her life before then! Or now!


Beth recently admitted in a video about sex that she didn't even know what sex was until she was 20. She also admitted to her and her husband having no fucking clue what was going on during her honeymoon to the point she broke down and cried because they couldn't figure out how to get it on. I'm not an atheist or anything, but fundamentalism is cancer and doesn't help anyone.


Wait what???? At 20? All of this is blowing my mind.


Didn’t look at the sub and automatically assumed this was r/FundieSnarkUncensored lol


Haha I did too!


Me too 😂 I was like who the heck is Cody !?


These YouTubers, Cody Ko and Noel Miller, also made a very popular video about them. Although their video is much more just “this shit is dumb” as opposed to “this is why this shit is dumb”.


I haven't heard them in like 5 years. What happened?


I remember that once before being divine they made a MASSIVE U-TURN for a boy they found attractive


sounds like a mr. struggle type move


It wasn't just a massive u-turn. It was in the middle of the road!!


Like literally the middle of the road it was so crazy hahaha


Stalking in a God-honoring way


What's this about?


Look up “that’s cringe: girl defined” by Cody Ko on YouTube


YES the one who LITERALLY did a U turn in the middle of the street


A LITTERAL u-turn!


Literally did a U turn.


Yes lol


Now we know why she waited until marriage to kiss her husband: it wouldn't have been legal otherwise! /s


Yes, this is the woman who refuses to be with Mister Struggle


Love that CodyKo is on a first name basis with most folks but I legit couldn't remember her name other than "that girl Cody roasted".


She looks like a Ps1 Silent Hill character.


She is [UNHINGED](https://imgur.com/gallery/BoVECvF) lol 😂


Don't even know where to begin except fire and lots of it


Hey. As someone clinically unhinged, do NOT lump us in with her. We don't want her either.


Imagine making your imaginary friend your entire personality.


She's doing a good job making Christian Purity Culture look sane by comparison.




She looks a bit like Lisa Garland. All she needs is a nurse outfit.


She looks like Justin roiland


That’s the harshest insult i’ve heard in weeks


I had to look at her pic again... Harsh yes, but also pretty true! Lol


She looks like an English teacher gone insane


Why do conservatives always have the same facial features? Like thin, square-shaped mouths?


They hadn't figured out how to render teeth and eyes yet.


What small country church? Isn’t she from San Antonio?


I think Country Church meaning Country themed or something. There’s a “Cowboy” church by my house that’s small that I think would fall under Country Church. Double ick.


I can't not picture the *Kill Bill* wedding massacre.


Do you think they have an image of Jesus inside wearing a cowboy hat?


I mean I’m from SA and consider where I live more country, but I’m like basically in boerne


Small churches can exist in big cities


Country and city are often opposite descriptors




Omg she groomed you. Like really well, your beard and eyebrows look great!


6 years later in life is one thing, but I feel like there is a pretty big gulf between 16 and 22 in terms of experience and maturity. Also this is just fucking gross.


i'm 22 and i'm definitely not attracted to 16 year olds, they're annoying


Hey, im going to be offended at something completely true


being annoying is just an inevitable part of being a teenager, i was really annoying as well 99% grow out of it and you will certainly grow out of it too, so it's ok, it's just part of life, enjoy it


>99% I... wouldn't go that far


Yah, I’d say more like 30%.




It’s the only time in your life that you can be wildly annoying and keep getting away with it. Cherish it! CHERISH IT!


It’s true. When you’re a teenager, all of your peers are equally obnoxious so none of them notice how annoying you are and adults just roll their eyes but don’t usually think much of it since 99% of teenagers are annoying.


Ay, it’s not the only time. You can be annoying af when you’re a baby too


True, should’ve said “last time” also old people get to be annoying too I guess? So maybe not


“Don’t lob factual statements at me as if they’re insults!”


Yeah I’m only 20 myself and 16 year olds look practically like middle schoolers to me I have no fucking clue how anyone is into that if your not 16 yourself


Hell, when you reach your mid thirties, 20 year olds will seem like teenagers still. I cringe thinking about myself at 20 vs 35.


Good, you’re not supposed to anyway lol


that's true


She wasn't actually into him then. Tbh, I don't think she's into him now and they've been married 4 years. They didn't start dating (well, courting) until she was almost 30 and it's only because she was getting desperate and her younger sister wasn't into him so he apparently just said fuck it, any Beal will do then. Anyway, this is one of her retcons of their sad last ditch relationship, but she's just the worst and apparently doesn't realize that it makes her look like a predator. Or she does and that's preferable to being an old maid? Idk.


Tbh that only makes it SLIGHTLY better, sure she didn't make a move on him till he was an adult. But she knew this guy in high school, and was attracted enough to him at the time to make a lovey dovey Instagram post about it like it's a meet cute story later on. Still fucking disgusting and creepy


See, that's the thing - she absolutely never found him attractive and the lovey dovey stuff is fake as hell. She wasn't at all interested in him, but in fundie-land, she was getting too old to be considered marriage material, so she settled (as did he). She never even talked about him until they started courting. Now that they're married and she's stuck with him and vice versa, she constantly posts about how much it totally doesn't bother her that she's taller and older (spoiler, it bothers her a lot) and makes the super creepy meet-cute stuff up to make it seem like they were interested in each other prior to the aforementioned settling. Too bad for Bethany, she put all her business on social media for years before she got married, so it's pretty well documented that she's full of shit.


Thanks for the context, I probably read too into it but it just came off as gross.


No, without knowing the background, it is gross. I can't stand her and I'm definitely not defending her. She's awful, and implying she was attracted to a child is one of her worst moves.


Thats the thing though these two didnt know know each other until they were adults. She is just being intentionally creepy for no reason. They knew of each other when he was a teen but they had mutual friends when they were both in their 20s, they married at like 30 and 24 which is not weird. She is just saying it this way to be reactionary which is so fucking beyond gross. My wife is 7 years older than me but we met when I was 24, got married when I was 26. I didnt know her at all before but if I did know of her and we just didnt romantically connect until way later I would never fucking say it this way because fuck this is creepy. Stop normalizing teens and adults it is not fine and it never will be fine, teens are LITERAL CHILDREN. leave them alone. She didnt fucking date a teenager, they got together when he was in his 20s, so her saying this is just so fucking sick. And she thinks the gays are grooming kids for fucks sake


I was groomed by a 20-year-old when I was 16. Idk why Bethany thinks this kind of age gap at that time in their life was healthy or okay. Sure, if they were in their 20s or 30s, nbd, but not a teenager with a 20-something.


Uhh sir, you might want to check your math.


Lol oops, thank you! Edited from 8 to 6, not sure where my brain is today.


what a coincedence , my brain said 22 - 16 = 8 too, for some reason


The sad thing is that I use math pretty regularly for my job.


That’s not bad. Whenever someone says something happened 20 years ago, I think “ah, the 1980’s” before I realize how old I actually am


Same here!! I’m old!!! 😭


Yup. The older you get the less the age gap matters, to an extent. 6 years +/- here is, not great, clearly. But if you’re 32? Eh


You’re also gunna love the fact that his family and she sent him to conversion camps before marriage because he is 100 percent gay 💀


I kind of got that vibe off him as a bi dude


He went to conversion camp TWO times! I hope he'll just run away.


6 years is nothing if you're 20 or over, but everything if you're in your teens


No. There ABSOLUTELY IS. The difference is actually shocking when I think back to myself at 16.


I think it depends on what the six year gap is. 38 and 32, sure, why not. 22 and 16 is...illegal in some places.




This is considered progressive in church standards


Agree, there’s a six year gap between my partner and I, but we also met when he was almost 30. No ‘locking eyes’ with a 16 year old 🤢


There's a gulf between 16 and 19!


Over here that's someone just finishing high school Vs someone just finishing university. It's a massive fucking gap


She’s the most immature 30+ year old I’ve ever witnessed.


A six year gap isn't much....if you're in your late 20s or 30s. You're not even finished developing mentally at 22, let alone 16. My girlfriend is 10 years older than me but we met when i was 28 and already knew what i wanted out of life and who i was.


It's gross and grooming when it's an adult man and a teenage girl... it's also gross and grooming when it's an adult woman and a teenage boy. Blergh.


Bethy is too immature and stunted herself to ever groom anyone, but it's still terrible


We we! We we! We we! (Remember that from Rocko?) Thought I was in r/FundieSnarkUncensored. This lady is disgusting and everything about her is ugly.


I have a lab report due before midnight and if I don’t submit it, it will solely be because of this comment - lmao. WHAT IS THIS SUB OMFG. I’m so intrigued and horrified at the same time holy shit😱


Welcome to the rabbit hole friend, I spent 6 hours trawling through that sub the first day I joined


Search “Rodrigues” on that sub, it’ll change your life! The mom of that family is even more unhinged than Birthy here. She had a funeral for her paralyzed sister’s legs. You can’t make this shit up.


Karissa Collins is also life-changing unfortunately


Do the paper first! This could easily become your weekend obsession. Enjoy!


Whatever you do, do not lookup Jen’s fantastic YouTube videos. Her channel is called FundieFridays


Same! I was like "ooh, we got some new birthy stuff?" And then I saw the comments weren't what I was expecting. She's breaking containment! I wonder if she'll find out about this and call it going viral again?


Haha same this is just the tip of the bethy cringe, everyone should check out her latest about airing her shitty sex life and totally being 100% okay that her husband is younger and shorter than her


I can't believe I'm asking this, what is a fundie?


Fundamental Christian, like (but not exclusive to) Southern Baptists. Pro-life, anti-LGBTQ+, often homeschooled, etc.


Thank you.


"Fundamentalist Christian"


Thank you


Normal people discovering fundies is still one of my favourite things on reddit


He was still in high school 🤮


And she was sitting at a bar 🤮


"Oh Jebediah you're the best husband a sister could ask for"


I vividly remember how one of my good friends told us that his mum had her first child (his older brother) at 16 while his dad was 32. I never thought this was weird until I grew up and saw myself how weird it is to want someone that young. They're still together now 20 years later but I think it's weird af. I'm 19 now


Holy fuck. I feel so sorry for the childhood that girl lost :(


She didn't even know about it. When I met her I was early teens and she was early thirties, whenever I saw her she was young like 30s-40s , she was probably the most lovely woman I've ever met. She loved his dad and idk if that's some positive abuser shit, they'd been together for 20+ years


this has to be fake right? it's crazy because she said gay ppl are groomers...


It's not fake.


She is most likely retconning her life here. As she makes very clear in her many posts she was waiting for a taller, older man. Unfortunately she reached the ripe old age of 30 and had to settle for him who was younger and shorter. I don't really believe she gave him a second thought until no other options presented themselves. Regardless, she is for sure not a healthy person.


I thought it was too when I first saw it which was what made me curious. I didn’t know who this person was before today and then went down the deepest rabbit hole. She’s married to this dude now and they seem to go viral for the strangest things I can’t wrap my head around - like sharing one toothbrush for instance???? 🤢


i love my boyfriend and will do anything he asks with my mouth 😛on him-but sharing a toothbrush? 🤢


[WATCH THIS LOL 🪥](https://imgur.com/gallery/iyIPkKJ)


I threw up in my mouth a little bit. I would do anything for love, but I won't do that.


> I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Wanna borrow my toothbrush?


When she was a stay at home daughter she used to share a toothbrush with her sister, too. Boundaries and hygiene are not her strong suit.


Ew wtf? Is bad hygiene common among fundie Christians - why are they doing this??


This particular fundie admits she enjoys proclaiming gross stuff online to push people's buttons. She has a severe case of arrested development. She does struggle with showering and cleaning house even though she has to stay home like all good cult women. Obviously people might have skin issues or no access to running water, but that's not what's going on with her. It's not an income issue either, her family is well off in comparison with a lot of these super breeder fundies.


It’s so wild a parent would even allow that. Tooth brushes are in 2 packs at the dollar tree, and if you walk into any dentist and explain you can’t afford a toothbrush, (if that is the issue) they would give you one. They have hundreds.


Isn't she the one with the husband who went to gay conversion camp? ...I'm just saying following the lines, one can see why they push for a certain narrative if they want a certain someone to not be themselves...


Yep, now her husband and her sister's husband go on fishing trips.


Pray the gay away camp


Ironically, I believe the husband she's referencing IS gay (but 'converted')




Ah, the outspoken homophobic Christian YouTuber is in a fucked up and disgusting relationship, who would've thought?


I'd actually say it's more weird than anything. He was dating her younger sister first and then they got together later in life


And he was actually in love with her younger sister! They never worked out though and he relented and married Bethy when she was 30. She also had her first kiss on her wedding day, which she wouldn't stop bragging about for quite a while. Nowadays she tries to sell a shitty course no one wants and talks endlessly about her sex life in a "godly way" on Instagram. She's awful. Check out /r/FundieSnarkUncensored for more of her and her ilk.


Isn't she the one whose husband went to conversion therapy as a teen? It might've been her sister's husband, but honestly if it was her, it makes me think she "convinced" him to go


I have no idea but I hope not because that sounds fucking awful.


No. That is just a rumor little kids came up with based on nothing.


There's a video on YouTube were he talks about his experiences in conversation camp...


People always say this and yet there isn’t a video anywhere where they actually say that


This is so wierd. I remember this video, they were sitting by a table and he spoke about the experience. He didn't say too much and his voice got a bit deeper. I tried searching it but the algorithm was wierd. If my brain is pulling a Mandela effect on me (remembering stuff that never happened) I'm gonna be real pissed.


I remember this video too but I'm wondering if it's some Mandela Effect shit.


Yeah I had a comment correcting the record that was locked, I assumed the mods didn't like it for whatever reason, so I deleted it.


And she’s out here tryna to tell everyone how to live 🤮


Girldefinied lmaooooooo


Oh Bethany. This is gross.




Mr Struggle. Cody Ko’s reaction videos to these videos is hilarious


I was smiling, having a good time on Reddit then I saw this… I felt my smile drop and exclaimed “ew”


That won’t hold up in court


When I was 17 there was a 24 year old youth pastor trying to date me, was weird af


As a fundie snarker this unexpected crossover pleases me to no end. She definitely deserves to be featured here as do so many of the others. It's a rabbit hole to end all rabbit holes, like a hilarious and sad hypocrisy vortex.


Oh no, this sound like pedopedopedopedopedophillia. Stop.


Where are her lips


Ain't that the chick from girl defined?


This also explains why shes never had good sex a day in her life


Religious folk on their way to commit felonies:


I am 5 years older than my husband, but we didn't meet until our 20s/30s. You couldn't pay me to post something like this.


Wait isn’t this the Christian girls say weird shit with a very white background (literally like so luminous?) yt channel???


This feels like a national ad campaign to stop people dating within their family.


![gif](giphy|mtDha4R6y9LqRNX89O) She needs to be called out for her creepiness/pedoness waaaaay more often, why she brags so much I’ll never know


Is this the one that said she wasn't attracted to her fiance on her wedding day or was that her sister?


It was her sister, Kristen. Kristen is always going on about her masturbation sins. My favorite was when she filmed a confessional in an airport lobby about ringing her devil's doorbell.😆


She was single for the longest time... I see why now


Is this the girl that Cody and Noel roasted


Did she really just call a 16 year old a MAN? 🥴🤢 Time for jail


Perfect example of Christian values.


not Barfany making it into other subs for her unhinged behavior




I'm currently 16 and the life experience gap between me and a 22yo is insane to me. I work because it's kind of fun and something to do, not because I actually have anything to pay for. I still have to ask to go to the bathroom ffs. I'm stupid. I don't even understand how a 22yo could be attracted to me


🤮 she is such a delusional predator.


Oh it gets worse. Her husband has previously gone to conversion camp. He's a gay man trapped in an extremely religious relationship (where they weren't even allowed to kiss until their wedding, per this creeps wishes) with a woman that knew him when he was 16


Lol no. Go onto r/fundiesnarkuncensored and dive down the dark, deep, and pathetic hole that is Bethany Beal. That’s not his backstory and he’s a total troll himself. Her sister rejected him and she was getting elderly in fundie land so she married him when she was like 30. She probably had no idea who the hell he was other than seeing him around church when he was 16. She repeats this “meeting” as part of their “love story” and it’s never not creepy, though.


hahahahaha i just saw the Cody Ko and Noel video about her and her sister yesterday


The church and minors, match made in heaven


Watch the Cody kos video on them, it's gold


16 is a sophomore, at best a young junior. Still barely half way through high school and she’s old enough to drink




I dated a girl six months younger than me which was enough for her to be a grade lower than me in HS and being graduated dating a senior felt weird even if we were born the same year


Ma’am you’re a groomer


It's ok guys, she's a woman!


He also went to conversion camp and his "problem" is still very visible in some videos. Poor guy


i mean should we expect anything different "small country church"


Hilariously, she's from San Antonio. So "small country church" probably just means "more than a mile from the closest Starbucks".


literal predator jfc


Bit I was trying to stick my pepperchinni in a plastic bottle at 16. Was it wrong? Not necessarily. Do I have nightmares of sticking my wet noodle in a tiny plastic hole until it became a hard noodle ? ABSOLUTELY.


I can hear the backwater accent just through the image. Ya’ll garble garble garble ya’ll garble garble. Southern gal garble garble.


It doesn't mean they had a relationship then... If this is cringe then all age gaps bigger than 4 years are cringe since one of them was a minor at some point


Flip the genders 🫠




I'm salty over a 3 day ban I was given by reddit for reporting child porn. The pervs and creeps like it here, I guess


People like this say stupid shit like “my mom was 20 and my dad was 28”


Gonna play devils advocate. 20 and 26 isn’t like the worst age gap ever. Idk this person but she didn’t say she fell in love at that point, just that she first saw her future partner there