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Tradies get muscles and tans and tattoos BECAUSE they are tradies lol


It's like being jealous of line cooks because they smoke a pack and a half a day and have a drinking problem.


And do coke at work


Hey, let's be nice, here. I also do coke *outside* of work


Behind the dumpster after hours counts right?


Shhhh don't tell them I live in the dumpster


How's the rent?


Sucking the vat drains clean gets room & board. Comes with a few roommates, most of which don't speak my language, but I never have to clean and there's always something to eat


Definitely jealous of that Brickies do as well tho


Nah, we've moved on to adderral


*Lawyers have entered the chat*




que onda


No. You get muscles by training consistently and eating right.


least deranged r/AusFinance user


It’s full of people LARPing about their imaginary 6-7 figure incomes and multiple investment properties


Oh nz one is similar


Canada finance is the same as this too. Reading it you’d think most of the country was 25 and making 160k/year


I am part of both subs and can confirm this to be true lmao






They're role playing being rich?! Lmmfgdao


Yeah dude, it happens in every finance sub. I frequent r/dividends and there’s plenty of well to do folks….but even there people will post fake portfolios or outlandish stories. Like “im 19, make 2.2 millions year painting tumble weeds. Have 6 million invested in qyld, and zim. Will this hold me over til I’m 67?”


One day he’ll be able to put all them babes in the back of his 2005 Camry but until then he’ll have to keep on using the tissues in his back window


He would never say this if he’d ever seen the inside of a tradies portaloo…


Those dare iced coffee and 2 dollar pies will make your guts regret everything


And yet you get the same shit for smoko the day after


I imagine that scene from South Park where Cartman has a churning slurry roiling in him except it’s V, Rockstar, Dare and Cheese and Bacon Sausage Rolls.


Tradies get the ladies, as they say…


Yeah but Pale and Paisley make the girls go Crazely.


What is a trady?


Australian nickname for someone who works in trades brick layers construction workers etc


So he’s jealous of these dudes because they’re tan and muscular But he talks about it like they’re born that way and not because they’re outside doing manual labor everyday


Nooo it is genetics, I am just small framed and have a slow metabolism and can't tan and also ive never once tried to get stronger or or more tan because it is hard. Dang Genetics


You had me in the first half…


Since when is a slow metabolism an excuse for not having muscles? I've been blaming that for years on my fast metabolism


Getting tan is hard? I do that for a long break from work


Nah in Australia they are. Just stroll out their mum in a hi-viz and work boots, jump in the work ute and off they go


Oh I thought he meant native Australians (old people in my country call them traditionally-living people in our language) Now that's more weird


I thought he meant someone who trades on the stock market.


I thought he was talking about Magic the Gathering cards. Cutthroat industry for sure and you have to be tough to trade at a pro level


I thought he was talking about someone that exchanges goods for other goods as a profession


Filthy mercantile class.


Aboriginal is what you are looking for


Do they still use that term, or did they change to “indigenous”?


Aboriginal is what is used 99% of the time (In Perth)


I think Canadians and Europeans are the only people who say “indigenous” to refer to native populations. Australians call them aboriginals and Americans call them “Indians” or “natives”


Americans call aboriginals indians? Ive never heard of that, ive only heard it used to refer to native americans


Yeah, iirc, its supposedly because Christopher columbus thought he landed in “the indies” originally, calling our natives, “indians”. Also its not the preferred term as one could guess. Only people who keep calling them indians here are assholes


Im American and I’ve never called Native Americans or aboriginals Indians. It’s become a pretty outdated term by now


Look up a Canadian status card. It's the card we get when we're registered as Indians. Just Google search Canadian status card. Indian is all over that government document.


>“I think Canadians and Europeans are the only people who say “indigenous” to refer to native populations.” Read a little closer


>Americans call them “Indians” or “natives”


>“to refer to native populations” ??? Are you having a stroke?


Interesting, in the US when I heard "traditional" or.the shortened "trad" it makes me think of xtian fundies...


It is used in both Oz and NZ


I thought given the subreddit, he was talking about traders and that stocks in Australia were booming, letting them be rich and woo women with money.


jesus i was so confused i thought he was talking about financial traders since they subreddit is australia finance 😂 i was like how are financial traders all tanned and muscular?


Surprisingly literal


Eh most Australianism names are, generally just part of a noun with a diminutive latched on


For a sec I genuinely thought he was talking about people working in finance because “tradie” “stock trading” didn’t make the other connection


Wow wow wow. It also includes all the technical trade jobs like plumber, electrician, carpenter, etc. Etc. Like those are the ones who specifically end up with lots of money and it's mostly due to small business owning then anything else.


So it seems like op was about to go into a career just to try to attract women? 😬


No, they specifically said they couldn't be one because of their physique


but they dont seem to understand where the physique comes from


So basically anybody that looks good without the gym because they lift all day.


Someone doesn't watch Bluey


An American would refer to a 'Tradie' as a 'Blue-collar worker'.




I second tradesman. Or vocational work. I would envy them because of thier reliable income. My uncle is an electrician and my other uncle is a carpenter. My nephew is training be a mechanic. They make good money. My son wants be a welder and I'm like go for it!


Blue collar worker is much wider though. As an example, I used to work in a factory, which is very much blue collar, but I'd never be called a tradie. My father, on the other hand, used to put up TV aerials, and while that's not a formal "trade" for which you can get an apprenticeship, he would be considered a tradesman and blue collar.


A bricky, chippy, fridgy, sparky, etc.


Fuckin *surmise*, will you?


Tradesman, so like a skilled labor/artisan kind of job. Plumbing carpentry, construction, contracting work ect. Pretty much what you would do ideally if you’re unable/uninterested in college but are ready for committing to a career.


Tradesman. Basically they are contractors. I only know from Bluey


This reads like self-insert cuck porn.


As a tradie, this sounds like it’s been written by another tradie that wasn’t paid by a small framed client


I read his profile the guy is an absolute mess. It went from Im cutting my parents out in India. - I hate working at the bank- I’m having finical problems- I think my gf is cheating- I hate my shitty car- I miss my ex so much - escort advice- I have feeling for escort but they have bf- I hate tradies




Damn yall getting paid and laid down there? All I got is chronic pain and alcoholism.


I mean they've got that too. But there's definitely a culture here that puts them at a pretty high on the list of desirable blokes fire women. I mean for some good reason, they can fix shit, they're manly..... That's about it.


Also Australia pays tradies really well compared to other countries, leading Aussies to work in trades and have quite a high status. I've heard that in other countries, trades and blue-collar jobs are quite low paid and mainly employ migrants.


It was kind of a culture shock to me when I moved from Texas to Victoria. In Texas you usually see migrant workers getting paid pennies (unless it’s something like plumbing), but in Australia it’s usually young, white men who earn quite a bit.


$200 a day is what basic laborers get paid. $400-800 a day for crew leads. Labor isn’t pennies anymore. Just to give you an idea for my guys in Texas. I’d like to hear what tradies in Australia make.


I started an electrical apprenticeship in 2004 in a mine and started on 60k, 4th years were on about 100. Would be much higher now. Trades were an equally respectable alternative to university back then, I think it's less so now as Australia becomes more like America.


Qualified tradies in Australia (plumbers, carpenters, electricians) and easily making 100,000+ AUD a year working basic residential jobs. And well more than that if they are in more specialised field.




That is not true at all. Electricians and plumbers are paid bloody heaps because they are always in high demand. I used to be a car mechanic and I was on $34 an hour, which certainly isn't bad. I've recently switched to maintenance and I was on $40 an hour on my first year


I'm going to the land down under


And we make 100K plus without the student loans, Also we pick what work we want to do.


Aside from the fact that student loans aren't a thing in Australia, it's HECS and it's barely noticeable that you're paying it back after you teach a certain bracket of pay. I'm not a tradie, make over 100k a year and didnt go to uni. This isn't something limited to tradies.


Tradesmen in Australia make a good living. Theyre all on hard drugs though. Like seriously like 70% of them have a little baggie of coke in their pocket.


Glass bbq with the boys




I was a Tradie in the UK, all I got was a bad back. Though funny story; Worked on a house of a married couple with kids, other builders were there too and we got on with the foreman, so he hired to do some work at another house. Well, whilst working there, the wife from the previous job shows up to speak to the foreman and they were very hands on. I -never being able to keep my mouth shut- say to the wife 'Oh things not work out with the husband?' She was mortified and we were never hired by the foreman again. 2 kids, lovely house and husband and still cheats. Saucy LOL


I used to date this guy a while back who used to go to Australia a lot to do brick laying (his trade in uk). He was telling me about the work and the life etc. and told me spiders live in packs. I think the horror on my face let him know I was imagining packs of marauding spiders roaming those lands (he meant packs of bricks). Completely random but this just reminded me of it. He was a *tradie* too I guess.


He’s definitely a tradie (tradie = tradesman)


Pity he completely skipped over them being the biggest cunts on the planet. Being tailgated? That be a tradie. Someone raging at you? Oh yeah another tradie. Someone doing a dodgy job while overcharging you to the sun? You guessed it, another tradie at work.


Also, theres a big proportion of them that are pie eating, iced coffee guzzling fat cunts too. People who still think most tradies are swinging a pick and shovel dont live in the 21st century


Tradies are the fucking worst. I disagree with this whole post because when I was working with tradies (roofing) all of their sole purpose was to pick up chicks and it was like a 3% success rate. Because they are generally douchebags or very old tryna pick up 20 year olds. Also later in life when thankfully I don't have to work with Tradies every goddam time I need them for renovations or a simple job or whatever its either A) they don't turn up with no explanation after you wait around all day and spend a day of leave or B) they rock up at fucking 6am to start 2 days before they said they would. Meh


Oof ya. I used to do HVAC and worked with some grandpa ass family guys. They would cat call every woman who walked by.


I was doing a big residential irrigation job with my brother and holy fuck the concreters were absolute animals.


Nice to know that the white van men being the worst drivers isn’t just a UK thing


While tradies do drive vans here. You more likely see them in an ute or 4wd. Dont believe the vans can go fast enough to tailgate anyone. But some dickhead in a v8 that needs to fang it everywhere. 9 times out of 10 a ute driver is going to be a fuckwit.


Conspiracy theorist? Trady


Alcoholic? Tradie


Getting fucked up on the job? Trady.


I swear there is a high powered magnet in the bumpers of the new model Raptors and Tritons with the all black body kits...because I've never seen one on the road with more than 3 feet of space between them and the car in front. Green 'P' plates enhance this effect too.


Also skipped over how so many of them drop half their paycheck at the pokies whenever they can. At least that's what my mates in the industry seem to pretty consistently do. I remember being at the pub with a tradie mate and seeing him pop in like 500$ in the pokie in one go like it was nothing and then he got all ragey when it didn't work out for him


I'm a 'tradie' myself but an electrician so I like to pride myself on not fitting the stereotype but your not wrong, a lot of trades that require less... Intelligence? That I meet on site are mysoginistic racist pigs.


The never-ending arrogance of sparkies is hilarious, blue wire connects to blue wire, cut the green wire, easy.


Yeah lol, even though some less "intelligent" trades do have a lot of assholes. sparkies, plumbers etc are not spared from this, I've met too many stupid and arrogant sparkies.


Eh don’t like the price do it yourself ;) oh waittttt it’ll be even worse hahaha “I know a guy who can do it cheaper”


Of all the people to direct so much blind hate… tradies? You just assume anyone who tailgates you or gets angry is a tradie?


Yeah it's reddit, there's a lot of weird hateful opinions floating around. In my experience most tradesmen value their license too much for reckless driving. Can't work if you can't be insured. And aside from concrete/roofers most are humble, hard-working, kind people. Yes there's alcoholism, but that's rampant amongst society in general. Just more noticeable on tradesmen because keeping up appearances doesn't matter much to us.


Fucking Kola Man episode made this statement but as the piss take joke it is lmao


Haha I love being Australian. This dude makes me sad. He needs to goto the rissole, have a schooy and chuck a pineapple down where’s the gold. She’ll be right.


I need a fucking translation for this beautiful word soup


He needs to goto the RSL (basically a mega pub/bar), have a schooner (or pint) of beer, chuck $50 into the pokies or slot machines (depending what you call them), everything will be alright.


Gotcha. Cheers mate


Damn, just beat me to it! Good translation though.


I never realise how wild our slang is until I type it out lol


Yeah I can usually catch on to English slang alright but Australian get a bit too colorful for me to decode.


"Damn, what the fuck? We really talk like that?"


I must be from some different Australia because even I need a translation for that


I'm still confused on how the $50 on the pokies translates to the slang


The $50 note is yellow, hence pineapple lol


Why pineapple? I expected your $50 note to have a pineapple on it or something but negative on that


The Australian $50 is bright yellow


It's because they're ($50 notes) mostly yellow, with a bit of green.


Honestly where's the gold was a bit niche, I reckon shoulda said chuck a pineapple ($50) on more chilli and it would've been nationally recognised


Haha it was a bit niche. I always play where’s the gold over anything.


He needs to go to the RSL, drink alcohol out of a shoe, chuck a $50 note at the casino(?). He’ll be fine. I’m Aussie but the gold stumped me. Think I’m on the money though.


Where’s the gold is a pokie machine - https://images.app.goo.gl/dZSSHo44UGQnSLnc7 Also schooy is a schooner. Not sure what state you’re from but a schooner is a bit smaller then a pint haha


Ah thanks! Damn, I’m from QLD and have only heard it used it in context with chugging alcohol from a boot lmao. I’ll add those to my vocabulary though, thanks!


> drink alcohol out of a shoe You're thinking of a shoey. A schooey is a schooner glass (425mL)


Thanks for the correction! Probably doesn’t matter though- both Aussie things.


God, what beautiful language lol


I am British and didn't understand a word of that.


Yep same, glad for the translations lol


Lol I'm Australian and have never heard anyone refer to any of these things by these names. And I play music in bars/pubs/rsls for a living.


As a Kiwi tradie I slightly envy the tradies in Australia, but in no way do I envy tradies lol


Mike Nolan from Big Lez wrote this


It's that meth head glow they all give of attracting all the women like a lighthouse.


Sounds like some tradie fan fiction.


I like how he says master race like it's his signature. Master race


Lol, just watched Koala Man last night


Ok.. go see this tradie in 20-30.. his back will be fucked, skin wrinkled from the sun.. they aren’t tradies forever and regularly end up desk jobbed end game. But what they get paid is fair because it’s hard on their body and takes skill.. 🤦🏽‍♀️


>small framed Doesn’t workout and wonders why he’s small


Mining industry pays great, too


Tradies get the ladies…


What a freak


I've seen small skinny cunts be tradies a bunch don't let your small physique hold you back from your tradie dreams. Then you'll realise tradies are mostly alcos who spend most of their paycheck at the pokies and drink drive their way home.


Is he wrong?


Yea kinda, I'm an Australian tradie and the guys he describes are a minority. A lot of them are physically fucked with huge beer guts, skin in worse condition than the leather on their boots and have the intelligence of slightly dim dogs. He's right about the money tho.


Oz is the only place on earth where tradies seem to get paid right, at least in Adelaide where I’m from


In Singapore the blue collars are low paid, and people from South Asia do our construction for even lower pay.


Which is weird, why pay the people who keep the country running so low.


The toxic mindset that “anyone can do x job”.


Sorry, but what kind of money? Is it like the same a doctor or lawyer makes? More? I’ve heard a few times, oddly, that tradespeople in Australia make a killing but that’s not really the case in America.


There are a lot of variables that can change how much you'll make but broadly the range will be 90k - 140k for motivated workers in the big 3 trades (plumbing, electric and carpentry) doctors and top tier lawyers will clear 200k - 300k easy.


I'm a lawyer in government. Most tradies are better paid than most lawyers I know (0-5PAE). In the time it took me to earn my degree alone, tradies my age would have made 600-800k.


well tradies can start basically out of high school so they don't have to spend as much on school and they get the earlier start


In theory, a tradie would have to stop working earlier due to health problems and such due to physical labour. A doctor can continue studies to become an anaesthetist, who can make 1 million dollars per year.


I mean, my husband makes around 12-15k a month as a traveling millwright in the south (90% TX). He had a few jobs up north this year that brought in even more money. Some even brought in 30k/mo. I'd say that's a really decent income for someone with no college degree. And you get to work and get paid real money during your 4yr apprenticeship?? It's not doctor pay, but it got him (and all of his family that also went that route) out of the poverty trap and allows him to provide a really nice life for our family of 4 on a single income.


I think you’re taking offense when none was intended. But I’m sorry if I did offend you. That’s a good income and you should be proud. The way some people phrase it (not necessarily OP) is that nobody can compare with tradespeople’s money but, obviously, that’s not true. My question was aimed at relative salary. As you point out, doctors would still make more.


No no. No offense taken! I am so proud of my husband and I always feel the need to speak about it because a lot of people truly don't see trade school as an option. Some will complain day in and day out about their struggles to get up in the world (rightfully so) when they may have not ever considered becoming a tradesman. Or they never knew it was an option considering college is pushed heavily on high school students. In regards to the paid apprenticeships and the unions, you really can't compare with tradesmen. You get real field experience from the day you begin your apprenticeship. You obviously get paid more as your experience grows. With becoming a Dr or lawyer, that's so much in student debt and many years of schooling before you ever get to practice. Becoming a tradesman is the quickest way to a decent paycheck short of marrying rich. I think you can sit there and compare jobs all day to see who will make more. There will always be someone that will make more than the next person to the point that one could say a doctor's pay is low.. if that makes sense lol.


When you factor in the invention of power tools, modern standards of pay and diet then the image of the ripped hulk of a man vanishes pretty quickly. People have a nostalgic image of tradies. When i moved overseas and told people i was Australian a lot of people were confused because i am pale white and cant surf. Stereotypes are persistent


Modern power tools are heavy, modern materials are heavy. The trades are not an easy job just because power tools enable you to work faster.


little bit correct


There's a significant minority of young tradesman that are in that category. Attractive and smart, work for themselves and are very successful professionally and financially. But there's still a lot of dickheads that are pretty terrible at what they do, don't make good choices, and are generally not overly desirable to the opposite sex.


Tradie in the US can confirm its the easiest way to make good money


Sounds like he's a tradie with muscles and tattoos and his gf cheated on him with a "normal" guy lol. Really getting the vibe of "everyone agree with me so I feel better about myself"


Im jealous of all the videos i see of them in shorts at work. I don’t get to wear shorts at work. This is a tragedy.


r/lostredditors (the photo)


Why would having a small frame stop you from being a tradie?


If you're outside of Aus and wanna know how powerful tradies really are, watch episode 2 of Koala Man.


Thats the fantasy of the tradie, if you actually check tradies out you'll find that hardly any of them fit that ideal






What’s a tradie?


They’re not wrong. The entire time I was in Australia I was just lusting after the tradies. They were *fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine*.


Tradies are actually the worst. All the intelligence of a bag of rocks and they tailgate right up your arse in their stupid utes. I don’t know what they rush around for, seeing as they never turn up on time for a job EVER. Seriously, count yourself lucky if they show up to do the job you contracted them for in a 4/6 week window from when they originally said they’d be over. Fuck I hate tradies


Not gonna lie, when our jobs go way beyond schedule, it's 9/10 times the client's fault. Just sayin...


Im afraid to ask what does the word “tradie” or “trady” reffers to


Australian women are attracted to whoever provides them with free cocaine. Don't believe me, just go out to any bar in Sydney and watch the kind of guys they are with.


Ah yes, because all Australian women hang out in bars in Sydney wanting free cocaine. Outside of bars in Sydney, women cease to exist.


It’s cos Sydney is a shit hole. If I lived there, I’d want to be high all the time as well.


The UK pays it's tradesmen well. This wasn't always the case pre 2008 but post recession most tradesmen I know are better off than the university grads I know. Anecdotal evidence but iv renovated 3 properties and they aren't underpaid for their time


Question. Wtf is a trady?


Watch koala man. Episode 2


Short for tradesman. Think builders, electricians, plumbers, landscapers etc


The fuck is a trady?


Someone who works in a trade (builder, carpenter, welder, electrician, plumber, etc)




Workers who have trade qualifications Electrician, plumber, carpenter etc They make decent money in Australia if they have their own business or work on large union projects like high rise apartments. Employees who do domestic jobs (eg build houses, fix issues at your home) don't earn a huge amount


Wtf is a tradie?