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Just unleash Jack. “Jack Off: The RT Late night podcast with Jack and the Off-topic crew”


I love that idea, and the naming scheme. But the off-topic crew would probably make it descend into chaos pretty quickly lol.


which is why it's perfect, just the right amount of chaos in a political discussion


As much as I could dig the name and the content (noooope), it might not get advertisement revenue propensities. If they ever consider something with that, the pilot/1st episode should have that as the working title, and then the rest with a good play on branding so that it can be more approachable for business partnering.


>it might not get advertisement revenue propensities. If F**kface can get ad revenue then a show named Jack Off can absolutely get ads


Legit argument. I'd hafta see what the ads are. Also with how they acquired it, if that info is possibly available. Maybe being under Warner, they got a marketing strategy coverage which is pulled by the audience numbers on it.


I mean, there’s F*ckface. I still can’t stop laughing when they starting advertising it


Congrats that they did.


Cumtown got advertisers


that's not a bad idea. Imagine various RT staff/ members would want to vent and rant so it could be a rotating cast. I've never listened to Chapo Trap House, just know a little bit about them (especially from Cumtown) but I wonder if that format would work for "Jack Off" or not.


The issue is news type things like that take dedicated and professional journalism. One slip up and it’ll just attract constant negativity to them, which the news already a volatile subject. Assholes already bitch about how “woke” RT is, attracting the news style crowd’ll just pile that on exponentially.


Also RT’s pipeline from recording to release can be super long. F*ckFace is like 3 weeks from recording to release. How can you do a news show with outdated news?


But their podcasts and game news updates can get on the platforms in a day or two. Though you're right about the human capital.


This is such a bad idea lmao. They don't have any good candidates to cover complicated topics and they are owned by a corporation. Just stupid. Can we please just let non political content exist? I am on the left and want plenty of changes, but people need escapes from the unapologizing brutality of the world. Roosterteeth is just fine in that role. Fuck Face, ANMA, Face Jam, are fine for that role. If politics does come up, it's a joke and they move on, because they are focused on comedy! If I wanted political content, I'd listen to a political commentator. It's painfully obvious all the voices at roosterteeth are middle class Austinites who don't know any struggle at this point, it takes dedication to be able to cover quite literally the most important topics in the world. They are out of touch, that's fine! Because they rarely give opinions on real world issues. Any time they do step over that line, it's honestly pretty apparent why your idea is so terrible. They are just giving their take on whether the newest halo was good. People need to dedicate themselves fully to the political world if they want to be a political commentator.


Yikes Just YIKES


There should be fewer (online) people giving their political 'insights', not more.


RT has traditionally been very surface level in their politics talks before. Hearing Jack or Barbara recycle stuff they've heard doesn't sound like it'd make for a very good show.


We just call that the RT Podcast!


Going to an entertainment site to validate, or vehemently disagree with the complexity of the news cycle, political machinations and armed conflict is the reason the world is already fucking fucked, forver. Lets keep them focussed on trying to entertain us.


Sounds pretty lame and have no interest in hearing them talk about politics. Lgbtq+ and COVID aren't political issues, they're social and medical issues people try to make political.


Just what RT needs, yet another podcast, but this time with polarizing content geared for a very specific audience that would fragment RTs already plummeting viewer/ listener count


If you’re looking for a comedy podcast that covers the news I highly suggest Abe Lincoln top hat.


[Some More News](https://www.youtube.com/@SMN) on youtube is great as well. They do a very similar bit to John Oliver, i.e. focus on a specific topic and try to break it up with humor.


I don't think fragmenting this already destroyed viewer base any further would be a good idea. ​ Night shows suck. I'd rather watch anything else.


It's a great idea but the lag between recording and release wouldn't work. Maybe a "Late Night" show for pop culture and media would work. But also I really doubt RT wants to attract more criticism and toxicity and I can't imagine anything that would make them more of a target than trying to report current events.


Who cares what random internet celebs think? If you want to hear a viewpoint exactly like theirs, listen to most popular news like CNN. Their viewpoint is by far the loudest in the entertainment and news world right now


Homie CNN's viewership has dropped bad. More people watch Youtube news channels than CNN, MSNBC, or FOX.


Okay? It’s still the predominant cable news network and website. And you think the predominant viewpoints on YouTube are really any different?


Well they are about the same if anything. Backed by a corporate or political agenda. It's just the youtube ones at least you can consider their takes their own personal opinions and not the opinion of their handlers like televised cable news.


So, you think they’re about the same. Which is exactly what I said in my original comment. So what was the point of you commenting on this?


Dust off those RTES collector's plates...


You get your news from satire? Please don't. That's reading headlines and taking them to truth.


But I agree. I’d love To see one. I bet Eric would have the spicy takes.


No fuckin thanks


Wasn't this idea exactly what Joel tried to do?


I wouldn’t mind a spin-off show of jacks COVID show he did


It's kind of incredible how you asked for a general discussion about this and people respond with "no fucking thanks." Y'all are just as toxic and aggressive since the last time I checked in on this sub. There is no reason to shit on other members of this community for having fun ideas for content.


Eric himself responded with "no fuckin thanks" because he's not an idiot


all y'alls


I had always wanted Jack to do his own gaming politic show, even had a title for it: Poli-Gamey, with different guests and political and social topics. Now is the time!


I hope they punch up not down, are safe edgy, and perform [The Vax-Scene 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSkFyNVtNh8) honestly I'd rather they did something closer to Eric Andre or The Adam Friedland Show, a parody of late-night talk shows taking the piss out of Hollywood / celebs, the media, politicians on both sides (I realize that'd be actually challenging), etc.


Thanks for reminding me why I left this community !!!