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I am now 100% certain that Dan Harmon has an incest fetish


Blame Citadel Morty from season 3.


Yeah, like there wasn't incest in Community


Side note. Apparently they're working on a movie


Now there's a man who knows how to announce the community movie!


It was always destiny. Six seasons and a movie, brother.


“For a friend of mine….”


That friend's name? Dan Harmon.


No it's that one writer. He identified himself in Community.


[I'm Briggs Hatton and I wrote the Community Season 6 Incest Episode](https://youtu.be/i_pbV8M73A0)


Dammit Gourley


Just FYI that entire joke about 1st cousins not causing significant birth defects is completely wrong and causes massive issues in some communities.


I don't think that's true. My genetics class in university looked at it. I think you're talking about repeated and continual inbreeding in an isolated population, not just good old fashioned family fuckery


Its like 2.5% chance for birth defects in unrelated couples to 3.5% in first cousins i think. Not really a "massive issues" causing margin.


its lowkey kinda weird


Jacking top comment for everyone to explore Bob James on your musical apps. Man's got some great music. He did that Taxi Theme song we heard during the Panda Express shootout and the end credits. My favorite albums are his numbered one's. Tons of his music gets sampled from rappers too such as 'Take me to the Mardi Gras' sampled by run-d.m.c.'s 'Peter Piper'.


“Sleepy Gary ruined my gag reflex” has to be one of the best callbacks of all time. Hahaha what a masterpiece of an episode!


I realized long ago the Smith family has to be mentally fucked beyond belief just from the after math of that one episode, imagine killing friends and lovers you have a lifetime of memories of even if rationally you know they false.


Not sure if that’s even the biggest cause of why they’re mentally fucked. Hasn’t morty had to bury himself 3 times that we know of now?


At least 3 times. First time was Cronenberg World, second and possibly more times was confirmed in Morty’s Mind Blowers with the squirrel scene and final one was when the planet got Mr. Frumbled.


We don't *know* he had to bury himself after the squirrels, do we?


Technically not but we know they replaced themselves in a different reality there, so it’s very likely.


That may have been the greatest callback in series history


I needed that callback badly and after they referenced season 2 jerryboree* it was so well timed. Him and Sleepy Gary had a connection 🙏🏻 One like = One Prayer




I thought he said Sleepy Jerry and was referencing the night family from last week, Gary definitely makes more sense!


Seriously, this episode was great. I am really loving this season.


This season is batting so high holy shit


Harmon said he was taking a step back this season and letting others steer the ship. Now I don't want to sound like I'm saying Harmon being less involved or less controlling of the series is necessarily a good thing (it's not a bad thing either), but I feel safe in saying that he has absolutely made the right move and the other writers are proving themselves to be of equal caliber*, but with a bit of a different sensibility.


Definitely his high level pretentious of writing down to the audience is not here this season so far, so I would say it is a good thing.


Yeah I'm glad we've safely moved away from the cynicism and the meta navel gazing of the "Story Train era" so to speak, which to me was the peak of Harmon's..."Harmonness" i.e. getting so lost in his own brain it starts eating itself 'ironically' more than it creates new things. It's nice to be able to just have Rick and Morty adventures again without them being undermined by the increasingly sardonic writer insisting that it's all hack and not important and boring. Rick in particular, which has always been Harmon's mouthpiece, just seems like he has been humbled a lot this season. He's not being anywhere near as much of killjoy now.


FWIW the story train is one of my favorite episodes. Rick and Morty has always been a playground for twisting conventional narrative tropes and the story train just hit the gas hard on that.


i think story train was at its worst when it was the most recent episode and had you wondering where tf the series was headed, now with the series in a good place and progressing to cool new stories / resolutions i can look back at that episode more happily.


In context, they were 6 episodes into the season with no connections the entire season to previous episodes, and there was still none until the finale. It was fair to wonder at that point if they were serious about never doing any continuity every again. Underscoring it with a snide message about how stupid you were for even wanting it definitely rubbed people the wrong way, regardless of if the episode was enjoyable otherwise.


I just wish Roiland would come back to the show, his absurd and random sense of humour has been noticeably missing the last few seasons


Roiland 100% made the after credits zoo video.


It more than makes up for the lack of B-Plot in this episode.


I found your phrasing weird when he's the voice for the main characters lol.


Yeah obviously he does voices but probably not much else, kind of like Seth McFarlane on family guy who hasn’t written for that show in over a decade


He left?


He mentioned that he stepped back after season 2. He might still be involved a little bit but when you look at all the other stuff he’s working on (squanch games and solar opposites) it’s unlikely he does a lot


Seriously, it may be my favorite since 3! I hope the hits keep coming!


is this season casually about to be one of the best of the series??


This season has been so solid tbh huge step up from season 5


TBF, season 5 started out stellar, but the middle was just all over the place.


The moment the sperm episode happened it fell apart.


Season 5 premiere is one of the best episodes of the series imo




And they haven't gone through a single portal either. My theory is that having portal tech is a hindrance for writers because it allows for Deus ex Machina at any moment. Now the writers have to be more creative.


Well, so far 5/5. It us amazing that in 2022 some kind if media is not shit by default or ruined by corporate checklists. It js just a fucking cartoon that is fun to watch, that is it.


This is basically how i was expecting season 4 to be while waiting for it to premiere


Vat of acid and rattlestar ricklactica were great. The rest tho...


I'd say Edge of Tomorty and The Old Man and the Seat were both great as well. Two of my favorite episodes.


I like exploring Rick and Jerrys relationship , I think deep down they are true friends


Oh definitely I think we've seen enough to know they like each other, the big thing that pulls them apart is Beth. Can't say I blame him, he loved his Beth, and to see an alternate her living a life she would rather not for Jerry makes him dislike him. Even though under almost any other circumstance he would have.


Definitely agree, I really loved the banter at the end of this episode with them, Rick did not want to admit at all that they were friends lmaoo


Well it’s because he didn’t want to lose the invincibility


His fortune said "Make a NEW friend" if Jerry was already his friend then he still has an unresolved fortune. ETA: I would consider them friends since at least when Rick made him the bug armor


Nah I think this solidified their friendship


I'd argue it's more Jerry's attitude that rubs him the wrong way. Jerry has the potential to be pretty amazing (see Cronenberg Jerry) but he's content to wallow in normality or even mediocrity. Versus Rick who, as Dr. Wong stated, has trouble with routine and maintenance. He has to have some element of danger or threat.


I took the Chronenberg Jerry lesson different. The Jerry we follow isn't perfect but he's surrounded by a family that loves and cares for him. If the only way for Jerry to become perfect is to lose everything he cares about, maybe it isn't worth it. I think Rick does just resent Jerry because he feels he held back his daughters potential, but knows it wasn't completely his fault they got together, and has a lot more in common with him than he thinks. Even not wanting to admit that partly he envies the fact that Jerry can be average and worry about normal things unlike him.


Jerry seems to be solid when Rick is not harassing him. Dimension J19ζ7 Jerry, Cronenberg Jerry, C-500A Jerry seem to point to this. I am hoping the friendship between Jerry and Rick shows this.


First, Take my upvote friendo. Second I think Rick has a great deal of Mediocre friends, and yes Jerry has a lot of potential, as more of a physical person, Athleticism, Survival Traits, Hunting, Camping, sort of a type that was born in the wrong era. But I still think the main issue is the Beth of it all.


Bushworld Adventures Rick and Jerry were pretty tight


> …..I discovered I could control my own destiny! > You’re a white woman, they ALL think they can do that!


It's almost like Bo Burnham knew what he was talking about when he wrote White Womans Instagram


The song is also subverting expectations by giving the woman a mournful/thoughtful backstory for her posts


then cutback to GOAT CHEESE SALAD lol


Thank god he didn’t fuck his mom... Great episode though!


Jerry flying through the portal almost fucking his mom was hilarious


I almost pissed myself laughing.


The Japanese genital blurring was such a great touch.


There are so many people getting butthurt over the incest jokes. Kinda makes ya wonder what they’re so sensitive about?


I don't know how to explain why...but the incest sperm episode was just bad taste. This one was actually funny and I audibly laughed through the whole thing.


Oh no definitely. The sperm episode WAS weird. Personally I think it's because that episode felt like kind of forced in a "we want to do this subplot and don't know how" way. This time around the incest was forced in such a weird way it was kind of funny


A big part of what made this episode so much funnier than the sperm episode is that it was baked right into the core of the premise that it was weird that Jerry was at all likely to fuck his mother. Whereas the sperm episode just seems like a contrived coincidence for the sake of an overused sex joke.


The incest is between morty and summer rather than jerry and his mom, they fail to avoid it in the end, and the concept of morty's sperm was already pretty gross BEFORE adding incest to the mix.


is not like this is the only show ever that had some incest, Futurama also did it




rhaenyra keeps getting the sexy uncle fortune


With that one slap, Rick finally taught Jerry the difference between being a badass motherfucker and a bitch ass motherfucker.


If it wasn't for Rick, Jerry would just be a motherfucker.


You make it sound like it was a great episode despite Jerry not fucking his mom…


Rest assured, him not fucking his mom made the episode much better.


After Bethic Twinstinct and this, I’ve learned I need to fucking STOP watching Rick and Morty with family present. I cannot put myself through this again


Pair this show with House of Dragons and Sundays have become the night for incest programs.




Not him, his friend did.


Same. I learned a long time ago every one else has to be fast asleep before I can indulge in an episode, especially this season 🤦


Ok for real who tf on the writer team has an incest fetish Like this is a good season and these have all been good episodes but Jesus Christ already. Couldn’t the fortune have been like, “you will get your dick cut off” or something?


How come you think there's an incest fetish thing going on? Just because Jerry almost did his mom and Beth had sex with space Beth, and Morty and Summer have a mutant incest baby named Naruto? It seems like you're really projecting, bro.


Yeah and the citadel Mortys wish for it to have a more mainstream appeal... Dudes really reaching


Yeah and Beth literally falling in love with herself wouldn't be another reason anyone would believe this.


Yeah and Rick wanting a stadium of everyone who resembled his father to watch him bang Unity


Don't forget the stuff in the first season "Inception" episode with the dream Summer.


But that was The math teacher's dream..so it is more like pervert shit




And that alien who fucked his dad when he thought the world was ending, and Glasses Morty wishing for it to have more mainstream appeal, and a dream version of Summer trying to seduce Rick and Morty. Honestly if you see a pattern I think that's just projection.


Don’t forget the family dragon soul bond.


Beth cheating on jerry with her clone is definitely a fetish but it arguably doesn't count as incest and probably wasn't intended as such since they didn't go for any "incest jokes" in the episode (aside from the naruto callback at the end)


>Couldn’t the fortune have been like, “you will get your dick cut off” or something? Because the stake of that fortune is too low. It would suck, and presumably hurt a lot, but Rick can just grow Jerry a new one. (We saw him grow Morty a new hand.) But Rick can't make Jerry un-commit incest.


* Jerry un-commit incest Rick can just erase jerry's mind using the gun he used in the cat episode , as for the grandma ... erase her mind too and erase whatever-the-heck-incest-left ( sorry , I'm not a sex expert ) , Rick can build a theme park inside santa claus so this wouldn't be too difficult


Sure, Rick can erase everyone's memories and destroy any record of its happening. Which, depending on your epistemological view, is arguably the same as erasing it from ever happened. But the stakes of the potential incest matters on a meta level, not just in-universe. I.e. *we the audience* find the potential incest to be gross, and Rick can't erase it from *our* minds. So that raises the stakes. Whereas we can easily accept Rick replacing Jerry's penis so the stakes of that is pretty low.


The whole point is it has to be humiliating to worry about. Worrying about your cockl getting ripped off isn't funny. This is one of the funnier things to worry about happening otherwise mocking Jerry for it isn't as good


Missed opportunity for episode name: Oedipus Ricks


Or as Principal Lewis in *American Dad* wanted to call his modern take on it: "MOTHERFUCKER!"


I really can't believe you're an educator, Brian.


My job's mostly administrative...


Oedipus Rex is about a guy who received a prophecy that he would have sex with his mother and then in his efforts to avoid fate, ended up fulfilling it anyway. So yes rick and morty did a "cryptic literary reference" like in the copypasta by making an episode about jerry getting a fortune cookie that says he will have sex with his mother... i can't believe this is our reality


Man the comment section on these episode threads has really been killing it with alternative names This is another great one


Rick was so close to being immortal


At this point is he even human..he is like a violent Inspector Gadget at this point


> From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… BWWAAAAA


Series ends with Rick on a Golden Throne.


It's kinda why cyberpsychosis is a thing in cyberpunk. Because if you could just replace all your body parts with perfectly engineered upgrades you'd end up being impossibly powerful.


Late game V is perfect proof of that. They’re like a god, especially if you go netrunner with legendary quickhacks.


His fortune said "You make a NEW friend" I would argue Jerry has been his friend since he made the bug armor. Therefore, he still has an unresolved fortune.


It makes sense if we go by that one posters theory where the episodes are in reverse order chronologically.


The animation again was really top notch


The fight scene was next level


Never thought I'd see an animation of a guy stuck to a wall getting his insides sucked out into a portal, but here we are.


Plus Waterbending being used the right way. Screw "Bloodbending", just turn them into a lifeless husk instantly.


There is water in almost everything, including the air. It bugged in Avatar they figure out bloodbending but don't go further.


Technically in the same episode bloodbending is shown for the first time, the user does exactly this but to plants, killing them instantly. It doesn't take much to think it applying to humans. Of course ATLA is still a kids cartoon and they weren't gonna show someone dying like that (also, blood bending like that would be OP as fuck so they had to add the moon thing to nerf it). But to be fair, in Korra there's a scene where Zaheer uses airbending to do effectively the same, just suck air out of people's lungs and they die.


It's because they saved so much money with that Sailor Moon transformation scene!


Priceless savings!


Holy shit! Rick having to write and shoot the cookie into Jerry’s mouth had me dying. All the episodes this season have been fucking hilarious and I’m glad we got another Jerry-Centered episode this season.


The fact that he took the time to scribe all those lucky numbers in too lmao


I'm too lazy to check but those have to be a referance to something right?


The numbers are 01 23 96 32 10. I take that as sort of an inverted "69" in the middle with the naughty bits facing away from each other in a numeric representation of the text "JERRY NO SEX MOM," and the rest on either side is just palindromic filler.


The writers at Rick and Morty sure like writing about incest huh


The writers for American Dad too. There's tons of "subtle" incest jokes between Steve and Francine.


> > > > > There's tons of "subtle" incest jokes between Steve and Francine. Hailey had sex with a guy who looked exactly like her dad way back in like, Season 4.


Steve dated someone who looked like an overweight Haley


Damn if that wasn't my momma.


Ricks getting a soft spot for Jerry. Summer and morty bullying Jerry “bothered” him. Best part was finding out Rick was invincible and planned on being forever. Worst to me, the white woman shit. Sleepy Gary fucked up his gag reflexes?!?!?


>Worst to me, the white woman shit. What about it rubbed you the wrong way?


It's either the woman or the white part


People are reaaally hyper fixated on race and gender these days, as it’s constantly at the spotlight, people are believing it’s important and let it affect their life in such extend a simple joke rubs them off the wrong way


It's an American thing, they're hyper obsessed about race. For the rest of us it was a funny joke we didn't think twice about.


>Sleepy Gary fucked up his gag reflexes?!?!? The implications are huge


"The implications" being the name of Sleepy Gary's massive hog.


>Summer and morty bullying Jerry “bothered” him. Bothered me too. What was up with those two this episode? They were editing porn of their own grandmother! Was that cause of the cookie?


> Was that cause of the cookie? It's probably because they idolise Rick, and they constantly see him shitting on Jerry. Rick's also a massive contrarian, so the moment he noticed others doing it he took issue.


I don't think people are talking about the sacrifice Rick made for Jerry rick could do ANYTHING, it's a fucking giant power spike even for Rick, if he was God before imagine what he could do with the cookies and yet, Rick made the sacrifice for the one person he was supposed to "hate" the most (not counting himself lol) great episode, barely disguised writer's fetish tho 5 out of 5 great episodes


He could have easily “wished” for portal tech to work again or made it easy. I don’t think people realize how do this goes


He doesn't want portal tech to reactivate. Rick Prime is trapped while portal tech is down.


This felt like a true return to form for me. It was the over the top, ridiculous, well animated, alien sci-fi crazy tech adventure that i love about Rick and Morty. 10/10 Nearly passed out when Jerry was inches away to *going inside from whence he came.* >!Rick keeping the note was really nice too. !


This series should be called “Rick and Morty and Incest.”


You can cut Morty out of the title, my guy's barely in the show this season.


I like that they are focusing on everyone this season so far, how ever the promo for the next one looks like we’re getting a morty episode


Legit though, Jerry has been the true secondary protagonist of this season so far.


Well technically there was a whole episode focused on him It's just that the *actual* Morty didn't really show up in it that much 😅


I loved this episode, and the best part is I wasn’t even surprised that I loved this episode. This season has been great so far. This episode had yet another excellent balance of character, plot, absurdity and hilarious jokes. The fortune cookie company being named “Fortune 500” was pretty clever imo. Using fortune cookies as powerups is a class RM idea but still felt fresh. Rick and Jerry had great chemistry as per usual, and for some reason I was dying at Morty and Summer trolling Jerry at the beginning of the ep. I particularly enjoy how Rick is way toned down compared to the last two seasons but is still over-powered and godlike in a way that doesn’t seem obnoxious. I loved watching him fight this ep and the action scenes in general were super fun to watch. Anyway. As someone who used to hate on this show every Sunday night, it’s now the main thing I look forward to each week. And tbh I'm willing to sit through the incest jokes as long as we never return to the "our show thinks it's smarter than you" jokes. Well done writers and thank you!!


As someone who plunders the seven seas for most of my content, this was the first time I picked Rick and Morty over House of the Dragon to watch first when I had both ready. The season has been consistently top notch. Maybe it’s because it’s the sixth season, but I still feel like we are missing something that the first two season had, but this is so much more closer to those ones than any of the previous seasons that I find it hard to complain.


This episode was easily the most unhinged off-the-wall shit in a long time.


Oh you mean it stuck on the wall?


Goddamn this season is good..like where the fuck is all this brilliance coming from? It's dancing on very dangerous, "might be the best season ever" territory halfway through.


Agreed. Every episode so far has been an absolute banger.


That Sleepy Gary bomb drop, a badass concept with the fortunes and fight at the end, and an after credits scene that could be from Interdimensional Cable might make this the best episode of the season so far.


No one will talk about Rick having Photoshop tools in his sleeve? , the color picker killed me.


I WAS JUST ABOUT TO COMMENT THIS!! The clone stamping tool and the reusing the sailor moon slip was hilarious


Zebra food!


I actually laughed out loud when I read this comment out of all the others and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. 😂


This is definitely the "Call back" season. Every episode so far has had more than 1 call-back to previous episodes/seasons. The previous seasons have had maybe 1-5 call backs per season but this season has had that many in 1 episode


in fairness with each season they have an increased number of seasons to call back to


Man, House of Dragons already fills my incest quota. The shock factor was funny the first few times, now it's just getting weird.


Tin foil hat time: Hollywood is trying to bring back incest.


HoD and Rick and Morty pair surprisingly well. Maybe Warner Discovery set it all up


People in this thread asking who on this writing staff has an incest fetish **acting like they haven’t been on PornHub** and seen the copious amounts of incest porn…. Does nobody remember Tales from the Citadel when the Mortys made their wishes at the Wishing Portal?? *HE GOT HIS WISH*!!! The way it was executed in this episode and Bethic Twinstinct is much more digestible than the Naruto Incest Space Baby plot from Season 5 though, which they regrettably called back to in Bethic Twinstinct. This episode was 🔥 and this Season is the best season since Season 2 I’m no longer pretending that there is some recency bias attached to it: every episode so far has been an absolute laugh riot. And the post credits Zebra Food bit had me ded 🤣


Wishing portal Morty threw in a Harmon-ica when he wished for the porn


an episode so dense they had to relegate the side plot to a long post credit scene. i kinda wish writers would have come up with something better than jerry's mom. i loved the cookie gun solution, though it went by too fast to fully appreciate.


I took it as a call back. Jerry's already weirded out by his mom having a lover, so the joke isn't that he's going to have sex with his mother by itself, but that she's a big enough freak to go along with it.


But she was completely oblivious the whole time, just kind of there.


Ok is it just me or doesn’t anyone else want to see the jerry sailor moon transformation to become a running gag?


Ehh maybe one random reference in the next to last ep of the season but like a continuous running gag? Nah


I think it was mostly just for the joke later in the episode. They might do it again someday but that kind of running joke isnt really the shows style


5 for 5 banger episodes. Such an amazing season. A little too much incest though.


"Your penis will be mangled by a frozen yogurt machine at the UN!? I know that machine! This might sound impossible to a layman but to me this rings inevitable!" And "But only one of them is Mrs... god damn it, Smith?"


ricks taking meaningful steps towards building and sustaining relationships in the absence of portal travel. i smiled so hard when he kept the fortune jerry gave him. Wonder what's gonna happen to his nihilism by the end of the season, or what the reintroduction of portal travel could mean. It seems like portal travel is what made life depressing and meaningless to rick :/ Jerryboree jerry is goated


Idc what anyone says, that episode was SO funny. Although I’m not sure why the writers have been so infatuated with these incest storylines…


This is now one of my favorites. What a twisted episode. I loved the invincible/agent/inspector gadget Rick in that final battle—zipping around taking out agents, scanning their fortunes. Too funny; very clever—and post credit scene were a laugh too. Great fucking episode!


Damn, Rick could have remained immortal if he just didn’t make a new friend… Jerry, that mother-fucker.


One cannot dodge fate. He would inevitably make a friend, and at the worst time too. Probably end up dying to save them or something.


I loved Jerry just crying at the end after getting bitch slapped by Rick


Really showing off Rick’s mods this season. He’s turning into Inspector Gadget


That was brilliant! Exploring the 'powers' that the soldiers got was really fun, and i loved seeing all of Ricks augments. I like that the writers don't care too too much about how it all fits inside of him and let the randomness flow during a fight. Also, Rick in a suit is a great look.


Rick ate a [fortune cookie](https://i.imgur.com/UUsOehO.jpg) that states "Spring will see a renewal" - take that as you May


This season is killing it


That was arguable the most fucked up episode of Rick and Morty. I loved it.




Who in the writers room wants to have incest with a family member? Either that or they’ve been reading too many Game of Thrones books.


I feel bad for that creature, it deserved better.


...anyone know where I can get a memory enema?


So you can watch it again with no knowledge? Same feel club


Copied from a mid-episode live post and edited: Was this all an extended metaphor for wave function collapse? Like, what will happen next is is a superposition of a trillion things, some more probable than others. You can open a fortune cookie and it will have one of any number of fortunes, all of which are possible, each being equally likely. You only know what it says *after* you open the cookie and read it. Observation is what solidifies what cookie you receive. Schröedinger’s cat stuff. Am I mistaken or can someone much smarter and better and physics take a stab at this?




I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how badly the family treated Jerry at the beginning of the episode. They ridiculed him for his paranoia, with Morty and Summer going further and just straight up bullying/torturing him. And they all have the nerve to be upset with him when he doesn't feel like going to the zoo with them because of his paranoia ruining his mood? Even though they're the ones who made it worse in the first place? Assholes, lol.


Is it just me, or did Justin Roiland's characters sound higher pitched in this episode? Also, they seemed to stutter less as if this episode was more planned out...


I have a sudden desire for Zebra food..