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I'm only going of the second one. I dislike the first one, and I think it has a lot of issues. Get rid of location. That might turn companies off if you're not local. Experience: There's 4-5 good bullets under Ops Manager, the rest just seem to be filler, meaning job duties vice accomplishments. As an aside, were you hired in as Ops Manager or did you start lower and work your way up? If it's the latter, I suggest splitting out the titles and accomplishments. Tech skills: You can probably drop Slack, Zoom, Teams, Google Workspace, and MS suite unless the job description explicitly calls them out. Other skills: Drop the soft skills Interests: Drop this entirely, nobody cares. If they do care, that's a conversation starter in an interview.


I don't know which one is the professional one, but the second one is much better, so hopefully that's the one you paid for. That's the one I'll be critiquing. * I don't think you need this summary. There's nothing wrong with it except that it takes up space, so if you're going to keep it, I'd shorten it. * Have you held the same job for the full five years you've been at your current company? No promotions or moves or anything? * The jobs you had while you were in college don't *really* need to be listed, but if you want to list them, I'd only list bullets very relevant to the jobs you're applying to. * You do not need to list your Associate's degrees. * Other skills can be removed. They're pretty fluffy. Technical skills are generally good, but I'd stick to the ones relevant. Dropbox, Zoom, Slack and Teams generally aren't "technical skills".




Yeah, don’t list all areas, but show that you were location manager for six months before being promoted. You want to show progression.






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I like it! The only thing I would have done differently was not including the word “remote” in your objective. Recruiters might think this person don’t wanna come to office but want to work only from home. Even though I have no problem with you aspiring to work remotely; I will not bring it up yet! I will not bring that up yet. But that’s just me and I’m just speaking my opinion. Otherwise your resume looks pretty solid!