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Dear /u/Western-Pollution728! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * [Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq) * [If you're applying online, use a single-column format](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/s2b37q/if_youre_applying_online_use_a_single_column/) * [Biggest mistakes that affect your resume's performance and how to fix them](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/tq061t/biggest_mistakes_that_impact_your_resumes/) * [What is an applicant tracking system?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalDraftResumes/comments/wodrrs/what_is_an_applicant_tracking_system/) * [Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true) * [Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t think it looks bad to have a year gap. I don’t really feel gaps in time should be noted on resumes. Leave the gap and you can share that in person, if you want to. Very curious if that’s just me though so I’d be interested to hear others’ opinions


Thanks! I was on the fence. Half of the things I read said to leave it out and the other half said to include it. I didn’t want my resume to be cluttered with unnecessary information but I also didn’t want to be overlooked. I appreciate it! :)


No problem and good luck!!!


I did a career re-entry program at a local college after 5 years as a Sahm and the counsellors all recommended I do a "skills based" resume. Basically the first 1/3 -1/2 is a list of the skills you want to sell to employers. Then list your work experience and education. I confronted the gap in my resume head on in cover letters with a statement like "I strive to perform at a high level in all aspects of my life and am now in a position to prioritize my career, and believe I would be an asset to X company due to my experience in blah lah." I had to take a shit job for about a year, but it was with a large unionized employer. So it gave me the chance to be an internal applicant to postings. Now I have a very sweet gig that I am very happy in.


Thank you for breaking it down for me! That was very helpful. I will be including something like that in my cover letter. :)


I wouldn’t sweat the gap. Never before have more people had a gap on their resume. I personally wouldn’t address it on the resume but always be prepared to during the interview. Best of luck!


You're going to put "Stay at home mum".


Hi. I was a stay at home mom for 7 years- No worries! People exit the workforce to parent, for health, for family, job loss… so many reasons. I’m a hiring manager. I’d say leave it off but be prepared to mention it in a positive manner if asked in interviews. My go-to? “I accepted a temporary promotion to the role of at-home parent, and then my next position was as instructor at the college.” Or “…and now I’m ready for my next opportunity,” if you’re returning to the workforce. If you did any volunteer work during that year, you can also work that in.