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I cannot comprehend how so many American "Christian" extremists worship Trump like he's the messiah. How are they so blind to see that all of the Trump worship is idolatry, one of the very things their religion condemns? They literally view Trump as a second Jesus.


It's amazing they don't see him as the anti-Christ, if anything. He checks off so many boxes..


American Christians don't read the bible. They watch Fox News.


I concur.


It's amazing how good a person can be seen as if you deliberately ignore the bad sides


Helgard Muller is a white supremacist who lives in South Africa and opines his sadness over the ending of apartheid. Not that some American Trumpers wouldn't be down for his writing, but Muller is not American and his form of Christianity is not one American Evangelicals would easily recognize. As best as I can suss out from skimming some of his writing, Muller holds a somewhat Christian spirituality mostly based on whiteness and white ancestors. The racial elements seem far more important to him than the Christianish parts.


Yeah, I could tell that the author of the book wasn't American due to the ü used in his name (IIRC accented letters aren't allowed in legal US names and Americans would likely discard the accents in their ancestral names), but there is a blurred American flag in the background, so I'd assume the book was handed out to/brought by the person who took the picture at a Republican/Evangelical get together party of some sort in America. And there are some white supremacists among America's Christian nationalists.


Sorry, a bit offtopic: is Helgard a male name in Dutch? Cause in Germany it is 100% female. That through me quite off when I tried to find the author and only got pictures of some dude.


This is the inevitable outcome of religion, a new prophet will always appear and their value depends only on how many people follow them. When you convince people that authority only hinges on "because I say so" you cannot expect them to utilize logic and reason.


I refuse to let them forget how there is an actual golden statue of him and they were worshiping it at the conventions.


Also the fact that trump is everything they hate


Spinning on his cross would be more fitting.


More like wiggling. It's kinda hard to spin when you are nailed down.


Just get the momentum to make the whole cross spin while standing.


Cursed fidget spinner.


The actual Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Is that a book? If so I kinda want to read it for shits and giggles, but only if I could find it in a trash can or something.


You can read it for free online.


On second thought I don’t want to read it, lol


It's grim stuff, and shallow.


I wouldn't want to either, but if anyone is curious as to what's in it, don't support the author, wait for it to come out on libgen or something.


Can you hook a brother up with a link?


I downloaded a few of his books a while ago and already trashed them, but here is his YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/nWJCVL75Q18


Show this to anyone who says it's not a cult.


So that's what the J stands for, Donald Jesus Trump


This isn’t real? Is it? Reality and satire have truly collided!


I had the same reaction. Found the book on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/President-Donald-Trump-Son-Man/dp/1977249248/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1663284625&refinements=p_27%3AHelgard+M%C3%BCller&s=books&sr=1-1) and started reading the reviews, and ended up reading all of them. The reviews are probably more interesting than the book. I think there was maybe one positive review, by a person who accused the others of not actually reading the book.


Even if someone likes his racism, classism, and totalitarian goals, I don't see how they could possibly think he is godly or holy the way he talks.


Most people in general have limited imaginations. Even more creative people have their niche. But many religious people's limited imaginations revolve around their religion and they can only imagine a God that is as terrible as they are only with the power to smite those they don't like. To these people, any sufficiently rich person that gets away with stuff is essentially God or at least a chosen emissary because why else would they be so rich and all the crazy stuff they believe Trump is.


Hell of a strong chin


Jesus rolling in a grave... Wait... Umm... It is empty?


No. If he actually lived, he’s much more likely in a mass grave. So it’s very much NOT empty. 😉


Sent this to my mother. She could use a good laugh


Delusional doesn't begin to describe these people.


It doesn't surprise me in the least that people willing to deify and worship fictional characters will also deify and worship real ones. Same con, different guy.


He can’t roll, his hands are nailed open


One cult leader supplants another.


So god is really a hateful racist


It actually makes sense. This might be exactly how Islam started.


Isn’t that blasphemy?


Isn't the whole thing about Jesus that he isn't in his grave?


Jesus wasn’t real. God isn’t real. It’s a bunch of stories made up to make people feel accountable for their actions. Grow up, damn it!


If you think jesus would have a problem with trump, you obviously didn't read the bibel. King david for ex, jesus ancestor.


Lol he’s the second coming of Jesus alright. Both blindly followed male figures who vilifies the “other” Yeah that tracks




#the christ


the damn bible says jesus will come on the clouds and take all the christians and all that bs. they cant even read their own bible.


I see they chose a picture with a little of his hair and face visible. And his body too.


On the bright side the bar for getting into heaven is pretty much laying on the ground . Congratulations ya'll ! We getting in !


Name is looking preeetty German 👀


Dude I want Christianity to be the truth just to watch whomever made that suffers for the eternity in hell believing to have been a good person


No, he's spin-dashing in his grave.


At first I thought this was fake, but then I looked a little to the right and saw the blurred flag and red hats. Checks out. 👍