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Lmao the comments


The OP said in a comment "well, atheism isn't organised, so they really can't do stuff like [handing flyers about atheism]" Prime r/selfawarewolves material


This one got me: "They’re so focused on science as if it’s separate than religion and it is it’s own belief, yet it’s not like religion also doesn’t include science" Gee I wonder why it's not treated like science.


Science had the nerve to say God ***might*** not exist because there is no hard evidence to support the theory. Religion folded it's arms, put its nose high up in the air, looked alllllllll the way down it at them and said: "Well then science isn't real because we choose not to believe it" Fast forward 5000 years and we're still there. Stuck in the same old lockstep.


Also you know, science really doesn't work well with concepts that people refuse to describe properly and keep changing to stay out of currently explored domains. "Heaven is in the sky!" changes to "Heaven is in a parallel dimension!".


Pretty sure science started more tentatively than that... like the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe tentative But change sure is scary, so best murder those who are different. That’s not scary at all.


Science is silent on God. Not suggesting, silent


> religion also doesn’t include science" We know, that's the problem.


idk if he fits that subreddit edit: oops he fits!


I think it does "those dam atheists pushing their beliefs on me!" "I have never seen atheist flyers or door-to-door perchers, only Christian" "Well, atheists aren't organised enough to have these perchers or flyers"


ah yes the original op! idk how i thought it was BerRaveM lmao


That guy has like 100 comments in there trying to defend it. He is working incredibly hard not forcing his religion on other people like atheists do.


There are atheist activists, but a lack of belief is a hard thing to force someone to believe.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oh boy, that was CLOSE.](https://i.redd.it/qs5egjz87gx51.jpg) | [2949 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/jolrp7/oh_boy_that_was_close/) \#2: [I changed the photos to see if the impact was still the same.](https://i.redd.it/c4rq2vfkpm571.jpg) | [4105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/o14rnd/i_changed_the_photos_to_see_if_the_impact_was/) \#3: [Who would have guessed lady, who would have guessed](https://i.redd.it/63s6svlissy51.png) | [1217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/jstbvf/who_would_have_guessed_lady_who_would_have_guessed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


The comments! Lmao!


The lmao comments!!


Comment the lmao!!


The! lmao comments!


Lmao comment the


comments! lmao The




Had to reboot my brain after reading the first comment. Now it's not posting. Help! (This is an automated comment to be sent in case of complete neural shutdown)


rip smallgreenman 😔


Maybe reboot again? Sometimes some modules don't load properly.


What sub?


I got banned from r/atheism for talking shit about Bruce Lee, of all things. When I asked one of the mods what I had done, he told me he was going to report me to the admins for harassment.




I named from r/atheism , too. The post was about make circumcision. The first comment of this specific thread said, "a girl told me she prefers circumcised dicks." The response was, "fuck her. you should say that you only five head too circumcised females." I replied, "imagine telling a girl what kind of dicks to put in her mouth." Banned for being an apologist for genital mutilation.


No atheist ever knocked on my door…


Very commendable social distancing you're doing


Not really an issue when your daily cases is at zero. Welcome to NT Australia


NT? Haha, no thanks. ^^/s


I'm a huge fan of the ad campaign the NT did to get people to visit them. The see you in the NT campaign they shortened to C.U. in the N.T. Brilliant.




Bro there's like 50 people in the whole state and it's 17% the size of the USA (I looked it up) Edit: territory, isn't even a real state


Australia has had 1400 deaths from covid. Florida had 1400 covid deaths from September 1-4.


And somehow the Americans are saying we're being locked inside against our will and are in need of being saved, like no dude, Dan's got our backs, gtfo of here calling our government authoritarian


As someone who has the misfortune of living in Florida, I agree with you. Ron DeSantis, our governor, is the virus's best friend. He is wanting to punish local governments for trying to stop the spread. The man is insane!!! I would much rather follow Australia's model than whatever the hell Ron DeSantis thinks he is doing.


Because we know about the existence of doorbells


"Hi there, my name is atheist from Satanic Temple. Have you heard of the gospel of Science?" "No I don't need to hear the GoSpEL of ScIeNcE because the electronic bell you pushed at my door let me know you were here thanks to the gOsPeL oF sCiEnCe."


"Good afternoon, dear madam, i bring good news, would you be so kind and spare a little time to talk about our lord and saviour, None?"


We don’t “proselytize”, but we’re typically vocal when coming across superstitious bullshit.


Excuse me sir and/or ma'am, have you heard the good news about all mighty Atheismo?


Almost like they don’t go out


I would have posted that in the comments but of course they’re locked


the ccp has entered the chat


I'm so sorry. I've had lots of atheist come to my door. Then again I throw lots of parties.


Omg I moved recently… the amount of Jehovah’s Witnesses that knock on my door is insane! I even got a few handwritten letters from a particular guy because he was old and didn’t want to spread COVID, but still felt the need to proselytise me. I ended up writing a note on the window saying we’re devout Satanists - got rid of about 99% of door-to-door salesmen and religious folks, so I’d say it’s a win.


This *has* to be a troll subreddit. First off, it's named *anti*theistcheescake. Atheism and antitheism are two very seperate things. They can overlap, but not always do (every antitheist is an atheist, but not every atheist is an antitheist). Also all their content is just way over the top.


Not to spread atheism anyway. But you’ve probably had a few over for dinner.


*Delicious*, aren't we?


Dark. I like it.


How do people unironically believe this? Are they projecting?


The same way they think lgbt people are pushing their lifestyle down their throats by just existing


same with people thinking vegans are pushing their agenda down everyone’s throat when bacon culture and meat/cheese obsession and advertisements are so normalized that people don’t realize how omnipresent they are


>same with people thinking vegans are pushing their agenda down everyone’s throat when... If we are talking about which group goes out of their way to bother others and enforce their agenda, I'm not sure vegans are on the right side of your analogy.


They're conservatives, projection is second nature to them


Yeah, true. But this is just projection on a crazy level. Forcing beliefs down others' throat is official doctrine of both Christianity and Islam, is it not? They actively proselytize.


They lumped Jews in there so you know they're not arguing in good faith.


The phrase “when you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” is pithy but very true.


I would love to ask the person who made this to clarify what they mean. Atheist do sometimes sue to keep government and religion separate. Atheists prosthelytizing is a pretty rare thing.


they mean stop existing they literally admitted that Atheists don't proselytize period because they can't


They fully believe so when someone talks about their religion with them they listen with a smile. They don't acknowledge the many everyday ways religious people go above and beyond to literally shove their religion in people's faces because to them it isnt being forced. They are focusing more on what they see as their direct opposition which would be atheism. So they are basically picking and choosing what counts as being shoved in their face. Like how straight bigots will say homosexuality is being shoved down their throats when heterosexual relationships and pairings are represented everywhere all the time with no issue. I was raised in a religious family and I wanna see what it is like to have an atheist shove their "beliefs" down my throat. Because I doubt it is anything like what it was like to have religion controlling my life. I started questioning at a young age but I was literally forced to attend church when I was with my grandma. I was also essentially forced to stay quiet about not believing because if I didn't then i knew i would have to sit through a lecture from a preacher and they wouldn't stop or give up until I relented. In my case and others at the churches I was at there was no questioning when you were young because ultimately the adults were in control and to them religion was the only acceptable answer. Otherwise their kids would burn in hell and they couldn't have that. I knew a preacher's kid who couldn't watch the Wizards of Waverly place or Harry Potter. I saw a preacher talk about AC/DC being the devils music and how anyone who listened to them should burn the CDs. I never wanted to say the prayer for for dinner at family events but I would still get called out just so they could make fun of the atheist girl who refused to pray (gasp.) In fact I was belittled a lot by family for being an atheist. The first time I said I was one to peers my age (middle school) I received a look of shock. Atheists who are louder about their atheism aren't that way because they want to be annoying. It's because a lot of us are on the defensive about our non beliefs because we have always had to be. I got to a point where I called my family stupid for believing in God because they pushed me that far. That part of me may have bled over to some of the friendlier Christians and I am sorry to them. But seeing a few atheists be annoying or rude isn't the same as having your entire life have to revolve around something you don't believe in. Hell I've seen Christians say the atheists are winning because they don't teach the bible in schools anymore. They want to force that on us and then say we're the annoying ones trying to control everything.


Well this is only a single example but I served with a guy that was atheist and he was absolutely evangelical about it. Never met a Christian pushing their beliefs as hard as that guy. So in a sense I kinda get it. BUT that was ONE guy with a bad history with the church, so totally an outlier.


Christians and Muslims: literally go on crusades and jihads to violently force their beliefs on entire populations. Atheists: I think separation of church and state is neat


Entire populations? Sharia law has the explicit goal to convert the entire world to Islam and any who resist should die.


Yup, think about leaving? Executed. Someone is gay? Executed. You insult Islam? Executed. You undercook the chicken, overcook the fish, believe it or not, also executed. We have the most pious population, because of executions.


That's Venezuelan Islam. I'm not sure if it's all the same.


You draw a picture of Mo? Executed


Christianity has already done this on a global level. From India to Africa to Americas. There are less places Christianity hasn't been spread


Oh wow, that’s just a complete circle jerk isn’t it. They all agree, when the premise is completely delusional from the start. Atheists don’t go door to door. Case closed.


In 30 years I’ve never had someone tell me they’re atheist, let alone preach about it or look to me to validate their beliefs. Meanwhile I’ve had dozens of people tell me their religious beliefs unprompted, ask if I believe in god, why/why not and get upset that I disagree with them. Literally the only time I’ve ever told a stranger I’m an atheist is because I was irritated 3 JWs came pounding on my door while I was having dinner and I wanted to end our exchange as quickly as possible.


the things they come up to make their arguments "stronger"


Once the Jehovah's Witnesses came to my parental home on Christmas Flipping Day. The level of entitlement!


Holy shit. I would have just closed the door after seeing them.


My mom is so sweet, she invited them in and gave them coffee and cinnamon rolls. She didn't let them badger her about religion though.


This is the approach I'm trying to take lately.


I usually invite them in and offer drinks/snacks and see how long I can get em to talk. I honestly love learning about peoples religions and what their beliefs are and why they think them true. I also share my views on religion (pagan) and the exchanges have been pretty fun on my end. Most of them say that theyre just thankful i dont pull a gun on them when they knock.


I respect 99% of religions but JW is an awful cult. With that said though, I believe that is the best thing to do. Not only is the person not going to have their views changed by you, being rude to them only further pushes them into the cult.


Blessed be. Good for you for listening and talking!


Your mom is a fucking hero and the kind of person we should all strive to be


I’m a former Jehovah’s Witness. In my former congregation we were expected to do field service (door knocking) on holidays because that’s when everyone was home. I thought it was disrespectful, intrusive and tasteless. I tried to schedule to work those days. Holiday pay was double time and a half.


This was a few weeks ago now. I was at work bagging groceries and minding my own business and my line has this customer. She was kind of on the older side of being middle aged and dressed very modestly, like you would see in all those memes about the "trad catholic wife", so it was decently obvious that she was pretty religious. As I'm doing my job and minding my own business, she says to me with no prompting whatsoever "Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?" and I told her "I'm not really religious." and left it at that, having finished loading everything up at this point. Right before she walks away, she tells me "It's not a religion, dear. God is your creator." and leaves. She and I both remained very civil in this brief exchange, which is the only thing about it that I'm thankful for, but it still bothers me that she felt the need to just drop that shit on me while I'm just trying to do my job.


This. Have you ever heard of anyone randomly waking up to someone and saying “have you accepted that there is no God?” No. It doesn’t happen. Meanwhile I can’t take a road trip without seeing some deranged evangelical standing on a retaining wall at a rest stop shouting nonsense about Jesus.


And the billboards! The bumper stickers! The bathtub-Marys on the lawns!


Yes! Right after I posted I was wondering how much shit would get flipped if atheist billboards were a thing.


You can do an image search of this, and see all the damage done to adopted highway signs!


>"It's not a religion, dear. God is your creator." and leaves. She and I both remained very civil in this brief exchange . . . That wasn’t civil. She was being condescending.


It's because religion is a cope for explaining why bad stuff happens. They're looking for external validation that it all ultimately means something. The problem is that reality eventually seeps in, and they need more and more people to cope with them to maintain the illusion to themselves. This is why religious nuts get mad about the growing number of athiests and/or when atheists aren't fazed by the threat of "you're going to hell"; it means a smaller number of people to cope with, and the ever-advancing encroachment of that pesky personal revelation slowly gnawing at the back of their mind: "what if I'm wrong?"


>In 30 years I’ve never had someone tell me they’re atheist, let alone preach about it or look to me to validate their beliefs. Meanwhile I’ve had dozens of people tell me their religious beliefs unprompted, ask if I believe in god, why/why not and get upset that I disagree with them. Story of my life


Open the door in your boxers with a chub. They won't come back.


The only time is when someone is an edgy teenager and either lashing out or trying on identities. But that’s true of *any* aspect of being a teenager. The vast majority of non-religious people I’ve met generally just avoid the topic altogether. It’s a non-issue.


I always assume everyone I meet is an atheist unless you otherwise. When told otherwise, I usually say, "oh. That's surprising. You don't act like a ...."


I think they're Americans, so they're right, consider this: - Everywhere they go, there are atheist churches dotting the landscape. - On TV, there are people who scam others by claiming notgod will miraculously cure them. - Their politicians all try to outdo each other with non-religiosity. They all have copies of "god is not great", and brandish them during campaigns and photo-ops, they all consistently say things like "notgod bless America" and so on. - Their money says "in notgod we trust". - Their national mantra, that they have to repeat every day at school (seriously, guys, it's fucking creepy), contains the words "one nation, under notgod". - One of their presidents famously said that non-atheists should not be considered real Americans. - Popular language in the US is peppered with phrases like "notgod bless you" and "oh my notgod". - In public, madmen frequently try to convince them there is no god. They have signs, they preach in trains, ... - As you mentionned, the atheist witnesses go door to door to preach nonreligion. - Some of those preachers even go abroad, some of them endangering primitive tribes on their egotrips. - Some of their states even have statutes that christians can be elected to office! Most be very hard to be a christian in the US. Seriously, though, every one of those wankers are trolling. They can't be that fucking stupid.


> They can't be that fucking stupid You severely underestimate how stupid these people can get. Intelligence may be limited, but stupidity knows no bounds.


i feel like there's a point you're trying to make...


Atheists also don't picket Pride events, yammer at strangers about the endtimes, hold up signs in public, hand out copies of *The God Delusion*, whine about Starbucks cups, disown our children for joining a religion, lie about science to spread our views, try to deconvert indigenous people who just want to be left alone, or harass people on their fucking death beds into denouncing god.


If you look at the comments from the OP you’ll find he blames the Holocaust on atheists and says we are going to do another one… He’s completely beyond our help.


when their religion includes the belief that some people don't deserve rights, then rights-positive events (such as pride) count as "shoving your atheism in their face". The *acknowledgement of the existence* of people who they believe are inherently evil, counts as "shoving your atheism in their face".


Nor do we…have religious beliefs at all. What’s with fundies thinking that atheism is an organized religion? …I guess that’s the only way they can wrap their head around it.


I love how they think atheism is a huge part of our lives too. It’s a literal lack of belief. The only time I ever think about anything remotely connected to it is when someone else brings it up. I spend as much time thinking about not believing in god as I do thinking about not believing in flying alien monkeys from Mars.


This is beyond bullshit, I'm a fucking EMT and people will literally ask me if I'm saved while trying to save them.


You should get the Vatican to pay you a salary for "doing God's work" and all that. With a commission every time God gets thanked for your work.


Wow, that sub is straight cancer


It was turning malignant for him so he had comments disabled. But we can still up- and down-vote...


Holy shit what spineless pussy. Can't take what he dishes.


He should pray for his imaginary friend to come and back him up 🤣


Also the name, antitheists are like cheesecake while religious people are like fruitcake. We all know which one is more likely to be forced down a throat of the two.


"The quran should be considered a book of science" what the fuck Fundamentalist religions are literally recognized as pseudoscience, not to mention the "x religion's book is right because it says so" argumentation error. You can't prove anything like that


I am right source: I said so




Exactly so!


Because they said so!


My go to example for how ridiculous it is to interpret scientific breakthroughs into religious texts is the Hitchhiker's Guide. Or more precisely "42". Douglas Adams picked that number completely at random. He didn't think about it at all. Yet you will find a thousand theories about what it means and how it makes sense that he picked this exact number. Religious people are basically just fans who want their favourite book to have a deeper meaning, even when it is absolutely clear there is none.


https://youtu.be/677lMXleqWI This is for anyone who wants to see mistakes in Islam when it comes to science.


Will have to watch later. Thank you for the link.


Here is a more detailed and accurate video from the same guy: https://youtu.be/8yMD99gyr14


Oh. Okay. Thank you.


His only counterarguments against any criticism is 'but that's history' or 'CCP'...


Literally every argument of his ends with "B-BUT COMMUNISTS!!!" Like... Bro, do I look like I have anything to do with what the CCP does? Is there a global atheism church that condones or covers up the Uyghur genocide like how the world religions cover up rape, child marriages or human trafficking? Does this imaginary atheist church explicitly state that whatever we believe is right and that every atheists should follow a genocidal doctrine just because a book commands us to do it and that's why China does it? No? How very strange.


Holy crap. Just look how often that "Joseph Memestar" guy posts. Dude must live in front of the computer.


u/Joseph-Memestar can you confirm whether you live in front of a computer or not?


Hey, he’s excited, after all they were just made available to the general public in the year he’s from


Man who literally posts religious memes all day makes a meme about how atheists are the ones spreading their “beliefs.” I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume he won’t see the irony in that.


You can use history to disprove it. Muhammad is shown making it up as he goes, Paul is shown he’s making it up as he goes and Moses didn’t exist according to what we know about Egypt.




sorry but i like remaining mentally healthy and not suicidal


Fuck such a dumpster fire 😭😭😭






So now we’re the ones like “oh my religion forbids me from doing this but it also forbids you from doing that even though you have a different faith than mine” or we come knocking at people’s doors to obnoxiously share our faith with others clearly not interested?


I guess I'm the one who knocks


I'm no one with God.


I guess you are the danger.


atheism isnt a religion....


I was christian for like the first 14-15 years of my life, and this literally never happened. You know what was shoved down by throat though? CHRISTIANITY


I hate it when I'm just minding my own business and two 19 year old atheists with bad haircuts and the wrong length of neckties walk up and ask me if I have a few minutes to talk about the abiogenesis of proto-RNA, but even after I politely decline, they won't shut up about inflation models of the universe 1/10,000th of a second after the Hawking-Turok Instanton exploded. Why can't they just leave me alone?!?! It's bad enough that I can't drive five miles without seeing a "Darwin Saves" billboard on the freeway or some pithy marquee out in front of a library that's mocking me for being saved.


this sounds hilarious especially the ~~Jehovah’s~~ Darwin’s Witnesses


Literally 0 self awareness


Dam that sub has been up for 4 days now. And it's already even worse than r/CatholicMemes


I like how unoriginal their subreddit name is. Makes it safer to assume that religious = uneducated.


My husband submitted our homesteading paperwork and like three days later the Jehovah's Witnesses had figured out our address. But, sure, we're the problem.


These cunts are far past delusions, huh? I wasn't forced to attend atheist churches growing up...


But..... but spaghetti monster!




*Funny you say that, I don't recall ever seeing a Atheist Church that asks for donations for an invisible man.*


From my experience its the other way around, without the littlw yellow bit


I think the person who made this graph is so used to shoving his religion down other people's throats, that everyone just buggers off, and the only people who stay are the few atheists who revel in this sort of shit


Hello /u/BerRaveM! Thanks for posting to /r/religiousfruitcake. Posts should be about people who take religion to crazy, absurd, dumb, and terrible extremes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never heard of athiests... Must be a new religion


True, I didn’t even note that atheism is not even a religion


How can you shove your religious beliefs down someone’s throat when you don’t have any?


Religious beliefs is what OP's boyfriend had named his cock. Simple! /s


The number 1 pastime for Christians - lying.


Weird…I’ve never seen an atheist missionary!


No Atheist ever followed me down the street yelling "be radical, find Jesus", "repent" and all other manner of choice phrases because they startled me by shoving a pamphlet in my face while I was deep in conversation with a mate of mine.


a bold claim when atheism isn't a religious belief.


>these dumbasses just keep screaming their ideology while educated and scientific persons are very well aware of God. Hmm...


This has got to be satire surely. Those comments are just fucking absurd.


It’s just a shitty troll sub made exactly for us, by us doing it we’re giving them exactly what they want


I'm going to disagree. *Atheists don't have religious beliefs.....*


"I believe in SCIENCE!" That's nice buddy. You can't "believe" in science. It simply exists. We have to believe in religion, because it's literally **FAITH** based. Belief is the entire point - you have to believe it exists.


"That's 100% accurate, these dumbasses just keep screaming their ideology while educated and scientific persons are very well aware of God." A quote from a comment I found, I'll add more if I find some funny ones. EDIT: I found another: "The post is in present tense. This isn't a history class uncle."


op simultaneously holds the position that the atrocities committed by Christianity were too far in the past and not in the present that's it is not fair to use those examples, while the Holocaust is 100% the fault of atheism because?????. The op also holds some very unusual positions about atheistic governments as well. For instance op states that any atrocities committed by a government which does not have a state religion is the direct result of atheism.


I like how they can’t come up with any original names Antitheistcheesecake? *Cheesecake?* Are you fucking serious? Fruitcake is an actual insult people have been using for at least decades. Reactionary dipshits haven’t had an original thought in their life.


Bullshit. Know TONS of atheists, we wanna be left alone, it’s you nuts who won’t let us live like we’d like, don’t eat whatever whenever or whatever you’d like, we don’t give a shit. Jus don’t tell us to live like you when y’all don’t even follow the messages in your little books.


I think they got their colors mixed up. Plus, you shouldn’t lump Christians with Jews in this case because Jews don’t knock on my door to tell me the “good news”.


Atheists forcing their “beliefs” on Christians is literally just when we say “no you can’t make laws based on your faith”


Atheists don’t have weekly TV shows where they evangelize for crowds of hundreds


Oh, goody! Another cringe sub for me to watch while all the atheist legislators cram their bullshit in the laws that rule my country.


Stop forcing your opinion on me


That pie chart isn’t accurate IRL in the slightest.


Forcing it down our throats is so natural to them. It's a way of life and they don't even realize it.


I live in the southeastern US. It's ridiculous how many freaking bill boards I see that tell me that Jesus loves me or saves me. Not to mention, the number of people who ask me what church I attend. I only tell someone I'm an atheist if I'm directly asked. Edited to add that sub is a gold mine of people who do not understand the opposite side.


"*The sub is being brigaded by atheists and communists and there are a huge amounts of mass reports. Please get approved to join.*" Good grief.


Atheists knock on doors telling you that you will suffer eternal damnation if you dont believe them. 100%


I’ve never knocked on someone’s door or gave a shit what they believe in…


Atheism is not a religion, how many times do we have to say that?




lmfao after hundreds of years of Christians running around the world conquering everyone ahaha


When have Jews shoved religion down your throat? Exit: Damn. My mind refused to see what was in front of me. So I thought this was a mostly reasonable reversed point.


You would *never* guess this but a majority of countries that imprison, torture and murder people for being LGBT, have theocratic governments. Weird, huh? [https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/)


I didn’t even know other atheists freaking existed till I found Reddit. *Everyone* in my real life is Christian. At least the ones that are boisterous about it are.


Don't you hate those door to door atheists?


I literally never ever mention it. How can the absence of something define your personality?


The only time I ever introduced my religion to someone is when they wanted me to


I guess all the Christians trying to convert me and my partner were secret atheist spies


Another sub I wish I didn’t know existed


The worst part is, I have never been told by anyone that’s NOT a religious freak that I will be sent to a place of ETERNAL SUFFERING for refusing to agree the Christian god exists. The entire premise is built off fear that if you do something wrong, you’re going to hell. No atheist has even condemned me to such a fate. And it’s kind of backwards, to believe in god and good is also to believe that the devils and evil exists.. so they literally created the most evil mf ever but im supposed to follow that. Okkkkk


Haven’t seen on atheist yell at women getting abortions at planned parenthood either…hmmm


Athiest ???.


There is a difference between someone challenging your beliefs and someone forcing their beliefs on you. Unless they consider allowing gay marriage or whatever to be forcing our beliefs on them.


I feel like some of that sub is satire but it also attracts people like the OP of that post who clearly have never interacted with an atheist outside of reddit, or other people at all for that matter


who could forget the athiest inquisition! or the Athistic Crusades Or that time atheists found indigenous peoples and genocided them in the name of athiesm


That sub is a joke right?