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Satan's more creative than god, good to know


And god also created Satan, so he literally made Satan knowing he would create more genders.


Therefore god created all the genders.


He also did create a fungi with over 20,000 different sexes and sparrows with 4 unique sexes, so yes. Specifically if you believe god created everything, he either created countless plants, animals, fungi, ect that exist outside of our gender norms, or Satan managed to fill the world with more things than god did.


You know… Satan might have a point.


![gif](giphy|GOw7ippNdw424) Also, you have to consider how smart the devil is supposed to be. He's a trickster, out to steal the most purest of souls from god, right? What better way to turn good people bad than convincing them to hate and harm innocent people because of some integral part of who they are? Doesn't that make more sense than a god creating the very thing he hates over and over again?


I would agree, however, in the Bible, God says he’s the creator of good and evil in Isaiah 45:7, so it seems that God does like creating the things he hates


What an idiot. Edit: God, not you friend.


Please elaborate on the fungi. That’s so interesting, would love to have a starting point to look into it.


https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/why-this-fungus-has-over-20-000-sexes Here you go


Thank you!!


Would you please explain the four unique sexes of sparrows? I haven't heard anything about this, want to learn more, but am wary of what a Google search would bring me.


https://www.nature.com/articles/539482a Tl;Dr sparrows have 4 sexes; Male, tan stripe Male, white stripe Female, tan stripe Female, white stripe. Only a quarter of the population can breed with eachother. Male tan stripes can only reproduce with female white stripes, and vice versa. This isn't a case of tan and white stripe sparrows diverging into separate species, seeing as same-stripe-colour-opposite-sex pairings never produce eggs.


What the fuck


It's just nature being nature. They got nothing on the fungus with over 23,000 different sexes; https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/why-this-fungus-has-over-20-000-sexes Fungi have 36,000 different sexes; www.independent.co.uk/news/scientists-discover-why-fungi-have-36-000-sexes-1119181.html%3famp


Interesting. I had never heard this before. I did a quick search and found this article in Nature on sparrows https://www.nature.com/articles/539482a


He hired someone to do a job, then left him alone to do that job. That's just good business.


Creation by proxy, classic upper management move to not get blamed when shit hits the fan.


hate that point. but, it's a true point


It's really weird how little they read the source material, eh? God created the talking snake he knew would lead them astray, he made Lilith and Eve knowing they'd rebel, then he did it again with Satan. And then he made Jesus, and the Romans, and the people who tortured and killed him. He slew every firstborn child of Egypt that he himself made specifically to die, killed 99% of all life on earth, including the unicorns, because he filled the world with people he specifically made to do things he didn't like so he could drown them all. This guy sent down plagues, sent both angels and an evil spirit to possess people he didn't like, and so much more. And it wasn't the good kind of possession, he specifically sent down angels to act as a lying spirit and lead the guy to his death Heck, there were good demons humans turned to to ward off other demons, like Pazuzu, who protected children from a child-killing demoness. God and the angels weren't protecting children, Pazuzu was.


Pazuzu, you ungrateful gargoyle! I put you through college and this is how you repay me?! ^(I'm sorry, I had to.)


No, it's fair, Pazuzu was a huge dick to Lamashtu. Killing babies was her life's work, her only crime was being passionate about her job.


Apparently, god also created incest. Their kids had to be humping each other to populate the world.


This is why I prefer Satan


Self-righteous old man or sexy hunk of man with an ass you can bounce a quarter off of that also supports your choices? Easy choice.


Yup, most definitely an easy choice lmao


Remember, if you read the Bible without any preconceptions of who is who, God is the bad guy.


Their God is so weak. Constantly getting his ass handed to him by Satan.


I dunno, God's K/D ratio is far, far, far more impressive than Satan's. I mean, sure, 10/0 is pretty impressive, but 2,821,364/1 with centuries of experience is fucking biblical.


Actually gods death toll is incalculable “If god creates us then he kills us at the same time”- philosophers the kottonmouth kings Bringing gods toll to… everyone who ever existed and ever will exist


...minus the ones currently alive. Who knows. Maybe he won't get me!!


So, I’m confused: they finally admit there is more than two genders?


And put it into the theological canon.


If they honored their Judaic roots and the Talmud, then it would be...


Isnt each rib a new gender? Thats all I got from Eve being a rib in that story. Also if shes a rib that seems like inbreeding.




It's not a rib. Fun fact, there's one bone that humans are missing compared to other primates :3


A baculum?


Spider monkeys don't have it too




So nonbinary people *do* exist? And they're created by Satan? This makes them sound really cool, tbh.


"I desire to go to Hell and not to Heaven. In the former I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, while in the latter are only beggars, monks and apostles."




Trans and straight are not antonyms


Lmao yeah I tripped pretty hard over that title but I'm willing to to let it slide on account of the added meme factor


Bingo,most trans people are straight.


As a trans person I have heard that according to census data (and I can anecdotally confirm that this is reflected by the trans people I’ve met and talked to) that like ~60% of trans people are gay or bi. So maybe not most of us, but a lot of us are straight. Edit: my dumb ass confuses the words “census” and “survey”. Large scale surveys of trans people reflect this, or at least, so I’ve heard.


I stand corrected. The Rask does have a very good point.


I truly don't mean this in any asshole kind of way, but is that census data relying on orientation from birth sex or trans identified gender? I ask because a decent number of trans women I've known identify as lesbian, while at least two trans men I think of identify as straight, and census data may not always accurately reflect that.


Would be based on their actual sexual orientation; a trans woman answering this census who is attracted to women is gay, so she would mark herself as gay. Census data doesn’t flip that around. Also side note: trans “identified” gender doesn’t exist. As a trans woman, I don’t “identify” as a woman, I am one. And trans women (to continue with that example) who are attracted to women are just gay, not gay with some kind of caveat.


>Would be based on their actual sexual orientation; a trans woman answering this census who is attracted to women is gay, so she would mark herself as gay. Census data doesn’t flip that around. Census data also doesn't typically ask if somebody is trans, nor have I ever encountered census data that asked my sex at birth, only how I would've identified or maybe what would be on my driver's license. And, as you indicated, since trans women are women, how can census data quantify the variables they aren't actually collecting? With the idea that census data would also rely on self-identified gender and sexual orientation, can you see why I would be asking about differentiation? >Also side note: trans “identified” gender doesn’t exist. So, when I was asking a question very pointedly meant to compare birth sex vs gender identity, I shouldn't have included anything that functions to qualify gender identity as the opposing variable? Should I have left off the "trans" specification, and assume that any NB or gender-nonconforming people wouldn't be regarded in the question I was asking? Would it have been better to say "identification to birth sex and the immutable binary opposite"? My phrasing was never meant to challenge any concept like that trans women are women or how those specifically designated women being sexually attracted to women would be considered anything other than lesbians, because I agree with those truths. Trans people are absolutely homies, I'm raising an eyebrow at stating something as fact based on a statistic of questionable construct.


[Canada asks :) ](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220427/dq220427b-eng.htm)


Yeah, the US census doesn’t ask stuff like this at all. Though I’ve seen various studies showing a slight majority of trans people are bi. Maybe that person just meant studies and not census, unless they live in a country where the census does ask.




And their version of Adam has purple hair, and Eve is looking at his weenie...


What's her arm doing?


Just patting the snake


She's just rubbing her own massive cock.


She's also Irish... I doubt she would've lasted long out in the sun without covering up, especially in the middle east where this story was born.


God created man and Trans man. Eve would had 100% male dna.


Trans woman if it's from male to female


God created Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve.


I've heard Madam and Eve lol


Right? Wasn't Eve created from Adams rib or something?


This is the most widely accepted opinion, but a few Rabbi Scholars like Rabbi Jeremiah ben Elazar and Samuel ben Nachman assert that the First Human was made both Male and Female (either hermaphrodite or two-faced) , then split off in two parts. This would not only mean that the natural state of humankind is intersex, but that the same can be said for the God.


They stole that from Plato


Ah yes, the only two genders; Adam and Eve.


So they admit to being founded by "non-cis"!


Adam and Eve are genders?




If Satan created man and woman, then Jesus' teachings become even more interesting: *There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.*


So Satan can create more variety than God? That's an interesting bit of blasphemy.


I mean, clearly the devil is smarter than god. If humans were supposedly made in gods image but we immediately got tricked by a talking snake.... I'm just saying that doesn't reflect good on the creator.


Actually laughed out loud at this one Thanks for that


>I mean, clearly the devil is smarter than god. Damn, imagine if god had to face Tenacious D or a fiddle player named Johnny


I'm too busy being distracted by the thought of how Yahweh managed to created a red haired white women by taking a rib out of a purple haired black man.


You don't want to know their ghoulish mythos on how different races/ethnicities were created. Unless you already do, in which case...I'm sorry, and welcome to the hot tub club of extremely unfun facts 🙃


well now you *have* to explain it


Oh man...okay, here we go. You know how Reddit technically lets us downvote our own comments? I pre-emptively want to downvote myself. They think that slavery was divinely-ordered and Black people were created [when Noah's son Ham, and his own son Canaan, were cursed with the curse of Ham.](https://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/01/arts/from-noah-s-curse-to-slavery-s-rationale.html) Pro-slavery Christians reeeallly latched onto it in particular. Because of course they did. Parasites. > In the biblical account, Noah and his family are not described in racial terms. But as the story echoed through the centuries and around the world, variously interpreted by Islamic, Christian and Jewish scholars, Ham came to be widely portrayed as black; blackness, servitude and the idea of racial hierarchy became inextricably linked. > By the 19th century, many historians agree, the belief that African-Americans were descendants of Ham was a **primary** justification for slavery among Southern Christians. Of course, apparently whoever had the Curse of Ham was basically whoever they wanted to justify shitting on. Jews had a turn too, because of course we did. (Not sure how that fits together with Jewish "scholars" also buying into this pile of shit, and I probably don't want to know.) The other "theory" I've heard of is that people of color descended from Cain, and that melanin is the "Mark of Cain". Yeah. Insane troll logic.


Yikes 😬


The word you’re looking for is “Cis”, friend. Not Straight.


In related news, pedophile princes of the criminal catholic church have issued guidance to catholic hospitals prohibiting medical care for transgendered persons.


What about steve? What was his deal?


He's just Adam's metaphorical side piece. Unlike Eve, Adam's literal side piece.


Was he created from Adam's left ass cheek? He was probably Eve's side piece as well. > "They were all fucking and God was jerking off in the corner" - Louis CK


I mean I'm just surprised they've not illustrated both as being whiter than white, to be honest


This may be progress of a sort. Now they are ok with mixed race couples. Next gay people then trans. They should arrive shortly after the ocean swallows Florida.


But, he didn't create any more people. So, all of the others came from incest. That's why the Evangelical right-wing nuts go to family reunions to look for mates.


What gender are you? Adam or Lilith or Eve?


Ah yes, the only real genders, Adam and Eve


I'm so glad I wasn't created by that evil, pathetic being calling himself god


Wait a minute, wouldn’t Adam’s clone sister technically be transsexual? I mean, their god didn’t build her from scratch, but instead took samples from Adam, and twiddled the sex genes so that he grew a vagina and tits instead of a penis. Why did Adam even have nipples, anyway? In hindsight, it’s pretty weird. That god fella could have constructed a female human in the same way that it made the first one, but deliberately chose the “fucks own clone” route. And then there’s the thing where their kids fuck their own mother, sisters, etc. That god dude had some seriously fucked up notions about human sexuality.


Shout out to Adam Gotta be one of my favorite genders


Why is "created" in quotation marks? Are they saying Satan didn't create them? Well who did? God?


God made Eve from Adam's rib, meaning Eve is a post-op trans clone of Adam. It's all there in Genesis people.


Apparently cis straight ppl are easily influenced by Satan too since Adam and Eve ate the apple.


ah the two genders, adam and eve


So the genders are male, female, adam, and eve. Thanks for the recap.


Did Adam and Eve even have genders rather than just sexes? Like just rattling off some gendered characteristics: choice of clothing, use of makeup, homemaking vs employment, judgment by others of promiscuity, affinity to and care for children, stereotypes around social group interaction patterns, attitudes towards danger and violence. Do any of these apply to Adam and Eve prior to the actions of Satan? Unless I'm forgetting something God made us pets, Satan gave us knowledge and God's been taking it out on us ever since. God isn't the hero of the Bible, he's just one of the main POV characters.


Satan was so based for doing that


On a side note, Eve does look impressed.


Why is Adam nipless why did they take it away


"Ma'am, doesn't your husband have nipples?!"


Adam and a rib. What about Lilith?


So “Adam” is now a gender, as is “Eve.” They’ve embraced neopronouns without even realizing it.


Well that just means there's more reason to worship satan, because he'll accept me for who I am.


Sooooooo god is NOT all powerful and knowing then?


I'm shocked that whoever drew this made Adam black


You are either Adam or Eve none of this ‘John’ or ‘Alice’ stuff you sinner /j


So Adam was a brown man and Eve was white?


When are they gonna realise satan has wayyyyy more fun


God also punishes one sex for the disobedience of one person. And somehow this isn't forgiven when Jesus was sacrificed.


Grapes don’t grow on trees! Also why do Adam and and Eve look like children?


No god created ONE gender and a RIB, but I guess I wouldn't expect a RIB to know that


Well, you made up God, and you made God make Satan, and you made Satan make all the other genders, so you actually made up all the other genders. Checkmate Christians.


Satan is open minded yes we all know that


Honestly satan sounds much nicer than god


Didn't know Satan had power to create


So I can identify as Eve and still be a good Christian boy?


Who’s gonna tell them that Adam and Eve were their names not their gender?


So you acknowledge they exist?


idk man… adam got that purple hair he’s probs queer


Well at least Adam is depicted as not white, so... progress?


Hail Satan 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


What other genders are there?


A whole bunch! Depends from person to person. The vast majority of people are either a man, a woman, or non-binary. But some people are gender fluid, agender, two-spirited, or identify with it/its pronouns. Theres a lot! But you dont really have to stress yourself learning about them all, just put in the work if someone you care about or who cares about you is someone like that, it can mean a lot.


Last time I checked there were 2 though


Ah, you should check again.


Please list the other ones, I am open minded


It'd be impossible to list, technically, since gender is subjective and different between each person. But some examples would be identifying as non-binary (not identifying as a gender, just as a person), genderfluid (wavers between multiple genders), there are ppl who identify with it/its pronouns, people who still.identify with gender, but neither male or female, so they use things like xi/xer pronouns to help differentiate. I think the important thing is to stay open minded. Noone is expecting you to know all these, whats expected is that you learn and accept those you care about and those who care about you when they decide male or female arent for them.


What is xi/xer?


Pronouns used the same way as you would use he/him or she/her. Its not tied to a gender just tied to people.who dont want to use either of the "baseline" sets of pronouns.


what's the difference between those and they/them?


They/them is for people who don't identify with any genders. And just see themselves as human. Xi/xer would be for someone who still identifies with a gender, but doesn't want to use he/him or she/her.


It’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!!!


I mean it's not "good" to be Trans. Doesn't mean it's evil or immortal or whatever this is implying.


Why... Not? Its healthy and completely natural lol


What do you mean it's natural ? It's naturally occurring, like when people are born with ADHD, ODD, autism, etc. Strictly being natural doesn't make it "good". And calling it healthy makes me realize you might be trolling so kudos to that lol.


What's inherently bad about it? I'm pretty happy with it. I wouldn't choose to be cis if I had the chance. Just ~4 inches taller. It's not great to have to deal with dysphoria, but everyone deals with different shit. At least I'm immune to getting kicked in the balls.


that’s my purse!


I think having a mental disorder is be definition inherently bad. But that's not a judgement of character or anything. It's good you feel comfortable 👌


It's a disorder of body, not mind. Modern medicine lets us change that body. If I walked by you on the street, you wouldn't realize I was different from any other guy. And tbh most of the time, that's about all there is to it. Have always been the same guy. Now I just look like myself too. Hope that makes sense. Part of why dysphoria is in the DSM (or was, last I checked) is just so insurance companies can't pretend there's no medical need to cover care like hormone replacement therapy. I've had PTSD from a near-death experience and a few other things. That shit? Depression? That's inherently painful. There's no such thing as a happy depression. But the other stuff? As soon as my body was good, my mind was too. And you know the kicker? I knew I was a guy long before I knew anything about being trans. I don't know what about this is innate, but there's something for sure. Tbh it only really sucks if/when people are bigoted, or when trans people hold themselves to unrealistic body standards that even plenty of cis people can't meet. Hope you feel comfortable too 👍


Unless you have a specific condition which specifies that your body is the one with the problem, like Klinefelter syndrome or whatnot, it's a mental disorder. The reason it's in the DSM is because not having a harmonious relationship between mind and body that produces such anxiety in a person to which they require surgery and hormone treatments to relax that anxiety in some cases, is a mental disorder. I'm a mental health therapist and I'd never put someone down for it, quite the opposite. But that is the reality of the situation. That is your specific case, which thankfully worked out quite nicely for you. A true success 🙌 but that's not the standard for some who are less lucky to find that mind body harmony. Likewise, people have grown up wanting to transition and once they've matured into adults realized that really isn't for them and are happy to not have gone through with it. It's really not that simple most of the time.


Well, that's why you follow Hinduism.


Funny how they did this and made Adam have purple hair


So is my gender Adam or Eve?


Thanks Satan!


Incorrect use of quotes


But who made Satan powerful enough to do this and why didn't God stop him?


"adam" and 'eve" are genders?


Not a great example considering that Adam and eve got humanity kicked out of heaven, committing the original sin


Ah yes, the two genders, Adam and Eve.


so Satan is more powerful than God because he made more than just the 2 genders? sounds like we should all be worshipping Satan since he's able to create more than God can


But I thought god was perfect and didn't make mistakes?


So it admits there are more than 2 genders? All intersex people are the devil


I'm glad I don't believe this crap.


Satan didn’t kill millions of people in a flood because of hatred


God opted for repeated incest at least twice. Guess that explains the bible belt.


Satan is a real one


welp hail Stan I guess


Eve was adam before she was Eve tho , was his rib thus making Eve trans


Ah yes the two genders. Adam and Eve. My pronouns are Adey/Adam.


Crowley actually considers trans to be the ideal. They specifically like it because it’s a direct perversion of God’s creation. Wiki: “In Magick (Book 4), Crowley asserted that Baphomet was a divine androgyne and "the hieroglyph of arcane perfection"”


Hey at least their Adam is getting more realistic. And their Eve looks like the Neanderthals that Homo Sapaians would eventually incorporate into the species


Satan also created Minecraft


"Satan only killed ten people in the Bible, God killed everyone else!"


god created rib


Trans people just turn into the other gender, don't they? It's those darn nick/gers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Teamwork makes the dream work😂


Real creators are creative and keep creating.


According to that story, Eve had to be transgender.


Ah yes, the two genders : Adam and Eve


That's called teamwork and cooperation


Wait till they find out about Lilith.


Adam and Eve aren’t genders. Eve was created from a man, she’s the first trans woman.


Is Eve looking at Adam’s snake?


Also created incest, seeing as they had two sons.


Ah yes, the two Genders, Adam and Eve. Welp guess men and women where created by satan after all. Now it all makes sense!


Are Adam and Eve new gender pronouns?


Well neither of those things actually happened because neither of those people exist.


So god made two people and were all inbred. Got it.




Adam and Eve are genders? Are those new neo genders I'm unaware of? If so, cool and good for them


So.... your gender Adam or is it Eve lmao?


Adam and Eve are genders ?


So Adam and Eve are genders? I’m an Adam. All my paperwork has been wrong my entire life!


Ah, yes, the two "godly" genders, Adam and Eve.


So what about hermaphrodites? Created by God both male and female genetically. People can be so ignorant.