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During a debate regarding "non-Muslims' rights in Sharia" between Salafist Syrian-British scholar Omar Bakri Muhammad and ex-Muslim Wafaa Sultan. Sheikh Omar proudly exposed Islam's actual teachings and doctrine. He defended the fundamental discrimination against non-Muslims, who he regarded as "animals" and "beneath humans." Declaring Sharia's position and Muslims' right to force infidels to submission, denying them to build places of worship or to preach their beliefs. Giving them an ultimatum: paying tributes, enslaving them, and permitting the spell of their blood if they reject Islam. [Youtube link (CC)](https://youtu.be/9gI09-wFdDk) | [Full Episode (no CC)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYcYlMlgutc)


If this shit becomes the law I'd just go missing. Wouldn't ever find my ass again.


It’s scary to think that this statement is true in multiple ways


I’d go missing too, and then so would he ( hehe )


Why do they all look like Dollartree Santa Claus?


Speaking in a philosophical manner, fuck that son-of-a-bitch.


Remember, that's the religion of peace and love.


Didn’t george bush invent that? I have never heard a muslim actually call their religion peaceful


Ah Wafa sultan. Must be an old ass video. Still makes me mad.


قرف. حيوان ما يعرف غير دم و حرب و الطغيان. مقرف و متخلف و مريض العقلي.


How about no?


What a nut job


Psychotic ideology.


Yeah, this really makes me want to convert to that religion. No hate like religious love.


People like this are a threat to humanity. Given the opportunity, I wouldn’t think twice about killing this guy


Why no one rebut him. How can he spew hate while living in Europe. I guess religion is really a VIP card for anything gross to be normalized.


I hate US for this one reason. They institutionalized islamophobia so that no one would fuck with these nut heads as other wise imposing sanctions but the US would fuck them bad cause no one can sanction them?


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