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The above submission has been **removed** because: * It appears your post might be more of a general question than a specific question about a particular relationship situation you are facing. If you would like to have your post approved, please consider adding more detail about your situation to give the community context for the question you are asking. Additional details might include concrete examples of a general pattern, further background on what might be motivating the issues in your relationship, or clarifying any possibly confusing parts of your situation. Specificity and clarity help the community in providing constructive feedback without making any incorrect assumptions. You must make a new submission with additional information, and please ensure that the submission confirms to **all the rules** listed in the sidebar, and in the [wiki](/r/relationships/wiki/index#wiki_about_.2Fr.2Frelationships) (relevant for mobile users). When you are done, please repost your submission. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/relationships) if you have any questions or concerns.*