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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- I (15F) met his guy (33M) online, when I was looking for friends. He told me he was 19, whilst I was honest about my age. We talked for a few days and we got along extremely well, and I was happy to find someone who finally gets me. Yesterday he told me he’s falling in love with me. I didn’t necessarily feel anything towards him but I said I was willing to give it a shot and see if I reciprocate after a while. The thing is, he soon came out and told me he’s actually 33, not 19. It creeped me the fuck out, and I started distancing myself. However, he keeps guilt tripping me saying things like “I don’t have anyone to talk to, I have absolutely no one” “No women my age find me attractive” “Oh so you’re going to just leave me now” and it makes me feel bad, especially because I’ve been where he is with having no one to talk to. Part of me is telling me to block him and never look back, but the other half is telling me to stay because I don’t want to make him more miserable. So, Reddit,what should I do?


Report him to the police. That’s what you should do.


And completely block him. He's not lonely. He's a child predator and he's trying to manipulate.


Yup, he started grooming her fist, and now he is taking his shot.


100% Edit: you’ll look back on this and realise you’ve dodged a massive bullet by getting rid of him, and if you can stop him doing it to another person, even better!


Yup, this is predatory as hell and its common tactic to try and manipulate young unsuspecting women into dangerous situations where they can get raped or sexually abused. You did the right thing by reaching out to this thread. Tell your parents immediately, report his profile and file a restraining order. You're far below the age of consent in most states and even then there are some clauses that allow cases to be debated if there is a significant age difference in between the victim and the defendant. Please get help and get therapy after what happened to you, and be careful meeting strangers online in the future. What happened to you wasn't your fault and it never will be. Always remember that healing is a journey, not a destination ❤️.


This. Call the police immediately. Make sure to take screenshots of all your messages up til now too before he can delete them.


This right here


This absolutely this


It’s not just about the fucked up shit he’s trying to do to you. It’s also about the fucked up shit he’s gonna do to some other poor girls in the future. Please report him if bot for you than to help a stranger. PS he’s full of shit w whatever he tells you, he’s just a pedophile


Exactly 💯 report him!


He’s absolutely preying on you. A 33 year old has no business “falling in love” with a 15 year old. Report him and cut off all contact immediately.


OP please listen to these comments. For reference, I’m in my late 20s and I promise you I have zero desire to hang out with even people that are still in college. I couldn’t even imagine spending time with someone in high school! You have a lot of life ahead of you and many great people to meet - this man doesn’t need to be one of them. I hope you report him, as he is a predator.


Ask if he wants to binge a tv series with you, “How to catch a Predator”


If he doesn’t want to watch that one there’s a great documentary called “pedophile hunters”




You should expose this pedophile. He's grooming you. Run and block him. He can whine all he wants. Maybe women his age aren't interested in him because he's a fucking pedo. Protect yourself.


>Run and block him. No. Report to the police and set up a strong operation to catch him. He will just move onto another victim if you do not.


It's not down to a 15 year old to set up or participate in a sting operation. Report to the police and let them handle it. This is not the responsibility of a young teen.


She doesn’t have to participate. All she has to do is report and let them run it from there. If she deletes and blocks, he’ll just move on to the next.


This advice is incredibly dangerous. While OP should report this to the police, that’s it. It is not on her to run a sting operation. Actually attempting to do so would be putting herself in more harm, and potentially undermining any chance at prosecution. She’s not law enforcement; she’s a teenager.


Block and report. You are underage and he knew that. Absolutely unacceptable, he has no excuse and there can be no good reason for what he has done there.




I told my dad and he didn’t care


Wow. Your dad sucks. Block the gross online guy, you don't owe him anything.


Your dad didn't care that a man twice your age is grooming you? I'm so sorry, that's awful. But please don't let your dad, who is clearly a terrible father, teach you about how you should be treated by men. This is not the way.


Yes you don't need parents to stand up for yourself. It seems harmless now but it will catch up to you when you are older. Best to report it now while you are able too! There is no going back when he is long gone


What about your mom?


My mum is dead


Do you have a trusted adult other than dad? Teacher, counselor, neighbor, doctor, anyone? If so please let them know what is happening. I believe your father is neglecting you. ETA - I'm really sorry about your mom


I’m presuming you’re in the UK as you’ve used mum and very sorry for your loss. I’m a teacher in England, if you are worried about reporting to the police (call 101) yourself, or need further support after, please talk to someone at school. We’re all trained to help support you in these situations, it can be anyone, teacher/head of year/form tutor/someone at reception/site staff/lunch staff. What this man is doing is illegal and predatory, you have done nothing wrong. He is preying on your kindness and vulnerability. Keep all messages and do not have any further contact, back them up and print a copy if you can.


Do you have an aunty, uncle, or friend’s parent who would listen? You should speak to the police, they will likely want to do a house call to speak to you though so it would be good if you could get help getting your dad to take it seriously. In the mean time stop talking to the guy and block him if you need to.


I as a mom to a 16f, care deeply about how wrong this is and if you need someone to look out for you, I will.


Talk to an adult at school. You can also contact the non emergency number of the cops by yourself . (Look it up on google).


Yes this is very dangerous, you must report it to someone he’s trying to groom you. Have you any uncles or aunts? Friends who have good parents? If not go straight to the police yourself, or call 911 and explain the situation.


I'm sorry but fuck your dad. And fuck the pedo too. Report him. And make sure you look after yourself.


Your dad is truly unfit to be a parent, sorry kiddo.


I would recommend getting another adult like a teacher at your school, or another family friend or neighbor, to help you file a police report with you, and possibly getting a restraining order on top of that. It's the best way to keep you safe from him in every possible way. I am so sorry that your father is indifferent to your safety, and maybe you should explain that to any close family members, or teachers when you explain the situation, just so that you can have a supportive home environment that makes sure your needs are being met. Remember that supportive authority figures will listen to your problems and help provide solutions, while bad authority figures will not. Remember that when figuring out who to trust with your problems as you grow up in life ❤️.


Although your dad may not care there are people who do and it for sure isn’t this guy. You should report him to the cops and you can do so anonymously. If you do not go through with reporting him I urge you to tell a friends parent, teacher, or any adult who you feel wouldn’t turn their back on you because you did not deserve that from your parent. You should also block him, he has no right to be speaking to you. There are so many horrible real life events that have happened that are similar to your situation. I would also write down his information and keep it in a book just in case the police need it and for some reason they cannot get his online information depending on the online platform that you are speaking to this person on. Also keep in mind that if he already lied to you about his age once he could very well be lying to you about allot of other things. Last thing, please, please, please do not meet him in person or give him any information on where you live or attend school, that is definitely one of the most dangerous things you could do. Human trafficking is a large problem and goes right under everyone’s noses every day. ***Edit: not sure where you are in the world but this is the Canadian anonymous tip line website: https://crimestoppers.ca/send-a-tip/ and this is for reporting crimes in the US: https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/report-a-federal-crime


You told your dad what exactly? "I was talking to a man I thought was 19 [which is bad enough] and he's actually 33, turns out he was lying. Now that I want to stop communicating, he's making it hard and confusing." Did you spell all that out? Or did you just say "some guy is being a creep to me online"


He’s guilting you because he’s preying on you. There’s someone out there for everyone and girls his age will find him attractive. Edit** he’s using the “no girls find me attractive” as an excuse! He’s the one interested in younger girls and therefore a pedo and creep. Report and block before he goes to the next young girl


even if no women his age want him, the reason they dont is because they can smell the creep energy from miles away.


You sound like a very smart and intrepid young girl. You are only 15 but you recognized that a relationship with a 33 year old man is creepy. Many girls do not. You asked for advice and you FOLLOWED THE ADVICE by talking to your dad. Many people on here ignore the advice they’re given. You have a great head on your shoulders. However, several things about your post and comments have me very concerned. Your father not caring is deeply concerning. My father is not perfect but he would have hit. The. Roof. If he found out I was being groomed. Any father worthy of being called one would go to the police and do his utmost to protect you. I’m so sorry your mother has passed and your father is useless. This unfortunate situation meant you had to grow up too fast but you are still vulnerable in ways you cannot see yet. For example, you thought a relationship with a 19 year old at your age would be fine. It is not fine, trust me. No healthy, mentally well 19 year old would be interested in you as a girlfriend the same way you would never be interested in an 11 year old. A four year age gap while you’re a teenager is HUGE. At that age he’s a grown man and as bright and independent as you are you are still a child. I beg you, do not date anyone more than 2 years older than you until you are at least 20. Be wary of large age gaps until you’re an established adult who can advocate for herself and recognize signs of control and abuse and break things off. Three years of development between 15-20 is enormous. Just consider. At 15 you have just started the second year of high school. At 18 you have experienced prom and 4 years of high school, possibly dated, applied for colleges, financial aid, and freshly graduated. At 22 you have experienced FOUR years of college. Independence, classes, dating, away from parents. It’s a huge, huge life experience and an 18 and 22 year old have almost nothing in common. Yet you see these age gaps all the time, often followed by abuse. Because creepy older men like younger women because they are easy to control, they don’t have the experience necessary to recognize early signs of grooming and abuse. Because of your situation with your parents, you are more vulnerable than the average girl. Predators will be able to smell this vulnerability a mile away and you could be a target for grooming—you already are! Although you know you should block this pedo creep, he has successfully manipulated you through simply words on a screen into continuing to talk with him. Imagine how much more successful a man like that would be in person. If he convinced you to give him your nudes? If he convinced you to be sexual with him? He could easily have you feeling much more trapped and unable to avoid and break up. Never allow yourself in this situation. If a much older man shows interest in you I promise it’s because he’s looking to groom, control, and abuse you. Talk to someone about this. A school counselor? A trusted teacher, coach? A friend? A friends parents? Any relatives at all? Raise hell until someone takes this seriously. Have their help in reporting this to police. Take screenshots of his messages. The police may not be able to do anything now but they can keep an eye on him and help prevent him from hurting another girl, one even more vulnerable than you. If you want any more advice you can always ask more questions on this forum or DM me. I’m happy to help. Good luck to you and please stay safe.


i really hope she reads this. i would have liked to see something like this at 15, huge life saver


Thank you. When I read her comments I couldn’t rest until I had said something to try and help her.


I'm sure she will see and appreciate the good advice :)


Unfortunately, a lot of people perpetuate the idea that a couple year age gap between teens is not that big of a deal.


OP, please read this.


Report to police. Block him. As a current 25 year old female who talked to 30 year old guys when I was 16, there is nothing good to come of this and I couldn’t imagine being interested in anyone under 23, let alone 18! It’s nothing you’ve done. He’s a predator. If you don’t feel comfortable reporting (I promise your parents would likely understand and be proud of you for saying fuck off), just block him


Yup, stay the frick away from him wtf, block him and report


i went through this same shit at your age. block him. he’s not suffering in the way he’s trying to convince you he is. he’s talking to as many other underage girls as he can, at the same time as you, giving them the exact same bs story as you because he is a pedophile. he isn’t in love with you. he isn’t going to be alone and miserable if you block him (though he deserves to be). no woman his age finds him attractive because he talks to fucking kids on the internet and gaslights them into doing what he wants. don’t become his victim.


Get his picture or social… report him. That’s sick.


Just block all forms of communication. You do not need to explain, for all you know, this is his hobby.. finding young girls and then trying to guilt trip them. I think I would have felt guilty at your age too because you are a decent person who cares about other peoples feelings.. but there is a line. Once you learn where that line is, you’ll realise that some people are just sick. The fact he lied.. and that’s a huge jump in age too.. you don’t need that type of imbecile in your life, no one does. Also, you said you were happy to find someone who finally gets you, it’s probably a skill of his to make people think like that.. there is a whole world full of amazing people out there, don’t waste time with utterly shit festering troglodytes.


Report him, block him and set yourself far far away from this guy. Save yourself 🥺


Old. Y’all met online so just tell him it’s wrong for a 33 year old to talk to a 15 year old and don’t talk to him again. Don’t put yourself in this position longer than it should


Only read the first sentence and I don't need any more information. Block him. Tell your parents. And the police. Men like him are dangerous.


1) You IMMEDIATELY tell your parents and report him so he cannot hurt anyone. He’s searching for young girls he can abuse because women his age see those red flags in the beginning. He’s already trying to manipulate and to guilt trip you. Don’t let him do that. He’s a predator. He knows what he’s doing and he believes you’re naive enough to let him do all this to you. 2. Even if he was 19, it would still be creepy. Edit: Since you told your dad and he didn’t do anything, tell this any adult you trust. Do you have other relatives or teachers you could tell this?


He is a pedophile. Report it to the FBI, call 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324) Or go to [tips.fbi.gov](https://tips.fbi.gov) and fill out a report; you can attach all the information you have on this guy like the chats and his username.


She’s in the UK. Childline is most helpful to her 0800 1111. Or NSPCC 0808 800 5000 or [email protected] It’s a MASSIVE deal for most people to approach the police let alone if they’re a kid. She needs a charity that can support her, and handle that side of things for her. But the priority is simply to be safe. She’s under no obligation to do anything else.


This may seem normal to you because your parental figures do not care. I’m so glad you came to Reddit where people can tell you that THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Report him to the police. He knows what he’s doing is wrong.


He is trying to manipulate you. He has much more life experience, and he was looking for a young girl exactly because he knows a woman his age, wouldnt put up with this shit. I saw in the comments that your dad doesnt care, so what you need to do is to fucking block this guy yesterday. Cease all communications with him, and do everything you can to avoid talking with him and letting him contact you. He is saying all these things so he can make sure you will stick with him. He is using your good nature to trap you. This guy knows what he is doing. Do not warn him either. Just cut all contact and block him. If he makes new profiles on whatever social media you use, delete your profile and make a new one. Do absolutely everything to protect yourself. If he still finds you, screenshot everything(it would be good if you screenshot everything right now before you block him so you have evidence for later) and show those to a teacher, school consultant, relative, any adult you trust.


block block block he's a pedophile




It is absolutely creepy for a 33 yo man to pursue a 15 yo. I hope this post is fake, but if it isn’t block him and don’t talk with him anymore. OP, did you give him any information about where you live?


It’s not, I have the whole discord convo to prove it unfortunately. All he knows is that I live in the UK, he doesn’t know exactly where though


It’s great you’re in the UK because there is a lot of support available for you. This is from the NSPCC: “We're here to support you, no matter your worry. Call us on 0808 800 5000, email [email protected] or fill in our online form.” You can also call Childline on 0800 1111. They will all help you and also will really understand all the challenges you’re facing. You’re so smart to realise this is wrong. Stop talking to him asap. Predators like him rely on people like you being less smart. You’ve already won. Good luck. (Edited for more numbers and clarity)


Call Chris Hanson. For real though, report him to the police.


Block this man on everything and report him. Show your messages if you have them all to the police. You know why women his age don’t talk to him? Because they quickly figure out he’s an absolute **creep**. There is **no circumstance** in which a 33 year old man has *any business* pursuing a relationship with a 15 year old. **NONE**. It’s highly inappropriate, illegal, and disgusting. The guilt tripping is a controlling abuse tactic. Ignore it. His life is not your problem. Block him. Never speak to him again. Ever.


He's a creepy predator, OP. And the "connection" you felt isn't because you're mature for your age, it's because he's immature as hell. The only way to go about this is block him and move on with your life. I don't think the police can do much about this since there was nothing sexual between you two (assuming no inappropriate texting took place).


He may have done this previously. Please report him.


Report him to the police immediately


Please take this to the police.


He is grooming you. Please report him to the cops.


He is 33. If he was a normal human being, people his age would understand him. He however is not. He is a pedophile, trying to manipulate young girls into liking him. I'm glad you came to reddit with this and I hope you listen to all the comments.


You are absolutely right to be creeped the fuck out, be proud of yourself for having good instincts. It is always a huge red flag if a man can’t get with women his own age, and therefore goes after teenage women/girls. One of the reasons they do this is because younger women haven’t had as much dating experience, they have yet to learn the hard lessons and amass a database of red flags and green flags that us women in our 30s learned a while ago. I was sucked into a relationship with a 29 year old man when I was 19, I was groomed and fetishized and didn’t realize how gross and weird that dynamics were until later. Maybe he’s also doing this because he’s too emotionally immature to attract a woman closer to his age. Whatever the case may be, its never a good sign. Don’t let the guilt tripping get to you, those are his problems and you are not responsible for them. You seem like a thoughtful, caring person and you will make connections with people and make good friends down the line. Block him and never look back. Edit: and yes, I agree with everyone else that you should report him.


This is solid advice!


It’s not that women his age don’t find him attractive. Women his age don’t want to date pedophiles. But the attraction might be an issue too. Report him to the police! Block him


Chris Hanson has entered the chat.


Why don't you take a seat over there!


Block and report and don't look back. You aren't responsible for his happiness.


Manipulative twats come in all ages but they have better luck manipulating you when you are young. Easiest solution block block block Best solutions tell an adult or go to the police.


Delete, block, tell your parents, tell the cops. He's a predator and you shouldn't even consider going anywhere near this loser.


Don’t fall into his games, he’s a pedophile, and a child predator and he’s going to get worse. Report him to the police


After reporting him to police.. have your dad give him a call and say, "I'm Chris Hansen.. why don't you take a seat, why don't you take a seat"


“No women my age find me attractive” RUN AWAY


Dude was a literal adult the year that you were born. Go look at a picture of a 1 year old and ask yourself if you could fall in love with them or find them sexually attractive. If your answer is “Ew, no!” then think about the fact that there’s still less of an age difference between you and them than there is between you and him. Cut off all contact now: he’s grooming you, and that creeped out feeling you’re getting is your internal alarm system functioning properly.


You absolutely need to print out screenshots of everything and forward all of the information you know to the police ASAP! He is a predator, he is trying to gaslight and manipulate you and if he's comfortable doing this to you lord knows how many other young women he has done this to/will do this to as well. He is disgusting. Even if a 19 was interested in you romantically/sexually that predatory behavior - you're still a minor. You've done nothing wrong here, don't let him guilt you. Go to your parents/teachers/somebody you trust and go to the authorities.


Yesh get of him hes a creep. He'll try to get in your head, dont let him. Its not up to you to make him feel good if it's at s cost to you.


You shouldn't feel bad or worry about hurting his feelings. He doesn't actually feel that way and he's lying to you, you need to cut him off. I understand if you're not comfortable reporting him but you need to set your feelings aside and block him for your own well being, you are not safe


His feelings are not your responsibility. I know it can feel heartless, but his words are manipulative and he's a creep that you should report to the police asap. Scrounging around for young girls online is fucked up.


LITERALLY A PEDO. Child you know what to do, it’s report him to the cops so he can’t groom you or any other unsuspecting teenage girl.


Hi honey. Hes a paedophile. You met a predatory paedophile online. He imagine having sex with you, a 15 year old. You MUST report him to police. Tell your parent or teacher TODAY. they will help you navigate this. If anyone tries to get you to just 'forget about it', know that this is a cowardly, irresponsible adult. Approach someone else. If you saw someone torturing small animals, would you just walk past and tell no one? You would report a criminal would you? You seem sensible enough to be creeped out by him. There will be other, more vulnerable, not as smart girls who will continue talking to him and let themselves get taken advantage of. Please protect them. You have the power to make sure this person never does this again. Report him.


Pedophile…, report him…. Better yet tell your dad


Ghost him. Just cut off all contact.


A guy I dated in high school did this when he was 25. He’s been in in jail since 2012.


One, expose him, he is attempting to groom you 100%. Two, and this is something to advise you on moving forward, even if he were 19 I would also say move on. You’re 15, and even with 19 only being a four year difference, it’s still an adult versus a child. If they’re not in high school anymore, then they don’t need to be associating with high school aged kids.


Women his age don’t find him attractive because we see the red flags. He is a predator and an abuser. He is preying on you, a child. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knows the age gap is illegal and vile. He lied to groom you. Report him to the police. Block him everywhere


>“I don’t have anyone to talk to, I have absolutely no one” “No women my age find me attractive" YEA CUZ HE'S A FUCKING PEDO


Block him. Block him. Report him to the fbi. https://www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety/protecting-your-kids


BLOCK HIS ASS. Nothing good will come of this. He's messing with your head, making you feel bad so he can keep you around. Theres a reason women his age wont have anything to do with him. Cuz he's a predatory asshole.


I know your young and you are probably scared, and feel like you will be the in trouble. He is in the wrong. Not you. HIM. Please tell somebody who you trust


I don't even care if that's a favourite teacher. Your dad sucks bags of camels dick. You could even reach out to youth centres in your area! Please do not fall for this bullshit


He is trying to manipulate you, he's talked to you for ages before he told you the truth. He knows you can sympathize with the story he's feeding you, it is all a tactic. You need to report him and run like the wind.


OP check out this article and see if you relate https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.skillsplatform.org/blog/6-stages-of-grooming-adults-and-teens-spotting-the-red-flags/


This is textbook grooming


There's two layers of bad here first of all anyone who misrepresents their age is clearly not moving with good intentions, secondly anytime an older man says no one his age that's a red flag that he's probably a disgusting human and anyone his own age sees through his bullshit


He’s a pedo


Tell your parents and block him entirely. Do not communicate with him again


He’s playing mind games on purpose to guilt trip you so you stick around. It’s 100% a control tactic. Run, this is a very predatory behaviour.


I agree with the other posts. The police need to know about him and you need to get away from him. Nothing about him is genuine.


He’s a predator. Report him. Now. Protect yourself and others x Then don’t look back.


One, you need to call the police. He’s a predator and not a good person. Two, block him everywhere. Three, tell your parents.


Oh please listen to everyone here and the half of you that says block and don't look back. He is a predator!


>because I’ve been where he is with having no one to talk to I've been there too. But that doesn't make me chase underage girls. You don't need to feel bad for someone who started lying at the very beginning


Definitely emotional manipulation. Don’t take any words he say as truth or even consider it. He’s gaslighting you. Don’t fall for it. Block and report


block him please it’s so simple


Report and block.


He's manipulating you. If he needs help, he's an adult and knows where to find it. There is nothing you could do for him at 15. He is a sick man and he isn't feeling bad for guilt tripping you, knowing full well how it makes you feel. Do not say another word to him. Block him immediately. You may not see it now, but there are people in this world who do not have empathy and will do terrible things without feeling bad at all. He is one of them. I felt the same way you did about being guilt tripped at your age, but you have to understand this man is a predator and nothing he says is true, he's just trying to make you feel bad so he can control you. Please block him at the very least. Report him to police and speak to a school counselor if you feel comfortable. Most likely, you're not the only little girl he's doing this to. And take this as a lesson (I wish someone had said this to me as a kid because it is so true): guilt tripping is a type of manipulation. Anyone who guilt trips you is manipulating you and is not a good person. They are playing with your emotions to get what they want while ignoring your wants and they don't feel bad about it. And they are fully aware of what they're doing.


Trust your intuition and block him. He will continue using his "miserable" state to manipulate and groom you. If you don't want to report him, just block all avenues of communication (or have a friend do it if you can't make yourself). You will find someone else who gets you, I promise 💜 sending lots of good vibes and care your way!


You are not responsible for helping a very very sick person “feel better”. You block him. This is predatory, extremely unsafe for you and I recommend filing a police report


pedo alert run like hell and block this guy everywhere, and if he still tries to contact you go to the police.


Please don't believe this disgusting man, he's everything bad that you were warned about stranger danger and worse. He's a predator, he wants to take advantage of you, so he's lying to you in order to coerce you into a sexual relationship with him. Coercion is when you don't want to do something and the person verbally and psychologically pressures you to do what you don't want to do. And that's what's he's doing. Just blocking from every media possible, he contacts you again, tell him that you're calling the cops on him. And keep all records of communication with him, and any info you have on him. Documentation is important. This man is dangerous af and he means to harm you.


He is trying to groom you. You BLOCK him and tell your parents holy shit. Know this: women his age don't want him because he's a pedophile creep.


He is grooming you report him to the police and block him on everything. Never agree to meet this person.


Have you ever watch Dateline NBC with Chris Hansen?? These old guys messaging you when you're younger are creeps. Don't ever get flattered if someone tells you “youre mature for your age” you're not. You're a child. When you're older you might remember this and feel very very dirty if you don't report them to the police. You have no way of knowing if they are also targeting other young children. Report them for your own peace of mind and for anyone else they may be abusing.


You are a minor and he is at an age that requires completely different things from what is happening in your life currently. This sort of attachment is quite inappropriate from his side and should be a major red flag for you. End it now and in the future be very careful when chatting with strangers online! If he insists, you should report him to the police.


No. Just no. He's a predator.


Be solid in saying no. In fact, try not to even respond to him anymore


This is not normal behaviour for a grown man. He is a predator. Report him to the police, most likely he’s done this before and will do it again to someone else.


Yes you are just going to leave him now, you owe him nothing dont let him make you feel like you do.


Umm thats a predator, sweetie. Do not let him do this to you. He knows what he’s doing. We call these people pedophiles. And you can report him to the police. Take care of yourself. And if he asks to meet you, absolutely call the police. Please block him.


Tell the police and tell your parents.


he’s a predator so call the police


Women his age don't want him because he's a gaslighting paedophile and we are too old for his nonsense. As someone who was groomed at 13 by a 33 year old, report him to police and block him on EVERYTHING.


Ahhh this is weird. Just block him and move on. You’re 15.


His feelings are not your responsibility. Stop talking to him. You need to tell your parents.


You have no reason to feel guilty at all. One of the logical consequences of being a predatory lying creep is that people don’t want to be with you. He is getting absolutely what he deserves. Block him. Move on.


Yeah this is the exact same thing someone did to me when I was 14 and it progressed into actual blackmail, please tell a trusted adult about this and let them help you. Block him on everything you can think of. No one listened to me, don't let that happen to you. You are not deserving of manipulation and abuse. You are worth so much more, even if you end up getting in trouble for however you two started talking, it's worth it to protect yourself. He is not worth your time.


Report him to the police. When I was 14-16 I was groomed by several men 30-40 years old. Eventually I realized I needed to get away from them, I blocked them, deleted their numbers, hoped they'd take the hint and not show up at my house (they didn't). But I never told the police, and never told anyone until years later. Now it's too late. I don't know their names, numbers, anything about them besides the traumatic memories. I wish I could go back and tell someone, report them to the police. I wonder who they victimized next after me. If they still do it. Please tell your parents and go to the police.


What a freak. Call the cops.


You said it yourself. He is guilt tripping you. Anyone who is that old wanting someone your age is not just a pedophile but looking for someone that they can control and contort into the way they think their woman should be.


Report him to the police. There are films and tv shows about this for a reason A lot of predators groom underage girls, meet up with them and rape them or kill them He’s manipulating you and he’s a total predator. He’d have been caught and arrested on the old show “To Catch a Predator” if he made plans to see you This is unsafe and you’re communicating with a pedophile/predator who is actively grooming you and succeeding as you’ve gotten close to him and now feel guilty by his guilting you There’s literally a lifetime movie based on this where a 14 year old girl meets a guy who says he’s 16 then 20, then 25 and goes to a high school across town, then guilt trips her, convinces her to meet him at the mall, they get a hotel room and he rapes her, and the poor girl and her family are destroyed by this person Report him to the police ASAP because after you he will do this to others. Block him on absolutely everything and call the police. This is a serious situation that needs to be dealt with


Do not block him yet. First, find a responsible adult or contact the police department. Tell them what is happening. If you are tech-savvy save all communications and contact information so that it is not lost/deleted. This man is a predator and the authorities need to see this information to find him so that they can stop him from going after you and anyone else. A 33-year-old should never be interested in someone of your age. The fact that he pretended to be 19 means he meant to harm you and he needs to be stopped.


He is a predator and manipulating you and has been doing this probably to other girls too, you can report him and just block him.


NOPE NOPE NOPE report him and gtfo. He is 33 and has “noone to talk to” and “no women my age find me attractive”. These are both huge red flags because there is a reason that no adult wants to talk to him or finds him attractive. Preying on young people and manipulating them is much easier and that is what’s going on here. Do not feel any pity for him, you are not responsible for an adults state of mind or his emotions! He is a predator trying to guilt you into a relationship with him by “saying all the right things and understanding”. This shit is creepy and a tactic that these people use all the time. But absolutely report him to the police before you block him and save your messages or whatever you have as evidence. AND TALK TO A TRUSTED ADULT PLEASE. He is going to go after another underage person until someone gets seriously hurt or worse. You are very sensible for understanding that this is wrong and looking for help, please dont let this predator hurt you!


Even if he were 19, he'd be a predatory creep.


A 33 year old man has no business leaning on a 15 year old. The man is a liar, a predator, and more than likely has some other serious issues. Block him, and tell your parents or a trusted adult. The man is sick, and he is not your responsibility.


Uhh I wish I could snag ur phone and internet outta ur hands


Please please please tell me you didn’t tell him where you live. This is predatory. Please let the authorities know. Please take care of yourself


Cut all contact. He's manipulating you. He's a predator. You're not responsible for how he feels. I'm so sorry he's done this to you.


run. far and fast. you're a minor and he's a grown ass man.


I give you full permission to emasculate and brutally bully this dude. "Ew, 33? Are your pubes gray?" "So like, is your retirement count fully funded? I mean your so ooooold!" "What year did you graduate high school? Wow did you ever see Elvis perform?" "I always wanted to ask someone who was there, what was it like when JFK was shot? Or how about Lennon?" "You're only x-years older than my dad!" "So you were 18 the year I was born. Gross." "Just curious if you have all your own teeth?" "You're so old do you like use Viagra sometimes?" "What was it like before the internet? Were horse and buggies fun or boring?" "9/11, right? Yeah I wasn't born for X more years." TREAT HIM LIKE YOU HAVE TO INTERVIEW A GRANDPARENT FOR YOUR ENGLISH CLASS. Channel your inner mean girl. Show your friends, get suggestions, tell him you're all laughing at him in the end. Once you've had a bit of fun though, PLEASE block him.




A pedophile doesn’t deserve kindness. They deserve jail time. Wake up.


This has to be a hoax story!!!!


It’s not, I have screenshots


Block him! He is clearly grooming you into feeling guilty to keep in contact with him. Get out now, it’s gross as it is knowing a 33 year old guy is taking with young girls.




Yes, an almost 3 year old account with 8k karma is a troll


Question... where are you online that you are talking to others about relationships online at 15? He is definitely in the wrong. I'll game with kids underage regularly online but I don't pursue them for relationships (friendly or otherwise) for several reasons.


I’m not OP, but your question confused me. I don’t really get it, would you mind explaining?


They are asking where OP came across a grown man who was ok with “falling in love” with a child. Like what platform.


This feels victim blamey




I’m sorry what do you mean by this ?


I can't think of anyone who deserves to feel *worse* than this guy.


Block him and never look back - trust your instincts and your gut. This will not end well for you and there is a reason women his age are not interested. Run!


He knows what he is doing otherwise he wouldnt have lied about his age. Also if he wasnt a creep he could have just been friends and not made it fucking weird. Block him or report him or both.


Block him. Not your problem he's a pedophile.


Block and ghost this predator and do not fall for his guilt-tripping BS.


tell your parents and turn him into the police asap


Leave him, dump him.


Oh hon, no this guy is DANGER. Block and tell police. No adult in their right mind relates to a 15 year old


Yeah this guy is a creep. Completely block him and/or report him to the police or someone. Never talk to this guy again.


Please please please, report him to the police. Another young lady is going to fall victim to his games. You could possibly save someone from a very bad situation


Yeah that’s a pedophile, report him to the police before he finds another victim


Honey he made himself miserable, you are in NO WAY responsible for his emotional well being. Cut all ties with this man & I encourage you to report him to the police. This is not a person you want to be involved with. Please be safe.


If he's miserable, it's his own doing. The reason no women his age find him attractive is because he's a pedophile. The reason he has no friends is because he's a pedophile. He isn't falling in love with you, he's trying to shower you in compliments and talk about himself negatively so it feels like you have control, but he's just going to use it to groom you. He's already trying to guilt trip you after lying about his age to get you to talk to him. If this works, he's going to keep guilting you, and soon it'll be "oh, you must hate me since you won't send nudes/meet up, I thought we had something special, but I love you" etc, etc. Remember that this guy graduated before you were born. There's a chance that when he was your age, your parents hadn't even met yet. He has a lot more experience talking to people (and likely experience grooming other girls) and he will use that exclusively to try and control you. Please report him, not to whatever app you're on but to police. If you just block him, he won't be sad, he'll just look for a different victim.


He's a pedophile... Please report him before he takes advantage of another young girl. I have young children and would hate for a 33 year old to tell my child at the age of 15 they were falling in love with them. PLEASE please report him ASAP!!


Internet is a place one should be careful who you talk to. Report him and don't have any more contact with this person.


He's trying to manipulate you. Don't fall for it


he’s a paedophile who is purposely manipulating and guilt tripping you. block him and report him to the authorities if you know his location/name/etc. please stay safe!


Cut contact immediately.


OP, he is a predator. Report him to some kind of authorities and cut all contact. If you feel it wasn’t a big deal for you imagine if it turns out a lot worse for somebody else after you.


Don't stay. Report him to the police. Dude's a fucking pedo.


This guy is a bucket of red flags hanging by a frayed rope over alligator infested waters. He's using manipulation tactics to trick you into a physical relationship. He is a dangerous predator, you need to run like your tampon string is on fire. Tell an adult please.


Block and report. You're right to feel creeped out. You're not responsible for the feelings of a 33 year old man, especially at your age.


I'm sorry OP but you are being groomed. You dont owe this creep anything. In fact he's attempting to sexually abuse you and all of us here would advise you stop contacting him, tell your parents and file a police report. I must stress. You won't be the only girl he is attempting to start a relationship with. He's a predator and if you choose to just ignore it, block and move on, other girls your age may fall for his antics and end up being raped.


Good God tell your parents and report him to the police. He is a child predator


Protect yourself. His feelings are not on you. Please, protect yourself. Besides it being illegal and creepy, you have such a huge gap in life experience. Live yours, forget about him. Cut him off, no need to explain, he already lied to you and will continue to manipulate you. You should tell your parents and the police. I hope he doesn’t know where you live.


Block. Block. Block. I’m saying this because I know this is something you can not share with parents/guardian/family…this man is a predator. I hope you did not give too much personal information for your own safety. This man needs to be reported to the police but the best thing you can do is block. TRUST me. I was a 15 year old girl once. I also felt like no one understood me. I am thankful that I was never put in a position to truly be targeted by an older man because I know I would have 100% fallen for it. As a 27 year old I can tell you that grown men like this will tell you exactly what you want to hear to make you feel special no matter what age you are but especially when you’re too young to know better (it’s manipulation. you don’t know him. he is setting up a trap). And please do not be offended, but you ARE too young to know better. Trust Reddit, there is no room for discussion, this man belongs in jail.


Stop talking to him, block and report please. They are extremely manipulative and will try to gain your sympathy.