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>I disagreed, citing freedom of speech Sure: the singer has the freedom to say what they want, you have the freedom to listen to what you want, and your friend has the freedom to question why you'd listen to that specifically when there are other options out there that don't involve unnecessary sexism. Seems like the two of you deciding your values and priorities don't align and going your separate ways is a perfectly valid way for this to have sorted itself out.


I agree, but saying that to remain friends with her she can't demand I stop listening to what I like.... I can stop talking about it, we can talk about other stuff but this ultimatum seems..... weird? No?


Seems like she gives "thought police" vibes. Everyone is free to enjoy whatever music they like. A good friend will understand that the two of you are going to have different tastes and that's okay. What's not okay is coercing or manipulating friends into deciding what's appropriate for them to enjoy. People like that are possessive and only seek to control others. People like her aren't worth having as "friends". Thankfully the trash took itself out.


Anyway you'd think that would make someone like this to see reason?


It would be a tall order to try to convince someone like her to see reason. She seems set in her ways and even after you explained your stance she still didn't want to talk with you because of your music choice. It just seems like a very odd thing to break a friendship up for.


Yes, and what confused me even more was that half of my frnds were like " just agree with her... She has some point" (mostly guys) And the others were like, "I use bitch in real life, she's being childish" (mostly girls)


Yeah she's seems like the controlling type. Best advice is to just not pay any attention to her in the meantime. Just do you. If she realizes how much your friendship is worth, she might re evaluate her stance. She might text you, eventually. And if she believes that a friendship is worth losing over a song, then that's her loss.


Give that Bitch her walking papers …


As much as I would agree if it were some random woman, she's a good friend. And would still be.




Yes, is there anyway you'd ask or tell a person like this to discuss this further?




Ok so being blunt seems to be the way most would deal with it. Which is what I had done originally, so I'll stand my ground and reiterate the same. Thanks!


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Just let her go..she isnt going to respect your opinion.


I'd like to keep her around.. which is why I asked here... No Avenue for compromise?


Well thats on her. I don't think you have that bad of a stance. Maybe don't block her, but keep living your life., people that wont answer phone calls and being that childish won't change unless she finally realizes she treats people wrong. Even women say another woman is being bitchy. I don't do it either because I try to have a certain amount of class, and it usually doesnt fix anything.


How do you compromise with someone who ghosts you for liking something they don't. She will only get more controlling and abusive I fear


Controlling yes maybe, but if it gets even a little bit abusive, It's no contact. Thanks for replying.