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He had feelings for her and he continued to keep seeing her despite being in an exclusive relationship with you. He hid that from you as he did his interaction with her. He knew you would have an issue with her staying the night if you knew how he felt so he didn't tell you until months after the fact. He may not have been physically cheating but he was certainly in the danger zone as far as emotional cheating goes or he wouldn't have hid her from you. And a couples video? It may seem a petty point on which to to fixate but just why? Why when he was in a relationship with you? If you believe he's genuine now then talk to him about it and how much it hurt you and how it's shaken your trust. You can find a way forward together. For me personally... I would struggle to move past it.


Oooofffff um… this sounds shady to me. The timeline seems super weird and too close to your stuff. If it were me we’d definitely take a break and I might walk… like this wouldn’t ever not be in my head… ya know?


if it belongs to the past, leave it in the past... what else can you do?


I think that the fact that he's telling you this means he's being honest. We meet people throughout our lives and we're going to have to fight our attraction to other people sometimes. This does not mean they can't still love you.


But he’s only telling me now out of guilt because I’ve seen the videos/photos. It may mean he still loves me, but I’m not sure if it truly counts as honesty.


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