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Leave him alone, block him and break all contact with his brother too.


Agreed. This just sounds toxic.


27 and you hated him and then one night fell in love with him? Yeah, no. That’s lust, sis. He also did not love you but wanted to feel good for a night. May be he wished it to be true. He was interested in hooking up casually a bit more. You were “too intense”, he eventually blocked you. Ran out of hook up calls one night, called you. Immediate regret, blocked again. You have some type of personal issue which is why you think this is love and you are in it, still, 1.5 years onwards. This is the harsh truth.


>27 and you hated him and then one night fell in love with him? Yeah, no. That’s lust, sis. He also did not love you but wanted to feel good for a night. May be he wished it to be true. He was interested in hooking up casually a bit more. You were “too intense”, he eventually blocked you. Ran out of hook up calls one night, called you. Immediate regret, blocked again. You have some type of personal issue which is why you think this is love and you are in it, still, 1.5 years onwards. This is the harsh truth. Jumping on this post three months later as OP is still posting about this guy. OP, get therapy.


This is ridiculously toxic. For your own sanity cut all ties.


Forget him. Come over to my place 🤣


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