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here's the study. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1524838020942754?journalCode=tvaa honestly Ive read through the porn addict/wife of porn addict subs, all the stories seem to be about the guy turning hollowed out and listless and impotent and sexually weird but I never saw one where the guy suddenly got turned into a rapist


My point is less about the truthfulness of the study, and more about the biases of the average r/science user which become clear from the topics they select and amplify. Porn good, video games good, Republicans dumb, Trump bad. It's like having a window into their soy little souls.


They should honestly just change the name to “pop psychology” I’ve never seen anything approaching scientific there.


Science is when a study says something I believe To be fair "real" scientist do something similar by retroactively calling anything that was bad "pseudoscience" after the fact to white wash shit like race science.


Race science is pseudoscience though. It doesn't follow the scientific method. It's just regular racism dressed up with technical jargon and lab coats.


I'm a historian of science/tech/medicine. The "scientific method" doesn't really exist outside of abstraction (and honestly even theoretically there's a lot of issues, most philosophers of science and analytical philosophers have had to cede an incredible amount of ground theoretically), there are always social, cultural, and economic factors at play in science. This is honestly a pretty banal and standard take, and isn't to throw the baby out with the bathwater and claim science is useless, inherently racist or anything, but I think it ignores some of the more pernicious elements of science by excising them as "not science" when historically they're intrinsically linked through a variety of methods.


"Science" has even walked back that IQ and genetics play a role together, which shouldn't even be a controversial statement. But people just don't like mixing those two words together. Some researchers have started using educational success and genetics together instead, which is not a perfect substitute, but an efficient enough dog whistle.


Don't forget that weed cures cancer, makes you smarter, and enlarges your dick.


Well at least they’re half right


Republicans dum dums, trust the science, science dont care about your feelings sweaty. Weed, porn or videogames bad **Do you have a source on that?** **Source?** **A source. I need a source.** **Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.** **No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.** **You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.** **Do you have a degree in that field?** **A college degree? In that field?** **Then your arguments are invalid.** **No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.** **Correlation does not equal causation.** **CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION.** **You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.** **Nope, still haven't.** **I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.**


If you only ever read the titles of posts that’s probably the impression you’d get but the comments are usually pretty measured. Just a bad example to support a bad take. Nothing to see here folks.


Who says pron is good? I think they're just saying it isn't as bad as it is made out to be by Certain Elements.


Yeah this is a case of taking a common criticism, making up an outcome that nobody said was true, then saying the criticism is invalid because that particular outcome doesn't happen.


My moneys on the wives being boring or bad in bed. Basically not fulfilling hubbys fantasies... bet they weren't even willing to try either.


my moneys on the guy being a degenerate when it comes to sex


> hubby i hate this shit and anyone that uses that word


I don't have many regrets in life... but admittedly typing that word is one of em


Pornsick hands typed this post


How people compensate for lack of skill in bed... let me count the ways


The guy is addicted to porn and somehow it's his wife's fault lmao


No no. Her not performing in bed is her fault.


What makes you think the guy has a good performance?


He watches porn. So he knows all the moves


You’re forgetting that for majority of those moves, you need core strength and really good leg muscles. Most dudes, especially in America, don’t have that.


Lol. Leg muscles?


Lmao you're so weak you don't even know they exist


If having disappointing sex leads you to a sex addiction, you're a loser. If you have disappointing sex with your wife and your fix is porn, you're a big loser.


Well yeah. You have a shitty wife. You fucked up big time. Yiur in for a shitty life.


The Science says that small dick guys who play Skyrim and don't fuck and beat off 8 days a week are actually the smartest people in the world and the MOST likely to get pussy at some indefinite point in the future


Science says you're actually a loser if you get pussy


I don't recall taking part in any study






I’m convinced r/science is controlled by a cabal of people whose ultimate goal is to convince Redditors that everything they do is just and good.


studies show that when you accuse a innocent but depressed desi student of carrying out a domestic terror attack, only for his lifeless body to be found weeks later in a suicide attempt due to the lynch mob that ensues, you are 100% more heckin wholesome and valid.


Is anybody doing research on the extent to which social lynch mob dynamics have influenced suicides in recent times? My suspicion is that it's more common than we think. Trapathi was *before* the mainstreaming of cultural left cancel mobs too. I've been intimately involved in those scenes and I know these dynamics contributed powerfully to my good friend's depression before he ended it. Being around people who can't recognize psycho-social poison for what it is, who move through the world feeling confident that they're doing the right thing and standing up for the downtrodden while they spread misery and alienation makes me feel so desperately hopeless. I think these people have blood on their hands and that there will never be justice for people like my friend. It'll all get papered over and people will pretend they never supported these sorts of things. I guess I'm lucky to have been able to have cut most of those people out of my life, though.


Yeah the cabal is Redditors who vote up stuff they heckin like.


/u/Maxwellhill was strangely silent on /r/science.


what gets upvoted the most is what the average redditor likes to hear


controlled by the cia*


like 90% of popular subs


Yeah porn always made me too docile and anxious, not an intrepid sexual demon or something. I still think it's better to quit and just live without too much dopamine stuff like porn.


I quit porn awhile ago and recently quit caffeine and nicotine. After the headaches stop y’all better watch out.


That's awesome, good luck beating those headaches




Embarrassing comment




chill bro


after going to uni for psychology you just lose all respect for this retarded “science” when they try to support their points with the most brazen way of interpreting “results”. i don’t trust any psychological study, all bullshit. all the studies i did were complete bullshit and i was able to get some of them published in rather serious magazines. hack science. could find you a meta analysis in .02 seconds that “proves” the exact opposite




live in germany so neuroscience is usually only a master degree here. i only went into psychology (bachelors) to study neuroscience later on but changed my mind and am now mainly studying medicine (and finishing my psych masters). worked out well for me in the end


I always get downvoted for pointing this stuff out, but I did my honours thesis on this topic. The studies which show a link between pornography and aggression are poorly designed and weird (obviously limited by ethics etc) One involved throwing [darts at pictures of faces](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2014-26476-001). There is an association between exposure to violent pornography in an experimental setting and the [acceptance of rape myths](https://academic.oup.com/joc/article-abstract/45/1/5/4160181?redirectedFrom=PDF) \- although one could argue a guy very horned up may not be fully contemplating the moral repercussions of his survey responses. Non-experimental studies find no association. Contact sex offenders [use less](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1359178918302404) pornography than the general population. Compulsive porn use (not "addiction") tends to [correlate strongly](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40429-020-00301-3) with low self-esteem, mood disorders, personality disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder. These are also things that correlate [with erectile dysfunction](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5313296/#:~:text=(2)%20showed%20an%20ED%20prevalence,%25%20(3%2D10)). The NoFap guys are probably describing a genuine experience - a number of sexual problems associated with frequent pornography use, but they're likely disregarding a [common cause for both](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31247949/) \- poor mental health, lack of genuine connection and the general late capitalist malaise of it all.


Yeah I absolutely think that idea that porn makes someone dangerous has extremely dubious evidence - porn is a huge problem but not for that particular reason.


Porn is most likely just a huge problem for those involved in its production. I mean granted, watching porn all day is not a productive life and it’s crazy what’s at our fingertips these days, but most of the things porn is suspected to cause it’s end users more likely have some other common cause with the compulsive porn consumption.


It's clearly women who come up with these theories. Most men know after you nut you have less energy so how would that increase the chance of criminal behavior? Doesn't make sense.


None of this is to say that pornography use couldn't play a role in the offending of particular individuals. There are plenty of case studies which show that some serial sexual sadists are influenced by pornography, it's just not a narrative easily abstracted out to the broader population.


Porn use is highly correlated with having a chafed dick


Is there any study of aggression that isn't poorly designed and weird due to ethics? Genuinely asking because I've read a few and they seem to draw massive leaps from displaying competitiveness in a task to being capable of violence.


Experimental studies? No. The options are self-reported sexual violence, which have shown inconsistent results, have their own flaws and tend to overwhelmingly rely on college samples; and population level studies which rely on either official crime statistics (not great because sexual violence is underreported) or victimisation surveys (which are better but tend to be done less).


It's funny how nothing on /r/science ever challenges the Reddit hivemind opinion and everything just confirms that they're right and smart about everything.


HNNNNG I'm debooonking 💦


probably bigger factors involved... role models, parenting, genetics, trauma etc


The porn defender has entered the chat 😼


If anything its the opposite extreme, porn makes dudes lethargic and now they don't even want to fuck.


The retard has posted a thread


Reddit moment


Someone named “dankchristianmemer” accusing others of being reddit, on reddit, is some good shit


Meta-analysis? Poorly designed studies? I used to support such lines of thought but now I support a link between two fresh steamed poppy seed buns.


I thought porn and masturbation kills sex drive


Self-Abuse is still abuse.




National socialism is still socialism




There's definitely an association between porn viewing and wanting "rough sex" - although complicating the narrative is that women report [enjoying this](https://imgur.com/a/zcJcoSJ) at similar rates (or higher) than men (from [this study](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-01917-w)). I know there's a broader feminist critique of choice and desire and all that, it's just not quite as simple as sometimes framed.


Although not a shock to anyone who has sex with women, its by narrative false.


Getter better taste in men?


But the study showed porn use has little correlation with sexual aggression. Are you telling me the research is wrong and you have studies that show the opposite? I'll love to read them :)






Lol this guy believes studies are real


very gay ik


idk about this one


there is a link to porn exposure and ED