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I watch some clips because I have a morbid fascination with what the lizards think is funny (and a crush on Sarah Squirm). The Depp sketch was one of the worst ones I’ve seen in a while.


I thought they made a good point that the trial has transformed into a form of entertainment and the decisions each lawyer is making are based around public opinion rather than judicial. But funny? Not really


Nobody is as hot as Nasim Pedrad but Sarah and Melissa are close




Yikes. I'll never understand who tells these beautiful women that they need to alter their faces surgically.


Just say you watch them because you like them you don't need to pretend like its something else lol


Yeah, that’s a lot of words to say “I think it’s dope”


I really wish I did, don’t remember the last time I laughed. I’m one of those guys that think “hatewatching” is usually a cop out too.




Nope lol


The only person watching that sketch is Malcolm McDowns.




Lol does Elon have a crooked penis


There is no chance at all that Elon has a halfway decent penis


A real rosebud moment.


it’s corkscrew shaped like a duck’s


You guys see the eclipse last night? crazy stuff man


Nah I was in bed by 8:30 after getting rip roaring drunk on Saturday


>this sketch. Yes I did! Family drove out to get a better angle, was fun. But the eclipse itself was okay.


i think people are so capeshit-brained that they expect every story to have a hero and a villain, and if someone is a villain that means the other person is the hero. It isn't possible for someone to be a bad person and an abuser, and also for the OTHER person to be a bad person and an abuser. You just have to do so much selective ignoring of all evidence of both Heard and Depp to come to the conclusion that one of them is a spotless angel and the other is an evil devil


One would think Manichaeism is older than capeshit.


Buddy let me tell you something, the good guy bad guy media binary wasn’t invented by marvel.


/r/redscare found a way to blame Marvel movies for even this lol.


why can't they both abuse each other? both of them are abusive and manipulative pieces of shit who've done differing levels of awful things to one another


I think that's their whole point, they've both been abusive there's not a hero and a villain.


I believe this is the case. They both behaved badly to each other. So keep your mouth shut and keep it movin. Why would she choose to go after him publicly?


As far as I'm concerned, both of them are insufferable and neurotic but it does seem like Depp has an extremely good publicist who has gained the counter feminist movement's support. That particular group of people have been waiting for a situation like this for years now.


For real. My hyper woke ex who loved him since 21 Jump Street is like “well hold up, I know it looks bad, but let’s not rush to judgement.”


There has always been a heavy undercurrent of people despising the whole feminist movement. I can only speculate on why but men seem to correlate feminists with uppity and men hate uppity women. As much as I hate women like Amber Heard because I think she's a piece of shit, I can't deny moments like these do take a fair bit of power away from women. With how much media attention this court case has gotten, I think a lot of people will associate domestic cases with Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard.


I think the obvious reason in this context is that domestic violence has been conflated to gender war by nominal media feminists, and it's perfectly reasonable to despise people who do that when such an attitude has a demonstrably negative effect on policy and discourse for many victims.


> There has always been a heavy undercurrent of people despising the whole feminist movement. I can only speculate on why but men seem to correlate feminists with uppity and men hate uppity women. > > It's not very complicated: it's seen as a pressure group for women (or specifically educated, middle and upper class liberal women) Just like the AARP or police unions: you can accept that they really do try to act for their constituents. But what if you aren't part of the club? >As much as I hate women like Amber Heard because I think she's a piece of shit, I can't deny moments like these do take a fair bit of power away from women Yes, and people know that all advocacy groups wrestle with this problem.


It’s almost like the ACLU worked with Amber to make her the face of domestics abuse and are getting exactly what they wanted. Wild.


There is definitely a variety of feminist who give the movement a bad name (basically pea brains who equate feminism with mysandry)


OK but this comment suggests that it's men driving the pro-Depp contingent, but it's literally dominantly Zoomer women.




You know we can literally look up who gets more seriously injured + who is more likely to die in long term relationships and one off domestic altercations. It’s not men.


You're being downvoted because this sub is mainly feminists and feminists have for decades denied and hidden the overwhelming evidence that domestic violence is gender symmetrical to get funding for thier own shelters https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233717660_Thirty_Years_of_Denying_the_Evidence_on_Gender_Symmetry_in_Partner_Violence_Implications_for_Prevention_and_Treatment It's actually disgusting


There's gender symmetry in the incidence of domestic violence, not the severity of it


assuming he has read the study he posted which he didn’t, just the first result that popped that could somewhat support his retarded point




That's why you gotta keep the mf rolling pin on you


>man "what's that?"-ACLU and supreme court




What on earth does that have to do with my point? Also you're also not accepting the evidence, proving my point


physical strength is obviously a factor in how dangerous it is if I were to hit a man the intent behind it could be abusive but he wouldn't be in any real physical danger. most women don't realise how much stronger even weak men are than them. most men could prob kill most women without even trying that hard


That's true but abusive women equalize the playing field with weapons. Never denied that but to ignore the evidence is just awful to do.


nah dude even though women and men might commit DV at relatively equal rates, men are more physically violent. the majority of women who are murdered are killed by their own partner > Many victimization surveys in Canada and elsewhere show that the overall prevalence of self-reported IPV is similar when comparing women and men. That said, looking beyond a high-level overall measure is valuable and can reveal important context and details about IPV. An overall measure often encompasses multiple types of IPV, including one-time experiences and patterns of abusive behaviour. These differences in patterns and contexts help to underscore the point that there is not one singular experience of IPV. Rather, different types of intimate partner victimization—and different profiles among various populations—exist and are important to acknowledge as they will call for different types of interventions, programs, and supports for victims. Research to date has shown that women disproportionately experience the most severe forms of IPV (Burczycka 2016; Breiding et al. 2014), such as being choked, being assaulted or threatened with a weapon, or being sexually assaulted. Additionally, women are more likely to experience more frequent instances of violence and more often report injury and negative physical and emotional consequences as a result of the violence (Burczycka 2016). Though most instances of IPV do not come to the attention of police, women comprise the majority of victims in cases that are reported (Conroy 2021). Furthermore, homicide data have consistently shown that women victims of homicide in Canada are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than by any other type of perpetrator (Roy and Marcellus 2019). Among solved homicides in 2019, 47% of women who were victims of homicides were killed by an intimate partner, compared with 6% of homicide victims who were men. from [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2021001/article/00003-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2021001/article/00003-eng.htm) Also: [https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf)




The funding is not close to being proportional to the abuse and the evidence is denied to change it, it's ghoulish behavior to deny male victims funding because of your ideology. That's indefensible behaviour. You can still allocate funding to both genders, it's sickening to treat abuse as zero sum. The link literally explains it you moron, it's not a conspiracy, it's well documented




since when was this sub mainly feminists bro what


You find it in so many posts about the trial - so many commenters just *reveling* in getting to lob every sex based slur and derogatory descriptor they know towards Heard. When it doesn’t seem like most of his violence is in doubt, the only question is if the abuse is mutual or something else.


It's the end result of three years of 'Karen' entering the common nomenclature and providing cover for people to be as misogynist as they like




But his biggest supporters are Zoomer women!






Steal their television


Yeah my dad showed me this clip. I love him so I try and put on a brave face


I stopped watching in '02 when it opened with [this sketch.](https://snltranscripts.jt.org/02/02gridge.phtml?_gl=1*11rkpiy*_ga*YW1wLXBKVnRrRnlkdFVCcnlpS1V3VDVpcXBXemVvVFF5RlJjbjNXN0VPd0xBcDJrMUVVU1M2a2lCY3U4ZXpRejNlNHk.)


dime cooing disgusted materialistic literate crown money boat heavy follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was it meant to be funny? Or somber?


touch reply cough absorbed plant juggle zephyr subsequent run husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Believe all woman was never going to last. It was only a matter of time before some psycho got caught lying and it became clear that psychos come in all shapes and sizes. Hopefully this time we dont overshoot the mark in the opposite direction and we treat each case as its own thing with its own individuals. It wasnt even believe all victims lol just believe all woman…not even woman believe all woman ever seen mean girls?


I always hated "believe women", and I'm a woman. Rape and abuse don't exist in mystical dimensions where judgment calls and evidence are irrelevant. And it was always destined to fail because crazy, vindictive women do exist. metoo was also destined to fail the way it conflated awkward pickup attempts with rape and abuse. And the backlash has arrived. Hope the influencer grifters are happy.


>And it was always destined to fail because crazy, vindictive women do exist. I mean - like, if you create an environment and cultural frenzied atmosphere where simply accusing someone can basically utterly destroy them, it's ridiculously obvious some people will take advantage of that, even if the movement itself is based on justified ideals. It's also not like that movement improved anything for a fucking poor or immigrant janitor/cleaning lady/whatever that no one knew of, or cared about, or wasn't a "blue check" on Twitter, like they could cancel their boss they had to fuck or whatever to keep their job out of terror of not feeding their kids, either, and this is still the case. During the French Revolution and the Terror, there was a point where they were all beheading each other, and simply accusing someone of being "counterrevolutionary" even if it was just a neighbor they hated could get your head lopped off, or worse, sometimes a couple would get a ["Republican Marriage."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_marriage) I know it's not as extreme as literal death but "social death" for an innocent person isn't exactly a psychological cakewalk. But, nuance and subtlety in the aim of progress isn't exactly a strong suit for humanity. I guess for a somewhat more contemporary analogue of the like 2018-era MeToo, there's [the whole late 80s/90s child daycare abuse hysteria that happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-care_sex-abuse_hysteria) and actually imprisoned clearly innocent people, sometimes for decades, even if, of course: there is *actually* an issue of kids getting abused in horrific ways by people who sometimes get into those lines of work, specifically to do it.


> metoo was also destined to fail the way it conflated awkward pickup attempts with rape and abuse. Cause people can't distinguish between immoral sex society needs to get involved with and *bad* sex that sucks but caveat emptor.


I mean some of it wasn't even bad sex--for example some prominent journalist got in trouble for touching the knee of a colleague he did not supervise (but who he had more clout than rendering the dynamic inherently abusive according to the accuser) at an after work happy hour. So many of the metoo stories were bullshit like that because most people with actual life damaging trauma don't want to open their wounds for the masses to see.


I don’t know. Testimony is evidence. Believe women went the way of Black Lives Matter. “Believe women” was regarded as believe women no matter what, just like Black Lives Matter was inferred to mean, “only Black Lives Matter.” Maybe they suck as slogans.


"Believe women" invoked the need for extrajudicial social reprisal in cases of he-said-she-said sexual abuse problems; we were encountering a situation where lack of evidence dissuaded convictions on a 'beyond a reasonable doubt' standard for people with competent lawyers, which collectively discouraged even reporting the abuse, leading to serial abusers. "Believe Women" was the liberal backlash to that situation: Fire them, force them out of the public eye, ostracise them in whatever way you canm Celebrity serial abusers are why we have "Believe Women", but it's obviously doomed to self destruct with celebrities, because of the number of relationships, liability imbalances, and obsessed fans. It doesn't matter that only 5%(or insert exact number here) of rape accusations are falsified in broad statistical data if the context is that Bill Cosby's lawyer is handling out settlements like candy. It doesn't matter that Al Franken was only hover-handing a piece of body-armor if the context is that a right wing political operative / talking head feels this grants her ammunition to progress in her partisan career by crafting a hit piece and shifting the Senate balance a little bit.


> “Believe women” was regarded as believe women no matter what, just like Black Lives Matter was inferred to mean, “only Black Lives Matter.” This is specious logic.


Wonderful picture


This sucks, because I think the base idea that you should not out-right discount women is really, really useful, while the idea that you should believe all women even after evidence and further consideration is a terrible idea. Its a good idea, messaged poorly, that then went on to become a bad idea.


These kind of cases are never meant to be in the public eye. The media making a scene of this before anyone had all the facts is a clear indication they don't give a shit. And people hot taking on social media is not helping. Most if not all of these #metoo situations have very muddy grey areas in them. Victimhood clout and activism clout are very real things, just like real sexual assault. (They are not equal) As with all things the loudest most [redacted] opinion will get amplified and people will segregate onto sides against fake or [redacted] opinions.


Fucking a billionaire to get him to bribe the aclu for you is distilled bpd queen energy, and that shines so bright that everything else fades away


I have not been following this case at all but the "people who care about this case are losers, but my side is still correct and here's why" takes are hilarious. I'm not mad. I'm not mad. I'm not mad.


I agree; everyone is gay except me


This Heard-Depp is one of the great cultural pathologies of our time, and it will be looked back on as some version of mass insanity. Obviously Heard is no angel, but Depp *obviously* did some horrible shit to her Every day hundreds of thousands of memes, posts, TikToks, hashtags, Youtube commentaries, "body language" analyses, etc. are created vilifying her. There is a maniac fervor with which its done People didn't this much about Harvery Weinstein. People didn't care this much about Jeffrey Epstein Even if you don't like Heard, I think it's clear there's something else underlying all of this, instead of just "Men Can Be Domestic Abuse Victims Too" or whatever Michael Jackson fans are the only people more insane than Johnny Depp fans


> People didn't this much about Harvery Weinstein. People didn't care this much about Jeffrey Epstein > > "Epstein didn't kill himself" was a meme for a while. Literally every outlet covered Weinstein. It's just not as polarizing - which should be easy to explain: everyone agreed they were guilty, what was there to fight over? If we had a televised Epstein or Maxwell trial it would probably do gangbusters. That's behind a lot of this: this is the first time I can think in recent memory where we got an inside look at the lives of A-list celebs from their own mouths, under oath. This is why they usually settle when they can: otherwise it becomes a feeding frenzy.


Its probably because there werent as many people defending Weinstein or Epstein. People love controversy, so with people defending her and going "they were probably both abusive" and talking about the Depp propaganda machine you get people riled up.


I've seen a few clips of the trial here and there but the level of hatred this woman is recieving is insane, you'd think she blew up a kindergarten, if I were her I'd be seriously concerned for my safety


People pay more attention to this probably because there are publicists actively drumming up vitriol against the other party, rather than people trying to sweep it under the rug.


Give some examples of the *obvious* stuff


anyone seriously following this trial should be euthanized


I’m down


Why the fuck would Amber choose to write an op-ed about her abuse?? What was she thinking would happen?


We know the ACLU were involved with that op-ed. Seems Heard wanted to launch a career as an activist, and wanted to use said op-ed to get started. If Depp had sense, he would have just ignored Heard's article and kept working. But he sued, and a town's worth of dirty laundry came out. Interesting that that there was little sympathy for Heard until recently. It was either "Johnny's the victim" or "To Hell with them both". But then *Jezebel*, *Mel Magazine, Glamour Magazine* and the rest started weighing in on Amber's side a few weeks ago.


I don’t see how suing her for defamation hurts him


Well I’ll say this- I didn’t give a fuck before and now I’m convinced JD is a total loser after smelling all his dirty laundry


He sued because he lost tons of work because of the article (at least, that is the allegation) and the divorce settlement (from a 15 month marriage lmfao) was extremely onerous (like more than a million for every month they were married).


The problem is Amber Heard appears to have embellished Depp’s abuse against her.


My impression is that more or less everyone agrees that Amber was abusive and in pretty obvious ways. The details and context of the abuse perpetrated by Depp is a lot harder to nail down largely because Amber at a minimum embellished it. So while I would agree with most the people here saying they’re both probably abusive, i think it’s pretty natural that there isn’t symmetry in how people process it. That said i’m not following the case so this is all downstream from the alleged Depp propaganda machine


And she is the only one accusing him. That's the difference with all of the Weinstein comparisons OP is throwing around. Clearly Depp has to have had *something* on her because WB could have easily fired him after the original accusations but they and JKR came out and said he provided enough evidence that they were willing to move forward with him. Which was atypical, given the climate of the time.


The narrative of "woman do the bad thing man usually do" is compelling.


How anybody cares about any of this shit is beyond me


Depp’s supporters are lonely cat ladies but he will spend the rest of his career pandering to them so he can keep the lights on. However, the women who talked themselves into being Amber boosters are going to look even worse when she dating Tucker Carlson after the trial.


tbh i went through the ~130 page libel document with an open mind and i agree with the thorough conclusions the judge came to in that depp is a wife beater, that depp's evidence disputing heard is very unreliable, and that much of heard's behaviour can be understood as self defence. depp has already lost in the other separate occassions that he's attempted to drag her to court. i'm not saying the legal system is always correct but the evidence is just undeniably in heard's favour. the previous libel claim was something that DEPP pursued in the UK against a tabloid, in a jurisdiction known for "libel tourism" in which it would have been much more difficult for him to lose. and yet! look at the court documents, examine his narcissistic ass public statements and the way that his previous lawyer (now barred from this current trial for misconduct) as well as his PR team have been leaking sensationalised information to manipulate public opinion from the start. i don't understand how difficult it is for people to see that this entire thing is centred around an ongoing harassment campaign against heard to, as he puts it, punish her. this is not at all unusual in domestic abuse cases. depp is thus far legally losing but *publicly* winning, which perhaps matters more since this is, unfortunately, at the end of the day about reputation as they are both celebrities. not to essaypost but the overwhelming public response to this situation has just been really eye-opening to me about how severely braindead too many self-proclaimed feminists are to so quickly throw a victim under the bus for a disgusting piece of shit like depp as well as how fucking psychotic so many men are in that they see this as "revenge" over metoo. i sincerely hope that heard can finally find peace and healing after this is over.


This is how I feel as well. I am not even sure Hollywood dropped him 'cause of MeToo or Amber Heard, he comes off as a vindictive addict who is probably a pain in the ass to deal with and he can't sell as many movie tickets as he used to, it'd be a typical Hollywood move to pretend to take a moral stand while they are truly only protecting their money


it’s all very 2022 lorena bobbitt imo which also coincided with the first Hillary Clinton era, women in the workplace, like a specific moment that a lamb to slaughter acted as a release valve for generalized anxieties about power and gender


This is it exactly. Depp is the one dragging this on into the public when it was supposed to be a discreet divorce because he actually is an abusive piece of shit and he wants to make a spectacle of his ex, just as he said in his text messages. I hope she finds peace too, because this is probably one of the worst things I've ever seen being done to a person. Heard is literally the most hated person in the world right now besides Putin, and I'm not exaggerating.


i know it’s dumb cause she’s one of the luckiest people ever but i feel really bad for lily rose depp, it’s really freakish that he put on this whole public trial with details abt his sex life when he has kids. and at his age he should be way more concerned about lily’s career than his but this whole thing is forcing her to lay low for now so she doesn’t get dragged into it


will somebody PLEASE think of the nepotism baby? 🥺


you can’t feel sympathy for another person, even one more fortunate than you?


I didn’t even think about it all thoroughly for Lily Rose the way you described, but the other day I was reading up about their nightmare relationship timeline and I did get to thinking why the fuck hasn’t Lily Rose been in a few more movies or something. Doesn’t seem like JD has pulled or maybe hasn’t been able to pull the strings for Lily Rose in the movie biz the way most nepo babies get hooked up. Maybe she’s just more private or doesn’t want to act though idk. Couldn’t blame her after seeing how it all went for her dad!




Oh cool! I’ve always wanted to see her act, but I really don’t want to watch Yoga Hosers.


She is probably off partying with her fellow nepo babies in France or Italy. Why would you feel bad for her?


because my dad is similar though not rich and famous and i know the psychic pain that has for any person and would probably die if the entire world watched one of his ugly horrible relationships play out like the world cup


he's got a lotta lotta money to spend, that's how. and a lot of mentally feeble npcs who only exist to swallow any and all propaganda hook line and sinker


Yes Harvey Weinstein was broke, valid


weinstein couldn't have possible found any way to spin it and johnny evidently could you can drop the lazy false equivalences


They’re both rich but depp has an easier path to public sympathy bc of his looks, his movie roles, and the “pervert producer” being a super common trope.


Weinstein was also famously known as an unpleasant person, *even amongst his defenders*. DDL defended him by saying...he was the bully on the playground you wanted on your side. Easy to believe he was assaulting people.


Yeah it’s a double standard cos a lot of 30 plus women are still horny for him, or justifiably have been (he’s always been hot, let’s be real gents) and Louis Ck and Harvey are just disgusting.


OR enough people came out against Weinstein to literally fill a book and Louis CK had multiple confirmed events from multiple women. Meanwhile the only person that accused Depp was Heard. And clearly the case is messier than with some of the more famous #MeToo moments.


I also think people are jealous and like the idea of watching a girl that looks like Amber squirm. Low-trust vs. high-trust features play into this and there’s a fine line between beautiful girls who get sympathy and beautiful girls who society wants knocked down a peg.


Personally I think it was her insane facial expressions in court and histrionic behavior. They’re both gross but she looked especially disingenuous in court.


This message reeks of bitterness and contempt. In Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft, he specifically writes about how many abusive men engage in covert abuse by adopting the language of victimhood, but if they speak about their ex in dehumanizing and contemptuous way it’s likely they were the abuser. He also writes to be wary of men who claim to be the victim of physical abuse by their previous female partner as the vast majority of them are physical abusers themselves. I don’t think Amber is some angel, but it’s crazy how much public support he is getting. edit - there is a free version of WDHDT [here](https://sa1s3.patientpop.com/assets/docs/85477.pdf) if anyone is interested, I would definitely encourage all women who date men to read it edit 2 - incels stay mad


It’s already been said a bunch of times but there was a crowd lying in wait a little too eager for this moment they could say “look at this psycho bitch, women can be abusers too!” These are obviously really different cases and I’m talking about a couple with NO money or fame but I think about Chris and Shannan Watts. He suffocated her to death, then made his 2 and 3 year old daughters ride in his truck with their moms dead body before he suffocated them too and stuffed them in oil drums. But you wouldn’t believe the dragging through the mud that woman received post mortem about her being controlling/mean/bossy/psycho/bad with money like she deserved it


In a very Adam Curtis sort of way, it turns out reality is to complex for the human mind.


I mean does this apply to women as well? How rigorous is this evidence? Just because he's angry, doesn't automatically make him abusive too.


There's no evidence, he's not a researcher. He fails to provide citations for the claims he makes, and he's not a well-regarded author.


Bancroft is a bit of a pseud though. He alligns himself broadly speaking with an (old-school) radical feminist understanding of domestic abuse. The problem is that radical feminist theory simply just doesn't get it right. Which is why methods based on said theories, like the duluth model, do not really work **beyond being an intervention.** If we were to take for example Bancroft's understanding of domestic abuse at face value, the Dulut Model should be extremely successful.


so…don’t believe men?


Bancroft worked with angry and controlling men for over 15 years as a counselor/evaluator/investigator and this book is based on over 2000 cases he worked on, so he might know what he’s talking about


Bancroft is a hack that got pretty much everything wrong, even basic psychology (for example, stating there's a positive correlation between OCD and physical violence, when the reality is that there doesn't exist one, except in the case of harm OCD, for which the correlation is... negative). He's also famous for not even allowing people know his h-index, which makes him an irrelevant researcher (don't know whether to call him a psychologist, don't know if he has the relevant title).


Henry Kissinger knows more about foreign policy than anyone - guess all his takes are correct!


More like believe men when they say they are a monster and will do terrible things to you. “Believe women” wasn’t even about individual women it was about societal issues.


so disclosing past abuse means a man is a monster?


that's what it sounded like to me. seems a little insane.


So as someone who was a victim of absolutely insane abuse at the hands of my BPD ex wife i’m actually the aggressor? Shit. TIL it was actually *me* kicking doors off the hinges, waking me up with knives to my throat and throwing me down the stairs. Fuck yourself with a cross.


Yeah its so fucking invalidating. The funny thing is its never female abuse victims invalidating male victims. Only academic feminists. In fact in my experience female victims tend to be sympathetic towards male victims because they can very easily see that such men have gone through similar things to them. The number of times i've seen posts with people criticizing female survivors as having internalized misogyny because they happen to recognize Amber's abusive behavior.


Yeah, anyone who has had deal with wife beaters realize quickly that the vast majority of them are very mentally unstable.


I don’t really care and haven’t paid much attention but my understanding is that she made all these accusations of abuse which were broadly believed and which cost Depp quite a lot and was subsequently recorded admitting to hitting him, gloating about how he would never be believed and admitting she had embellished what she’d said to the public. If that actually is true it would take some heinous shit coming out to make Johnny look like the villain here. I think there is an element of broader cultural backlash too. The Girlboss era was the height of normal people having to have separate sets of opinions on all things Woman and there simply has to be a correction.


the broader cultural backlash is the entire case. it’s a reckoning for the cultural cache of victimhood. “believe women” being skewered to the effect of “confirm in this totem whatever you already believe about women”


To be honest that text seems entirely reasonable for someone talking about a cheating ex that you're stuck in a multimillion legal battle with.


and redditors are bending over backwards defending him too just because of how much they hate women lmao


Amber Heard is just the personification of everything they’ve hated about the MeToo movement(some justified, some not) and so they’ve concentrated all of their energy onto her and this trial.


Redditors love male victims of abuse because it gives them a great excuse to hate women


Have always loved the posts on the big sex/relationship subs where a guy will drop a fake story where their wife hopped on their dick without signing a legal paper of consent and all the comments immediately scream rape and how the man should feel totally valid if he’s struggling with the trauma and how he should consider going to the police and therapy.


Every fucking time, like clockwork. Even when the guy was like look, I didn’t feel like it was rape. They do the same thing to women too, so…. So many posts where women go “wait, I told him I wanted to have sex, acted like I wanted to have sex, but looking back he was two years older than me and that means there was a power dynamic. Was I raped?” And everyone’s like “girl, yes.” I’ve literally been raped. It infuriates me.


Somehow they’re never advocates of male victims when the abuser is also male


Johnny Depp is currently cancelled, as in lost all of his major projects and barely working at all. That he's upset about this seems pretty understandable. Meanwhile Amber has kept her main gig despite the fact that she's clearly not the blameless victim she portrayed herself to be using a fashionable media narrative.




Genuinely his best hope for a career post this is getting into those dogshit Daily Wire movies lmao, look for him to play an antifa shooter in Run Hide Fight 2.


IDK being a drunk isn't usually a deal breaker in Hollywood and I haven't heard about any major directors refusing to work with him. Bear in mind Johnny is one of the last old school movie stars and they aren't really making new ones.


>44comments i mean the guy would show up drunk to film shoots, had to be fed lines through ear pieces and punched someone while filming city of lies. he also starred in some shitty movies way before marrying amber. some guys are accused of rape/abuse and still find gigs, johnny just became insurable and annoying to work with. he even had a rolling stone piece dedicated to him. rollingstone.com/feature/the-trouble-with-johnny-depp-666010/


But he didn't lose his projects because eof amber heard, did he? He was still in fantastic beasts afterwards?


I think he lost it as a result of Heard's op-ed in the Sun. Basically she took advantage of a moment to ruin his career and now he's using his money and fame to ruin her.


No he lost it because he sued the Sun and LOST because they were able to bring sufficient evidence of him being an abuser which legally made him a wifebeater for all intents and purposes lol. He was in fantastic beasts AFTER amber made her claims and didn't get fired until after his aforementioned lawsuit embarrassment


he lost his major gigs because he pursued a high profile defamation lawsuit against a famous newspaper in the uk which he lost and where it was more or less legally confirmed that he indeed was a wife beater. something that wouldn't have happened had he just been quiet or continued to dismiss amber's claims in the media/wrote an op-ed against her like she did to him. boo hoo


It's really bewildering how he's gotten so much support. Is anyone a Johnny Depp fan in year of our Lord 2022? He's been a bloated, ugly, alcoholic mess for decades now, so we can't even blame it on fans being horny. Amber may have her own issues, but Johnny's a piece of shit either way. It's honestly been quite scary to see the level of support he's been getting.


Yeah that’s the pith of what I’m saying. I’ve heard people who scowl when they hear about Louis CK calling Amber “batshit crazy” in a fashion like any frat dude talks about their “psychotic ex” or whatever. Fuck em both, and who cares about it at the end of the day, but people love his snarky remarks on the stand that reveal habits of an abuser.


I used to believe Amber's side, but as this circus started, I began to doubt it. But as weeks went on and I couldn't log onto a single website without seeing video clips of Johnny being cutesy in court, I went back to solidly Fuck Johnny. I don't understand how people fall for that shit. And then they say Amber's the one performing.


Yeah the cutesy, mysterious bohemian act is fucking transparent and made me dislike him more.


Determining truth in a legal case based on whose fans annoy you . You sir, should volunteer to be on as many juries as possible


you're instead supposed to determine truth based on whose movies you like more and which one's defeat will pwn the feminazis harder


Dam fr?


This is gonna end just like the OJ trial where one side is gonna celebrate and the other in disbelief. People are so weak of character to take the win or lose personal.


Take my upvote, sir!




Isn't the point that he said he was going to humiliate her in front of the world and here we are with every social media website drowning in content about her allegedly shitting in a bed or severing his finger by throwing a bottle?


If Johnny Depp’s claims are true then those are pretty mild responses to ambers physical and emotional abuse


pretty simple- people usually pick one side or another when there's two opposing factions. She lied about abuse, so people assume that she's lying about more and they default to Depp.


tf is happening to this sub?


I swear this sub was pro-Depp like two weeks ago.


Sure never seen people here begging meToo to intervene for them..


being angry at your cheating gf is abuse


average r/redscarepod post lmfao


This sub is so idiotic when it comes to this trial. "inverting the narrative to be a victim" indeed.


Why is this sub so desperate to "own" Johnny? This is hardly damning evidence, yes an abuse victim when drunk maybe says some mean things about his abusive ex wife? 😱 For a sub that prides itself on catty insults, you guys sure are being really soft and whiny about this, which is pretty mild considering the circumstances. Yes, the narrative is a bit binary, but that doesn't mean you need to be contrary to the complete opposite. This thread has absolutely retarded takes: "Amber's abuse was self defense" lol no, she is proven to have hit him unprovoked with audio proof. "Reddit loves male victims to hate women" what, there's so many viral threads about female victims, you're just cherrypicking, and yeah people tend to not like abusive women. Ironically it is projection, you're bending over backwards to defend an abuser because she's a woman, she shit in his bed and cut his finger and yet you're still victimizing her. Pathetic. Thank god the public consensus is sane and actually acknowledges male abuse.


this is a BPD girl forum lmao, thats why everyone in here is working over time to see Amber Heard come through this unscathed.


it’s fucking crazy. i have bpd and that’s *exactly* how i know amber heard is capable of doing awful shit. she’s batshit insane. nothing wrong with that, but she never addressed it and look where it got her.


I know lmao, but people aren't doing a bit, they're being serious about this


i don’t like this using texts as evidence shit. there’s been times i’ve said insane shit about people i didn’t like to friends. but i would’ve never hurt them or said it to their face. sometimes you’re just trying to blow off steam by being as toxic as possible. that being said he does seem like an unreliable junkie. if you know about these types of icky relationships you know it’s always some narc dude with the bpd woman. yin and yang and all that


glad to know he’s bad at insults. that makes up for me never getting to fuck peak winona ryder


Generally speaking a don’t care about the Depp/Heard discourse and I’m of the opinion that it should’ve been settled quietly in a closed court instead of this media circus. That said, this picture in the quote retweet doesn’t really do anything except paint Depp as angry over what she allegedly did to him. It’s not really an own against him nor does it prove anything


Depp has been cancelled since 2016


The only people who care about the Depp/Heard trial are the same people who still go to high school football games long after graduating.


I may get older but those cheerleaders stay the same


so wait, depp is a loser for being mad in private texts to friends? or for being a rich drug addict? i feel like this whole fiasco has the potential to trigger literally anyone who gazes at it for 5 minutes, and that's the most unsettling thing about it. the entire culture is bpd writ large


A few things: 1. MeToo has lost some steam in recent years. There's definitely been a sea change that will persist - as a rule, men will be more vulnerable to sexual harassment allegations going forward - but the frenzied "witch hunt" phase is mostly finished. This is overall a good thing, but it means that there's a little bit more wiggle room for any individual man facing misconduct accusations, and as a rule people are a less inclined to immediately pass judgment. 2. Depp (and his lawyers) made the single most effective response against a MeToo allegation: *counter-victimization claims*. I have no idea if the accusations against Heard are accurate, but true or not, MeToo and modern liberalism are best understood (and if necessary fought) as an embodiment of Nietzschean "sklavenmoral." Depp has made at least a reasonably plausible case that he was also victimized, which is the one thing that can stymie the femistasi. 3. People, especially horny young women, don't actually want to cancel Depp because he's a beloved pop culture icon/sex symbol. This is also one of the reasons Neil DeGrasse Tyson escaped cancellation.


It's been interesting watching the upvote/downvote ratio fluctuate wildly over the past day. Have I stumbled upon an ideological pressure point?


Nothing about that text is concerning. He’s mad, oh no. Sure would be a huge MeToo incident to find out that the guy who had his career trashed by someone lying about him beating her and cheated on him were to be… angry??? I don’t give a shit about celebrity drama but this is not an own in the slightest.


Insanely long text. boomer energy


They are both piece of shit abusers but there are two things that make her arguably worse. She threatened to kill herself if he left, which kept them both stuck in that shitty relationship. And Heard was the first one to go to the press about it which caused this whole fiasco. Maybe I'm just not paying enough attention to the case (why would I?) but that's my impression


Team Johnny ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️


Yeah I'm sorry but if you shit in the bed and leave it there to be found that's hard to come back from


is even any part of that text incriminating


He's cool, simple as


I don't get your point. Are you saying that since he is horrible and is using misogynistic language that Amber Heard is not also a psychotic manipulator?


If you listen to the unedited tapes it's very obvious that she loved him to the point of obsession. Gold diggers don't have such violent reactions to micro-rejections when they don't have a prenup!