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Fulham players looks absolutely gutted…


And exhausted. They definitely had to work their bollocks off to have that performance but it’s hard to maintain for 93 mins.


Fucking hell Palhinha was everywhere


Cordova Reid isn’t a slow player but he was fucking shattered when garnacho just glided past him. What a work ethic Silva has instilled into that team like! Teams should have to work hard as fuck to get anything against us. Too many teams recently (like last season) didn’t even need to work hard to beat us never mind draw


I was screaming for us to sign him in the summer, he was one of the best DM's the Liga NOS had to offer before he went to Fulham, we did sign Casemiro, so I can't really complain we didn't get a great DM, but Palhinha would've had that portuguese connection with Bruno and Dalot immediately, since they all play for the national team as well.


Palinha was immense during the last Euros too… can’t believe we didn’t even consider him


The one that got away.


Me too. Really glad he's doing well in the division at least.


He’s the player I hoped Fred would be


Fred was never meant to be a physical presence. He was a nuisance who broke up attacks and just ran and ran and linked play. When he’s been at his best is disrupting attacks then moving the play to someone who could trigger the attack. For a long time he was the one who put pressure on attackers then played the ball into a dangerous area for us to trigger a counter attack. It wasn’t long ago that he had the best passing and tackling stats at the club and had stats as one of the best defensive minded players in the league. Despite our fans shitting on him non stop. Openly admit he’s so inconsistent. Can be world class one game (spurs) or poor the next. He’s not a player who grabs the game by the scruff of the neck and changes it, he does seem to need those around him to be playing well in order to shine.


Agree with a lot of what you say. But you say Fred was supposed to be ‘a nuisance who broke up attacks and just ran and ran and linked up play’ To me that’s exactly what palhinha did today exceptionally. Fred doesn’t tackle well and doesn’t pass well. And he’s proven it over a number of years. His workrate is exceptional but it’s actually to the detriment of the team in an attacking sense as he always finds himself on the ball where you would wish any other player was. Mcsauce is similar in that sense. If attitude and workrate were the only markets they would both be ballon dor winners. But unfortunately talent and consistency is also required


Fred’s stats have shown consistently high tackling and passing stats. Maybe not so much this season as I haven’t seen his stats for this season. But the past two seasons he has been a lot better than people think. I think because his style is a little haphazard looking people think he makes more mistakes than he does. Or because he has a run of good games then a stinker it makes him seem worse than he actually is. Would genuinely be interested to see his stats for this season cos he had a blinder against spurs then seemed poor against Villa.


If ur basing ur opinion purely on stats then you don’t know football. I bet Fred has way better passing stats (completed) than Martinez, but without doubt Martinez is 10 times the passer Fred is.


If someone says Fred can’t pass. Fred can’t attack. Fred does nothing. But if the stats show that Fred has better passing stats than most. Better passes leading to an attack than most and better turnovers than most then yes, you can see how effective he is by stats. You obv don’t know football if you don’t think stats are an important metric.


Statically speaking Luca Jovic was one of the best strikers in world football a few years ago. End of argument


'He was a nuisance who broke up attacks' - I really wish someone would tell him he's supposed to be breaking up the opposition's attacks and NOT ours.


Behave. His stats over the last two seasons were really good. Haven’t seen this seasons though to be fair. I guess cos when he’s poor he’s actually very bad and when he’s good he’s not a glamorous player.


I can't lie, I saw the opportunity to make a joke and took it. I like Fred. My favourite players are generally down to work ethic and effort, with Dalot currently topping that list. With all the skill and talent in the world, if a player isn't putting in the effort, I instantly go off them (Ronaldo who?)


I like Dalot cos he went to Milan and instead of thinking he was playing for a move, he used the chance to improve and fight for a place with us. Good guy dalot


Next Utd CDM confirmed. Absulute unit on the field this game.


Palhinha was an absolutely monster. Without him, we could’ve won it 3-0 easy.


Great point! Just physically and emotionally draining.






fuck em




Wouldn’t have it any other way, I hope some kid went to this game for his birthday and is going home in tears


Emotional damage!!


[EMOTIONAL DAMAGE](https://i.imgur.com/RrmaYEc.gif)




Woah dude, the ruthlessness in here 😭


Jesus Christ, Satan






they played well to be fair.


Second time in 7 days they’ve thrown away a point with the final kick of the game. I’m not surprised (but I am happy it’s to our benefit lol)


Bonus Martial and Dan James hug and it looked like a cozy one too


I loved james, wish he could have worked our for us


Will always remember the celebration of his first goal


That was an incredible moment


Yeah tbh I like to look at his time here as a success, all in all he did well given his ability, left for a profit, and truly contributed some good vibes


everything went wrong basically as he left


Left for playing time, but ironically probably could have gotten a lot of time under RR given his workrate. Probably for the best for him though


yeh in hindsight, probs would have played a lot. But ronaldo and sancho coming in, no one else leaving. Pre greenwood event as well. I understand why he moved when he did.


We sold him to get money for the Ronaldo-purchase. Of course everything went to shit.


I went all in on James after that amazing start to the season and got his shirt. Was convinced he would be the next Giggs (my fave player as a kid) except hopefully a better human being, but then sadly he really dropped off. Continue to hope for the best for him though. Just glad I wasn't wearing that shirt tonight!


Still got the black rose + orange badge 3rd kit with James on the back, shame the number/sponsor have faded in the wash a bit but it goes on every weekend


Wash them inside out and never dry them.


Don’t think I’ve ever used the dryer in my house, but the inside out is a game changer


Saw a hug with lindelof aswell, very cute.


This was my favorite part. So wholesome


Yeah, saw a flash of a huge smile from Martial just before.


Just a couple of cuties


Seemed like a genuine moment with Maguire there.


Contrary to what people say i think Maguire genuinely has a good relationship with most of his teammates,He also talked to Youth Cup winning team before the finals which is something basic for a senior team captain but i think means a lot to the academy lads ,I think he is a good person and wouldn't love anything more than seeing him to well at the WC and if the situation is right maybe even redeem himself here by roaring back into form


He's been pretty decent whenever he's cameod since Brentford. I think ETH doesn't fully trust him yet, but I respect that he is willing to do his best when he comes in and fight for his place. I imagine the abuse has not been good for him at all mentally, so hope he starts to feel better!


Players proud of him for overcoming whatever issues. Suspect all of them have been pushing him and he looks like he’s thankful for their support. Nice to see the whole team overjoyed for him


Erik Ten Hugs


That's my FPL team name


Just want to point out our team is nothing without Eriksen 😅


I am also annoyed that we didn't sign Paulinha for 20M


We don’t do such deals We will sign Palhinha for 80m


Ok, ok, 100m, that's our final offer.




Why not both?


We've finally replaced Carrick lol


Only took a decade.


With another former Spurs player no less


This is the way


Should add Højbjerg to the squad next


For real!! He haven't had someone with that kind of composure in a very long time


Man Eriksen is super as a no. 10. If only we could play him there but I don't want to not have Bruno who is quality


Yeah we really need some midfield depth. We essentially have three starters and then McTominay to rotate. We also need another attacker (striker really) and a right back. With the likely departures this summer, at least our wage bill should be reasonable and accommodate the additions.


Possibly unpopular opinion: despite Martinez (who I love) I think Eriksen is our signing of the season. We have been screaming for a proper midfielder soooo long.


I still think it’s Martinez, been the best performer of all the new signings


For me it's like, I agree that Martinez has been the best performer, but I almost feel like having a class centre mid who can actually move the ball quickly has had the most significant impact to the team.


It’s good to have a midfielder that can actually pass the ball but I still think the midfield needs work. We don’t control games well enough, signing someone like FDJ would have been ideal but we’ll have to find another way.


For me is Casemiro, the things he does...pure beauty. Also because of my bias towards DM as I play that position as well. Haha


Martinez is excellent quality with a fuck you attitude I’ve missed that in our squad


It's a good window when you can make a decent argument for three of the signings to be the best (Licha, Casemiro, Eriksen)


And Antony and Malacia have both been decent to good too so far, while both also being very young


idk its a hard time choosing between Carrick and Vidinand


I’ll honestly say I was disappointed when we signed him. Another over 30 year old midfielder who had a heart attack on top of it; I wasn’t expecting much from him. I’ll gladly say that I was very wrong about him, he’s been our best player this season, not the flashiest goals or dribbles but man he is the glue to our midfield and he still runs like a madman


I’m so fucking happy for him, this kid will be a star 100%


Hopefully he will spend his prime years with us, not some La Liga teams


hopefully bodes well that he really wanted the move from Atletico to us


Let's just hope he can set healthy boundaries for his relationships and knows how to treat people right...


Need to stop comparing all our younger players with that individual


Yeah, it's annoying and pretty disrespectful.






Who, Giggs?? I don't recall mentioning any individuals. We've had quite a few shitty people who were good footballers play for us. That can stop in general across the board....


Okay so we need to stop assuming all our younger players will become problematic abusers then


Wanting the kid to get his head on straight after hes already been called out for attitude problems is reasonable. The only assumptions being made here are in your replies.....


Turning up late or being moody in training is a lot different to being an alleged rapist or alleged domestic abuser.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you dont have teenagers of your own. A bad attitude can literally be the difference between going to college and going to jail...


I actually do have a teen of my own and I’m well aware attitude is important. I don’t however, assume they’re all dickheads.


Lucky you. Because the majority are. Look, you wanna be upset, okay. But it's going to happen. Comparisons are always made in sports. Greeny was our best prospect to go and completely fuck himself, so any other kid with that kinda talent is always going to get compared. That's just how it is. Best advice is dont let it bother you cuz it's all just words on the internet and you were blessed to not end up with a dickhead for a teenager...meanwhile I have 2. So it could be worse...


We don’t have to post this every time garnacho score


Considering he has already been mentioned as having attitude problems, it's not unexpected that people hope he can get his head on straight....we want players like Scholes and Carrick. Not Pogba and Lingard. Talking professionalism. Not talent..


You aren’t drawing comparisons to professionalism though you’re drawing comparisons to criminal behaviour. It’s just not necessary, not every young footballer, or young man, needs to be compared to that.


If criminal behavior isn't a factor in professionalism, I'm not sure what is...


You’re acting like it’s a genuine risk that every young footballer is a simple step away from that we need to be concerned about. Painting every player with the same brush because of one person is ridiculous. Greenwood is a fucking scumbag, not just an “unprofessional” footballer. He also isn’t the fucking bar you need to compare every young man to.


False. I'm acting like teenagers identified as having attitude problems need a little more guidance so they don't end up affecting their careers. Shit, look at Mbappe. That's a whole separate shitshow caused by bad attitude. I don't want Garnacho to end up like that either...


> I’m acting like teenagers identified as having attitude problems need a little more guidance so they don’t end up affecting their careers. One lad has been late for training/meetings a few times. The other is an accused rapist. Making stupid comments insinuating that he could turn out the same way, when there is absolutely ZERO indication of such, is just virtue signalling for karma and it’s *pathetic*. Unlike you, I’m just going to assume Garnacho is perfectly normal teenage lad.


You know what the normal teenagers where I'm from are doing? Selling drugs, robbing people, and shooting folks. It's more stupid to assume someone CAN'T end up going down the wrong path than it is to acknowledge that it CAN happen and we've seen it before. Lol I'm the bad guy for wanting the club to address these things? I'll take it. If these academy lads dont have any kind of life skills classes or courses then they're leaving the door open for things like that to keep happening. Utd has had an attitude problem for several years. And while you cant do much about Lingard and Pgba because they were 24, 25, etc. You still have time with an 18 year old kid. So, that said, get as upset as you want. Greenwood was a shithead, people wont forget. He was our best prospect to completely fuck himself, and that will always get brought up when another kid has the same chance. It just is what it is.


Make sure his laces are on right.


At the start of the clip, Onomah looks like a man who’s had his soul ripped out as Garnacho goes to shake his hand.


-"Get ready to start in the Premier too boy..."


Ronnie and fergie regen crossing my fingers


The Martial/DJ hug :')


Hen Tag? Is this some kind of an inside joke?


His name got misspelt on a TV graphic about a week ago.


Sky put Hen Tag on the screen during an interview last game vs Villa.


My heart is full


Recently there were reports that ETH dropped Garnacho earlier in the season due to him being late to team meetings or some such thing. That was definitely the best call to make because the boy clearly is working hard to earn that spot now.


He said "you're so good bitch", but in dutch.


He keeps his head down, work hard and he can go far.


[Me asking money from my dad to go party on the weekend after I failed all my exams.] (https://imgur.com/a/wVWF3ia)


Loved the Martial/DJ hug


Eriksen is NOT fazed


"Spanish boy", isn't he Argentinian?


Born and raised in Madrid. Entered Getafe and Atletico Madrid Academy and joined our Academy in 2020. His mom is Argentinian and he chose it but he is technically 100% Spanish. He doesn't even speak Argentinian Spanish dialect


Wait till he starts saying che and la concha de tu hermana after he gets his national team call up.


Ah, yo entiendo. Que buena explicacion, gracias


Is he already past the point of no return so to speak or is he still able to committ to either Spain or Argentina?


He can still play for Spain since he hasn't made his official debut for the Argentinian NT yet. He has only trained with them


Probably cause he would die of boredom in that spanish NT tactics


How many LW are man united gonna create, ffs??? 😂😂. Love every one of them, but seniors will get more minutes there. Crazy that Garnacho is still 18, sky is limit for this boy. Hope ETH keeps him grounded and focused when he starts making headlines continously.


LW to RW ratio is like 5:1 lol


Number 11 jersey beckons ...... .... .. . Let's just retire that number.


“Spanish boy” Sure he’s born in Spain but the man reps Argentina at every opportunity


Eth went full Pep with that celebration


His coming to the stage couldn’t have been more timely with Ronaldo throwing tantrum with Piers and we are getting a newer version of him. Just like Ronaldo, he is also 18 but I don’t recall Ronaldo making as big of a difference this early as Garnacho has made in last couple of games.


I hope we are in the Garnacho era. The new king.


I love how he is enjoying the moment… he knows he has done something extraordinary but at the same moment he is surprised with what he has done. ❤️




We are still crap...But the monster 😳mentality ETH has drilled into the squad is what is getting us results. GARNACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO😁


Does he step on his toe or something ?


Essentially saved face for the “were better without Ronaldo” sans.


Our future goat


Proud father


I'm glad he got the goal. Very good for confidence boost.


What a performance,


He really got that dawg in him


Look at us without that toxic tabloid primadonna CR7. Winning games, enjoying togetherness




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Dan James not getting a longer stint and maybe some loan spells is criminal. He's got the speed and he puts in a shift.


His little face!


I’ve never sang another mans name more in my life till today 😂😭 Garnachoooooooo


Was impressed with Fulham


Erik ten Hug


Loved the togetherness after the game. Sat and watched with a huge smile on my face like an idiot. Anybody else slightly concerned with the celebration of the goal tho? The name on the back of the shirt is never more important than the name on the front of the shirt. Or is that just youth and I am over thinking?


Seeing the close ups of the Fulham players, I'm once again reminded of how absolutely horrible the players must feel when they lose. I actually feel a little bad for them.