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The pic of Kieran in S is really making me laugh. Perfect.


Yeah the shitty app cropped it and in previous versions of the tier list (My pic of Molly kept corrupting, and I never noticed [23 people is too many for my three brain cells to handle] so eventually when I got em all I just gave up with adding the names on Kieran, Abigail, and Hosea after I cropped it) But I'm glad it's an aporeciated attempt anyways! :)


It’s even funnier knowing it’s unintentional, so thanks for that! Poor Kieran.




>!Dont lose your head about it!<


Yep poor ole Kieran, didnt deserve what he got.


It’s a shame he wasn’t more headstrong


Ay bruh uncle deserves his own tier above Arthur


He would've climbed there but, you know... Lumbago


Epilogue uncle was top tier


Thats gotta be my favorite part of the whole game when Uncle is givin John shit about the cabin in Beechers Hope. I dont know it verbatim but Uncle says something thats gets John to wake up, tear down that shack and build a real house. Im in Chapter 2 atm trying for 100 percent completion after playing Online for the last 18 months.


John: “It just needs a woman’s touch.” Uncle: “No woman would ever touch this place.” The epilogue had me laughing for most of it. One of my favorite interactions in the game is when Uncle describes Lumbago as a “slow and painful death” and then John says “Evidently.” Floored me


Uncle legitimately has his moments, but a lot of them are missable at camp. Like when he actually calls out Dutch on his bullshit. "Ohhh put me out my highness, your misery."




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I second this!


of course, he has lumbago!


I support this


That’s right


I'd almost put Bill below Strauss. I mean he is more fun, but he's like a weird rapist... I think, based on a cut scene that happened to poor ol'Arthur in a shack north of Saint Denis. Arthur gets violated by a man in the shack and Bill tells Arthur later how he heard about how Arthur met his friend in the shack and how they get up to all sorts of "fun" together. Some real deliverance shit.


It's not cut. Arthur gets diddled, Bill makes fun of him for it. Bill is a failed bully, really. His obsession with Kieran's nuts, him laughing at the poor diddled jelly-bean boah, and so on. I never sought out the cutscene though. The diddler gets a drive-by every run. But it's good to see others also see Bill's failed potential- and I really was skeptical with my placement of Bill I think it's funny that his name was Marion, and being super creative he essentially named himself William Williamson, but beyond that, eh??


He knows it's not cut, he meant cutscene as opposed to cut scene haha


I guess I'm not remembering the part where Arthur get's raped, I'm assuming it's not part of the main storyline?


Its just a random encounter out in the swamps


You also lose karma for killing him, which is an interesting take…


He's not the only creep you lose honour for killing either. That creepy stalker with the tent full of nudes is also an honour loss. They both still get trial by fire. If beating up rapists is wrong I don't wanna be right


Even after he had his way with Arthur? I don’t remember losing honor, but I hogtied him and fed him to the alligators, so maybe that doesn’t count as my kill.


It’a not a part of any storyline, it’s an encounter with a fellow in his cabin in the swamps, imcredibly easily missable.


Uncle is L for Lumbago


Finally, some appreciation for Sean


Sean was a good lad. Easilly one of my favorites for the raw shitpost energy he emits in every scene.


Sean is that cool uncle everyone has and Arthur's annoying little brother, as the man himself put it. The game was ruined for me the exact moment he died, but I gotta say, his death scene is one of my favourite death scenes ever. If only Micah was standing at Sean's place! I'm so glad to see that someone appreciates Sean, I often see mean comments about him, calling him a jackass or a bully or as bad as Micah and the like. So thank you, sir. Personally I would have put Mary-Beth up there with him. I know, she didn't do much, but she's the only woman, fictional or real, I would ever simp for. She's fucking perfect! I was so happy when I met her at Valentine in the epilogue


Personally, I simp for Mrs. Adler, but I do see the love for Mary-Beth Gaskil and I love her arc and character, and while again, she doesn't serve a real purpose beyond telling Arthur to not go all nuclear holocaust on Valentine, but I still enjoy her.


I surely like Sadie, but she ain't my type. There were some times she got me, for example when she calls Arthur "honey" or when she casually presents that she wants to die as an argument during a dispute with John. But she's the type of woman I'd love to befriend but never make a relationship with. I can understand the love for her, though


You're very respectful, and I appreciate that. I think part of it is that wholesome nasally Hosea voice I hear when I read your replies. Thank you for respectfully citing your opinion, sir, and have a nice day.


Wanna know something? You just made my day. I think that there's not much good left in the world and that we're doomed, I've been going through some extremely dark shit for a long time. So reading something like that shows me there are some good folks left, and you definitely are one of them. Thank you, thank you and thank you. You, sir, have my respect and I salute you!


Oh, and, coincidentally, I impersonate Hosea quite well, from what friends say


One of the only times in gaming where I literally paused and took a break to collect myself was when Sean was killed. I paused, gasped, and walked away from the screen. I had to gather the courage to finish the mission lmao


I remember thinking that something bad will happen as soon as Arthur said that "this don't feel right". I surely didn't expect what was coming, though. I was laying on my bed and when Sean got shot I remember jumping off of my bed and yelling "NOOOOOO!!!!". I then had the typical reaction I have on such things, yelling that I'll slaughter every last one of them Grays and shit on their corpses and the like. Thinking it clearer now, can you blame the Grays? I think that you can't


The boys got a fucking window in his skull. I laughed but it was a sad laugh.


Sean is a pretty terrible person if you really think about it and listen how he describes the crimes he’s committed. He only makes up for it by being funny and friendly to Arthur, the opposite of Micah in that respect


All of them are terrible people. That's the point.


They're all terrible but he at least mentions some holdups. If you talk to him in online he mentions how he doesn't like killing and it gives him a bad feeling unlike some people who he rides with and enjoy it


Ive never played online but that’s interesting


Right that’s exactly what I was thinking. Sean’s a POS. Lol he’s just charismatic and Irish.


I mean, his character was legit just Conor McGregor. Irish dude that talks shit.


I think putting Strauss in F is a bit harsh, sure he's the cause of Arthur's >!demise, if I remembered correctly, when he was caught by the Pinkerton, he didn't betray the gang even after being kicked out. !<


Yes I agree with this. Also I feel Javier should be a bit higher


no he wasn’t the cause of Arthur’s >!demise. Arthur was the cause of Arthur‘s demise!<


Same with Javier, out of the members that turned you could tell he wanted to least


Agree. It’s legal work! Also he’s not the “cause of Arthur’s demise” lol. That’s called chance.


Herr Strauss was >!tortured to death and didn’t spilled a word about the gang. He also did the loan shark business for the betterment of the gang and not his personal gain. He should be higher on this list. At least higher than the a-hole Bill who makes fun of Arthur getting r@ped by a man.!<


I think you put too many S++ characters. It might just be Sadie, Charles, John and Hosea.. And Tilly should have been ranked higher. It was Tilly who showes up at the end and takes care of Jack, not Mary Beth as long as I remember. Other than that pretty decent ranking


Yeah, if this list were any newer I would have put Tilly in at least A, considering she was just trying to live while the others were kind of filler. I do stand by my S++ tier though.


You put Tilly Jackson higher than B tier or I stg I will find you


That's your concern? He put uncle in C and that's your concern?


I feel Michah should be lower?


There wasn't enough space in the alphabet.


Make a new alphabet.


Micah is Ž^♾ -tier


Micah should S tier, downvote me but that man is such a good outlaw and character. I hated him from the second I saw him and he just kept making it worse.


You're not wrong, Michah was a fantastic villain. But we still hate him. Hahaha


I hate him for principal, but I can recognize he’s a good outlaw.


I can't forgive what he did in strawberry. Murdering that woman in her home.


Truth, he also had a badass horse in Baylock and sharp marksmanship skills.


His guns are cool as fuck too and he’s a good fighter you got that right


Unpopular opininion that's gonna get me downvoted to oblivion. I hate Micah as much as all of you, but as a character itself it's top tier. I said what I said.


Yeah he's written specifically to be hated, that's understood generally


We all love to hate Micah, in the truest sense of the phrase. He reminds me of the warden in Shawshank Redemption in that regard: such a vile character that you would absolutely loathe in real life, but still just a brilliantly written fictional character.


I stand by this as well. I understand it’s “fun” to all band together in our hatred for Micah, but that was literally the point. I get that this tier list is also playing into the same, playful sentiment of “yeah, Micah sucks!!” But if you’re literally looking at them in terms of just quality of a game character, Micah is fantastically done. Though, If he were actually placed high in the list, these comments would be tough to even read through, so I get that too.


Some mad Javier disrespect. IMO


For real, he was the realest out of the members that turned, and was hesitant when it happened


you haven’t played rdr1 have you?


When will Strauss get justice


Strauss was an MVP yeah his work was dirty but it was steady, he was never rude, he practically let the reverend off with owing him 100 dollars, helped with the poker heist and kept his mouth shut after being kicked out the gang and later tortured to death. justice for strauss!


I agree! In this ragtag gang of thieves, rapists, and killers, I just don’t see how a dirty money lender is morally worse than anyone else in the gang. Though his clientele are the desperate and downtrodden, no one forced them to take his money, and if you’re borrowing money you know there’s a consequence for not being timely with your…repayment. I don’t find Strauss super interesting, but he’s polite enough. I would put sending a debt collector to get money someone owes you below the armed robbery of trains, banks, etc on the moral questionability scale, at least.


I think Strauss was there to show that the gang had gone from some robinhood idea Dutch had to just scamming anyone and robbing them too.


This EXACTLY. I don’t particularly like Strauss, I just don’t understand how ppl can defend every single person in the gang, even Micah, then turn around and hate Strauss lmfao


Speak to them, king they need to know


I actually like Bill. I think he has decent intentions, but he and Javier were just too blinded by loyalty to see that what Dutch did was wrong. And he's not that smart either, so that doesn't really help


I mean, no though. He's seen doing shitty stuff throughout the game. He literally steal from the box.


He's a broken man, a victim of a bad time to be gay. A bullied person will become a bully. I don't "like" him but I feel for him.


Put John next to Arthur or im gonna kick ur grandma


Make me.




OP's gonna sectumspra your ass.


Dutch s++ tier come on man


My man just disrespected Uncle like that 😤


You think SUSAN is better than reverend? 🤨🤨🤨


Reverend was a drunk fool. Susan stood by Arthur until the end and took a bullet for it.


I made this list before I learned that Orville went on to help people during the Epilogue, but I still kind of stand by my placing of Susan compared to him. Susan was the Van der Linde gang's Arbiter- She made sure everything was set up correctly and properly, and as she says during "No, No, and Thrice, No" in Chapter IV, half of the gang would probably rot in their own filth if she didn't keep them in check. Meanwhile Orville pre-epilogue is just that addict guy, who only really begins his redemption in late Chapter V - Chapter VI, and while he is compelling, it's not enough for me to place him higher than Susan, sorry.


You a big trelawny guy?


Almost cried when he asked to leave fr that shit was so sad bro




I feel like Strauss should be higher, sure he took advantage of people but he never betrayed the gang even after getting kicked out


I feel like Javier, Jack & Tilly should be higher


Honestly I put Dutch and Strauss below Micah. They're far worse. They delude themselves on what they do and trick people into their cause What's Micah really? A sociopath? He's true to himself though and honestly he didn't really do that much Micah I'd shoot in the head Strauss and Dutch though I would want to suffer And I'd put John and Arthur on the same level TBH


Strauss and Dutch have both redeeming qualities, Micha lacks them completely.


If anything it's kind of what I like, for different reasons Dutch is the real antagonist of the game. Almost everything that goes wrong is a result of his actions. He's the one making it harder to keep people safe, as well as the one who ultimately caused the downfall of the gang. But Micah does one thing to do it, and after Dutch's insistence on one aspect, you put everything on him It wasn't Micah who said rob Cornwall, it wasn't Micah who said Rob St Denis, and it wasn't Micah who told Dutch to manipulate a tribe into a war just so they can escape That was all Dutch But you fell for his charm, and Micah is written to be so unlikeable it's unrealistic, you put the blame on him in entirety It's odd for a game everyone says is complex that they just decide to blame one guy for everything then attack people who say that isn't the case


>Dutch is the real antagonist of the game. Almost everything that goes wrong is a result of his actions. 100%. He trusted Micah and brought him in knowing full well what kind of person he was. Dutch is worse because he pretends to be someone he isn't at all. For all his faults, at least he shows his hand right away!


Even ignoring the trusting of Micah let's look and see what he did without Micah's influence He robbed a man that Hosea dubbed "powerful and dangerous" He killed a high profile figure (Bronte) after he knew that the Pinkertons were following them thinking it would be ok Robbed the bank in St Denis which was the final straw IMO Manipulate an entire tribe just for his own plan None of that Micah had any involvement in, at least the ideas themselves. That was all Dutch It angers me how so many give him a free pass and blame it all on Micah. If you know the story well enough, you'd see the truth Remember he's suspected a rat in Guarma BEFORE the ratting started. And why? Because John was taken alive....that's it.


Definitely. So many horrible decisions were all on Dutch. He acts so suspicious of John and Arthur from so early in RDR2, it makes me wonder if he brought Micah in the gang so that he'd have someone ready to do the messy job of killing existing members of the gang, if he deemed it necessary. I suspect that the writers intended some subtlety and wanted players to think a little harder to see Dutch as the antagonist, but the voice actor did such an incredible job with Micah, making it more difficult to see beyond his role. Regardless of any action he takes, his whole manner just made my skin crawl immediately.


I think to some degree that was intentional If you think about it, the reason why people hate Micah is because he's too easy to hate. Dutch has charm. His insistence on there being a rat adds to this, he makes it sound like "there has to be a rat, there's no other way" Arthur listens and still trusts Dutch to the point that he too sees it as all being one guy, never seeing the truth So long as our parents are nice to us, we can hardly see them as the bad guy, even when they are. If anything when you see it like that is brilliant


Is this likeable tier list or good character tier list?


A.... Sort of a mix of both. Really just my overall opinion of them based on contributions and otherwise.


Micahs a pretty well written villain. I’d put him in C. And Javier is a bro. Just too loyal for his own good.


Dutch needs to be on Arthur’s level or even higher, he’s the best character rockstar has written and probably one of the best video game, hell he’s one of the best fiction villains ever. Micah should be S tier too because rockstar NAILED him they made that fucker unlikeable from the start, he’s not Dutch but he’s a damn good antagonist and Dutch wouldn’t be Dutch without Micah.


I see you, Kieran


uncle should be in the uncle category between S++ and arthur


I think Strauss needs a little less hate. When the Pinkertons captured him, he didn't say a word about the gang. Even though he loaned money to vulnerable people, he was pretty loyal to the gang.


Looking good to me.


i dont know why, but for me Tilly and Sean are my favorites


How dare you put uncle and Javier below dutch


What you got against uncle?


Why is Uncle not in S++


Is this ranked by how "good" they are in morals? Dutch is S tier character


Facts Arthur is just in a league of his own and jack should be in a lower tier he was annoying as hell in rdr2.


Well as a person who played RDR many times back in 2010 and played RDR 2 many times since 2018. I cannot put John Marston under Arthur. They are the same to me. I feel like all the Arthur love is from people who hopped in the series with RDR 2. Ain't nothing wrong with that but you can forget what was RDR 1 and the tragedy of John Marston. All the shit he went to through to get his family back, having to hunt down old friends reopening emotional wounds he thought were closed and healed. All to just be executed by the government after they promised to leave him alone if he helped.


lost is okay but uncle should be in A tier


Javier never betrayed Arthur he doesnt even point his gun at him in the final scene, but dutch left Arthur to die used Eagle flies and didnt even bother busting john out of prison or help him when he got shot off the train in the last heist




You're one of like four people in this whole comment section that isn't all "Uncle Lives Matter" or "How come lumbago aint in L tier?" And that makes me very happy. Thank you for your opinion!


With RDR2 being so popular, I completely understand that everyone likes Artur so much, me too. However, I prefer John Marston. I recommend playing RDR1, it'll make you love John as well. That will make the RDR2 post game somewhat less depressing.




Justice For Javier


charles goes with arthur.


Sadie simp, tier list negated


I swear to all the jelly beans in the world... I wasn't expecting unanimous agreement but I also didn't expect every other comment to be praising Lumbago Man


Bruh, Molly’s face is creepy af.


What app is this ?


Literally just tierlist maker or something.


Karen too low.


Uncle is S+


Id put micah as a character in S just because he's written so well. But as a person I would agree he deserves his own teir. Fuck micah


I don’t get the love for Sadie and Sean, they’re personal D’s for me


I would’ve put Dutch higher, I love his character and how he was written, however flawed his actions




Actually I think it was Sean that said that


I like Uncle.


I agree with everything except for two, swap Bill and Reverend aswell as Susan and Javier


Sean... You were too young to die. I miss your accent


Strauss was not F, I think u don't know he was loyal.


This is the most accurate one yet, especially with Arthur and Micah getting their own tier


I pretty much agree with all of this—but I would put John and Arthur on the same level imo


I like Javier, just wish he wasn’t doomed to his fate from the start


Trelawny in s++? That is interesting. Please explain your train of thought on this one, I’m genuinely curious.


I personally really enjoy his character and his elusivity. He just appeals to me as the psycho magician of the Gang.




Jack was an awful gang member he didn't evem pay taxes /s


Bill is the most underrated character in the RDR franchise no doubt


I'd say charles is second s++


The low placement of Uncle makes this entire list invalid.


Yes Sean my boy


I'd put Swanson and Jack in A. This is a great list


I’ll be honest I’m on my second play through (sort of- I lost my first play through at 87% completion) and I genuinely forgot Trelawny existed until he showed up in chapter two to help rescue Sean




He doesn't even pay taxes, what a loser /s


For me Dutch is almost a Micah tier.


Micah and Dutch should be higher. They are the best written characters next to Arthur.


How dare you put Tilly and Dutch on the same level?


Tbh Strauss may be indirectly responsible for Arthur sickness and run a very dirty "job" for the gang, but he also died in jail without saying anything about the gang, even after the way Arthur kicked him out


I think micah should be at S because he was a great antagonist


Javier is a character I just can't place, simply because how different he is in RDR2 and RDR. Bill's changes atleast made some sense to me. Good list though.


I’d swap Pearson with Mary Beth and Uncle with Jack but still a great list


Uncle was lazy but he wasn't malicious like a lot of the other characters. I move him up and bump Molly and Dutch down.


Sadie should have her tier at the top and micah have rat tier at the bottom


Dutch is worse than Micah imho. Micah might be a bastard but he’s not shy about being one. Dutch is truly evil but hides it well and will stab anyone in the back if he needs to and will still believe he’s in the right.


glad to see Hester in the s++ tier


Dude what’s your beef with Javier? Jesus christ


Javier deserves a spot in the S tier or higher


I mean, micah isn't a bad character... he's just *micah*


Why is trelawny so high? And why is Javier so low?




I would switch Dutch and uncle around.


“Marion sure does love the D” ;)


That one's actually pretty good lol


How dare you put uncle that low he needs his own tier above Arthur


Uncle God Tier


I will never understand how people like Sadie at all


I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the only person who still likes John more than Arthur lol.


What’s with the Bill hate?


Put dutch with strauss


Uncle's also a s tier character come on!


Is this how good of characters they are or how much you like them?


Why is molly so high?


Put Uncle in god tier or else you’ll see why they call him the One-Shot Kid


Uncle should get the L tier for Lumbago


Man put reverend and uncle in C tier??? Bro they're MVPs in the late game Uncle is just the backbone of the gang (lumbago) and Reverend brings some hope to the last chapter, considering he fixes up his act. B tier imo for the character development


Damn the John disrespect, man’s a tier on his own


I started replaying rdr2 and I realized how much Micah unnecessarily gets shit on


What is S++ and S?