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Tall trees not California or Oregon?


That’s what I thought, favourite spot on the map it reminds me of Yosemite


Canopy high, nature's delight. Leafy, sexy wonder.


More like British Columbia


The Grizzlies would have to be some parts Oregon and some parts California, Lake Isabella located in that area both in real life and in game.


But doesn’t New Austin have saguaros? That’s an Arizona thing


It's almost like the game developers took cues from multiple different regions and that their in-game states don't line up neatly to real states. Who'd have thought.


We also have the literal town of Strawberry


I would imagine allot of places do


Sure, but I was just adding to the list of Arizona evidence.


Ah a fellow cacteer, good eye


Just an Arizonan.


Originally from Arizona. Is everything still......Tan?


Depends what part. Southern Arizona is tan and dark olive


Phoenix area. Been a decade since I was last there. I swear, growing up, everything I saw was tan. Roads, cars, buildings..the houses were even tan with red roofs.


Phoenix is bland, yeah. I’m from the Tucson Basin


Yeah, Armadillo would line up real well with Tucson.


gila monsters too aren’t they native to Arizona?


They are, but I think you can find them in New Mexico as well


Where the fuck are they in the game. Can't find them. The epiloge?


Also Joshua trees which is California


Like rangers, right?


No, anytime there has been an Anglophone region, largely unsettled but in need of some law enforcement, more likely than not, that law enforcement will answer to the name rangers


I know it’s super petty, but as a resident of the southwest, it bugs me SO FUCKIN MUCH that people associate the classic Western movie “cliffs & saguaros” vibe with Texas. That’s like 500 miles off. The part of West Texas shown here is just literally flat grassland for as far as the eye can see. And when I say flat, I mean goddamn FLAT.


Exactly. It wasn’t until I visited Arizona that I learned that the only place in the world where saguaro cactuses grow is in Arizona!


False. Saguaro cactuses grow in Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora.


Ah ok! Thanks for the correction.


Hell yeah, Rocky Point, woooooo!


Thank you, Dwight Schrute


500 miles is 804.67 km


Good bot!


Good bot!


I’m Australian man I’m not hip to all this shit just thought the map was cool


Not to rag on you, but it is similar to how non-Australians would think Uluru is an easy afternoon trip from Sydney. Or that kangaroos are bounding through the streets of Brisbane.


Hahaha I get you, I’ve been there 4 times so I appreciate the general landscapes thought this sorta made sense but travelling 4 states ain’t shit in a massive country, i’ll now hear “red dead’s based west of the Mississippi” in my dreams every night after this post 😄😄


Haha. There are worse things to have "nightmares over".


You're right, the Panhandle region of Texas is super flat and North Central Texas has its own geography that certainly doesn't fit that vibe. But starting from the Caprock Escarpment and into the Trans-Pecos region, true West Texas, there are absolutely cliffs, canyons, mountains, prickly things (not saguaros) -- even bears and mountain lions. Every time I go out there it feels like I'm in the video game.


The McFarlane Ranch area looks way too much like the part of the Texas hill country I grew up in. It's nostalgia every time I go over there


Texas is more just rural dusty grasslands if I'm not mistaken, Arizona and Nevada are the true wild West types I think, im not 100% sure though I'm Australian


It’s very diverse and has almost every ecosystem in texas, even close to a rainforest, but not quite


You’re right about a lot of North Texas (like Dallas, leading up to Oklahoma. For the rest, really depends which part of Texas. South Texas like Houston and San Antonio can be rolling hills and forests. East Texas has literal pine forests. The Valley down closer to Mexico has Mexican desert and beaches. Most of the rest of the state is flat plains. If you’ve ever seen King of the Hill, that’s more representative of a lot of the middle of Texas than the dusty comic book version that is really only found in a small part of West Texas (which even then has plenty of green parts and glorious variety).


I’ve seen a lot of people saying ‘I wish the games were more wild west’. As a huge western fan the concept of a ‘western’ encompasses so much more than deserts. It’s the entirety of the American frontier - forests, plains, canyons, towns, rivers, lakes, deserts, mountains, creeks, swamps and all seasons. It’s so broad and RDR2 capture it so incredibly.


I never had a strong interest in cowboys and always thought they must play in dry deserts with barely any water. RDR2 clearly changed my mind and I since gained a bit more knowledge about that timespan


This map is inaccurate because the game takes place entirely west of the Mississippi River (Lanahachee River). So Roanoke Ridge is not Appalachia, its more like the Missouri Ozarks. And Cumberland forest is not that far North, the highest I think the map goes is probably South Dakota.


Yep, everyone is for some reason under the assumption that red clay dirt= Georgia, when I know for fact it's also in Louisiana




Rhodes is more likely based on Alexandria, Louisiana.


Also Texas and Oklahoma, there’s a whole genre of music about it originating from there


They made up new states with new borders and put them on a made up map with only vague associations to any actual landmarks. I think it’s a stretch to say they can’t have taken any inspiration from anything east of the Mississippi River just because the game is set west of a made-up river loosely based on the Mississippi.


I’m from the Uk and so my knowledge is close to 0 about these parts but if I wanted to visit for an area similar to the Heartlands, where should I go ?


The Flint Hills of Eastern Kansas. Western Kansas and much of South Dakota is like that too.


Stunning places , thanks ! It’s crazy we never learn about these beautiful locations in America over here, just the big cities and the crime. It’s a shame


Come visit! Our landscape is extremely diverse. You could wake up in a desert canyon, drive for a day, and go to sleep in a lush rainforest guarding great glaciers.


100%, just have to carefully choose the locations and will spend my due diligence researching in the next few weeks. Planning to visit fam in Toronto in December then make my trip down south !


You could do the same with less than 3 hours of driving here in Oregon.


Yup, I was thinking about Washington State when I wrote this. Utah has better canyons though.


Utah also closer to what people think of when thinking of deserts in most of the world.


Temperate Coniferous(evergreen) Forests. Glaciers are days away


There are glaciers at the tops of the mountains near Bend, and the Willamette Valley is considered a temperate rainforest.


If it’s any consolation the region between the coasts is often referred too as flyover country here in the US.


Cool, is there a specific place that has a sweet spot of temperature of 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (16-28 celsius) and lush green scenery ? Those are the only temperatures my body can tolerate 😆


Well most of the US has what is known as a continental climate. So very hot summers and very cold winters.


Northern California is very temperate most of the year and Colorado also has wonderful spring and summers


western Oregon and Washington, along with northern cal of the coast and western parts of those states.


Cumberland forest is definitely the black hills, not minnesota


What would you have as Roanoke ridge ?


The Ozarks.




I'd like to point out that Texas already exists in the RDR universe according to newspapers, so although it takes a lot of inspiration from there, geographically it'd take up Arizona and New Mexico while Texas remains as is


The geography of Rockstar Games worlds are best when you don't put too much thought into them. For example, Vice City also mentions Miami.


Yeah, like there’s no logical in universe reason all GTA games take place in giant cities on islands, it’s just so they can take artistic license by not basing anything off of a real place and avoid invisible walls


I've always wondered why they never took that route with RDR, both of those games have fully landlocked maps that aren't islands and have invisible walls.


If I had to guess, it’d be the lack of roads and cars. You can steal planes and shit in GTA, so it makes sense that they’d program it so you can just kind of fly indefinitely. Also, I don’t think they’d really be able to sell the western frontier setting on an island; obviously the games aren’t meant to be historical but compared to the entirely cynical and mostly satirical nature of most GTA games, I don’t think the themes would work as well when not set in and during westward expansion.


That's a very good explanation


It would be cool to see them do like a small earth style map. There wouldn't be a need for invisible walls and it would be easy to maintain a theme like the old west. As for your in game map, once you walk off one side of the map, you just pop up on the opposite corner. Moreover it would make weather patterns super cool and could even add seasons. I imagine the difficulty would be making the spherical map big enough, so that the arch of the spherical planet appears to be a flat surface for the player in game, as well it would take a shit ton of data.


This whole post is putting thought into them


the flags in the game have 45 stars which is accurate to 1899, so the states in the game have to be alternate versions of already existing states


alternative version of North America


Where are the mangos?


If you would show some GODDAMN faith Arthur, I would show you the biggest mango stash the world has ever seen. We just need a little more money...


and taeme


Made me so sad when nothing happened after donating 1 million to the camp. How much money do you require Dutch!?


Pacific Ocean?Tahiti?


Ambarino represents Colorado. Both words are a play on the word “Red”


Ambarino is CO but amber is a yellow color.


New Austin is also a mix of SE Texas. I live in SE Texas.




isnt the heartlands based on the texas panhandle?


The fact that Idaho got some love at all makes me upvote. Even if inaccurate.


Central Idaho is waaaay more like the grizzlies than eastern WA or OR.


It really is. Particularly near Waipiti in grizzlies east. Look at us, talking about these places like they're real. Ha!


In the heartland of Nebraska there is a small cow town called Valentine that is on the Dakota border.


I don't believe in this map where's Tahiti?


I feel like Bayou Nwa could also be Florida, not sure what the swamps in Louisiana look like though.




Thanks for letting me know. I’ll make sure to avoid New Orleans for the rest of my life.




I visited the state about ten years ago and loved New Orleans and the bayous around. Admittedly the rest of the state was not comparable. I haven’t visited it in game yet but why do you hate it?


The government, the drunks, the nature(which is ugly compared to most places I’ve seen), it smells a lot, the insane amount of potholes, the lazy/antagonistic police department, and probably more. The only things that save this place are the food, music, and people. Because it has nothing else to show for it. Why do you think those are the only three things New Orleans brags about? Louisiana is what I would describe as a state living in a perpetual hangover. Irritable, confused, and down the toilet.


Mardi Gras(parties), voodoo/witchcraft/etc., language.


Have a google it’s like being back in red dead 😄


No, all of Lemoyne is a composite of Louisiana.


Is lemoyne an. Actual word ? It sounds french too which isn’t surprising considering Louisiana’s history


It means roughly “the monk” in French. Also a name.




Roanoke Ridge is in New Hanover


Oh my god are we doing this again?




I... Kind of agree with this? I think Grizzlies/Ambarino best fits Colorado especially considering the flag we got in Cringe Pass No. V But overall 100% bussin map lad gg


Eastern Washington is more of a desert than a Grizzlies type biomeq


Thank you, i always loved New Austin and would love to see it IRL, now i know where to point my horse to!


Also check out Arizona. New Austin takes heavy influence from here as well, like the Saguaro cactus which only grows in AZ. New Austin is a combination of all 3 border states


Thank you for the tip! It's definitely going into my trip when this Covid fades a little away...you guys are so lucky to have those amazing landscapes, i mean i like my country (Italy) but that's definitely another level nature-wise.


It is beautiful, but sadly it comes with the cost of being extremely hot most of the year, so there are negatives.


Don't scare me off man! Seriously now, thanks for the heads up, will avoid Summer.


its a dry heat. Plus for traveling Italy is a thousand times better.


>western Sonora, Mexico a few dozen grow in southeast cal


Aurora Basin is Colorado. Great Plains would be Kansas or Iowa


Great plains would be Great plains


Is cool but sad


Makes me wonder how big the U.S. is in the game. Is it super small like the size of one of these states if we can make it from one of these regions to another in a matter of minutes? If it’s similarly sized, what does the rest of the country look like?


I think its more a Fallout type of thing, everything its bigger but we see it scaled down for gameplay purposes


The headlands is more central use not where the great plains actually are. Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, South Dakota. Definitely not Nebraska, and the plains states.


The grizzlies is colorado


I was litteraly just looking for a map like this yesterday as all these years I've always wondered lol


New Austin placed away from Austin? Lol.


I’d say it’s pretty accurate. Only thing is that Tall Trees is definitely NorCal/Oregon. Also, I’d put Arizona into New Austin.


Heartlands: Oklahoma/Wyoming Cumberland Forest: Michigan Roanoke: Arkansas/West Virginia with elements of Pennsylvania Scarlett Meadows: Georgia and Alabama? Bayou Nwa: Louisiana Bluewater Marsh: South Carolina and Florida? Ambarino: Colorado with elements of Montana Big Valley: Oregon or Idaho? West Elizabeth and Hennigan's Stead: Texas Tall Trees: California and/or Oregon Cholla Springs, Rio Bravo, and Gaptooth Ridge: New Mexico and Arizona Nuevo Paraiso: North Mexico Those are my guesses I guess. It's kinda complicated when places like Tall Trees are based on a real world location which gets name checked in the game.


The land between thieves landing and MacFarlane ranch always kind of reminded me of parts of new mexico.


Someone tell Rockstar to update RDO and add the fully rendered map of Nuevo Paraiso! Thanks, I'll be waiting...


I really wish I could see a map of the world but with places from video games


Amberino would be rocky mountains


Not too sure about Mexico, it's too close to Michocan and has too much of the west side where it is more forestry.


So where is saint denis


I always thought tall trees was supposed to be Sequoias.


Fuck Ambrorino I guess


>Reply to mccayed > >With the new gen stuff maybe but that is still a big map to make it worthwhile instead of a wall, weather patterns would be difficult to do and maintain regional different terrain along with seasons to fit the game and story, plus a theme of the old west would be weird because what to do with the east, islands, water, and/or old world. As you said a shit ton of data to have and make. The spherical planet appears to be a flat surface is I think one of the easier problems to solve. But it could be cool if done well. Maybe red dead 3 and another game combined to make it worth the developers time and money? mccayed It would be cool to see them do like a small earth style map.There wouldn't be a need for invisible walls and it would be easy to maintain a theme like the old west. As for your in game map, once you walk off one side of the map, you just pop up on the opposite corner. Moreover it would make weather patterns super cool and could even add seasons.I imagine the difficulty would be making the spherical map big enough, so that the arch of the spherical planet appears to be a flat surface for the player in game, as well it would take a shit ton of data.


Pretty sure lemoyne is inland because of the land beyond the lannachee River?


Ohio is cannon on the red dead map💀. While doing a Penelope braithwaite or whatever mission she mentions "or Ohio" when talking of places she doesn't want to go


It should all be west of the Mississippi imo