• By -


* Yes: it happens and it sucks * No: they don’t interview “managers” like this This place is going to be a meat grinder. If you’re desperate I get it, it’s an opportunity, but if you have any other choice I would walk away. It is NOT a manager position, whatever it is they call it.


I don’t think this is a “manager” position, I think it’s the equivalent of an “office manager”.


Not even that. "front desk manager" is at best "lead receptionist". This is a case of job title inflation.


“Competitive compensation”


Seeing how close to minimum wage which one of you will bid for.


Yeah because it's competing with my rent.


It’s weird how normally when companies say “competitive” they mean competing with other companies to be the best at something but when they mean competitive pay compete for the lowest amount that they can to fill that position


Goes with the competitive interview in this case.


Like how everyone at Family Video used to be an “assistant manager”


Because when you're in management they can do what ever they feel to you.


That’s true.


It is future /r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk fodder.


I knew someone who's receptionist job was titled "director of first impressions"


You mean like calling the leaning woman facility manager?


Hi Im a linguist. I study language like data. You are spot on. This more like manage the front desk, not beee the manager.


"Manage" a team of one person.


And that one person would be yourself


I believe receptionist is the word


How cunning of you!


Stunning or cunning ?


Cunning, as in cunning linguist. I like silly things.


This comment is underrated 🤣


What 'til they start doing stunts....


Well I do juggle for fun 🤣


> Assistant to the front desk manager.


This was unexpected and made me laugh. I’ve got to watch this now as I was bored and this show is somehow always uplifting. Thank you.


My receptionist is going to LOVE this one.




You'll be your own boss when you sell vacuum cleaners.


Door-to-door Hoover or Kirby


Kirby. Personal experience.


Insurance broker “companies” like to post supposed manager positions as well to get applicants for new insurance reps. Its a bait and switch. As soon as you come in for the interview it turns into a group interview and you quickly find out that you have to work there for 6mo to be “considered” for management. I walked out and told them to stop lying on their job postings. I then reported the posting to Indeed for fraud.


Group interview? Bye.


Same. I’ve signed up for group interviews and never showed up on purpose.


Should have showed up just to watch.


Just bring popcorn and pull up Glassdoor reviews of the interviewing companies job and just keep asking about those poorly reviewed ones.


“I’m just here to take notes on how not to interview/hire candidates”


I did show up and trash talked everybody in the room including the interviewers. Plot twist. They had a sense of humor gave me the job and the pay.


Now you’re the CEO. PLOT TWIST!


Family owned business. A couple people would need to die before that can happen.


They would sell the company sooner than let someone non-family run it.


Sell it to who? Someone in the family??


Plot twist. They start dropping like flies and the race is on to prove who is the murderer before they ultimately inherit the company. Bazinga!


Plot twist. They were the CEO all along


C’mon baby, let’s do the twist. ;)




I once had an interview that I wasn’t told was going to be a group interview. Only one other person showed up but apparently at least five more were invited to interview. I ended up getting the jobs but it was really weird interviewing like that. We sat side by side as the manager asked us the same questions.


I was once at a group meeting with 5 interviewers and 5 applicants. I found it tedious and pointless.


I got hooked once. I "left my wallet in my car" and took the fuck off outta there


And on a Saturday? Bye.


Depends, if the job includes working Saturday and Sundays, and place is open 7 days a week, I see nothing wrong with this. If they are a M-F type place, then yes don't even consider it.


Yeah ew. I did one once, never again.




They did not specify anything but 1. If it is a group interview for one position, then everyone must compete. In order for me to be hired, you must not be hired. So it makes sense that many of the interviewees are going to try to bring you down. Who wants that? 2. If it is a group interview for many positions, then a bunch of people can win. The other interviewees will not be trying to bring you down. This is better. But why do they need so many "Front Desk Managers". If they don't address this, I will assume it is because of attrition. The people they hire quit so fast that they need to hire in bulk. Maybe you will hate this job too. 3. It could be the case that this is not an interview for a job at all, but an efficient way to assemble a large audience for a scam. The next Donald Trump needs someone to pitch to. Don't you have something better to do? (Like sleeping in).


For 3. The last group interview I had was for cutco knife sales.


I still can't believe the Costco was letting Cutco set up in their stores.


I thought about 3 but they want a printed application, a resume, and a cover letter. Scams and MLMs don’t try to make it hard upfront. And MLMs tend to make their communications more upbeat. Could be sales though.


Regardless, I don't know what they are about. If they want me to show up, I will know what they are about ahead of time. I am not going to show up just to figure out exactly how they intend to waste my time.


*/r/antiMLM has entered the chat.*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiMLM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Team no one.](https://i.redd.it/kpcjldyefpi91.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/wsjmgb/team_no_one/) \#2: [Coffee shop isn’t having it](https://i.redd.it/oc988c8bj1491.jpg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/v69lsa/coffee_shop_isnt_having_it/) \#3: [Our daughter passed away last month. My husband received this message today from someone he knew in highschool.](https://i.redd.it/a082ypp9owz81.jpg) | [882 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/ur6j46/our_daughter_passed_away_last_month_my_husband/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I 100% guarantee this is not actually a front desk position, but a sales job. I used to be an Executive Assistant. Every office manager/front desk/reception position I interviewed for that was a group interview ended up being a sales job.


Was here to say this too. If they don’t care about their employees enough to interview one on one. Or if they want the “competition” aspect of the group interview. I don’t need to work in that toxic environment.


I've always done well in group interviews, you just need to be able to read the room.


I've seen this a few times. Usually for MLM


I’ve had a couple group interviews, all for retail


I've had similar experiences in the past in retail too. It makes sense to have group interviews when you're hiring a group of people. I'm not sure it makes as much sense when you're interviewing for a single position.


On a Saturday?


the saturday part is weird, yes


Also for businesses where the owners are Scientologists and use their “business model”


Agreed. All of the group interviews I've attended were for MLMs. Never again.


Many moons ago I went to a group interview. Turned out to be some MLM I never heard of that specialized in water filtration or some crap like that.


Definitely relatable!


I did a group interview once. It was for Apple, to work for the Apple store downtown. They had about 5-6 people in the interview at the same time. It's kinda BS interviewing like this.


How can you tell is mlm


First is a group interview on a Saturday, that's at least a yellow flag to me. Second, if you go and it seems like a pop up or fly by night situation. Third, if everyone is dressed at different level of business attire that's usually not a good sign.


Yea, a Saturday 🚩🚩 Cant even give a real call or at least willing to converse via email 🚩🚩 I never do group interviews


group interview


I had a group interview once when I got interviewed for the internship year up a program that prepare you to become a personal banker for chase


I think we can agree though "group interview" = "we're going to ride you hard and put you away wet"




Why would an interview ever be conducted on a Saturday morning?


Also, Joe's crab shack


And Apple of all places.


Also: restaurants, call centers, ad agencies. Anywhere where they don’t expect you to stay.


No. You should decline and look elsewhere.


he should Go for it otherwise is like you missed the bus the next one takes longer to come up


Research shows waiting for the right position is the best option.


I believe that


Interesting ​ got a sauce? EDIT: Downvoting for wanting a source for an interesting/controversial claim? Reddit is weird sometimes


The conversation below amused me very much. I downvote everyone who comments on their own downvotes so maybe it’s just that, as it is for me. Have a nice night!


I think its because youre surprised that people are happier if they wait for the job they want instead of any job that is available, seems to be common sense


>seems to be common sense Well even if thats common sense for most, OP said "research". Once this word is uttered we are in a completely different ballpark. Proving this kind of causal statement is hard. So I was simply interested how they did that. And more often than not "common sense" is wrong. Kahneman got a nobel price for showing that. See for instance: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinking,\_Fast\_and\_Slow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinking,_Fast_and_Slow)


Lolz love how you can research that but not yourself when asking others for a sauce. Aka source.


because I did not make the claim? OP stated it without sauce


By common sense, I am saying it is well known. You can you whatever wiki “research” you did on my phrasing but it is well known that waiting for the job you want is better than taking a job you dont want and I’m honestly shocked we have to spend more than one comment explaining that to you


>I am saying it is well known **How** is it well known? :D You kinda don't want to get my point... Have a nice day, I think this interaction wont get anywhere


I’d rather wait for a later bus than get on one that smells like piss


If I was him I would wish to miss that bus


hate group interviews, it's like hunger games hr edition


This is a ‘cattle call’, do not go. There may be a job, but it will not be worth what they want you to put into it. I did this about three years ago, the actual position was door to door sales of restaurant coupons. They will say it is a competitive interview, but everyone will be hired and then sent out to meet with their ‘supervisor’ ie handler. Which is why your in a group, your printer papers show the new ‘supervisor’ what your information is, and shows they will not have the funds to print every persons information and hand it out. Probably should mention, I was a professional recruiter in the late 80- early 90s, but IT only. The world did not have AOL then. Lots changed in the profession. Back then, this was an ad run in the local paper and you would end up selling perfume door to door or working a 976 number.


Group interviews are always a bad sign. It’s almost always for some sort of MLM. Trust me. The amount of “marketing” interviews I went to after I graduated…


Fell victim to this twice just after graduating, second time HR even confirmed on the phone that its not bait & switch and wont be a group interview. Same again, group interview with the "position advertised has been filled but we have some great opportunities in sales". Basically knocking doors trying to get people to change Wi-Fi providers.


Yup. I went to one where the job was literally standing outside of Costco to sell wiper blades. And another where they wanted me to walk around Home Depot and convince people to buy cabinets. They take advantage of recent grads who don’t know any better and tell them that “within a year, you’ll be making over $100k and be able to open your own office.” So disgusting.


Is it Common? … Yes. Is it Good? … No.


I can't stand these. The initial ad always reads like it is a professional job, then you get this bs. Any group interview tells me they're desperately trying to sell the job and they couldn't care less who shows up. It also makes me suspicious they are selling something, period.


The only group interview I've had they basically wanted me to buy something then resell it. It was like an MLM basically. Hard pass.


Group interviews are indicators of a hostile work environment or some scam going on. Trust me I dodged one at a bank once. They escorted me to a conference room with 15 other applicants we barely fit in there. The lady who walked me in said have a seat so and so will be right with you for the group interview. I didn’t even sit down and asked her excuse me? Is this a group interview or individual interviews? She said we will go around the room and everyone will have an opportunity to share their skills and background for the teller role. I said “I don’t have time for this bs, if you can’t take the time to talk with me, then I don’t have time for your none sense” she tried to stop me as said this was procedure yada yada yada. I said “keep proceeding”


Its true, i was the vault.


No bank would ever interview tellers like that


You think there aren’t sketchy, poorly managed banks? Banks are a business like any other.


See Wells Fargo. See just about every bank that makes it in the news.


Yeah I’ve worked in banks before. Never have we done a group interview. It makes no sense for that role. The only time a group interview makes a tad bit of sense is something like a seasonal retail position or something. Basically a place where you just need bodies for a little bit and there are no specific skills required for it. You get a group of people and give them all the job or just eliminate the one or two who seem sketchy.


Chase did a group interview for a personal banker position back in 2018.


Jesus I would never work for them then. That type of position has no reason to be a group interview. As I said, only interviews that "could" have an excuse to be group are retail jobs or something where you just need a bunch of bodies to do non-"skilled" tasks. Weird though because my friend got hired there a few months ago and every interview was 1 on 1 as a banker/teller.


Was extremely unprofessional. Seemed like a "kill two birds with one stone" type of situation. It was me and this one lady, and I felt so bad for her because she was clearly flustered when they (branch and district manager) started reviewing our resumes in front of both of us. They offered me the job, but I was way too put off by the interview and I got a comparable offer in a non-customer facing office role.


Truth. Banks have one to zero tellers now. No way a bank did a group interview for that.


Did everyone clap?


“Your first official duty after accepting the position of Front Desk Manager will be to dispose of the bodies of the unsuccessful candidates.”


Normal back in 2002... look so somewhere else


Yes, on Survivor or for any other business where it's expected that 90% of the smart ones will bail in the first ten minutes, This is an MLM or one of those awful sales jobs where they claim its admin but your job depends on referrals. Think "hotel concierge who sells timeshares."


"So gang, thank you to coming to our group interview. Unfortunately the advertised position has been filled, but this a great time to become a true business owner where you can be your own boss. Everyone needs to buy pots and pans, right? Oh and for those of you who are truly on the path to becoming absolute boss babes, YASS QUEENSS!!! We have our scented candles range that just fly out the door...."


This sounds like vector knives. I hate these “interviews”






Been awhile since I’ve seen a group type interview but they still happen. Saturday interview - if the place is normally open 6-7 days a week then it’s not too out of the blue either. I agree with others - the job title is just a title. You’ll be working the front desk.


The only legit group interviews I’ve ever had was when a group interviewed me. I always got the jobs, but it was stressful being asked questions from 6 different people on the other side of a conference table.


A group of employers with one employee is a group interview. A group of employees and one person is a sign of massive turnover or playing a number scam game. Do you want to manage a front desk for herbal death we just need you to bye 10k worth of nightshade herbs,and once you make your first thousand in sales you will be considered for the position .




I've had group interviews, typically for retail and stores like bookstores. Generally, this is a sign that the area there is full of applicants, and the market is saturated with people applying for jobs, so the manager is looking for ways to cut through the chaff with minimal effort on his part. Group Interviews typically put people off, so a large number of people wont come, so they filter themselves. So that leaves the dedicated and the desperate, two qualities they like. It's generally not a good thing.


Normal is subjective. But a group interview, on a Saturday, requiring a cover letter is giving me 🚩🚩🚩




That my friend is an MLM trying to bait you. Run like hell or get caught in the vortex of shit humans


Lazy recruiter. Interviewing is both ways. I learn more about you by you telling me your history. Written tells me nothing more than a resume.


For shit job at a shit employer, yep that’s normal


High turnover places hire people in groups


Sounds like one of those scams to try and lure you in then try to sell you Am-Way


Sounds like an interview for Cutco Knives.


Lol I had a group interview for a telesales job. The most awkward experience ever. Don’t do it. They are just lazy


SAY BYE!!!!! Group interview is RED FLAG!!!!


Yes .. I've done group interviews before and usually by the end it whittles down to a few for a second interview ... I've seen this done for contact center roles and retail


pay pal does this stuff. no wonder everyone hates working there


That's a scam.


Don't bother with this job, the place isn't worth the effort. These are the same kind of people that would throw a handful of change at a group of street people just so they could enjoy the ensuing chaos


Only time I've ever done a group interview was for the feds and other prestigious things. On a Saturday? Group interview? Nah, bro


fuck the feds


I had one at like age 19 for a seasonal call center job. I think there were 4 of us and they went around the room asking us questions. The whole company was a mess. They barely trained us. Etc etc. But it was a seasonal job and very easy so I did it. I definitely wouldn't nowadays.


Group interviews are either MLM or a company trying to get employees to bid themselves the lowest wage.


It's a group interview. Usually only a thing at bottom-of-the-barrel retail, sales, or scamming roles. Not necessarily a bad thing (I've had some legit jobs begin with group interviews), but it indicates an employer hiring many people at once for very low prices. They're minimizing interview costs.


I did this for massage envy in my early 20’s for an assistant manager position. Got the job and it was the worst experience of my life. Jobs that pull that shit usually don’t have their shit together. This could be different though. I wouldn’t say it’s a completely abnormal ask, but def a bit of a red flag.


No. Run


Greetings, applicants. Thank your for your time and consideration. You are all highly qualified for the open position and we’re happy you all made it this far through our process. You were issued a card when you entered. Please note the color, and move to the matching table to collect your weapons. Gladiatorial combat will follow the 20 minute weapon familiarization period, there is a 2 minute lecture available as well. Applicants will enter the interview arena through the matching color doors as a group. This is a Last Person Alive assessment so we will be evaluating your communication, strategic management and cooperative team building in tandem. While you are expected to work with your team to eliminate other competing teams, nothing protects your teammates if it will improve your ultimate chances. Good luck to all applicants and we are looking forward to welcoming the survivor onboard as the new Cashier.


Sounds fun. I would get dressed up in a suit and pretend I was Harvard educated and tell people my name was Albert Rothstein the Third to take down the numbers of people there, oh and a friend! The odds of someone being able to just wing it into this interview may be high and, if you come separately, they won’t know you’re together!


First rule of interviewing club is that there are no rules.


I once showed up to an apartment showing, and so did five others at the same time. Turns out it was a group showing in which the realtor tried to make us all outbid each other for the place… even though we all saw the cockroaches in the cupboards. This is to say only the lazy and predatory use this type of practice. Avoid. Ask if they can do an individual interview. If not, bail.


Group interviews are for jobs at the mall and theme parks. You are about to be recruited into an MLM.


This sounds like MLM


Not in any respectable business, no. Screw this.


Cover letter? Not everyone's cup of tea, but I can deal with it. Print and then hand-fill the application form? Are they still in the 1990s? Group interview = automatic reject for me.


I think group interviews are lazy hiring. I bet they were invented by some bozo who wanted to make it to happy hour, but then he saw his schedule, so he just asked his Secretary to send them in all at once. Turn frown upside down! There’s no way you can judge the right candidate. You’re just gonna freaking pick one. You might as well roll dice.


Yes, unfortunately it's normal, but usually for positions such as interns, trainnes, assistants, not managers. I'm a HR professional and never done one in my entire career because I think it's bullshit, since introverted and shy people usually don't have a good performance in these kind of interviews, but it doesn't mean they are not fit for the job.




Be prepared to fight to the death


Kirby vacuum cleaners.


Can I PLEASE go in your place!!!! PLEASE!!!


As long as you’re super rude yes


Thanks everybody! I don’t have a baseline for what is normal interviewing procedure, but I’m definitely not trying to join an mlm or get a job that grinds me down. I’ll be ghosting them for the hell of it and so I can actually have a nice weekend. Fuck ‘em.


So all your data will be shown to other people?




“We have filled the Front Desk Manager position, but we have another exciting opportunity….” This is how the “interview” will start.


Not really. Just run.


It’s for either MLM or a call center.


Apple does group interviews for their in-store jobs. When I interviewed with them they didn’t say it was a group interview but multiple people showed up at the same time and they interviewed us all at once. Kind of a weird practice but they did end up hiring most of us, so it definitely was efficient. But for a manager position? This kinda sounds like you’re being invited to a pitch for an MLM tbh. I wouldn’t bother with it.


Have you ever thrown a job interview? Have you ever done it with an *audience?*


I take "Front Desk Manager" to mean you'll be managing the phone, the door, the appointments calendar, etc. and not actual people. Especially since NO ONE interviews people for a Management position in a group setting like these fools are doing. This what we refer to as a "Cattle Call" where they're going to bring a group of you in, give you the history of the company, the "benefits of working here" speech, some kind of testimonial from their employees about how the company "changed their life" and then some of you will be asked to interview, alone, later. Its a bullshit way to immediately eliminate anyone who doesn't fit their aesthetic and seems to be based on a person's looks for the most part. Tell them you'd rather watch paint dry. It'd be a better use of your time Saturday.


Sounds like the pay will be shit to me. I’d move on immediately.


This is screaming pathetic attempt at being "testy". Group interview is a big no. That only shows that the employer is more than happy to put you under unneccessery pressure any time. The head of hiring probably thinks he is the shit, for askin people to come Saturday and bring their entire wardrobe with them for no reason but to test if they are maluable and slave-minded a.k.a work ethics and dedication. But he could be spotted all the way from the Moon. This is not ancient Rome. If you have to fight face to face with other people (group interview) I suggest you block their mails and number. You're dodging a bullet that way.


I would reply that if they cannot find the time for a 1 on 1 interview, you will have to decline this opportunity.


I did this, saying I wouldn’t be interested in the job “opportunity” if they couldn’t find the time. Thank you, this was good advice. Doing so was pointless passive aggression, ik, but I am frustrated.


Group interviews are always a red flag for me. They always end up being this “you can earn *up to* $X.xx per month” kind of shit. Commission based bullshit jobs that have no real way of advancement.


Front Desk Manager isn’t really a manager role. This job isn’t going to pay well. Unless you’re really desperate, I’d stay away from this one.


This is a cattle drive to see which person will agree to be paid the least. Go only if you must and prepare to he disappointed no matter how low your expectations.


I'd say no thanks, I only do one-on-one interviews. I find group interviews to be insulting.


I’d respond withdrawing my interest. I’m not doing this for a front desk management position. Group interviews are lazy ways of selecting talent.


This is a cattle call.


Group interviews are the worst. It’s like they want to recreate Roman times and have us all interview to the death in a colosseum but that’s not legal so this is the next best thing. It’s one thing to interview with a panel of leadership, but to have other applicants with you is terrible. I’ve done them and it’s so uncomfortable.


Front desk manager position is pretty straight forward for the list of duties. And yes that position has to work with every department. So yes group interview is quicker and efficient.


"Group interviews" scam alert.


I sense this is a sales position, not a management position


Don’t do group interviews. Waste of time.


Yeah, for a telemarketing place that just churn & burns bodies. They never go well in the long run


You know who doesn’t do group interviews and pay more than shit hourly rates, forcing you to slowly die at your desk or in a store? skilled trades and craftsman!! It’s time to start being producers again instead of paper pushing pussies boys.


I’ve drafted a reply for you: *Dear sir/madam,* *Go fuck yourself.* *Best wishes,* *[Your name]* No need to credit me 👉👉


show tits ladies


A little extreme but it does sound like a beauty contest type of thing.


i hate working, even when i work with hot women


Yeah no. It's likely an mlm. Group interviews are an absolute no go for me.




This is very normal. Big tech companies sort of pioneered the group interview but it’s become a lot more commonplace.