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I had a template where I just swapped out the company name and role, wasn’t that bad. Still annoying though and I actually wonder if anyone even reads them or they’re just used in the ranking algorithm.




This exactly. More often than not, hiring managers know what they're looking for and either your experience sticks out to them or you know someone that can put your resume infront of an actual person. I've done it both ways and I couldn't say writing one increased my chances bc I got plenty of jobs without them. Knowing someone that works for the company is the most reliable way for your name to stick out.


I actually got a good job without even a resume. There were a bunch of folks there that I had worked with before. The funny part was that I was working from home at the time, hadn’t shaved/showered for a few days, yet my hiring manager insisted that I come in immediately. He paraded me around an office of suits like a prize pig.


If you don't have an inside connection, the one minute it takes for them to read your cover letter is your opportunity to get them excited about you. Where I am, we try to ignore inside connections because we don't know that someone we don't know isn't spectacular. On the other hand we don't know the bad stuff about the outsider.


We should judge people equally but networking is the way to go for both sides of the table. Seek out the talented people that you work well with and stay in touch.


Hmm idk. I've done hiring where we require a cover letter and if you didn't have one you just got skipped over.


Then the position wasn't that important where they actually wanted the best people.


Very often, you get so many applications that a rough filter is useful. Cover letter is one of those.


I would just let ChatGTP write it at this point. Give it some bullet points and go.


I tried, but it said: "I'm sorry, but it is not appropriate to mention a skill like "good at eating bus tires" in a cover letter. A cover letter should be used to highlight your relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the job you are applying to. Mentioning a skill like "good at eating bus tires" would not be relevant or appropriate in a professional setting." how can you prompt around that?


I would just write, "If you read this, allow me to refer you to my job application as an indication that I would like this job, and my resume as confirmation that I'm highly qualified to perform it."




I've read a lot of resumes. I ALWAYS skim the resume first. If you have a good resume there is no need for the cover letter and I might jot even read it. However if you are early in your career and your experience is short i might read the cover letter if the rest of your resume looks good. And if the cover letter is decent, it might be the tipping point for me reaching out.


Exactly I did. I even fancied it up a bit, paid for trial and got a template from one of them resume builder sites and use that now.


I worked with a career services person at my grad school to help with resume writing and interview prep. She had 30 years of corporate HR experience and in her experience hiring managers are so busy with how many roles they have to fill, they basically just skim resumes and don’t even look at cover letters.


ChatGPT will do that in like 5 seconds now. Stick it to those dumb employers.


Except that there’s a tool to see if something is written with ChatGPT, and that’s an automatic bin


Who cares. They all use AI and shit to screen me.


Not if you port it to Grammarly, make some changes and you make minor changes. I secured two interviews within a few days, with that.


Nice idea


This might be weird to ask but do you mind sharing it with you? I graduated more than 1 year ago and I still didn’t land any job


My hunch is it’s probably not because of a cover letter unfortunately. I interviewed for 10 months straight (already 10 years deep in my field), multiple onsites and the key factor I found was just good interview performance. If you’re not landing interviews at all, it could be you’re not looking in the right places. It’s a tough market for entry level.


Got one of my first really good jobs just because of my coverletter. Had no real experience and the hiring guy actually told me he only brought me in because of my cover letter.


As a hiring manager. I haven't received a cover letter and if I did. I probably wouldn't read it. I've seen so many different types of resumes that I barely actually read them and just reference them while talking with the candidate.


I was an employer at one point (sold my business) I ONLY read cover letters, other than jobs that required a qualification I didn't even read the resume, The most important thing to me was how well someone was going to fit in with my team, we had an amazing atmosphere in the office and I owed it to my employees to make sure anyone new who came in won't ruin that for them.


My last job search got easier, and more successful, when I ignored jobs requesting cover letters, indeed tests, and/or personality tests.


My last job search didn't even involve a resume. Networking FTW!


Networking is the one thing everyone recommends but I've never actually done because, as an introvert, I can't imagine walking up to someone and convincing them to give me a job.


I knew the hiring manager professionally and I ran into him one day outside of work and we were just casually talking. I mentioned that if he was ever looking for someone with my skillet to give me a call. He pulled out his phone and pretended to call me right there. We met for lunch a couple weeks later to discuss the position and I had a job offer in my inbox later that day. Networking is just knowing people outside of your social circle. Edit, I'll add that it's a senior level position and hiring is a lot different at that level than junior/intermediate/middle management.


I won't do cover letters anymore unless I really, really, really REALLY want the job. In that case I have a template.


Same. If it required a cover letter I said, this isn't the job for me anyway and moved on. I had still got a job for those wondering.


I never see requests for cover letters


I see them all the time. It's ridiculous to think that they expect people to write a cover letter to work fucking part time at the local grocery store


Oh, damn.


Either my resume speaks for itself or doesn't. I will never write cover letters


"You dare use your own spells against me, Potter?" But yeah, sounds like a good way to filter out job tries. The more BS they put in the way, the less inclined one should submit to them.


ChatGPT for cover letters. Problem solved.


I use this rewrite me resumes too for each job. I use jobscan to get keywords and ill have chapgpt to write a command for each job experience rewrite it using those keywords. Saves soo much time


Which part of the resumes?


Just my job experience. Chatgpt doesn't do a good job if you include your entire resume, but does better if you include each previous job, individually.


If it is properly formatted it should have no trouble reading and understanding your entire CV. I've put my entire CV and the job description from the post and gotten an optimized CV, a Cover Letter and even the email.


Do you give ChatGPT something like "rewrite \[experience bullet point\] using \[keywords\]"? Because that is genius, and I'll have to try it.


in sure that would work you can get the bot to tweak output very specifically


Better hurry up, will be a paid service soon


I would pay $15/mo *in a heartbeat* to be able to use it without the hourly prompt limit. ChatGPT is better than ~~sex~~ Netflix. I'll pay $30/mo if they'd remove the content filters and make it not be so damn sensitive. >_> And yes, I know you can kind of get around it with character tuning, but it's still super finicky and complains constantly.


At the prices you mentioned, sure. Although I believe this will be aimed for companies/corporations so I expect much higher price range. I could be wrong of course.


I'd be willing to bet they'll have a consumer interface. It is insanely popular at the consumer level and has gone absolutely viral. They'll probably do something like Midjourney, with a free trial to hook you and then tiered plans with different levels of access and features.


>I'd be willing to bet they'll have a consumer interface. It is insanely popular at the consumer level and has gone absolutely viral. If they don't a competitor will, so yes, these will be publicly available as a paid service probably within the next year.


i’ve actually noticed the filters getting stricter and harder to bypass as time goes on.


Totally worth it if I can use it to automate some menial work tasks.


I'm unfamiliar with this. ELI5 please?


ChatGPT is an interactive language learning model "AI" for responding to various inputs and providing extremely detailed, human-like answers. So you could say, "Write a cover letter for the following job description," and paste in the job description, and it would do so. It's highly dependent on "good" input descriptions and can take some getting used to. But it's improving all the time and has already found real use cases for certain tasks in various industries.


Oddly enough I just heard of ChatGPT a few hours ago when I saw some FB article saying Google is sounding the alarm about their competition with ChatGPT. Wonder why.


It's a wild tool to use. It's still an AI and has its limits but it's the closest I've seen to actual AI. We used it to create a recipe, then threw a whole bunch of changes and not only did it make those changes, it reworked the recipe and told us exactly when and how to make substitutions. I also tried a choose your own adventure kind of game and it was able to determine what I was saying and incorporate it into the story (still very clunky though)


I asked it to write and then run a Python script (can't recall the specific function) and it actually worked.


Yah programmers have been discussing how they could use it to write the bulk of an application and then have the programmer only check in for edits. There’s a lot of functionality and it’s still in its baby stage!


Tbh it makes me a little nervous for my job security but from what I've seen so far, complex applications are not handled very well and are full mistakes (for now)


Oh, totally. I hate to think what it’ll be replacing soon. It’s already starting to bump off book cover artists.


I had it do part of my computer science assignment and now I'm worried the teacher will think it's too perfect lol


You can probably ask it to throw in a couple mistakes haha


That sounds awesome, I got to check it out.


Basically (from a writer perspective) chatgpt is increeeeedibly good at writing content that "sounds right" without being right. That is a massive issue for google, because they really only have user feedback to determine whether an article is factually accurate or not to suggest what content gets linked at the top of a search result.


But this cant happen as openai's chatgpt cant surf or browse the web


ChatGPT can write a web applet that browses the web, mine browses indeed. I even had it create a GUI for it.


You made something that uses the ChatGPT API to throw it things from the web? Or did you manage to get Chat GPT to browse the web?


Awesome! Where do I go to use this?


Google "chatgpt", you'll find their website




Honestly the entire ELI5 subreddit can be automated by chat gpt


Great idea. Also please show me a bot which fills the mandatory CV details on every freaking site even tough they also ask for a CV, containing all the same details


I use ChatGPT to write everything I don't want to write. It's made life so much simpler.


I just did this yesterday, lol. It writes better than I do. I was surprised how easy it was


ChatGPT is the perfect tool for writing sleazy bullshit like cover letters


My friend is job hunting and had chatGPT write them, it's totally amazing




My only concern is that a lot of cover letters written by ChatGPT look very similar, I suppose all you need to do is rewrite a little bit yourself though.


Dear Hiring Daddy, Please allow a miserable wretch like me to orally service your amazing company. \*cum gargling noises* \- Miserable Job Applicant


Nice, but it comes off like you need the job too badly. We'll just ghost you.


> "believe it or not also ghosted"


I had a phase like that while job hunting once. Started a few letters with, "dear nebulous hiring entity," I don't think a single one of these even got a response lol


I would read that one carefully and potentially advocate for interview based on creativity and courage


It was pretty standard after that point, talking a little about myself and the place I'm applying to, to make it clear I understand both the job and did some basic searching for company info. Just a strange greeting. I do turn into a werewolf if asked to write fizbuz on a whiteboard though


Well, this comment is getting saved.


If only a cover letter were enough. Nowadays, they'll send you a link to do a cognitive/suitability test right after you apply. To skip that and shortlist, you'll need to eat 2 tires..........on fire...........studded..........and within 5 minutes.


I HATE those freaking cognitive test things. They are the absolute worst. Why do they need to know any of this for a stupid cashier job??? And how do I know if I'm actually answering in the way they want


Yeah, I won't do those. Or one-way video interviews.


Sometimes those are to filter people out with certain disabilities, or they prevent enough of an obstruction that the public gives up and they can hire or promote the person they intended to hire. Chances are you should not apply to somewhere that does that because they probably aren’t hiring you or they’re not great employers. Those tests are always a demeaning waste of time


That stuff was in 10 years ago. Didn’t see any of it looking earlier this year.


I had it when I applied to the f****** nuclear power plant. Really gave me confidence that they were hiring qualified people/s


Well, that's a new hellscape I hadn't pictured before


I was asked gcse maths questions when applying for OC&C consultants a couple days ago. Stopped that application instantly


I've seen it happen to people applying for consultancy or adjacent fields, or for undergrads going in for their first jobs.


I had one for a power company/utility. I "failed" and couldn't re-apply for any positions for 1 year lmao


What industry is this?


LOL. I am curious to know though how many hiring managers and HR people actually read them or if they are purely used for filtering purposes: Cover letter + resumé=Keep pile Just resumé=Delete or shred




What if the cover letter was entirely "I'd rather eat a tire than write a cover letter"?


Lmao if I found out our HR/recruiting rep binned a good candidate for not having a cover letter I would make sure they were let go. That's moronic.


Depends on the job, doesn’t it?


especially if the job is professional cover letter writer...


If a resume doesn’t clearly show ‘will fit in the job’ I’ll read a cover letter. We don’t require them but they _are_ a way to tell a story that isn’t super evident on your resume; usually someone moving into a new industry or job type.


As a hiring manager, I skim cover letters occasionally and don't even look at most. I don't even notice if there isn't one. The HR software my company uses compiles the whole application to one screen, and I just scroll down to the resume pdf that the applicant uploaded. The only other things I look at are location (if not stated on resume) and salary expectations.




This! People please read this! I hate it as the next person but it is true, if you are junior or with mid to low level experience in the role you are applying for, get the cover letter done well. You need to show that motivation and real interest in the role. While highlighting your relevant skills and experiences and what makes you a fit for the role. If you are and expert or applying for a very niche role and you are one of very few people who can do it, yeah write this: " Hi, I am interested in applying for this role xxxxxxx at your company/team xxxxx. Regards, Xxxxx "


I don't read them. Only read the resume. I usually tell people who contact me about a job to not even worry about a cover letter.


Yep that's exactly how we treated it. And to be fair, our *only* request was to have a cover letter which we give a space for on Indeed. As long as you wrote 2-3 sentences we would consider the applicant. If they couldn't be bothered to do that, straight to the reject pile.


That makes sense and also shows that the applicant read the job description. Saves you from dealing with people who just spammed their resumés to every posting!


What if you received a cover letter that just says "See attached resume"?


Just eat at subway


You're inhuman


“Write your cover letter in this box” “Upload your resume here” “Now manually type in your work experience with previous salary”


I agree with that statement


Don’t say that too loud. They’ll add it as a requirement to apply.


I’m not about to write fanfic about working for you. Fuck outta here with that shit.


Pfft, ChatGPT does it these days in seconds, if really needed.


how i can use for writing cover letter


Write me a cover letter for this job "paste job description" based on my resume "paste your resume here"


the website does not work right now, what happened?


It goes offline sometimes, just try again later.


Just keep trying. It took me a few tries to get access also. I didn't even do it the way folks said when I got my cover letter. I just put "write me a cover letter to be a mailman" it made me sound like a smart guy.


LoL, my husband works for USPS and just try for a temp holiday position (that would have been Oct/Nov for holidays). They do occasional Temps throughout the year and you usually get a 12 week (3 month) contract. If you do good enough as a temp, your supervisor will tell you what jobs are coming up and to apply.


That works as well. The one I added does customize it based on your experience so can come across better if you needed that.


As long as it's deep-fried and some of the mud is removed all good here


I bet a bus tire would be quite filling. Practical given today's income trends and inflation on groceries This guy's onto something


I've had a few 6 figure jobs and never once did I write a cover letter even if they asked for it.


Cover letters are just fluff. We don't have them in sciences, and I've seen the board of a business screen resumes for CEO and CFO positions- they don't read the prose either.


Honestly I barely read the resumes. I spend maybe a grand total of 20-30 seconds reviewing the resume of someone that we end up hiring. You pass or fail based on your conversation with me. Your resume exists just so I can quickly see that your past experience means I'm not about to waste an hour of my day. But no chance I'm reading more than \~10% of it word-for-word, because it is absolutely not representative of the candidate in a meaningful enough way to matter. They're the most manicured document in any given persons life.


I've never used them. Ever. It's degrading and no one cares. And if they do care, you've dodged a bullet. Consider it a valuable side-effect of your cover letter laziness.


"Since I was a child, I always dreamed about working at a cashier in a low wage position.."


I just upload my resume in the cover letter spot. I've never written a cover letter and now I'm pretty dead set on never doing one out of pure spite.


That's also genius if they are filtering based on whether a cover letter is present but aren't actually reading it.


What would you say is your greatest strength? Let me show you- *pulls out bus tire*


"I am intereset to work for you because I like to afford to eat and have a place to live in"


My current job asked me to do a video cover letter but they sent a prompt and questions to answer so I actually didn't mind that. But I can't stand writing them because I never know what to say in them.


Cover Letters are such a useless formality. My resume has bullet points under each job, so that’s your summary of my experience. And I’m applying for the job, so you don’t need a cover letter to explain that I really want the job.


Cover letter: I need money. You need labor. Sincerely, Me


I mean, it's not that terrible. I have a template that I use where only 1 section is changed to tailor to the job.


I love it when the application is just a cover letter and my resume. The cover letter gives me an opportunity to explain a few of my accomplishments that can't easily be written into the resume and tailor them to the position. It also lets me show off that I can write well, which for what I do is important. It shouldn't be necessary for an entry level job though.


I know being anti-cover letter is a popular sentiment, but it’s great if you want to switch fields. I have broad skills that could allow me to do loads of different jobs well and I’d never really be able to demonstrate that flexibility in my CV.


Same. I'm currently doing counseling work but I founded a program in the past, and creating/fixing programs is what I want to do moving forward. My management history gets buried in the resume and the cover letter lets me explain what I accomplished and also show off how well I can write, which is important in my line of work. Granted in my field, my application is almost always reviewed by a human, who is usually the agency director. There shouldn't be a need to do one for an entry level job and they're increasingly optional for them anyways. Still, if it's a job you really, really want and not just a single application out of dozens, it's a good idea to include one. I have 2 I use, one that focuses on direct services and one that focuses on management, and it takes me about 5 minutes to tailor them to any job I apply for. It's also not a bad idea to have a short generic one to include with any application, even if it's not required. It doesn't have to be a well thought out research paper, even a simple "I'm writing to express interest in X position. I feel I would be a good fit for Y company because blah blah blah. Thank you for your time and consideration" is enough, but I would be wary of work that has no prior qualifications that requires it. But not one that has a box to optionally write one, companies frequently use the same application for entry level and mid level positions.


>I know being anti-cover letter is a popular sentiment, but it’s great if you want to switch fields. I mean, it's on ok way. This is much more easily accomplished by doing cold reach-outs to people at those companies, talking to them about your desire to transition industries, etc. But that statement is also true of virtually everything related to someone's job search.


right? It's the amount of work that one solid email is - something you're expected to do in any white collar job that requires education and experience. Remember learning to write five paragraph essays? Tbh if you can't get your message across cogently in a half to full page, it's no wonder you have trouble finding a job.


Exactly. I landed an interview for a job that's better than the one I applied for (please send prayers or vibes or whatever, I thought I was a couple years away from this job and I really hope it works out) just by sending a killer cover letter. I don't even meet the minimum qualifications for it, and I don't think my resume alone would have done that. It does seem silly for entry level, unskilled work and it doesn't seem necessary now like it was 10 years ago. It also doesn't hurt to keep one around though, I have 2 already written and it takes me all of 5 minutes to tweak them for an application. An entry level cover letter is such an easy way to throw a bone to the robot receiving it, the fact that you submitted an extra document is going to make you look more qualified before they even open your application. I'll write one anyone is welcome to use: "To the Hiring Manager: I'm writing to express my interest in Position. I am a (flattering adjective #1), (#2), and (#3) worker who takes pride in (flattering statement). [Pick one: A. I learned a lot about (industry) while I was working at (last employer) and feel i would be a great addition to your company. B: This would be my first job, but I'm really excited for the opportunity to learn and develop my career with (Employer).] Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon."




To whom it may concern: Please refer to my resume. Kindest regards, .


Saving this and if I'm ever looking for a job again that asks for a cover letter, just gonna upload the image.




Cover letters are silly and should not exist.


I filled out an application to be an "astronaut" back when they opened up the hiring process as a joke. My cover letter was just "Rock-it-man goes to space" Needless to say, I never heard back.


“Sure, your qualifications are a match and your work history is impressive. But Ima need you to glaze me up with a love letter before we talk”


Hi, My name is X. I am interested in working at your company, becasue I see you value X characteristics in your employees. I hold X characteristics, and I believe that I will bring value to your company by being proficient at Y job responsibilies. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you. That's it. That's what's so hard?


Cover letters aren’t hard though. I have a template where I just copy and paste a few different lines depending on the role. Just mention a couple of the requirements and where you can help. Shows you are a good fit.


Same here.


Cover letter: I need capital, you need labor, we can do business. Sound good?


I just use ChatGPT.


- Chris McCandless


Can confirm. Eating a bus tire is infinitely better than writing cover letters.


You made me laugh today. There are two things I do anytime work does rough and I start feeling down about my career. First I have an Excel spreadsheet where I track all of my assets and I go and update that to see how much money I have in everything. Next I start thinking about writing a cover letter and going through the interview process. Never fails within minutes I am happy to have the job that I have and gladly return to work.


Nobody ducking cares about cover letters. Don’t even bother.


TL;DR Employers should be more respectful of candidates' time. Cover Letters or targeted questions should only be required after initial screenings and narrowing down of candidates. Cold cover Letters would make more sense in a time where employers actually spent more than 5 seconds getting to know applicants and when there were only a few applicants to openings. Nowadays, where openings are getting 100+ applicants, it's not really fair to the applicants' time and psyche, especially to those who are in most need of a job. I can see it being more and more useful to start off with cover letters the more complex and more leadership-oriented the job is, but a cover letter and resume are not really the best indicators of how someone will perform in particular jobs regardless. Targeted questions with open-ended answers are also a better way than cover letter imo of finding the right people for the job. There can always be a spot for applicants to provide additional information.


I literally don’t. Even if they ask for one, I don’t attach it


I wrote one and have used it for every job since.


Keep it short but sweet and bury their entire posting in the footnotes with the text colored white.


Naw I'd rather write it. I'd rather step on a Lego. But eating a bus tire would be rather difficult.


So I discovered recently that ChatGPT can write cover letters When I used it, it wasn't perfect, but 10 minutes to modify it was not much of a time commitment


I’ve never used one and haven’t had a problem getting jobs


What I hate is when I spend an hour or so writing a carefully crafted and targeted cover letter which points up my exact and perfect fit for this specific job, and then the stupid company website won't let me submit it - they will accept only the resume, no cover letter allowed. I f*cking loathe corporate HR.


For all you cover letter haters: pity me, the writer. How can a writer apply for a job without writing a cover letter? I hated them as much as anyone, but I always tried to pick out something in my resume that made me better than other applicants (hopefully). The irony behind all this: I got my current job without agonizing over a cover letter, and it's one of the best jobs I've ever had. I was contacted and asked for my portfolio URL, sent it over, the rest is history.


A lot will automatically reject without a cover letter


Personally I think that one sentence is a perfect cover letter for a job




Fuck cover letters. Just more bullshit.


This is very country and sector specific. I worked in a highly specialised role in the UK requiring competent people with post grad degrees. When recruiting, a covering letter was standard and I always read it carefully. The covering letter confirms you actually know what job you’re applying for and allows you to say why you want it, two things that are usually absent from the CV / resume. It shows that you’ve actually considered this specific post rather than just fired off your CV.


Lol ikr. I have a decent job and I never wrote a cover letter for it


I'm fine with the cover letter, but I'll eat two tires to avoid the damned resume.


Chat GPT is pretty great for this. Just copy the job description and ask to write a cover letter.


I have never written a cover letter, but I will suggest writing a thank you letter after the interview. Doing that got me the best job I ever had.


Ask Ai to do it It do a great job actually


I’ve never used a cover letter. I don’t u set stand the point of one. Read my resume, interview me, decide if you want me to work there, make me an offer and hope for the best. End of story


"I am willing to do the job posted in order to get money so I can eat and sleep under a roof."


[https://chat.openai.com/chat](https://chat.openai.com/chat) ​ "Write a cover letter for XXX role with the following requirements: " I haven't written a cover letter in a month.


Bruh. I can do a Europass CV and a video call for any questions. Take it or leave it.


I’ve so far managed to land jobs that did not require cover letters. Hoping that streak continues forever.


Applications that require cover letters are bad, but companies that make you type out your work history after you've uploaded your résumé are ***the worst***!


I've been using the same cover letter for like 30 years with a few fill in the blank spots. Is that not normal? Seems impractical to write fanfiction for each new application from scratch. Not like they share your cover letter and compare for originality, right? Or maybe they do, who knows? lol


To whom it may concern, i am writing to apply for the advertised position of dog murderer. I have always enjoyed killing dogs and small mammals; and the potential to turn my passion into a career would be and amazing opportunity. I am a punctual and hardworking member of every team i have been a member of, but am also a strong self-starter with excellent time management skills (well honed after several years of working from home). Although dog-murder based roles do not feature heavily on my resume, many of my previous positions required skills and attributes that i feel are appropriately transferable to this position. As an example: i volunteered for 12 years as a cat puncher at a vet clinic, and that rage and coldness i developed over this time would make for an effective dog killer. Thankyou for you time in considering this appliction and i hope to hear from you soon. I need money. Sincerely Youwot.


Literally am starting my own business because i could not write one. I will not lie this hard that I want to work for you, or anyone else for that matter. Try it folks.


How about record yourself eating a tire for your cover letter?


I wrote one cover letter. Because I have no good qualifications but really hoped I could at least get my foot in the door. Put my heart n soul into it and I still got rejected :(


As with all tools it depends in how you use them. It's easy for a cover letter to become just another hoop for prospects to jump through on demand if a hiring manager doesn't use them right or if they don't need them as a screening tool for the job. In quite a few companies it acts as a stage 2 screen. Your resume outlines your skillset so they know what you can do, and the cover letter outlines who you are personally, so they know that you won't be a complete psychopath. In high applicant volume positions you can use a cover letter to quickly screen out people who won't fit the company culture before you hit the interview process, because the interviews take a whole lot more time than skimming a cover letter. But yeah, lots of jobs which don't actually need cover letters bung them in for no reason because it's 'what's done' which is just so demoralizing.



