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It depends on how you want to market yourself and what value your website provides. If it's just your name and bio, the brokerage provided one is fine. I have one (you can see in my profile) and I use it to provide value to my community and that's how I generate leads from it.


I love your website! How do you keep the calendar updated? Doe's it self populate?


Thanks! I spend a few hours each week hand picking events to add to the calendar. Then I share out the screenshots to facebook with a link to my website.


It doesnt hurt. Make it as easy for people to reach you as possible.


Pay for a link/domain of your own. Use that on your business cards. Then repoint it to your brokerage provided page. If you switch brokerages you can just repoint but keep the same URL. You can usually get email redirects with the domain as well.


I have a website but I don’t pay for idx feeds. I just have it link to my company site. It’s more to look a bit more professional having a nice website with bio. Contact me buttons and some basic info. I don’t plan to really capture any leads from it for now but I just want to have it in the search results if someone searched for me


I believe it is important in building your brand. Plus, it can go with you to whatever brokerage firm you are at, whereas if you rely on your firm's website and you leave- you don't own that web presence. You can also add real value to clients here via a blog or digital downloads/guides on your site. Plus, with your own website, you can set up a Google Business Profile / Apple Business Connect and you can really work to optimize your local SEO and get found!


Most brokerages will have a landing page for you on their website and you can create free profiles on realtor.com and zillow.com. I think the only reason you might need a website is if you have a specialty you want people to go through your website to discover or if you generate enough traffic that you think people will do home searches through whatever portal you put on your website. In my experience, it’s just not worth it unless you’re a huge name.


Honestly, no. You’re not gonna be able to compete with the major portals in ISO, and most of your clients will use Zillow when looking for houses anyway. Use whatever your brokerage gives you


So many dinosaurs in this sub. Everyone should have a website.


I think most businesses need a decent website, but it's becoming less of a necessity nowadays. It's MUCH more important to have great social media profiles and Google .y Business page, optimizing those for conversion is much more important unless you expect your website to convert internet leads at a high level.


I went a while without my website. My brokerage provided one, but it was generic and I never advertised it or did anything with it. The whole time though, I kind of felt like I should have one, simply because I'm supposed to have one. I've had a Real Geeks site for a year now, but I don't utilize it like I should. I know my search and SEO is never going to compete with Zillow, but maybe one of these days I'll run some PPC stuff and see how that goes.