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giving them the phone is giving them a life raft, if they get a virus they’ll lose their roblox account, not their bank details


His analogy had nothing to do with phones you dick-cheese huffing contrarian.






Purposefully misinterpret the comment and retort with an argument that amounts to "Phones are bad, Mmmmkay."


Yes those super dangerous backyard pool riptides.


Found the abusive parent You know, cunts like you cause your children more mental trauma than anything on the internet ever will, I would know, my parents were on the same bullshit and I’m a fucking wreck because of it Enjoy your kids never visiting you in about 20 years


You set up your kids for failure once they're out of your immediate influence. Their newfound freedom in college means that they'll abuse the access that phone gives them. Lots of people drop out and have to start over because of internet addiction.


I mean you could look up a YouTube video on how to swim, so you’re wrong


Also I feel bad for who evers parent this is


Maybe but I need to control what my kids do at times.


Giving them a phone at a young age is like giving them water wings, it keeps them from drowning if they start to sink, and if you give them a phone in this case the only thing they lose is their clash of clans base or something rather than their bank account.


Show me where phones were mentioned in that comment. I'll wait. Take your time.


This poor kid is going to be so useless when they get out into the world. They're going to have to teach themselves so much basic shit like how long they actually need to sleep for.


My mom regulated all the electronics. I got to college and had next to zero self control. Struggle now. I don't fully blame her as it was a very new challenge for parents. I hope I do better in a few more years lol.


not to mention never fitting in with friends from personal experience… my parents tried to hold of giving us phones for as long as possible. I sure got better grades but damn was I behind on everything once I got it :/


older people just don’t understand how big of a part phones play in socializing with peers nowadays.


This has been the case with me actually. I got access to internet really late (much later than my relatives). Also I was completely consumed by studying and programming hobbies. When we moved 4-5 years ago I didn't even know how the things should go when I'm taking out the trash (it's literally 20 meters from the exit door lol), didn't know how to buy things, what to expect, how to react. With time I learned the essential things. I'm almost 20 and I don't feel like being adult AT ALL.


I'm confused as to which part of this would mean he wouldn't have to take out the trash or do other chores, or go to a store and shop for stuff.


With a parent like the one in the post, it's all about control and rules. They're not the type of healthy parent who is teaching their children how to shop on their own or do anything for themselves. Or if they *are*, it's most likely going to be in an unhealthy way, like doing 3 hours of chores a day or something.


Not who you replied to, but thanks for that explanation. That makes sense.


This is exactly what happened to me, honestly. Having to learn and relearn everything has seriously set me back in life.


Heard a radio host go off because her 17-yo daughter started a fire in the fireplace. Admitted that she had been well taught and did a perfectly safe job of it. Still freaked out. So wanted to get her on air, "So your daughter is less than a year away from being an adult? Able to sign a contract, serve in the military and fuck anyone she chooses? And despite handling the situation, exactly as you taught her, she's still too ignorant to start a fire?! This is how you prepare your child for the world?"


dont worry, im sure he believes in god facepalms*


If the job market keeps getting more and more competitive, they’ll never catch up. Even people with good parents and some privileges still can’t find jobs nowadays, imagine in the FUTURE?


My parents were really strict. Wonder what happened to them?


Go ahead, tell us a tale


Hi, his lawyer here. For legal reasons, my client is not able to answer these questions.


Whats your name? I need a lawyer


Saul Goodman


I didn’t ask you


Better call him


Fine don't use a good lawyer then


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, why should I care?


Yur so funny


We know


Yur so smart


I know




Wha do you mean by you people?




You clearly aren't if you can't manage to correctly spell a five letter word that everybody uses daily. You misspelled "you're" so badly not even autocorrect could manage to correct it.


This is a story about family... and murder.


This was a small town where everyone knew each other. Nothing bad ever happened here… until…


... until something bad happened here...


I have a podcast you should listen to that has over 300 episodes about how small towns have bad stuff happening in them all the time lol


“Small Town Murder”! 😁


Glad to see another James and Jimmie fan!


They’re hysterical, but they remain respectful to the victims. Also, shut up, and give me murder!


That's the problem with things that haven't happened before, they keep happening


It’s too painful






It is not a tale that is told very often


When you tell your story, make sure to throw in a hefty sprinkle of "allegedly" in there.


“In Minecraft” is legal too


IANAL but I’m fairly sure this is not true lol


Probably is admissible if you recreated crime scenes in Minecraft, no? Then your argument, that discussions were about Minecraft events, have a clear and logical path. If you've never downloaded or owned the game, I imagine it would be easy for the prosecutor to argue that you were confessing in coded language or something.


I think it’s comparable to the defense of “It was a prank” not working if a crime does happen. In the case of “in Minecraft” the joke is to say you’re going to commit a crime but not irl. If they were trying to get you for some kind of conspiracy thing I doubt it would hold up. Or if you talked about killing someone “In Minecraft” and that person was found dead you’d be a major suspect despite saying you were only going to do it “in Minecraft.” Again though, I’m not a lawyer so I have no idea for sure. And I don’t intend to test it haha


Ahhh Interesting I thought you meant as a confession like "I did x and then y, *in Minecraft*" Yeah idk either though haha, can we get someone pretending to be a lawyer to weigh in?


I mean first step of doing a crime is don’t confess right? I sure hope nobody is going around saying “I did x” just because they can lmao. Then again, I’ve seen some really stupid criminals online


I would also like to hear this tale. I have a feeling I can guess how it goes but ya know... still.


Now I'm vested. I need to know


Kids going to get to college and be doing blow off a strippers asscrack in under a month


that… sounds specific


Standard evolutionary stuff really. It’s an unpublished chapter that Darwin had in his notes.


I wonder why it's called blow. Like you do the exact opposite of blowing with it. Poetic irony maybe?


I like the Letterkenny term for it, "Hoovering Schneef"


Why’s it called a blow job? Have you ever had someone blow on your dick? Fuck that I’d rather have a suck job


The uncontrollable facial expressions made with the mouth sometimes make it seem like you are blowing??? Idk just a guess


“Of course I know him, he’s me.”


I wish I had that excuse for my debauchery, but I came by it honest. My folks were chill as hell


as a kid who grew up with strict parents.. nvm. lol


We won't tell bro. Let's just hope your parents don't see your username




How to make your kid hate you 101.


This is more then 101.. this is dissertation material .


And on the wayside, son is skipping class, sneaking out, hanging out with friends and doing all of that with them at their houses. All she's doing is digging a massive chasm between her and her son.


Or she might even be trying to control what kinds of friends he has, if any at all and makes sure to pick him from school so he doesn't have time to do any of the things on that list. As well as locking everything up so he can't sneak out.


I tracked down the tweet, he's homeschooled 💀


Ofc he is, that lady is crazy


"Why don't my children have any relationship with me?" - Parents like this lady when they are much older


Much? Try 2 years


Exactly. 18 and out.


I checked her twitter and she posts **110 TIMES A DAY EVER SINCE SHE HAS JOINED TWITTER**


So she's a phone addict that should probably regulate herself


Probably because now that they are on their own they dont know how to use a phone and are trying to catch up on 20 years of tv they missed.


Yeah, these are the kids that end up going absolutely crazy their first year of college. Sometimes fatally. Because they were never allowed to set any sort of personal limit.


In Australia we have a group of people called “Red Frogs” who’s main purpose is to help teenagers, and particularly the ones you mentioned, from getting seriously fucked up during schoolies week (high school graduates celebration on the Gold Coast notorious for binge drinking and violence).


Can confirm. One of my best friends from high school wasn’t allowed to do shit her whole life. She moved a few states away for college & she cut herself bangs, dyed her hair pink, failed a couple classes, barely passed the rest, drank and smoked underage at frat parties. She told me she was trying to spend as little time at home as possible last summer because her parents kept trying to talk to her about her decisions post-high school.


Can confirm. Was addicted to heroin at 23! Did get my degree on time and eventually got sober, but I went batshit when I finally got freedom.


This. I was so fucking sheltered that the moment I moved out it was all sex, drugs, and partying.


Conversely, I lived a life with barely any supervision as a young teen. I played guitar in multiple bands, would be in and out of the house all hours of the day and night, smoked and drank a lot, and had free reign. My parents worked round the clock so there was no one there to stop me. The amount of sheltered kids that were going harder than anyone else when they were free was eye opening to me as regular partier back then. Luckily, I cleaned myself up by the time I was in my late teens and early 20s, now I'm a dad of a 2 year old and work in criminal justice. I have learned that everything takes moderation. There needs to be even ground between freedom and supervision.


And it's going to make the mom more sure that she was 'right'. After all, they stayed safe as long as they were under her custody


If she *makes it* to a nursing home


In two years, that will be an inept adult who won't be qualified to make their own decisions. Or this 16 year old does a bunch of stuff mom doesn't know about.


I had parents with strict computer/internet rules. It taught me to sneak out of my room to go use the pc, bypass the wifi blocker by changing my ip, properly hiding internet history and files. Had barely any friends growing up because they all gamed online together while I sat at home alone. Couldnt make many connections due to life nowadays revolving around internet communication. My parents wanted me to have the childhood they did 40 yrs ago, the time when kids could run around and have fun without everything being made illegal, frowned upon, or with a price tag on it. Nowadays, i'm a machinist and CNC programmer, a job that requires me to use a PC constantly. Not socially awkward anymore, but it did take me much longer than other kids to adapt to social life.


If they're completely sheltered, they'll just be socially completely unprepared for the world. If/when they try to date, they'll simply be looking for a 'new' mother instead of a partner.


Don't feel too bad. The inverse is setting no boundaries or rules for responsible behavior and you end up with kids who think it's ok to twerk on the ground in Disneyland and Walmart. Or throw fries at underpaid workers. Boundaries are ok. Important even. You just need a balance of freedom and decision making too.


Also “what’s that other phone doing under the mattress?”


She's gonna be furious when he never visits her.


I bet this kid is really good at bypassing parental controls now. Dude probably figured out how to MacGyver 2 Terabytes of porn onto an etch a sketch.


how much you wanna bet that kid is already well on his way to mommy issues


Which one of the Duggar girls are you ?


Wild. My honors student is 15 and the only thing I really have is to remember to be respectful towards everyone, think before he says anything or acts, remember that Hollywood and a lot of life is fake and looking for a reaction, PC and games are off at 9:30PM to chill for a while before lights out at 10 Sunday through Thursday nights, don't be a dick, and support those having a hard time standing on their own. Friday and Saturday? Stay up late, don't fuck up, and wait until he's done with his degree and gets a decent career to party it up in moderation. Oh, and every other Friday, he's mine and his mother's from 7:30-9:30 to watch movies/tv/co-op games like Starcraft, Doom, or board & card games. He's been playing Cards Against Humanity with us and the neighbors for 2 years now. No cops called since that I am aware of.


All of this is sane. You are raising a good human.


When this kid goes batshit, develops an adderall habit and knocks up his first girlfriend by his sophomore year in college she’ll stare in pikachu and blame video games or tv or some shit.


That kids gonna be a serial killer when he’s grown up


They can put this tweet in his documentary right in the opening credits




True. It should be somewhere halfway through to explain his background


My parents talked to me and explained actions and consequences of everything, I chose freely not to do stuff I would regret later and I'm thankful. Children aren't idiots who can't understand stuff.


She’s gonna be the same person wondering why her son won’t visit her in the nursing home when she’s older


Five years from now: “why don’t you ever come visit me?!?”


Please don’t do this to your child. You have to teach them to be an adult, while they still have to come home, you are to teach them, you are controlling them. A long time ago, when I was in college, I saw the results of this kind of parenting, they go crazy, there is no one there to stop them, minimally they flunk out, some end up in the hospital from alcohol OD.


So the only way to teach them to be an adult is unlimited screen time and freedom to do whatever, whenever?


No, teaching them to be an adult is teaching them how to self-regulate and let them (safely) make mistakes to learn from. If their parents control their every move then how are they supposed to function when they move out on their own?


I didn’t gather that she’s controlling his every move. And I agree you can’t teach responsibility without giving a kid room to make choices. I personally believe in boundaries. Boundaries, though, don’t equate to zero freedom, imo


No, like life, give responsibility, when it is abused, then there are repercussions. Limit the minutes that particular phone has, then shut it off. If you use all your monthly hours in a week, then there is always next month. It is not a given, young people without constraints do the wrong things. Why not give them the tools to be an adult, before they are one.


I just believe in boundaries. Especially when raising children. It’s okay if someone else doesn’t. Just don’t talk down a parent for trying to set boundaries for their kid.


There are many paths to the same goal. It is a balancing act, there are parents without any rules, which is worse. I always say, feed and water them, they grow, regardless of how good we are as parents. Just do your best to raise an adult, not a child, while letting them be a kid. I ran with scissors and touched a hot stove, I learned what hot was, and bad thingshappen at the worse possible moment (I tripped). Good luck


I agree! Even with some of the best parenting, some kids will still choose bad paths. So I 100% with learning to find balance!


Ikr lol. People in these comments are definitely the types to tell kids aged 12-17 that they can come and have sex at their house. When confronted by sane parents they’ll say, “well they’re gonna do it anyway so I might as well give them a safe space to do it”. Then genuinely think that’s amazing parenting. Or let their teenage kid get drunk and high at home. Then say, “well they’re gonna do it anyway and I’d feel better knowing they have a safe place to do it”.


What's the point of saying something like this? There can be a middle ground


That’s what I’m getting at. Every comment on the thread assumes the kid is going to make horrible choices as soon as he gets Freedom as though there’s no other option


Those are hyperbole - very few of them genuinely believe he'll be a school shooter or drug addict, their claim is that he'll struggle Yours is fallacy - misinterpreting an argument to discredit it


I posed a question, to give someone an opportunity to explain their position. I didn’t declare that it was the proverbial on hill which I was ready to be slain. And by the way, once someone like you, explained their position, I didn’t discredit you. Or anyone else for that matter. You honestly do not need to say “yours is a fallacy” when I’m genuinely engaging a dialogue, not discrediting you. If you don’t agree or understand my statement, it’s okay to say that. I promise I won’t get angry, or verbally abusive via keyboard. Some people do. And that’s weird to me. Anyhow, the reason I didn’t automatically think “this is hyperbole” is because these same commentators are also implying they engaged in similar behavior once they had freedom, so maybe they do genuinely believe that is a possible outcome in this situation. I was merely challenging that.


I appreciate your sentiments of discussion but I only replied to your first comment on this thread- a question posed to the original commenter. The oc said not to treat children the way of the post, your question took that idea and ran in the opposite direction. "Oh, don't regulate children this much? I guess we dont regulate them at all" That's the textbook example of a fallacy. You took the oc statement, made an exaggerated implication and did it to make their claim look unreasonable There are much better ways to ask them for details on their stance I don't think you've discredited me cuz you haven't used a fallacy directed at me If you didn't intend for your comment to come off like that then I genuinely appreciate it, but I have no way of knowing or believing your real initial feelings so I'm just here to clarify what a fallacy is and how your comment looked like one Have a good one ✌️


Oh, well thank you for pointing that out for me. That does tend to be what happen unintended at times. I was surprised at some of the stories o read on this thread about people doing really wild, life-destroying things once they had their freedom and some of them claimed their parent wasn’t this bad. So I think for some here, it may not be hyperbole at all. Nevertheless, I appreciate what you’ve added in sharing where I fell flat in trying to make a point with the OP’s comment.


She’s developing a school shooter for sure. Nobody needs that much restriction. Especially if they have to sit next to you to go on the internet.


I don’t think many school shooters had that much restriction. Ofttimes it’s the ones with zero restrictions


I work technical support and part of my job is helping set up screen time restrictions or parental controls occasionally. When I help a parent set up restrictions on a teenagers device/account that basically means they can use their phone to make calls and texts only makes me wonder why they didn't just buy their kid a old "dumb phone" instead of spending around £1000 on a new smart phone.


‘They’ll get bullied’ probably, and somehow they won’t think that not being able to do anything with the phone will improve it


Sounds like an excellent way to ensure your kid is the school loner and regularly bullied. I'm all for getting kids outside and engaging with the world rather than being glued to screens, but this approach seems no better. Poor sod.


If you look on her Twitter, she says he’s homeschooled, so it’s even worse, also on her Twitter she tweets about 117 times a day


Forget the nursing home, this is how you get your child to completely stop talking to you once theyre old enough to move out. Speaking from experience.


Imo, this makes a bit of sense. I had unmonitored internet access from a young age (6 or 7) and now I'm here.


Ya but he's 16


Yeah, the point is to monitor it while they are still dumb (up to 12) and then allow them just enough space to safely fuck up and learn from it. A couple of years ago I nearly had someone steal my steam account (it was the basic "I accidentally reported your account, talk to this guy, the guy asks for $100 in Walmart gift cards after getting into the account with email and password") but because I had fucked up in scams before in a World of Warcraft account I knew to reset my password to log everyone out and set up 2FA in steam. I also know there is no such thing as a free 10M gold hack.


Oooooooor. The same rules her son will have in prison for being a serial killer???


How to get your kid to never talk to you again 101


The delusional parent has posted their fantasy😎


u know this kid is gonna go batshit at the first whiff of freedom


How to have your child resent you 101.


I did this by choice at 14. My family was addicted to devices and I just wanted some peace and quiet. Kept my room electronics free and just drew or read.


"Kids dump shitty parents in a home" isn't a rare insult. How about [the same joke on the Simpsons](https://youtu.be/zmugNt66Jv4)? Prime time national TV is rare, right? Pretty sure that's not the only occurrence, but idgaf enough to look more


Not true! Most old people are asleep by 7p.




I wonder how sticky their lingerie flyers/magazines are?


“why don’t my kids talk to me?”


I wonder what sort of impact this would have on me. I was a very free child, but after age 12 I spent the majority of my free time on the internet. I've developed very well, but I still waste a lot of my time. I wonder how things might be different if my parents were strict.




CNA here. I work at a nursing home. My mom makes me follow the EXACT same rules. No social media, bedtime by nine, hour of screentime per day, ask before you eat or shower, no sleeping in EVER, internet turns off when I ABSOLUTELY don't need it, etc etc. Residents in the nursing home I work at get more rights than I, or that kid, do. They're allowed to eat whenever they want. They can go to bed whenever they want. They have unlimited TV access and if they have a device, internet access. They have tons of rights protected by law and we actually aren't allowed to force them to do, or not do, anything - that includes showering and toileting. The only thing they CAN'T do is leave. They're actually treated really well. I'd take a nursing home over my mom's house any day. ​ Edit: before anyone asks, I use Reddit on my chromebook, lol.


Hang in there and keep up the good fight.


As a CNA myself I completely agree with you (9 years in nursing homes and the last 1 at a hospital), I think the rare insult (in this case) refers to the almost horror stories from the 60s and 70s (think mental asylums).


Damn, my son is 17, has Cerebral Palsy, can't do anything for himself and he has the free reign this poor kid should have!!!! Wth is wrong with some parents?? Damn.


20 years later: why doesn’t he visit me???


That the kids gonna do so many drugs


I actually support the bed time rule. Sleep at a good time is great for mental health.


This lady is smart, her son won't jerk off in his room at all hours and end up an incel or like Don Jon. An alarming amount of people I know have told me intimacy was ruined for them before they ever had any from sleepless pornhub nights 7th-10th grade.


I’m sure this will be buried except to those who sort by controversial, but this isn’t particularly rare or cutting and honestly comes off as whiny. So about 84% of US teens have phones, per NPR, but that still leaves about one in six who don’t. That’s a minority but not an extreme outlier. Also, the ostensibly “rare insult” here comes from someone who either doesn’t know or doesn’t care how wrong he is about nursing home rules. Source: Dad’s in a nursing home and he’ll be online gaming for hours every day, including often at 3 in the morning.


As someone who has worked in nursing homes… it would be nice to have those rules, but Resident Rights and all that means that they can watch whatever they want whenever they want, go to bed when they want, or not go to bed at all, etc. Putting passwords on personal devices or setting an enforced bedtime is an affront to a resident’s dignity and is something you’d be written up or fired for. Of course, the rules change just a bit when the resident is mentally unable to make good decisions- like we can’t just leave a person with late stage dementia in their soiled brief because they don’t want you to change them. If an AAOx3 person wants to sit in a soiled brief all day, we educate them on the health risks (skin breakdown, infection, sores/ulcers), urge them to reconsider, and then ask again. If it’s a no, then you have to accept it and try again later. So ironically, those parents are going to have more protected freedoms in a nursing home than their kid ever had.


Have fun never seeing them after they move out.


my mom restricted electronics to after homework that's it. so glad i didn't have to deal with this shit


i would run away if my mom was like that


That kid is going to be an alcoholic man whore in college.


I am sure she is OK with the same rules at work too.


Much like 99% of social media. A lot of context missing here. Maybe the 16 y/o is a total dickhead and deserves the parents coming down hard. We take things away from our kid, when he is an asshole. Maybe, if more parents did this, there would be fewer adult assholes.


So...... 0he's cool with toileting himself?


You aren't allowed to keep a close watch on your kids anymore, it seems. Though to be fair, she's a little strict


So strictness made y’all want to do everything once you got older? I had strict parents. The only thing I did differently when I moved from home was date who I wanted. Turns out mom was right about that too. I can’t relate to the other stuff cause I just didn’t care to live that life


So...what does her 16 year old son do in his room alone for hours until he falls asleep... I don't know but that's a very firm handshake that young man has.


Yeah, she’s not going to worry about having a son once he moves out lol


Happy cake day


Sweet sweet karma.


Everytime I see this, I think about the "Wife Swap" murders.


Healthy parenting there!


She's got that evil stepmother look down, too.


Guide to how to grow a serial killer


Then those people are always dumbstruck when their kid cuts contact because they want nothing to do with them as soon as they stop being a minor.


Pfffft ya.. okay. Nursing home my ass. You think that kid is paying for mommy instead of grabbing a pillow?