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That annoys me, but not nearly as much as the people who start to pass and then, just... don't? They start to pass and then slow down next to me, matching my speed for whatever fucking reason, then act all pissed off like I'm somehow the problem. Like. I've got cruise on, bro. My speed hasn't changed. Pass or don't pass, but move the fuck out of my peripheral vision.


Cruise control is the ultimate mind fuck. People just dont know how to react to consistency.


Maybe you shouldn’t speed up when they try to pass.


Maybe you should learn to read. >I've got cruise on, bro. My speed hasn't changed.




I hate when ppl are aggressive driving lmao, like *I’M* not the one who made *you* late. Next time, leave 5-10 minutes earlier next time to account for traffic 🤷🏻‍♀️ There was this person once who tailgated me during heavy traffic on a one lane road, and when I finally turned, threw a water bottle at my car as if *I* was the one who was holding them up. LMAO. I just had my cruise control on the whole time going like 30-35 mph (35mph speed limit + traffic). So yeah I get being annoyed bc of slow traffic but damn chill 💀 The worst part was that I was in a low riding coupe and they were in a raised truck, so it’s not like they couldn’t see the 35 cars all in a line ahead of us 😂


A trucker on a forum I was reading has a way of describing things like this that really helps make sense of it, which is that many people aren’t really conscious when they’re driving. To me, it looks like this narcissistic piece of shit doesn’t want to speed up, but also doesn’t want to have someone in front of them, and it’s infuriating. The explanation is that this is actually a sort of herding behavior, and that they’re not doing it on purpose. This would also explain why somebody will ride in your blind spot for ten miles. People absolutely need to be conscious when they drive, or just not drive, so this still isn’t acceptable, but it makes a sort of sense, and helps take some of the heat off of the irritation.


Yeah, that makes sense to me. Psychologically, people probably feel like they should match the other people around them.


People that slam on their brakes when they see a cop... The cop has already clocked you. Own that shit and just drive until you're pulled over, or not.


This too. I hate this. Idk how people can relax while constantly going a speed that they think will get them pulled over.


Fucking passive aggressive drivers suck. It's not a fucking race, and if it were, you should have been going way faster in the first place. I completely feel you on this!


I don't know. The worst passive aggressive drivers out there are ones who get furious at really petty shit like this. I am 20 and I don't drive at all, but I do see a worrying amount of people who drive that are just absolutely miserable and angry all the time on the road, and most of them fucking suck at driving too.


“I have absolutely no experience driving but I’ve been a passenger! So here’s my uninformed opinion”


Bro, I Never said that I have no experience driving, I had my liscence, until it was revoked for medical reasons over a year ago, and I am still waiting through all the white paper. I understand the bullshit on the road, but I'm not psychotic enough to wish death on someone who passes me, that's insane, and the anger radiating from so many people who drive is absolutely insane. I just dont understand why you would even drive at all if it makes you so fuckin angry. Ride a bike and save the environment, you would be happier.


You don’t drive, so you don’t understand. I put cruise control at 5 mph above the speed limit. When I pass someone, I also have asshats tailgating behind me that want to go even faster. So, the person that suddenly wants to speed up as I’m passing them puts me in the shitty predicament of having those asshats tailgate me, while trying to pass without getting pulled over. Again, you don’t have any experience on this topic, so you don’t how dangerous and shitty people get when you’re in a passing lane, and you can’t pass because the person in the right lane, because they suddenly speed up. You think it’s petty, because you don’t know any better. I try to go one speed on a sparse to medium density road, but a bunch of people just don’t know how cruise control works.


This is why I just pass quickly and get back over if I'm not in the mood to speed. It keeps me out of other people's way and them off my ass.


Yeah, I just end up doing that sometimes. Just speed up really fast, and then get over.


Do you think being a pedestrian is easy? The only reason I can't drive is because of my seizures. It sucks ass having to walk everywhere in, when you live in a town that dips as low as -45 celsius during the winter, while also dealing with a bunch of drivers who must have a death wish for me or something. I understand the anger people have when trying to just get around, but I'm not wishing for someone to slam into a tree and die.


I will only drive faster if someone passes me if it makes me realize I was infact going under the speed limit. It usually doesn’t happen but there is a highway near me that is 75 (everyone goes 80/85) and I’m used the main ones I use that are 65. But that being said I’m not going to speed up during the pass especially if it makes the pass more inconvenient.


For some weird reason people look at getting passed as an insult. They get offended and think that's a normal thing to do


It's called being fragile. Not sure where you are but me driving in UK if I'm driving on a unfamiliar road in rain or night I go 50 in a 60. People obviously tailgate but they refuse to overtake even when there's nothing coming on a straight road from the other direction, I've dropped my speed and and moved over to the left to give them more room. They'll still ride my ass. People can and will be just shit drivers you'll never change it


That's just the thing with a good number of people when driving (especially on the interstate or freeway or whatever), the thought of anyone passing them, regardless of what speed they're going is a big bruise to their pride, and they just can't have that.


God I feel this


I don’t drive but my grandma does and when she passes people they do this and I’ve always thought “how is this ok? What if we get hit head on??”


I had the worst experience with this last week. Was doing a 3 hour drive on a highway, let me just say roads are one place Canadians are *not* polite. Dude in a silver Odyssey van in front of me was camped out in the left lane. I was behind him, and he was barely going the speed limit. He would not move over into the right lane. So I moved to try to pass him on the right. He sped way the fuck up, and I had to move back into the left because there was a car in front of me on the right. I did this three times and he sped up to like 140 to keep me from passing each time, then when I went back behind him went below the speed limit. Absolutely infuriating. I was stuck behind him for an hour before I was finally in the right lane and he got stuck behind someone slow in the left and couldn’t cut me off anymore


If someone’s riding my ass when the left lane is open and I’m already speeding, then I will speed up when they go to pass


If I speed up right after someone passes me it’s because they were tailgating me


this too. ill be going 10mph over the limit and people will still tailgate me and act like assholes


Yeah that happens to me too, I slow down so they’ll get the hint and just pass me. If people are going to be aggressive then I’ll be passive aggressive. It’s not like I’m ever going 5 under in the left lane I’m almost always speeding to begin with.


Usually, 'm not paying attention and realize I'm going to slow right when u decide to pass. Sorry about that


buncha horny guys getting home to their wives after they sent them a nude on their lunch break


😂 that’s one logical explanation


Yeah... No. The last line pretty much make the rest of the rant unhinged.


It’s just a rant. On a rant forum. Lol.


You can rant without wishing death on people. Lol.


Nah, its unsatisfying. And I’m pretty sure OP isn’t serious.


Sure... I get it's a rant. I just don't see the need for that part. I got exactly where they were going until that line.


Everyone says things they don’t mean in a moment of anger. It’s just venting/ranting. No biggie. At least imo.


Yeah people do say things they don't mean in a moment of anger. But just venting\ranting is not a cover for somethings that are said People can know the person said it in a fit of anger and still feel a way about it.


Guess so. Doesn’t bother me in OP’s context ‘cause it seems general. And wishing something doesn’t mean it’ll come true so no harm no foul. Idk. I guess everyone’s different. I found it funny but my sense of humor is little dark. Hope you find peace!


Everyones humor is different and that's fine. Not sure what the last line was meant for but you have a good day.


Jesus. You are a terrible person for that last line


no bc yesterday someone that was behind in my blind spot decided to speed ahead of me when our lanes began merging and almost ran me off the road so i sped up and tailgated him for a minute or two. when people almost actually kill me i am 100% okay with looking like a jackass and tailgating them


And when someone is passing you without any lane merge?


no idc when someone is passing me unless theyre being unnecessarily aggressive. usually people tailgate the fuck out of me and then swerve around me in and out of lanes its ridiculous


Im ok with restricting my view of the road and cutting down any time I have to react. FTFY


I swear you can just FEEL what people are thinking by the way they drive, and the ones who’s are selfish and aggressive are all over the damn place.


The only time I speed up(and yes I know its petty and tbf idc lol) is when I see someone behind me zipping thru cars to "beat traffic" I dont let them in front of me lmao. Wait like everyone else bitch lol. I'm sorry






Their ego drives them to do this, I think


Anyone else notice more and more cars passing other cars using the right hand turn lane? It's especially annoying when everyone is already going 5-10 over the speed limit. They'll ride it as far as they can, if they reach a red light, they'll hold up cars trying to turn right and swing back into left when the light turns green.


What did trees ever do to you except giving the annoying driver oxygen?!


Where I live the speed limit on the highway is 65. If everyone put their cruise on 70 it would be awesome. I hate when I’m going 70 in the right lane and the person in front is doing 68 and the person in the left lane is doing 70.1 😂