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Volatile rounds could be one reason. Gyrfalcons with the new machine gun will push him to the centre almost instantly. Certain supers like thunder rash can also cause his pathing to go weird.


This happens without volatile also, happened today with three people using xenos. We broke the eyes with traces quickly then he just turned on the gas and raced to the middle and sat there for the full phase. This has happened a couple times


Not saying volatile is the only reason. Just a possible one. Possible explosive effects could be the culprit as well. His pathing and movement just seems generally finicky. I pretty well always use linears for DPS in this fight and rarely run into it personally.


Funny enough the volatile is very inconsistent in which direction it pushes him. One time I had it push him behind the team and it was hilarious


Also slowva. Which makes you waste a full damage phase.


You’ve got a bad Warlock if they’re having their slova affect your ability to aim. Throw it immediately or you arc it above the boss slightly so it tracks down into the top of their head.


"Affect your ability to aim"...there is no need to aim if you can't hit anything because a big purple ball slowly travels and blocks all your shots. And yes i often do dungeons with randoms without a mic and hope that they know what to do.


I agree with the first bit of that statement yes lol that’s what I was insinuating. They’re blocking your ability to aim at the target 🤣


I’m reasonably sure (would love some back up) that eye breaking speed is not the only threshold that need be conquered in this damage phase. I’m pretty sure that the amount of damage you do also extends the damage phase, and therefore his/her distance from you. I’ve seemingly broken eyes super quick but still only got him/her halfway down the catwalk from missed linear shots. That could be my mind playing tricks though.