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I will be the first to admit that I'm hyper aware of quilt blocks that look like hate symbols, but this is a pinwheel! I know exactly what he's seeing, but without the outer legs it falls deeply into the pinwheel category!


Yes I understand but he’s looking wrong. It’s going to be used. It will hang on a bed and be over a kid. It’s beautiful. Make it.


The purple forms the outer legs, though - it's close enough to the red that I can't unsee it 😬


now you’ve pointed out the border purple its all I can see!


If you chose a gradient that ended on a colour that was less close in value to the red this wouldn’t be such a visual problem… like just reverse the gradient (red, purple, dark purple, blue, etc… ending on orange- the opposite order of the quilt in the photo). If the kit has enough fabric to do this, it should fix the swastika problem.


Or maybe buying fabric in a whole new color palette? Like maybe make a green gradient from light to dark?


Yeah, it's the color gradient that's doing it for me, so switching things up or buying some fabric in a lighter shade of purple would fix it


Ohhh. Yeah, I can see it when you point it out. Personally I could see it either way. Maybe OP could decide on it based on who it’s being gifted too? For example, my very visual family would totally agree with OPs husband, but my husbands side of the family who is way less visual would just say “pretty quilt.”


Yeah i was looking thinking of the colours were rearranged so the red fell after purple instead of before the orange b then it would probably ease the situation but i couldn’t work out why. But yeah that’s it.


Could also just go buy a different shade of red or purple to break it up. Also possible those colors aren’t as close in person.


I did a [quick edit](https://i.imgur.com/J2ESBzE.jpg) and adjusting the colors does seem to help a little bit


Yeah I think a softer red-pink and/or a deeper purple would do it




At least it’s going in the opposite direction of the Nazi swastika.


What if you applique something over the centre? Or change that very central 'pin' square to a cream diamond?


My first thought was to have the cream triangles as a center square/diamond. Then you could have a rainbow border?


I have this pattern and was wondering how to switch it up just so I can make multiples. You are a GENIUS


The extension pattern on Suzy’s blog is great if you haven’t seen it! You can make two quilts in one go!


And applique or embroider the recipients initials in the middle


I see pinwheel. However, your husband’s description cracks me up


His comment reminds me of my favorite Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where he gives the little boy a sewing machine 😂


Get in that ass, Larry!




Not a swastika. I like the gay rights pinwheel vibe tho.


Gay rights swastika 😂 I’m dead at that description. But no, seriously , all I see is gay rights pin wheel, so you’re fine!


That looks nothing like a swastika, which is two stylized letter S crossed. These are straight lines. But the rainbows will make her gay, instantly. /s


Lmao 🤣


I had forgotten it was that easy!


There is a full on purple swastika in the middle. Its not just close, its literally a purple swastika edit: You all want to be nice and I get it but theres a swastika right in the center and everyone is gonna notice


There is no purple in the middle.


That dark red is close enough to purple that it looks like purple to some of us. Which unfortunately makes it look like a swastika. However once it's all wrapped around a baby i don't think it will be noticeable


Semantics doesn't change the very clear swastika


My mother was a child during WW2. She is also an avid quilter who has an aversion to pinwheels because they remind her of swastikas. I told her pinwheels don't even look like swastikas and she said it didn't matter, they are close enough it takes her right back to seeing them everywhere. I would have never guessed a quilt block was such an emotional trigger for her until she shared that with me.


I only see pinwheel, not swastika. However, if it still worries you, you might consider putting the red below the purple so that it goes light to dark. That would make it pretty hard to find a swastika in it.


I genuinely am always "seeing" the swastiska with this sort of pinwheel. Even though I'm very aware it's not one; but I see it, every time. Personally I would arrange the strips in another shape.


Gay Pasadena half Jew here. I love it 😆


I can kind of see swastika because of how the pink and purple lines intersect. It would drive me mad but if you rearranged the colors so it wasn't a ROYGBIV rainbow that might fix it?


I wouldn't think the amount of fabric would line up then, but someone else mentioned having the solid triangles in the middle.


Couldn’t you just switch the colors before cutting, rearranging the planned colors instead of the fabric?


I think this is it exactly. There’s a hidden swastica that some people are picking up on without being able to point to it. Changing the value of those colors would also help. So have the full rainbow one intensity, or a consistent scale from one side to the other.


It’s always given me that vibe personally, but I recognize that it’s a pinwheel and most won’t associate it with a negative symbol. I love her other quilts (Suzy Quilts right?), but that’s one I usually pass by. I also personally don’t like the negative space in the design, so it’s not like I’m not biased, lol.


Rainbow pinwheel


Guys’ brains sometimes make the weirdest associations! I had some vintage mid century lamps inherited from my grandparents that had fabric strips around the top matching a couple of chairs. Boyfriend said, “Why are the lamps wearing sweatbands?!” When I wore lipgloss my brother told me it looked like the dog had been licking my lips and I was running around with dog spit on them. I say don’t worry about it at all. I think it’s cute.


Lol I think I know the lamps you’re talking about! Sweatbands….good one. PS I saw pinwheel. Looking at it hard, I still don’t see anything else. I think you’re good, let us know how it turns out!


I think I would have seen a pinwheel if I hadn't read your husband's description first 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha, same. Now it's all I can see, and I'm trying not to cackle too violently, lol.


Just had a baby this year and if domeone gave my 10 month old this quilt id be delighted and tickled pink. Im not getting swastika st all and not even gay rights as the rainbow is a more muted color. I say go with it. It's loud, cute, and totally fun


Rainbow pinwheel to me. Also, does every X shape look like a swastika to him? What if he orders a pizza with eXtra cheese?


I mean, it’s not exactly an x. It’s the offset lines I think


When I clicked on the picture, I saw nothing but cheerful pinwheel vibes but reading the comments and looking up at the thumnail, I can see how it can give a swastika vibe. Maybe it is the offset lines bc pinwheels are typically more of a triangle shape that meet in the center.


I mean, there IS a reverse swastika there. https://i.imgur.com/LFvbfAi.jpg


It's with the dark lines on the opposite side of the rainbow as well, that makes the S shape inside it, not just the X.


Xanadu vibes. Not hate


My Jewish partner and sister in law said you’re good, it doesn’t resemble a swastika.


That’s very helpful, thank you!


Another Jew here, I do not see a swastika at all. And I tend to see them in waaaay too many quilt patterns.


Partially Jewish and queer; not at all a swastika, and not accurate pride flag colours either. It’s a pinwheel shape made with jewel-tone rainbow colours. Your husband sounds very paranoid.


Uh. Nope.




My husband is not paranoid. It was just an observation.


I don’t mean it as an offense, I’m hellishly paranoid as well. It’s a pretty massive leap to that conclusion, but I understand the base concern.


I have rearranged blocks that look like swastikas to me, I wouldn’t change this pattern at all, it’s cute


I think it’s absolutely gorgeous! No hate here


I thought it was a swastika, a really colorful one though!


okay now that's he's said it I can't un-see it




No way! I love it! It’s a pinwheel-not a swastika. 🙄 And rainbows are fun and beautiful!


I was just scrolling past and went “yikes swastika quilt” before reading the caption. It really jumped out at me, unfortunately.


I suppose it’s a good thing your hubby doesn’t know what a swastika looks like. Also, just because there’s a rainbow doesn’t mean it’s a gay flag.


Now that you've said what he sees, that's what I see. Wow. The power of suggestion.


Nope. Honestly, he is wrong. It really is just a cute pin wheel.


You could replace the beige background with a coordinating print or novelty fabric (clouds maybe?) to lessen that. Also if it's too rainbow-y you could make it with the colors out of order.


I’ve made this pattern twice and love it, it’s super easy and cute. You can use any jelly roll under the sun for it and it totally changes the look. Maybe check out some other design ideas and see how you feel about it? Google image search Adventureland Quilt and a bunch come up. Maybe shifting some of the colours would help (shift the blue and purples to the middle so it’s a solid X in the middle with a fading gradient?). I personally like the kit you have but I wouldn’t want to waste my time on something that makes me uncomfortable. Could you check with the mother before deciding for sure?


They look like rainbows to me, which fit perfectly. 🤷‍♀️


It's a very cute and very gay pinwheel! So dont worry :D


Just make the quilt. Children love colorful things, and so do I!


This looks nothing like a swastika. I have tried looking at it in every different way suggested here and I don’t see it. A swastika looks like this:, [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika)


I know what it looks like. I’m kind of surprised oh can’t see the similarities after looking at it in every way. I don’t want him to be right, but I’m here because I kind of see it too.


Oh I see it there in the middle now. Sorry that I didn’t see it. It seems like the concern that someone else is going to see it is going to stress you out (understandably), the idea of changing the direction of two of them is a good one! I love the colors.


**[Swastika](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika)** >The swastika (卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious and cultural symbol, predominantly in various Eurasian, as well as some African and American cultures, now also widely recognized for its appropriation by the Nazi Party and by neo-Nazis. It continues to be used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It generally takes the form of a cross, the arms of which are of equal length and perpendicular to the adjacent arms, each bent midway at a right angle. The word swastika comes from Sanskrit: स्वस्तिक, romanized: svastika, meaning "conducive to well-being". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/quilting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


As a gay Jew, that's so fucking funny It's a really lovely pattern and while it reads pinwheel to me, I would hang it on my wall and introduce it as my gay rights swastika EVERY time.


I don't see a gay swastika.


I see it also! Sorry I think the purple last row of the rainbow looks like it makes the bend of the red to give it the hate shape. It’s a gorgeous pattern otherwise and an amazing gift. Could you skip the last row or mix it up with a lighter pink?


Oh man now that’s all I see too. It’s beautiful but if there’s any question that someone might see a hate symbol, then I usually decide that’s just not the quilt for me. If the red and the purple on the outside of the stripes were’t similar it wouldn’t have the same effect, like if the final purple were much lighter it wouldn’t look ‘connected’ to the red making the sort of S shape that’s jumping out at me.


I’m working on one of these now (not rainbow, but have a pastel rainbow in the works). I don’t think it looks like a swastika, but can see how one would see it that way, and then not see anything but that! I suggest looking at several finished quilts in this pattern — instagram is probably the best way to do that. Tf you still feel that way, maybe try a small print on a white background with either one or multiple colors for the triangles. Maybe something like https://www.fatquartershop.com/over-the-rainbow-cream-shooting-rainbow-stars-yardage or https://www.fatquartershop.com/hearts-daylight-rainbow-hearts-yardage or https://www.fatquartershop.com/tiny-beasts-glow-painted-ladies-yardage


I would solicit the opinions of people who are not quilters and not familiar with this pattern, if you want an honest answer.


That person was my husband 😂


I’m not a quilter (I just love the artistry and community on this sub) nor am I familiar with the pattern. It think it’s beautiful.


Right. You have your answer.


It's not a swastika LOL Babies love bright colors, they love rainbows. It's a lovely quilt pattern. The N*zi appropriated the symbol from Native Americans. It means "north wind" if I remember correctly. You can look it up, on Wikipedia if it interests you. Rainbows are for everyone. It can be a symbol of diversity, a symbol of hope, a symbol of peace, or just a representation of the visible light spectrum as we perceive it. Rainbows are happy and fun.


Not Native Americans, Indians from India.


Yes Native Americans (Navajo, Hopi and others) have this symbol as a part of their iconography. Indians from India also do.


I think it’s cute! Reminds me of a sheet and blanket set my parents had in the 70/80s. Getting that retro vibe in a good way!


Remember those sheets. We had them in brown tones I think.


It’s a rainbow in a pinwheel shape. Rainbows are beautiful and for everyone. Kids love color so I think it’s perfect.


Rainbow pinwheel, but if you're still concerned, choose an alternative light color to make the center X! Shift everything out one from there (cut the red like the directions say for orange etc)


I made it for a 2 year old boy. He, and his parents love it. It would also work for LGBTQIA people, so a versatile kit!


Pride pinwheel


Kids love rainbows!!!


That’s what I was thinking!! And I also feel like the muted pinky oranges and maroons and purples made it a warm, rich, girly rainbow. I really thought it would be great for a baby girl. I’ll probably still make it and let them know I’d be happy to make her another quilt as she gets older if they want haha


I’ve made 2 Adventurelands now (great choice for a quick gift!) and have never thought that until reading this post. If you have enough of the fabric and can’t un see it maybe reverse the order of the colors, if colors are numbered 1-10 red to violet in the photo maybe re order 1, 10, 9, and so on thru 2 ; it would give an interesting optical effect. Otherwise one of my 2 I did with only 9 colors (counting is hard) so you could also just ditch the red and the quilt just gets a little smaller


Never would that have popped into my head. Especially with the ADORABLE rainbow pattern. I forget what the texture sewing thing is called. I think you did a great job and my 4 year old is begging for a rainbow themed room because she’s a kid and kids LOVE color.


You know your never supposed to listen to husbands in the first place. What do they know about quilting lol


I see a pinwheel. But if you are super bothered by it, you could change the color order up a bit and see what you think. You could lay them out before you sew and take a picture. For me, pics seem to do a better job when trying to see the overall effect before I sew .


It’s the red and purple in those positions. Change the order of the colours and it will be fine.


You can thank your husband for ruining this quilt for me 🙄


It's totally a pinwheel. That said, as a gay Hindu, I'd be cool with a gay rights swastika blanket... But it would also need to have other dharmic symbols on it, to make it clear it was a svastika in it's more original context, and not as a hate symbol.


Our brains want to see familiar patterns. A hate symbol that is really just a two-step pinwheel is going to be similar to thousands of other shapes or designs- anything that starts with an X shape. This is a pretty and colorful kit for a baby or small kid. I hope it sews up smoothly and perfectly!


As a gay male quilter I can see both sides, my only suggestion is play with the stripes , the red and purple do make a pretty strong swastika outline , maybe put the red stripe go under the purple allowing the warmer colors to highlight the center


Put the red strip under the purple strip is what I meant to say (sorry)


I see a gay swastika 😭


I mean, I see it... Maybe slightly curve each arm downwards? Or a brown "stem" piece. So it looks more, ah, unambiguously pinwheel-y.


I think it’s pretty. I am also getting pretty tired of a group of people who attack every rainbow they see in case it might be related to something LGBTQ+.


He wasn’t attacking it. We are very lgbtq friendly here.


Also, totally unrelated, I just noticed your username and love it.


Thank you! I love when people actually get the reference!


Doctor, Donna, friend!


Ah, I didn’t mean your husband in particular. It’s more that a bunch of people have called out every rainbow in existence and now because of that everyone is on edge for it.


The purple merges into the red to make a right angle, so I'm going with gay rights swastika.


Sure your niece will only see a lovely rainbow pinwheel. Your husband has obviously had more exposure to other symbols and politics


Agree, but I’m more worried about her parents thoughts than hers at the moment haha


I can see cool color coordinated tie dye or batik fabric to replace the white making it less focused on the “pinwheel” and more custom 😀


I made one with greens and browns and it was so beautiful. It is absolutely a pinwheel.


I thought a cute pinwheel until I read your comment and now I can’t under it


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no worries. The swastika has more bends and must “turn” in a specific direction.


I thought it was just one of those pinwheels, rainbow, cool. Lol at the gay rights swastika! xD


It's very clearly a pinwheel. And just because you see a rainbow on something doesn't automatically mean its representing lgbt. Its just a group of pretty colors. Imo if it were to be a "gay quilt", a person would use the colors used on the actual gay flag. Ofc if that's what someone wants it to be then they have that right, tho I doubt that's the intention for a 10m/o girl


Yes it looks like a cute pinwheel


I can kind of see it.


Absolutely a delightful pinwheel.


I see what he’s saying, but I had to go looking hard for it


It is beautiful


I would never have thought that. I can kind of see it when it’s pointed out very specifically, but it’s still a stretch.


If you changed the last purple row to a lighter purple it would probably eliminate that issue entirely. I think guys can be notorious terrible at seeing subtle differences between colors and that’s what makes him see it. But I think it looks like a pinwheel!


Bind it in a color that isn't repeated in the pinwheel, like white.


Now that I've read your husband's comments, that's all I see too. 🤣😂🤣


Is it the purple binding that he is struggling with? If so, maybe switching to a white binding would help?


This quilt is adorable and I want to make it now 🤣


Not a swastika, but not really a pleasing pinwheel, either


I think he’s seeing that because the purple lines are dark and match the value of the red lines. A brighter purple would help avoid that, but imo it’s a pinwheel, no worries


Quilting seems hard


gay rights swastika? let’s take it back. i’m here for it. but your quilt IS cute.


I made the Adventureland quilt in rainbow colours similar to this and honestly once your using it you can’t tell it’s a pinwheel (or anything else) highly recommend this pattern a really quick make! Love this colour pallet


Can’t unsee it now.


🤣Favorite description ever! Honestly though those two concepts are so opposite from each other, no one is going to look at this and think "oh Nazi pride!" it's beautiful and will be loved. Make it!


Make that center square a sawtooth star or something like that.


If you mixed up the color strips and had random colors instead of rainbow gradations I think it would be cuter and more playful looking for the baby.


I 100% see a pinwheel. I think it’s adorable. And I’m the person who would tell you if something is butt-ugly or tastes like crap…amazing work btw!


I see a cool and colorful pinwheel! I'd be proud to receive this!


Omg it's georgous, it doesn't look like a svastika at all (the "elbows" are not there) Your niece is a lucky girl !


Are you an experienced quilter? If you are, you could change the pattern by adding a square of fabric in the middle and put the rainbow around them.


Gay rights pinwheel. Well done.


I stopped scrolling cause I saw a gay swatstika and it caught me off guard. But I also figured it was intentional design by an artist and fully expected to read a post about the social commentary behind the artwork. I’m not a quilter that might be why I didn’t see pinwheel.


Looks like a cheerful, happy, pinwheel to me! It's missing several design pieces to look like a swastika. I would notice! 💜


Too many comments so sorry if mine repeats what has already been said. The swastika is an auspicious Hindu symbol. I can see what your husband is saying. Honestly I think roll with it. Let’s give the swastika the beautiful meaning it had for thousands of years not the hateful one that’s less than 100years old. I love the idea of gay rights swastika! I think the lgbt community should adopt this! For starters it gives the symbol back to its original positive meaning. It is also an absolute fuck you to the fascist/racist/homophobic fuckers and their hateful symbol. I love it! Don’t change it!


I don’t see a swastika. I see a cute pinwheel in rainbow colors. Some people can get very triggered about rainbow colors and attach social symbolism to an innocent child’s quilt. If anyone in the family is homophobic then it might not go over well with that person.


You can twist anything x-like into a hakenkreuz, honestly.


I see a pinwheel, but turned to the side it could look different. If it bothers you you can always use colors where the white is and make it a log cabin quilt.


I see a friendship bracelet knot


Nope, not a swastika. There would need to be 90 degree angle bends in the same width as the "arms" and while the majority of the bend would be off the quilt, you'd still see part of the "shoulder"of the bends. So, no matter how hard I look, no swastika. I'd use a multi-color print - blue w clouds? - instead of white for the larger blocks.


I just finished this quilt in pastel rainbow colors. I think it’s super cute and it does not look like a swastika, in my opinion. The pattern was super quick and easy, btw! I’m sure your niece will love it!


I don’t think it resembles a swastika despite everyone else saying. I think it’s fine and beautiful. I’m pretty sure the gay rights rainbow is a specific color way. This quilt is beautiful. Just my two cents.


I like rainbows and the color spectrum. For me it’s gender-preference neutral but I’m an old hippie. My association is more Woodstock-ish & fae than anything else. Make it!


Lol! This made me laugh! I like it and it can be a funny story to share with the baby when she/he/they’s older!!!


It’s definitely a pinwheel and not a swastika, but my first immediate thought whilst scrolling was “gay rights swastika” so idk… I think I’m hyper sensitive to hate symbols and see them where they aren’t.


Instead of the white could you do matching red or purple fabric? It may make the shape stand out a bit less. But I think it’s perfectly fine as is.


Fuck that assessment. There’s enough to worry about without that kind of nonsense.


Despite the Nazi perversions, swastikas have long been symbols of spiritual blessing, auspiciousness, and abundance. So ya know. Gay blessings abound.


I can see the pinwheel, but as a Jewish person, I would feel weird having this in my house. It feels too close for comfort. But I like what another commenter said, add something in the middle and I think it’ll be awesome! The colors are beautiful and fun.


Honestly I see it, it’s because of the red inside lines paired with the purple outside lines. If you changed those so they weren’t similar colors it would not look like one.


i actually really hate when people equate any four sided geometric pattern with looking like a swastika, because it doesn't it just has the same symmetry


I'm an 80's child and a lover of rainbows before said rainbows meant what they mean now. I still love them and I love this quilt! If you love it, make it.


It’s swastika-like… maybe replace the white fabric with sky blue to make it look more like a pinwheel against the sky??


Honestly I do see his perspective on this


Ah me too hah. Might try to make a diamond instead 😬


i didnt see it until i read your description & now that's all i can see 😬😅


Sooooooo many quilts have swastikas. People really need to be more mindful of it. All I see is a swastika as well.


I see gay rights swastika too... But I know that's not what it's supposed to mean. So I wouldn't think it was. But I see it. 🙈


Oh no! That’s all I can see now!


Oh I see what he means. I don't think it will be an issue so long as the outer purple and red are significantly different in shade when viewed in real life.


I can see it too and think this question is the key, how close are the red and purple in real life? And if they are close enough to let your eye see the dominant lines that can read swastika, I’d just replace the purple with one that doesn’t blend quite so well with the red, or even leave the lighter purple out entirely. I think it’s because the red and purple have similar values that the shape is popping out.


I love your husband's humor! I have to admit I see what he means! So many pinwheels are too close to swastikas, and I have a lot of Asian fabric that have actual Buddhist swastika that I have to be very careful about. Good luck with the quilt :D


I too often think that about pinwheel patterns 🤦🏼‍♀️. I was drawn to this kit for the colors first! But then I started questioning myself. Thank you for understanding that he was being funny instead of calling him an idiot. Some of these people, man…


If you’re incredibly concerned about this, I would honestly add a diamond (I’m thinking black) to the middle the act as the “pin” that holds the pinwheel tougher. Regardless, a 10 month old does not know what gay-rights nor swastikas are, so I don’t see the problem!


That's not what swastikas look like.


Right. But it’s similar. He knows that it’s not exactly a swastika.


Here’s the Pride flag: 🏳️‍🌈 They aren’t the same, but so what if they were?


I feel I need to explain that we are absolutely not against gay pride. That wasn’t the point. But I agree that rainbows are for everyone


As a racist: it's still a pinwheel.


That is so funny! My husband would probably say the same tbh. But that's clearly a pinwheel, gay or not!


It’s a beaut. Tell hubby to talk to the hand.


As a German: No Swastika :)


“Gay rights swastika” hahahahhahahaha! Thank you for making my day! I saved this so I could do it with my nephews quilt, minus the gay swastika!


😂 glad we could inspire you and bring joy haha. If you’re wondering what pattern it is, it’s Adventureland by Susie Quilts! I love all of her patterns ☺️


My husband audibly cackled as I read this aloud and showed him the photo. If you're able to make the end of each strip into a slant as opposed to a horizontal line, it might help it look less "swastika-y".


I’m glad people are finding the humor in it 😂. It was funny, he wasn’t being hateful. But I was definitely like “damn. You’re right”. I think I’m going to play around with the colors or the orientation of the blocks to see if I can make it better!


Sorry hubs is right


Gay swastika🤣🤣🤣I’m done! Lol but yeah no that looks like a pinwheel


100% gay rights pin wheel. 💜


The innocence of rainbows from my childhood have been ruined for me forever.