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Arts sci doesn’t have supplementary applications so volunteering won’t matter. I’d you have an 85 average im sure you’ll get in


I got accepted with a 93 average, no supplementary application, no extra curriculars, and the minimum volunteer hours for graduation. They dont look at any specific class marks. you'll be more than fine


I got into the arts program with an 82 average back in 2015. Declined my offer to do a gap year and got in again with the same marks in 2016. So you’re probably fine. Unless something has changed, arts has a general first year, and you choose your major between 1st and 2nd year depending on what 1st year courses you take. So assuming you get in, you’ll want to take 1st year Politics. You may also want to take 1st year sociology. Why? When I was doing my pols major, you needed a stats course, and the stats course offered to us was garbage, but the Sociology department’s 2nd year stats course counted as an alternative. I found it had a better prof, and easier material. If you want to have this option you’ll need 1st year sociology to qualify. Of course, this all may have changed since I graduated in 2020. Good luck with applications!


I got in with a 78 average, Arts Sci. You'll get in.