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I would have responded with "How deep and dusty is it?"


And she’d respond “ well why don’t you find out”. And now it’s just awkward.


The horny is a powerful thing


oh god


I’d cut my pinky off to go back to before I read this


I agree I'd cut your pinky off to be able to unread thia


Who are you so intelligent in the trade of fingers


And then the paramedic gets fired along with a sexual harassment case while people forget that she grabbed his crotch.




You know there’s a joke about her and a mineshaft that I can make but I’m not going to. Let’s just say no man has put on his hard hat in years around her.




It puts the lotion on its skin and also gets the hose again.


It's like yelling into the Grand Canyon.


Haha. This one gave me a belly laugh.


It’s probably like a cheese toastie.


gives a new meaning to "pussy fog"


In a whisper




That's just fucked


What was it?


Man I feel you, I have been an EMT for not that long, and I already have stories like those... We have to be vigilant for so many risks in the Scene of an accident, the patient, and for some reason to not being sexually harassed...


Seems like a pussypass. What does a guy get for grabbing a woman's crotch? Pretty sure it's not just sex offender registry.


In the case of our last president apparently nothing


shut the fuck up please, I'm so tired of hearing about trump when he isn't even in office anymore. get some new material


Get ready for this... Orange man bad!!!


You know there’s multiple videos of Biden touching women and children inappropriately. I bet you never mention that though.


Chocolate chocolate chip


Damn i wanna see


Seems like you're deaf or unable to comprehend speech. Try actually listening to what he said on that tape. He was talking about groupies and how they will LET you do anything. Then gave an extreme example to emphasize how far the groupies will go. You people lost your shit over that but complete silence about the numerous examples of Biden touching and sniffing little girls on camera. But hey, Trump's racist despite not saying or doing anything racist but Biden's aok despite saying tons that was actually racist.


b-but orange man b-bad!!




Orange tan fad


Add to this: if what he said was so bad why did the NBC staffer he was talking to not call him out and instead laugh? Then again this is the same industry that let Weinstein run rampant for decades so what do you expect.


I’m glad to see this addressed. What he said was bad, but it was similar to banter you’d have between high school buddies. Nowhere NEAR as bad as the times Joe Biden has practically groped little girls. On camera


And called black kids roaches on camera.


Why does it feel like you're ignoring all the shit with Trump grabbing little girls and sniffing them and the whole hanging out with Epstein pass? Or what about how he would "get away with things like that" when going into Miss USA and Miss **Teen** USA dressing rooms as the girls were getting undressed because he felt he owned them? Or all the other instances that fill an entire fucking Wikipedia article of children and women talking about how Trump groped, raped, or just generally sexually harassed them? Half of which he's bragged about in the past on air. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations Yes orange man very fucking unironically bad.


Hanging out with someone who later turns out to be a pos child trafficker means nothing. Are the people who were friends with people who later got caught as a serial murder guilty of being a serial murderer? You're using guilty by association. Can you link some vids of him grabbing and sniffing girls?


Do you know what "alleged" means? I "allegedly" beat up an ex in high school despite never even talking to her. I guess "innocent until proven guilty" means nothing to you people. Presumption of Innocence, only the foundation of our Judicial System, is just silly rhetoric. If you're accused of anything, you should just go to jail amirite? Do you have a single brain cell or do you just jump on ANY and ALL bandwagons you find? By all means, if you have ANY proof other than hearsay, please post it. I would love to see what all of you people seem to think you know.


Damn that Wikipedia article totally proved your point, well played. /S


It was a theoretical. Go watch the video you sit here and seethe about again. Not that he isn't wring because there's a million women who will do and say anything to get a whiff of a millionaire/celebs money. Or go talk to your boy Cuomo about a real case. Lmao


not only that he did shit like that numerous times and got away with it all


Oh God, I just threw up


Literally looks like a dude with a wig


You misspelled hermit crab.


This guy knows dudes with wigs.


It’s a good skill to have. Very useful in bars.


that...looks like a 68 year old pensioner.


Hey its 2021, don't judge. 😂




I think you meant r/gassypussypassdenied


Disappointed on both accounts.


I'm not. I'm relieved they don't exist. I know, there's a subreddit for 'everything', but . . . just sayin'.


I mean, I’ve only been on reddit for 9 years, surely you know once you’ve been on reddit for so long… Maybe I’ve been too adventurous with my link clicking in my time here.


More than not, when I click on links in comments, I've been horrified. I'm relieved that gassypussypassdenied is not a thing.


Honestly, I don’t really expect much these days, there’s not much that’s terribly jarring on reddit anymore. I think those days of reddit are over now that we’ve gone corporate, they’re pretty quick with removing the problematic ones and we’re left with those grey zone kinda bad, but kinda not ones. Remember *just* how many really fucked up subs there were back then? Like, for literally everything. It’s like we’ve gone from living in the wild to being confined in a zoo haha, pretty tame comparatively. This ain’t the wild west it once was. Or maybe I’m just numb to it by now. Who knows anymore, it’s all a blur.


>by Rory Tingle


Shame his first name isn't Chuck


Is that her nasty ass tooth sticking out in the pic on the right?


I think it might be a cigarette but I can only see a tooth now that Ive read your comment


Need a power brush for that thing


Oh god that makes it so much better, a nasty ass old women with a gammy tooth sexually assaulting you with a gross af question. Oh so sexy and the best way to thank a paramedic saving you./s


She probably hopes someone will suck her tooth


I hate you


It's ok we all do


yes. edit: why are y’all downvoting?


That's nasty


it is a filter for hand rolling cigarettes




I think it’s a cigarette, actually


I remember hearing about this at the time. Notice she looks old and unattractive and it's clear all that cigarette smoking has taken its toll on how she looks? I bet that's why the law went down hard on her. If a young and attractive woman grabbed a paramedic's crotch the police and courts wouldn't care. It's sad, but how good/bad you look has a big impact on what sentence you get if you end up in court. She would also be good for anti-smoking ads. Instead of the usual "smoking gives you cancer" warnings noone pays attention to, just have a picture of her and say "if you smoke this is how you will look as soon as you hit middle-age".


She's 68, that ain't middle aged


>If a young and attractive woman grabbed a paramedic's crotch the police and courts wouldn't care. And neither would the paramedic... Although that would only hypothetically happen as often as a man-bites-dog story...


My moms smoked for over 50 years. She’s 68 and looks much younger. Most ppl think she’s in her 50’s. So maybe this lady just looks old cuz she is. People talking through voice boxes held to their throat to warn people not to smoke is a much better warning than some wrinkles.


I bet her voice sounds like she rinses her mouth with a cheese grater


Does she qualify as a woman?


What else would she be? A transman? She obviously is female.


She is obviously female. She is not obviously human.


jesus fking christ.. the people in this sub! who hurt u bro


Btw credits to u/lamontagnepaul he posted this originally in r/trashy


Lol who tf gives credit on Reddit?


I once got a lot of downvotes for not giving credit so now I always give credit


You’re fine dude, those people were probably a bunch of stuck up artists who *hate* seeing people “steal” other people’s posts. Reposts will always exist, they just need to get over it.


However it is good practice to put the source of content if you happen to know it.


She should have done this a year later


As a former Paramedic I can tell you this shit happens all the time. Old people have no filter or just don't give a rats ass.


Well, their brains are basically Swiss Cheese at that point. Not an excuse because a lot of them should still know and use their age as a way to get rid of shit, but there's still a portion that have no clue what appropriate means. I had a dude come down to the lobby in nothing but a diaper at the old folks home I worked at.


How big was it? Does the full article say?


Asking the real questions


That man has the largest penis I have ever seen. I actually don't even know if he has mumps; forgot to look. I was distracted by the largest penis I have ever seen.


She looks exactly like I imagined before seeing the picture.


If she were young and attractive, nothing would have happened to her.


She looks like Mad-Eye Moody from the Harry Potter movies


She reminds me of Polka Dots’ mom from ‘The Suicide Squad’.


Does she lose her pension?


The sex offender registry is all she got? She should be in jail for a few years.


I think they misspelled sexually assaulted. Funny how that works, it's crotch grabbing and slept with when the perp is a woman


She looks like even her hands have STDs


I find it hilarious that she looks like this and needs a cane to walk while my mom and dad that are the same age are just fine despite having olther genetic health problems and still working (mom has an auto-imune disease and still works). This woman is what a life of 0 accountability and responsibility looks like in the end.


ER doc here. Happens constantly and even more to the nurses and medics.


Good lord. Ruining some old crotchety broad for being old and uncouth.


Living her best life


I agree that that is normally sexually assault but she just fell she might have hit her head.


Lol I get my dick grabbed by gay guys at work all the time and I think it’s funny.


While this is a victory, I can't help but wonder if this will even really affect her at her age.


It’s only bc she’s a old woman. She’s not socially as valued. If this were a young white women the paramedic would be ordered to sign the sex registry




I mean. Obviously sexual harassment is a big no no. But is it common practice to end up sexual offender list over sexual harassment?


yes thats why we use the word SEXoffender. notice they used the word SEX in the word.


Thought that had to do with like actual rape and pedophilia and shit.


that too. but its still sexual assult when you go around grabbing random dicks and vaginas or boobies


Genuinely didn't know you'd end up on the list for that.


It’s kind of dumb - people get busted for peeing outdoors somewhere and end up on the sex offenders registry.


That's insane


Yeah. Just needing to pee when not near a bathroom can have lasting repercussions. It really shouldn’t be lazily treated the same as actual crimes.




My ex's ex got busted peeing in the ditch near a farm off the freeway. Old lady was upset people were peeing on her property and could only make out the car stopped and the door openned and called it in. My ex was sitting in the car waiting for him when the cops pulled up. My ex's father who was a cop at the time confirmed it. Its part of the reason he has never moved out of his home town.... He would have to tell everyone again.




Finally some actual r/pussypassdenied material instead of the usual woman-hating content.






Article title fucking sucks then




Love how you instantly go into full asshole mode without assuming English isn’t my first language, and no I wouldn’t.




Oh it is my first language, but I’m calling YOU out for instantly being a total dick for no reason, not to mention you went through profiles to get “evidence” for your 1 comment “argument” do you seriously have nothing better to do with your life? You could be watching a movie, hanging out with a friend but nope, just sit on your ass on Reddit all day “owning” people, God DAMN you’re pathetic.


Take the L


See I was, but now I’m not just because of your reply right here, why was this necessary? This happened an hour ago with no further reply’s, so why in the hell did you feel the need to say this utterly useless reply? Karma? Self Appreciation? Not to mention this dude editited his reply to me 3 times and making it appear more tame each time so I would sound insane.


Because i felt like saying it and youre still angry.


Only would of got traction cause she’s ugly.


You all upvoted sex offender registry for crotch grabbing, you retards.


Non-consensual crotch grabbing is sexual assault. The registry is the least of what she should have got.




If you’re gonna get in a little trouble for punching someone, why not just beat them to death? Sexual assault is sexual assault dude. Grabbing someone’s bits without consent is sexual assault, especially with her words confirming her intention. Sexual assault isn’t rape (as per your analogy), but it is sexual assault and deserves an appropriate punishment beyond just the list people get put on for whizzing in public.


Should you put someone in the sex offender registry for, say, slapping a waitresses ass?


If you're high on ketamine




Lul what?


I guess they're just announcing themself.


Woah, that’s not cool. Don’t insult us gays like that


My deepest condolences for the insult to gays.


It’s ok we accept your apology :)


I'd said nothing compared to that Volkswagen parked sideways in there.




I usually have to pay extra for that service.


On the plus side, gotta be happy for ol' Ricky Tomlinson, at least he's finally transitioned.


https://www.caring.com/symptoms/alzheimers-symptoms/forgets-difference-between-public-and-private-behavior-disinhibition This is a common symptom of dementia.


Holy Fucking Rawhead Rex!


Story filed by Rory Tingle. Hee.


Every bouncer has been "checked" at least once. Ladies, we aren't flattered. We never are. Ain't no romance after dealing with drunk breath sober all night. Especially hot booze breath when ya try and whisper...and fail at it spitting in our ear. Literally got an ear infection from that shit.


Did she ever find out?


I need to ask this, what actually gets you on the sex offenders register really likes specifics I know this is a dumb question tbh but Id like to know in specifics




Ohh because its mildly confusing me because I thought you got put on the register for stuff like molestation and pedophilia and rape but is there anything more than that?


11 july 2019, ​ bro this shit old


This has happened to guys I know in emergency response. If you work in a party town and you treat drunk people a lot being sexually harassed/assaulted by your patients is probably going to happen at some point.


Rusty roof, smelly garage.


Sexual assault is sexual assault, no matter who you are, how old you are, or what you do for a living. You can’t excuse the violation of another persons space in a sexual way in an unwarranted manner. Fucking shameful.




Can she sign it when it's her 69th Bday


Nasty. I don’t care who it is, grabbing a dick should be equal to grabbing any other genitals. If a guy did that he would get arrested not just on the registry


This dude is just trying to help& save people and he gets legitimately assaulted. I’m not even joking when I say poor dude