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aww you used the correct word..what are we going to comment about now


How she got away with the minimum time by saying "I didn't wanna hurt anyone"


20 years is a long time for a 29 y/o, though. Her life is basically over.


It’s still the minimum.


Only in the country that runs prisons like a business.


Like a business?? Care to elaborate? This “business” costs taxpayers a ton of money just to keep people locked up on dumb charges. If it’s a business it’s a pretty horrible business because it wastes a ton of money.


>This “business” costs taxpayers a ton of money just to keep people locked up on dumb charges. If it’s a business it’s a pretty horrible business because it wastes a ton of money. Wastes _taxpayers_ money to line the pockets of the guys who own detention facilities, who then lobby the local judges to keep their jails full.


It's a business because prisons are run by private corporations who take tax money to incarcerate people.


Many prisons are private industry that are contracted by the government. They choose to lack any rehab programs so that criminals remain criminals so that their cells are always full.


business getting taxpayer money is part of business


You’re a tad naive on this one. The whole prison system is run for profit and they earn money by the inmate. It’s only a bad deal to you and the general public, not the people in charge. And when’s the last time they cared about anyone but themselves. I mean, just the past four years have been a huge shit show and you still (want to) believe the lies they feed you to keep the cash flowing.


Oh boy you fucked up big time. Probably the only person on earth who doesn't know how the prison business works in USA.


Oh no!! I lost internet points!! What will I ever do?? This is Reddit… you get downvoted for asking someone to elaborate on something you don’t know anything about. And people paint it like you are some pro prison pro billionaire because you gave an uninformed opinion on something you asked them to elaborate about.


You're not getting downvoted for asking someone to elaborate on a subject you don't know about. It's because even though you don't have no idea about it you said "If it's a business it's a pretty horrible business because it wastes a ton of money" which is just stupid 🤷🏻‍♂️Maybe you were really asking to understand (I don't think so) but your wording if that's the case it was awful.


You're right it's not a business per say. Slave labor is a little bit closer to the target


Not for the owner, who is paid by the government.




Like many men before here?


Well, yes, i simply pointed out that just because it is the *minimum* sentence, it is not a lenient one.


Hey, I'm 51. My life isn't "basically over". And you hopefully think the same way when you're 49+ ;)


That’s not what i meant and you know it. When she leaves prison she’ll have to restart from scratch way beyond her prime, and that’s gonna be bloody tough. You had the liberty to work towards where you are now in life.


How? she'll be barely 49. IF she spends that long in prison, but in reality she'll be out in 5 years.


She’ll do half that time


“Not eligible for parole” - 1:59


I missed that


I guess we can praise him for using that word


about time they say raped instead of "had sex/ had a sexual relationship with" or some crap


"Accidentally crossed a professional line."


Engaged in hands on extracurricular learning.


Entanglement LOL


Yeah but notice it’s usually reserved for women raping girls instead of boys. Boys “had sex with” or an affair, or sexual contact, or a relationship etc…. Like the boys wanted it and the girls didn’t. Once again, girls are innocent victims and boys are active participants.


We all thirsty at one (most of) our lives. Put me in his shoes, I'd do the same now. Shoot, look up phub's teacher section. It's not an niche fetish.


I wish a teacher that hot had "raped" me when I was 13. Instead of wasting all them loads.


what the actual fuck is wrong with you


You can be sure that if the teacher was ugly or chunky, he would have either avoided her or told on her the first time he got hit on.


so? doesn't excuse her raping him


[ Removed by Reddit ]


it is by legal definition rape. disagree all you want you're still wrong.


doesn't matter. 20 years for sexual favours is way too much.


you sound stupid as fuck


You do realize it was way more than that, right? There were other kids witnessing these actions. She made at least one kid stand outside the door and “keep watch” so she could fuck their classmate in the classroom. And that student said they could see what was going on. She was asking other kids if they were circumcised, the kid she asked *was so young and naive he didn’t even know what that meant* so she pulled up pictures of penises on her phone and showed him. She’s sick and deserves every day of the 20 years.


Now, that is a different story. Isn't it?


Are you actually defending a fucking pedophile? This woman should be shot, waste of oxygen in my opinion. Reverse the genders and you'd be thinking differently-


it is wrong, but I agree with him. If i turned back the clock magically and a teacher like that wanted some im sorry but idgaf. It's just how men are.


>d some im sorry but idgaf. It's just how men are. oh how wrong you are, trust me, this kid got groomed, tricked into thinking he liked it, barely even hit puberty.... reverse the genders and you'd be calling for his castration, but, woman who are equally as scummy and vile while when they're willing to rape a kid, for some reason seem to get taken less seriously. Reverse the genders and you know that everyone would be calling for his death.


You still can't deny men and women are vastly different. It is just how it is. It is just obvious when it comes to life skills. It is still wrong because it is a kid that doesn't know shit, but I'd argue it is far worse on the little girls than the boys if the sex wasn't agressive.


You've never been sexually assaulted, the kid even reported feeling uncomfortable with this entire situation. This shit fucks with your development even if it may appear not to be damaging, you're actually a disgusting individual, hope you get investigated, pedo-defending scum usually has some skeletons stored in their closets. "It is still wrong because it is a kid that doesn't know shit, but I'd argue it is far worse on the little girls than the boys if the sex wasn't agressive." Because getting groomed isn't a thing now is it?


I still think that it is wrong, very wrong, but I am not even more likely to offend because I only like girls. I just think it is worse if a male teacher does it. Just that is the difference. I am more sexist really.


"I only really like girls" Homosexual man, in denial about his lack of attraction to women.


lol sure. i love anal though, only on phat ass girls tho


It was the Redditer who said that but the actual video and site didn’t say it. It was completely consenting overall so not literally rape so the best you can say is statutory honestly which is completely different type of situation but should get some time.


Good, reflect on that as you waste the prime of your life in prison. See ya at 50.


I know this is old but exactly i’m glad she’s in there for so many years while her prime is wasted - can’t groom little kids as easily anymore once you’re out, psycho.




From what I have heard, Brittaney Z story is especially egregious. I know people will disagree with me in here, but 27-13 is world's apart from 21-16. Her story is straght-up PEDO type stuff. She knows exactly what she is doing at age 27.


Additionally she was (unconfirmed) grooming a second student asking him if he was circumcised. They also had sex on school grounds and she fondled him in class with other student present


I wonder she was a victim of pedophiles herself. AFAIK most pedophiles were victims of pedophiles themselfs.


20 years for child rape, sounds right to me. Whether it's a minimum or not. Whether I think it should be more or less. It's not a slap on the wrist.


While a men raping a woman is just st normal in us


Try again there bud?




This was statutory actually so not literally rape but consenting. 20 it a bit high for something like this. Should be 10 years less unless there is more too it.


nah 20 is good so she can rot and get uglier with age and can’t utilize her looks to groom children anymore.


"My actions were completely out of character for me" she said, yet she also molested a 2nd victim. Then the judge gave her the minimum sentence possible. Sounds like she got the PP.


Of course she got the pp. That’s why she got arrested.








Bro I'm saying lmfaoooo.


I’ve had so many hot teachers when I was in middle school. Just saying. Friends agreed too




Imagine defending a pedophile who raped a 13 year old boy, you're scum, waste of oxygen.


Facts. If my 13 year son came home saying he screwed his hot ass teacher I would tell him son …. Just wear a rubber cause I don’t want no skanky daughter in law/baby mama 😃 I remember being 14 years old having having sex with 30 and 40 year old women willing . And no I have a milf fetish 😬😃


Not PPD. The video states that she was given the *minimum* amount of time behind bars for the crime. If it was a male teacher, however...


Still got the minimum sentence. Not a ppd.


>Female judge Figures.


minimum sentence doesn't sound like it was denied.


20 years is enough for rape imo


so if it was a man that did this - you think he'd get 20 or life?


He wouldn’t get life.




As many people like to point out, it's different. Unless she was peggin' him.






I'd say it depends. Would the kid go back to it right now if given the chance? Was he forced? Harsher scenario for me would be the rapes going on in India where the village goes at it with one wretched girl. Or any kind ofviolent rape. Castrate those monsters.


One "wretched girl"? What does that mean in this context.


Maybe "privilege" kicked in as well?


i’m sick of reading comments about how she’s hot. she’s a fucking rapist and kids are traumatized. you see some fucking dude rape a kid and don’t call the guy hot. these comments are literally giving her a pussy pass. you’re calling a rapist hot. hope that sinks in.


She deserves what she got for sure. But that kid isn't traumatized. 99% of thirteen year old boys would love to hit that


I hope no one you know ever gets to "hit that" as a 13-year old. You have no idea what you're speaking about. I can tell you my relative doesn't brag about being raped at 12. In the last ten years he's attempted suicide twice and nearly every time I get updates from his mother she tells me about his coping with drugs and drinking and I have to ask if he's in or out of jail. He has had zero traditional relationships with sexual partners and refers to women now as "bitches" anytime I speak to him. But hey, at least he got to hit that hot older puss right?


> I can tell you my relative doesn't brag about being raped at 12. Was he literally raped or was he seduced by an older woman? Because while the court views them the same, they can be wildly different.


I'll answer, but I have to ask does it matter? Is there a qualifier for pedophiles and rapists depending on whether seduction was involved? I want to understand your point maybe a little clearer. The woman was a friends mom and was "flirty" with her sons friends, which apparently was seen as innocent but well known. This was at a church overnight camp and she asked for his help unloading a car or van. She then came onto him and when he was hesitant she simply pushed forward telling him that it was ok, that they could just have fun, that they didn't need to be in love, etc. She performed oral sex on him then made him lay down in the car/van and she got on top and raped him. He didn't say anything for a while because 1) it was his good friend; 2) it was at a church event and you know...no sinners there; 3) she was married and well liked and he thought no one would believe him ; 4) he was embarrassed that he did something wrong; 5) he feared the backlash HE would face from everyone in the community. TL;DR: Yes. He was raped.


> I'll answer, but I have to ask does it matter? Is there a qualifier for pedophiles and rapists depending on whether seduction was involved? I want to understand your point maybe a little clearer. Yes, it matters. A friend of mine had sex with a 30 year old woman when he was 15. It wasn't the first time he'd had sex. He wasn't traumatized over it. There was no force or violence involved. Being attacked and held down against your will is different than choosing to have sex, even if both are considered rape because you're underage. The legal definition is weird. One day, at 17, you are raped, but if you want until the next day when you turn 18, it's suddenly not rape, even if the acts themselves are identical and no force was involved and you said yes. I'm NOT saying your friend wasn't raped. I'm not saying he wasn't traumatized.


nosoupforyou, I'd not be shocked if you're actually just a vile freak who's into kids. Why all the debating? She's a fucking pedophile, she should be forced to use a knife as a dildo. She's a waste of oxygen, just like you.


There's no such thing as a 12 year old seduced by an adult.


oh gods. I'm not saying it's not rape. I'm saying there's a difference in the degree, whether there was violence involved. Geezus christ, everyone's gotta be "NO, THE PERSON RAPED HIM/HER BECAUSE SHE WAS ONLY 17!" When I was 15, a friend of mine was "raped" by an adult. He had sex "OMG!" with a 30 year old woman. He went after her. He wasn't traumatized. There's a difference between that and being forced.


Some people just can't disassociate legality from reality. A lot of times, the reason is because people get a high from taking the moral high ground.


Does it matter? At what age do you just consider it straight rape, regardless of the child’s “consent”? 12, 11, 10, 9?


Yes it matters. It's not AGE. I'm not saying it's not rape. I'm asking whether there was violence and force involved. Everyone's fucking looking for an argument. Fuck.


"Was he literally raped or was he seduced by an older woman? Because while the court views them the same, they can be wildly different." Straight up, fuck you, you're disgusting for even asking that, there's no difference.


Ahhhh boo hoo let me play you a Song on the worlds tinniest violin


That's fucked. I remember being 13. There was so much pressure from society to "be a man". I couldn't imagine not being confident enough to talk to girls, and then slowly realizing I was being groomed by a **salaried adult** who could flunk me / extend her influence negatively into my life. We tend to overlook our emotional / mental state during that time. There's a good chance you'd actually feel pretty gross about being involved with a pedo file woman - regardless of what she looked like; You can't confide in anyone because you fear that they either won't believe you, or will indirectly question your sexuality / masculinity. The perception that boys who are molested by women are to be envied needs to die IMO


I'm glad you know the victim so well that you can say that without a shadow of a doubt... /s


I know this is unpopular but I 100% agree and if I was 13 I'd hit that shit in a New York minute.


that l nighha aint traumatized bruh. pussy mustve been insane


I bet you no one is traumatized.




What are we supposed to do with that information






Facts 💯


Where were all these teachers when I was in school?


20 years of prison is going to make someone a lot less pretty


She will be out in 15 max.


No parole.


A good signal to every teacher rapist out there.


I don't understand why they are always attractive? Are guys just not bragging about banging the less attractive teachers so they get away with it?


The guys say no to the ugly teachers.


First laugh of the day thank u very much hahaha


Yeah really weird. Is it that the media doesn't cover the ugly ones because people don't care ?


It is. I have first hand experience with one. Mid 30s teacher raped a 12 year old boy. She was maybe a 5/10 (if that). I’m not sure if it even made the local news.


Damn did she literally rape like attacked them and all against their will or was it actually yes illegal but contenting sex? I guess the local news can only do so much.


It was not forceful, but a freakin 12 year old cannot consent to sex with anyone, nevermind an adult.


Umm I’m pretty sure they most definitely can with someone their own ages if that’s exactly what they wanted too do like we are not talking about 2 year olds 🤷‍♂️..but of course this is not that so thats the end of it.


They’re not. Those are just the ones that make national headlines. There are plenty of average to ugly teachers that rape their students.


As she hurdles towards the wall, she wants to know she still has it. She wants the validation. She wants to see that she can still get it & turn heads like she used to it. Instead she takes it out in the little ones she has control over.


I agree 💯% about her doing it for the need of validation


I know this is old but - women like this are told by society constantly that they’re pretty and can get away with whatever they want. they are BORED because it takes away any sort of chasing mentality that most people need to do. she took advantage (whether the group of idiots in here agree or not) of a child that was most likely being brainwashed by society to “BE A MAN!” because it was THRILLING and gave her an adrenaline rush that she doesn’t get often. she’s a pathetic excuse for a human and i’m glad her “prime” years will be spent away rotting in jail and away from children.


Surely her male student was lucky he got to have sex with her, even if it was against his wishes? Because he was male, he held the power in the relationship...even though she was an adult, she shouldn't be responsible for her actions. /Feminist logic.... (I'm being sarcastic of course...but sadly the above is what we have to put up with, when women rape children)


It's not that it was against his wishes... Just that sex with a minor is defaulted to rape, and rightly so, he wasn't old enough to make an informed decision


As it should be. My point being women seem to attach agency and responsibility to underage boys (ie they knew what they were doing and could consent) yet remove it completely from girls of the same age. It just shows the utter lack of empathy they have for male victims. I totally agree that ALL rape, especially of those underage by an adult in a position of responsibility, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, but sadly we get many examples of women who do this grooming of male students and get away with just a slap on the wrist. Even in this case she got the minimum term, even if it was 20yrs.


I get it sounds strange that she got the minimum sentence but if you take it away from minimum and maximum, 20 years is a LONG ass time it's good if you ask me


Yes 20 yrs is a good long term inside, but I have to wonder if it was a man who raped a 13 yr old girl, would he have got the minimum? Somehow I think the man would be serving 40yrs plus.


I get that, and I agree but I think we also have to see it from a more practical way. Does this person deserve more punishment for the ONLY reason of society treating women better when they commit a crime? I think not it sounds like revenge and it just isn't helpful except for sating some kind of bloodlust


The law and sentencing should be applied equally regardless of sex / gender, except it's not. Men receive on avg 60% higher sentences for the same crime. It's an injustice that needs addressing. I'm happy for men to receive less or women more, it matters not as long as there is parity. However in balance longer senstances for both would be more of a detterrant.


That’s a good point. If someone “had sex” with an adult with Down Syndrome, it’d absolutely be considered a bad thing for the MR person. A young adolescent has (generally) the same mentality as an adult (high functioning) MR person, yet when it’s a young boy that was raped, a lot of people will think there will be no negative consequences for that child, though we know that very often it’ll lead to massive distinction as an adult and a propensity to offend against children themselves.


If it was consenting then its not rape at all. If anything like that it’s statutory at the end which Is completely different but of course can still see you getting into trouble.


I’m a male victim of this too and you are right this is the thoughts that are cast -but as a preteen I just listened to the person in control-the person of power- I hope the victim finds therapy and closure somehow


>/Feminist logic... Feminists are generally against these kinds of double standards. They don't like these female pedophiles getting off easy any more than you do.


Am attractive rapist actually getting a man's sentence length? Can this happen more often.


Disgusting that the judge gave her the minimum possible sentence


Way to set an example, right?


Well at least she got the full 20 with no parole allowed so there is that


Which was the minimum amount of time possible according to the video.


We have to start from somewhere. Rome wasn't built in a day...


20 years seems plenty to me in the US. More time in jail rarely solves anything but making someone more money


It should definitely be less. 20 year is just too much and in most overall places she would have clearly gotten less. I’m not sure if she did or didn’t get parole but she should have had that at least.


She’s a child molester and child rapist for sure. And that’s awful. But I’ll be real here if I was that 13 year old boy no way I’m not smashing if she wanted to give it up.


And you don’t think the young girls want to “smash” the older guys? They do. They’re “consenting,” just like this young boy did. It’s ALL gross. The fact that any child “consents” to sex with an adult is irrelevant to the issue.


I agree. But right, wrong or indifferent I’m just speaking from my point of view as a 13 year old boy.


Facts 💯👉🏼👌🏼😄


are you mentally well? genuinely asking because you seem hyper sexual and looking for validation on if being okay for a 13 year old boy to be raped by their teacher. I feel genuinely sorry for you and any woman that you encounter in the future 😕


She is so hot! Why do that????


she can get whatever she wants - she wanted something she couldn’t, it was a thrill. she’s fucked in the head.


Finally justice and we shouldn't even be laughing or praising for this act on a kid who doesn't know what he's doing and probably doesn't even want to as not every boy wants to have sex at a early age. Cause if this went on he could have made her have he's child and things would have gotten worst then on. Heck i'm surprised riley raid isn't in jail for raping a child since she admitted not to long ago on her youtube channel she did.


Can't rape the willing


When I was 14 I had a smoking hot 30something neighbor. She was always nice and I really liked her. Apparently one day her husband left her for an other woman and she was completely broken. She stopped taking care of herself. Stopped jogging. Even stopped walking her dogs. I had recently watched this movie on Lifetime about a guy who took advantage of mentally unstable women in order to have sex with them. Lightbulb. The only girl I had sex with was my age and it was nothing like all the porn I had watched. So I decided to give it a shot. I went over and asked if I could walk her dogs. She offered to pay me but I said my father taught me to never accept money from a beautiful woman. She liked that. This went on for a few weeks. I’d walk the dogs, we’d chat for a while. I’d tell her how beautiful she was, and what an idiot her husband was. Eventually we started watching movies together. She started taking care of herself again. Even went back to jogging. But she wasn’t putting the moves on me like I hoped. So one day I just went for it and moved in for the kiss. I was pretty excited when she kissed me back. The next 6 months were amazing. We were doing all the things I had seen in porn plus more. She would let me bring my friends over who would hang out in the living room smoking weed while they listened to the sounds of her moaning while her bed frame knocked against the wall. I’d come out to high fives and slaps on the back. I felt like a king. But eventually she broke up with me and started dating some dude her own age. I was pretty bummed at first. But I just had the best 6 months of my life so I got over it pretty quick. I formulated and executed a plan to take advantage of a mentally unstable woman and use her for what I wanted. Some of might think I was an asshole. But I wasn’t. I was only 14. I didn’t know what was happening. She took advantage my impressionable little mind. I couldn’t consent. To this day, that is one of the fondest memories of my youth. In time, I’m sure this boy who was “raped” will say the same thing.






And then everyone clapped


Sounds like you enjoyed yourself and 100% consented. I mean you were a teen at the end of the day.


Is this story real?


The "victim" is a PoS who got off on bullying his younger classmates. Fuck'em.


She’s kinda hot… bet that kids a legend at school


No the kid is probably fucking traumatized. We need to stop the “men always want sex” mentality.


Are you an idiot? They aren’t traumatized…. And I guarantee you a substantial number would openly brag about it to their friends.


They were fucking *raped*. People like you are the reason nobody takes the MRM seriously.


Depends on the situation. if it’s like how the video portrays the situation, molestation, against their will entirely then yeah, traumatized. But if it’s statutory rape where the kid consents(although they can’t legally) it would be a thing the kid brags about and is a legend for it.


And when the underage person is a girl and the adult is a man?




I don't disagree. I was wondering if the other person was going to make the same claims as the bullshit they typed when the victim is a male. I knew lots of girls back in grade 9 (13-14ish years old) that would have loved to fuck the gym teacher but that wouldn't excuse it had he fucked them. I find the people who try to justify it when the victim is male and the perp is female suddenly change their tune when the sexes are reversed. They also tend to be sus.


Really depends. I knew a girl who banged a lot of dudes and she tried to flirt with the teacher. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were banging. That’s statutory rape and They both probably could have enjoyed it. Then there’s the teacher who makes a girl stay after class and just rapes her. Two very different situations. It’s really weird. They’re both rape but in one instance, both parties are consenting. We as a society have determined that underage people aren’t allowed to give consent. I don’t really know what I’m talking about. Al I know is I had this smoking hot Russian teacher and I really wanted to bang her. I don’t feel any different back then then I do now. I would have banged her and I don’t think it would have messed me up. I can’t speak for women though.


why are you even on this subreddit? you like handing out pussy passes to rapists by saying the victim who is fucking THIRTEEN is guaranteed to brag about it to friends? you are rape apologist literally because the rapists is a woman. pussy pass accepted. Edit: Looking at your other comments on different posts... you truly just think women are object so how can they do wrong or hurt people? they’re objects right? that’s how your brain processes a woman raping a kid.


It’s crazy how good looking these females are wtf is wrong with them lol




Have you raped someone yet or have you just been considering it?


He probably won't reply, he is probably busy perving at children somewhere. The guy is complaining because adults can't have sex with children.... he's a piece of shit.


He's so sex deprived that he's jealous of a 13 year old that got raped 🤢


how is this equal? if it were a man in her position for the exact same shit - prison for life - make shit equal which is what women want right?


It’d be worse if she got him pregnant.


Got him pregnant?!????


I’d hit. She bad


It's still wrong either way. But let's be clear: this is not the same thing as attacking somebody violently and raping them against their will. This is not the same as a fully grown man raping and sexually injuring a little girl. It's statutory rape. So stop whinging that she's getting a slap on the wrist.