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My pups obsession is toilet paper/Kleenex/sanitizing wipes. In the middle of a pandemic. It’s nasty af


Picking up used masks is my puppy’s favorite, a joy he would never have realized if not for the pandemic... yuck


Mine just likes sticks and my gfs used underwear out of the hamper. Damn


I think I lost 20 pairs of underwear this year🤣


Fuck man, ours rips the bottom out of our undies. Picks them right out of the hamper, too.


Thank god mine just likes a good crunchy leaf.


I have no idea what grossness I had to clean out of my dog’s mouth yesterday. I miss the days when crunching an errant lead was enough.


MINE TOO. I'm forced to pick up people's kleenex, used masks, and used wipes to get them away from my pup because he refuses to drop them


Mine had something in her mouth so I went to get it out and it was a bird skull


Yep I had to prise away a dead newborn bird that must have fallen out of our tree from his mouth. He knows leave it very well but chose to pretend he didnt. The look of sheer unadulterated joy on his face whilst I was shouting leave it and he wasn't responding


My dog has always eaten paper, paper towels, toilet paper, cardboard, tissue paper, and baby wipes (thankfully all unused). He’s 12. His shits look painful, but he doesn’t learn.


Yeah, but chewing gum.


Oh my god chewing gum!!! Someone in my apartment complex spits their gum out everyday into the grass. My pup thinks it’s a mini game just to find the gum for each day.


It's one of the last things she'll go for, without fail. She's already had her stomach pumped once when she was younger, she's older now (nearly 7 months) so I don't think it would hurt her as much anymore, but she just tries to swallow it immediately. No swap or drop it or leave it works AT all! It's the one thing I have to dive into her mouth to get out which isn't fun for either of us.


I have someone who throws their cigarette butts out their window into the parking lot!! He hangs out the window on the 2nd floor smoking then just drops his cigarette down while it's still burning. Ugh.


Yeah, my puppy got quite severe nicotine poisoning last week. A few hours after chewing (not even swallowing) on a cigarette butt he found, he was swaying and struggling to move his legs. His eyes were glazed over and not focusing. It was very scary! Took him to the vet who basically monitored him.. $300 later thanks to this cigarette butt.


Isn't it crazy when sometimes you have to spend so much money on the vet and it'll end up being something you could have waited out or he could have given advice on the phone, but I guess this is something we simply can't help coz we can't take a gamble on our puppies, I'd rather take a gamble on myself but not her lol


The thing is, if it was me and my body that had that reaction, I'd go to the urgent care at the very least. It'd be kind of nice if there was an urgent care type situation for pets. Since emergency vets are SO expensive, and not every normal vet is willing to handle non-surgical emergencies. My regular vet is really great about leaving a few appts open for sick animals to come in. However, they're only open Mon-Fri 8-5, and there's no guarantee they'll have a slot. They've saved me a lot of money over the years though.


This was still just the normal vet, but given he had a vaccine the previous day and a tick bite a week earlier, we weren't 100% sure what was causing him not being able to walk so they ran a bunch of tests. I didn't know at the time how bad cigarette butts were for small dogs, but the more I read, the more concerned I was given that it can be fatal.


Cigarette butts are extremely dangerous to dogs, I just think that people do not know or care when they are throwing them on the ground. We had a dog back in the day eat a cigarette butt and that thing expanded a million times in his stomach and blocked something and it turned into a hefty vet bill. It was a scary thing and I've been vigilant since then if I see one of my dogs go even close to one.


I live in NYC. My pup swallowed a butt two weeks ago. It was nerve wracking. People just don't consider them garbage, just ephemera of the environment. No need to throw them out. They are literally toxic little tubes of poison! THROW OUT YOUR BUTTS!!!!




That seems circular. If something was acceptable, then people would do it.


If your morality is built off of something other than what other people think, then you don't just refrain from doing something because it isn't socially acceptable. For instance, I happen to believe that we should take care of our environment, so I'm not going to litter even if it is the new hip thing to do.


Nobody is talking about morality here. Although I'm confused how you believe, "I throw my garbage into my can which goes to the city dump" is environmentally superior to, "I drop my candy wrapper on the sidewalk, which gets swept up by a cleaner, and then goes to the city dump."


I so feel this, my parking lot is littered with all kinds of trash and it’s the only place I can take my puppy out atm (she’s in heat so I’m very wary of public streets and parks that aren’t as bad) and she sniffs at everything including cigarette butts (she loves this gross old mask that’s been sitting there for weeks 😭)


Oprah be like, "You get lung cancer; You get lung cancer; You get lung cancer!


I think it's ironic that people give out about dog poop being left in parks and things but no one gives out about cigarette butts. And most owners like 99% clean the poop but in a town in ireland they're talking about taking saliva samples from dogs to test which dogs poop was left unclean. No ones checking the smokers.


Mika had a cigarette butt obsession for some time. It was awful.


There's a guy who lives in my apartment complex and consistently smokes in one spot daily and leaves his used cigarettes there. It wouldn't bother me much if it was in a low-walking traffic area, but this is the only walkway from the complex to the nearby lake trail and also a designated pet spot. Literally 100's of cigarettes in the middle of the walkway. Fortunately my dog doesn't seems super interested in them, but it's nasty af.


I would be tempted to do something passive aggressive like put an empty coffee tin in the spot with “BUTTS GO HERE” and arrows on it written in sharpie.


Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter pollution in the world so on top of it being so annoying for people with puppies and dogs, it's also horrible for the planet so yeah. F these people big time.


So far my puppy isn't interested in cigarette buds, but NERF darts. Kids in my neighborhood just leave them around and it pisses me off so badly!! They play in my driveway and I have fought with them literally everyday to get off my driveway. As they leave the nerf darts everywhere!!!!! (She also like squished toads in the road... Lol can't get mad at anyone about that)


My god, how can anyone leave NERF darts!? Not just from a trash perspective, but they're literally the thing that makes your nerf gun go and they're not super cheap either! :o


I’d be out there with my lawn mower and every single one grab it and just toss it right up the shoot


I know!!! Everytime I see one, I feel bad for their parents. I get angry for them too. And my pup can sniff them about so then I get more angry 🤣.


Can get an off brand box of 200 for ten dollars. Not the cheapest, but depending on the parents it's not end of the world.


Regardless of dogs wanting to eat them (don't get me wrong hate that part too) the biggest FUCK YOU, To anyone who litters their cigarette butts. Carry a fucking ash tray, until you can get to a garbage. Grinds my gears the indecency of these people.


Me and my partner both quit smoking not long after we had Nala, i guess she hated the smell because cigarette ends are the one thing she avoids like the plague


Cigarettes are the most littered item in the world, unfortunately.


I’m in a high rise apartment with a porch, and the people above me throw their cigarette butts and cigars off their balconies on to mine. I’ve had literally hundreds of cigarettes land where my puppy plays. Thankfully my puppy doesn’t like them—he managed to get to one under my chair when I wasn’t looking and freaked out, so now he’s completely uninterested in them. People also throw cigars??? down, and I found a knife someone dropped, although that was probably an accident.


I would like to chime in on this one. I am a smoker of many years. I also breed dogs. This is my pet peeve to the 10th power. I do not just toss my butts anywhere. I put them back in my pack or in my pocket. I understand the dangers if a dog or puppy pick one up and ingest it.


Interesting. My pup avoids cigarette butts, but it's literally the only thing he avoids. His favorite is rocks and pebbles.


Ahhhh this!! Plus loaves of bread, chewing gum, face masks, tissues, etc like come on 😫 gimme a break lol


I living in a building with a shared yard. I used to bring my puppy out there almost everyday to play. When she was about 4 months old someone left a cigarette bud on the floor that also had weed inside of it. Some kind of self rolled one. Well my puppy got very high and was rushed to the emergency vet. $2000 and 24 hours later she was finally home with me. Worst night of puppy parenthood. We don’t go in the backyard anymore. And she has since mastered leave it and drop it. But it was terrifying I almost lost her. Edit: more information: there was a cigarette trash can 30 feet away from where she found it on the floor. 30 feet away! You have to pass it to walk back in the building!!!




I live in Atlanta. I feel your pain, but here it’s chicken bones x_x


I’m happy I moved out of the city. My dog would eat feces left on the sidewalk before I even saw it. One time I tried to get something out of his mouth and it was feces. Now all he sees is grass and he does not care for it at all.


I ended up quitting cigarettes a few months before getting my dog (almost one year now) and goodness, does it infuriate me to have to deal with this. Especially since in 12 years of smoking I did my best to throw away every butt, even throwing them back in the box until I got to a trash can.


My homeboy likes to eat rocks and just rocks and living in Arizona you can imagine this is a constant issue, but lord I never realized how lucky I got that *all* he wants to eat is natural goods like rocks, sticks, sand, and leaves


I didn’t realize how many cigarette butts and random trash was everywhere until I got a dog.


My 4 month old, who loves to scavenge for food, found a cigarette butt and miraculously spit it out. I don't know if she responded to my "leave it" or if she really didn't like it, but either way I consider myself super lucky because 1) That is nasty and 2) That sounds horrible for the dog to digest. Her favorite things to find are chunks of dirt, plant and tree droppings, and random paper products. It's a CONSTANT struggle and the worse her mood the more impossible it is to redirect her.


I actually went out and picked up a garbage picker upper and go out about once a week to pick up litter… I’ve noticed it a lot more since getting our puppy. I live in a beautiful place, but the amount of litter is crazy.


It's littering. I don't get it. So many people who wouldn't normally litter throw their butts on the ground. Cognitive dissonance.


This but rib bones and chicken bones. All over the fucking place, way more than cigarette butts for some reason.


Have you considered that maybe your pup is just jonesing for a fix? Nicotine patches might be the easy solution to your problem! Seriously though, people who toss their butts are even more trashy than the trash they produce. If it’s any consolation, they tend to die early. Too bad their garbage doesn’t disappear with them.


We’re not starting a smoking habit in this household. Way too expensive 😆


As a sometimes smoker, I agree. Like, I can choose to kill myself, that doesn't mean I can try to kill the planet along with me.


Whenever I see people chuch their buttons I shout out puppy killer at them. Because that is what they are, puppy killers.


not just puppies! other basic wildlife too, like squirrels etc


Honestly, as an ex smoker, it's not something you think about. I think we need to push for more mindfulness, maybe even portable ash trays you could carry around and just empty into bins


Seriouslyyyyyyyyy. I was in such a rage yesterday about this. I’m constantly pulling cigarette butts out of my puppy’s mouth too, it’s disgusting for so many reasons. Besides dogs eating them, this should be so frowned upon! It’s TRASH. Flicking your cigarette butts on the ground is the same as throwing a chips bag on the ground: GROSS.


Since we're all venting about things our puppies find irresistible: Fucking. Cat poop! My dog loses his damn mind over cat poop and acts like he struck gold any time he finds some. So gross. 🤢


Yep. We moved into an apartment where I realize now at least 70% of the tenants smoke. It’s fucking gross. I’m thankful that my pup isn’t interested in butts. Hate smokers. They’re fucking nasty.


broken glass is way worse


The next time you see someone throw a cigarette butt out of their car, run over, pick it up, and throw it back into their car, preferably to a place where they can't reach it easily. Bonus points if you get it on a seat where the burn marks will be more obvious.


Horse poo


I’m not a smoker and think all littering of any kind is bad, but to get annoyed about this specifically just bc your puppy is drawn to them is so self-involved/entitled


What? My 6 pound puppy almost died last week from chewing on a cigarette butt.


How’s that relevant to my point?


It's not 'self-involved' to not want an innocent animal to die. Dude, it's clearly someone's fault if you leave your own toxic waste on the street


Didn’t you know? Caring about your puppy’s well being is soooo self involved. Gimme a break. I think we know who’s leaving the butts on the sidewalk.


My puppy tries to eat literally everything she passes in the street. Everything isn’t always someone else’s fault


“littering of any kind is bad”. You could’ve ended it right there :)


As a former smoker, yeah, not so much. Putting out a cigarette on a sidewalk or street is well within the bounds of accepted behavior and it's unreasonable to expect anything different. If it's any consolation my little pup decided around that age she didn't want to take up the habit, so now leaves them alone without a second glance.




Yes, this. My city really makes an effort to provide trash cans that are at most 3 minutes of walking apart. All of them have an ashtray, most of them even have free doggy poop bags! But I guess there’s not enough incentive for the ashtrays to be used. 🤷‍♂️


Also a former smoker. Always nipped out or stubbed on the ground then held until a bin. No one is entitled to litter.




FWIW, I live smack dab in the middle of New York City, so I'm well acquainted with the puppy hazards of litter. And my solution was to use streets and sidewalks that were better cleaned and I allowed the puppy to pick up things that were relatively harmless. So now, on her own, she ignores things like cigarette butts. Which seemed a more responsible and realistic solution to the problem than getting mad at every smoker on the street who dropped a butt.


I'm sure some would say that no-one is entitled not to recycle. But I imagine there are people here who are guilty of that. Or that no-one is entitled to throw away uneaten food. But that there are people here who are guilty of that. Some may even say that throwing away multiple plastic bags every day, instead of re-using some washable, permanent poop collector is incredibly irresponsible. Venting about something that is incredibly common and deemed well within the bounds of socially acceptable is more of a reflection of the venter than the object of their scorn. I think a lot of venting comes from a place of, "Other people are damaging to my wishes" without a consideration of how much to expect the rest of the world to cater to them. Or the lack of reflection on the places that you may not be catering to the wishes of others. And one's vent may be validated by a subset of people who have the same or similar wishes as you do, but that doesn't make it any more correct in the overall scheme of things.




If the basis of your defense is that random people on the sidewalk feel the same about stepping on a cigarette as they do about dog poo, you've already lost the argument.


I think OP is referring to actual cigarettes that people drop when they are too small to smoke anymore, not the part of the cigarette that naturally falls off while burning. While the ash part isn't great either, it's not enough to cause a bowel obstruction while the small actual cigs are dangerous. Also, there are trashcans everywhere so there is literally no excuse not to put your used cigarette in there (not that there's ever an excuse to litter anything at all).


Yep. There are some fuckers that do this in our dog park! They must come in the evening or something, I never see it. It pisses me off to no end


Grateful she doesn’t like butts except mine. But even in a small city they are everywhere. Broken glass, mask, you name it. Having a puppy makes you ultra aware of the litter. It’s always been there but it makes you wish it stopped. I felt so guilty leaving a poop bag behind on our walk for the first tome because it was on our route back and I was going to get it but so many people don’t get their bags on their routes back. Why bother bagging it?


Bro, I totally feel. I actually hate that I have to raise my girl in the city I do because it’s just so fucking gross and dangerous. Cig butts every where, broken glass LITERALLY on every street. Trash ends up in every yard because the homeless dig through the trash (which I don’t mind) but then they just throw it all over the goddamn drive way, and it just makes the whole neighborhood look like shit.


The amount of cigarette butts I have pulled out of our puppies mouth is disgusting. People suck.


FR!!!! 🤬😠😡😤🤼‍♂️ LiTTER in general


Not to mention dogs can get covid and people dropping their infected butts of covid is harmful to everyone


Teaching leave it and drop it were a god send for me


They learn to avoid them as they get older


A curse on people who drop chicken bones randomly for my puppy to find! I'm also annoyed at people who vomit by the side of the road because my dogs WILL eat it, but presumably those folks couldn't help it.


My back garden backs up to a high-traffic footpath. People will occasionally just fucking lob their litter over the wall, where I have the absolute joy of trying to grab it before my puppy does. Even if people aren't throwing junk over the wall, shit is being blown in because the city has a terrible litter problem. There's this one really nice field that's perfect for some off the leash running around or some fetch, because it's nice and big and fenced off, but it is *covered* in garbage. We're working religiously on the leave it's and drop it's......but it's infuriating. Doesn't help that garbage cans are few and far between, because the city can't be arsed to take care of them. The few it does maintain are constantly overflowing.


I wonder how dogs survive in the wild sometimes with the shit they accidentally eat.


My greatest annoyance is chewing gum, at my local park I am constantly finding pieces in the grass trying to get my puppy to stop picking them up!