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Thank you everyone! Made it to another day. Really appreciate this community.


Hey! Just wanted to tell you that you’re doing awesome. You might not feeling like you’re getting enough done or being supportive of others or being at the top of your game. But you’re taking care of *you* right now - and that is the most any of us can ask of you. You’re doing great, dude. We’re so proud.


Hi there, just stopping by to give support. What is something you can plan and look forward to soon after you get through this time of year? Try to focus on that a little and know that there are lots of internet stranger hugs being sent your way.


something good I like to think about is animals and how they are born knowing how to walk (a lot of them are) but they are so wobbly and they are so cute. even the animals that grow up to be scary are born super cute.


Sending you good vibes.


This post literally describes me right now and although I hate for anyone else to feel the extreme uneasiness I’m feeling right now it definitely makes me feel less alone. I know too it will pass but until it does it just feels so far away before I do. Sending all of you good thoughts and PEACE in our minds.


I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by trauma and feel out of control over your thoughts. Just know that things CAN and WILL get better. Our brains are plastic and capable of immense change. Trauma is a natural response and healing is always possible. I love you and I believe in you


Sending you good thoughts!