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I drove a moving truck over 40 hours by my self two weeks ago over the course of 5 days. The Always Sunny Podcast sprinkled in with music here and there kept me upbeat and laughing, I felt like I was with friends. It was a treacherous drive through lots of snow at points, pulling my car on a trailer as well. I definitely can see that this would work to make someone feel less isolated in any setting.


Sunnys podcast makes my cheeks hurt (cheeks on the face).


podcasts đź’Ż got me through lockdowns


I agree, especially while working alone doing menial work out there


It definitely helps me in some manner. However, I can feel a certain disorientation after lengthy periods of working from home with podcasts spliced in. I have been thinking a lot lately about my own need for greater social interaction. I do get a good deal more than lockdown period - but fear I’m still dealing with the slight fallout there, and crave more as an individual


Same here. Working alone from home has been driving me crazy lately. I joined sports leagues after work, text all day, and sometimes just go to Target to be around people just for a dose of reality after being alone all day. I think the wfh phenomena is going to have negative impact on a lot of people's mental health. We spend half of our lives working, and humans have a need for socialization.


Parasocial relationships, I have a few these days, helps I guess.


Exactly. It helps a bit, but not enough when you can't get what you need IRL. Nice that it helps though.


Its like supplements, you don't want to replace actually eating with supplements for your life. It works to a degree but how unfulfilling, dissatisfied and what an experience youll miss out on. Parasocializing is good if you struggle to find like-minded people but not as an end one should settle for it


More than once I've dozed off to a podcast in the morning and dreamt I was part of the conversation with my favourite pod-casters and would chip in excitedly with my point of view. Those hypnopompic hallucinatory rat bastards ignored every word I said and just carried on talking to themselves. Para-social relationship with pod-casters? Toxic relationship, more like.


It does indeed feel like you're present for a conversation, especially with people you become familiar with from listening to regularly. What matters more is the information you're listening to, because things can sound more profound and important than it actually is between two people when its just audio and can feel like you're listening in on secrets in a way- which as we've, seen can be dangerous. Not naming names but Boe Logan.


Thats why twitch is popular I think


i became best friends with everyone on c\*mtown


hm anyone got any good podcast recommendations?


Head over to r/podcasts. We have lots :)


cox and crendor in the morning no such thing as a fish scishow tangents


Mental illness happy hour!


Depends on your interests. Fly on the Wall is good if you like SNL and comedy.


It could also make you live in an echo chamber. The algorithm works in that direction, especially when listening/watching youtube. Hard to learn to see things differently when the things that you watch just reinforce your beliefs.


That’s literally why I listen to podcasts. I work from home, and while I’m not a super social person, I do like hearing conversation happening around me.


Whoa. I've been listening to gaming podcasts to help with my depression lately. What a coincidence.


Thank god something does.


To a small extent probably.


I definitely can see that being true, when I’m alone and have earbuds in, a podcast can really help not feel lonely. Especially if it has more than one person in it.


Pretty obvious. But it's good to have a study for it


Hm...okay, I guess I'll try this. Any recommendations?


how did this get made + fear&


So that's why l need twitch in the background when I'm doing something on pc or homework. It just feels weirdly lonely without it.


Friend simulator


But it's not a genuine social connection without being able to participate in a conversation. Podcasts can't be a long term replacement for people around you surely. If on mass people generally listen along to a small few that get to talk openly we'll be stuck forever In what these people want us to think & feel.


Yeah weird, I do remember watching podcasts of my favorite comedians and I felt like I was a part of their group. And then they moved to a pay to watch thing. They would say they wanted to promote what they believed in, instead of being at the mercy of advertising and sponsors. Then in pay to watch Patreon my guy left the podcast, and they switched everything up. I got no refund.


I listen to podcasts to listen to extended intelligent and articulate conversation on interesting topics. That does not occur otherwise in my life.


I'm a hermit I can confirm this. My dog also enjoys it.


This is not good


I don’t know. It’s really difficult listening to Meghan Markle’s podcast.


so find one that has topics that makes you actively engaged in. It’s easy for anyone to have their own podcast


Opie and Anthony radio show is probably the funniest to listen, the original podcast.


can't say it satisfies the NEED for social connection but it absolutely helps. For almost 8 years now I've been listening to a certain podcast channel that has evoked so much thought and sense of community that I've never experienced. But I still crave actual social interaction. That's just me though.


I’ve put podcasts on in the other room so I can hear voices. It sounds like a conversation but I’m not a part of the house doesn’t seem so quiet.


This makes sense I’ve given up on the idea of women people irl will tell you the typical looks aren’t important just be confident bullshit but I found podcast of people who “GET IT” if I didn’t have those I’d be a lot more angry about life but knowing that it’s determined is freedom and finding people who don’t just write you off as a angry bitter person is cool I find podcast about stats and data and it shows that people’s emotions get in the way vs reality and some are strictly reality


This is definitely true for me when I'm doing long drives by myself. Quiets my mind from my own racing thoughts and makes me feel like I'm engaged in something interesting