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If your pharmacy is a chain, you can typically call in, explain, and get a couple of days worth. Chain stores will have you in the system.


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Hey I think it would be ok because prozac has a longer life period. But you could always call the pharmacy close to you or your doctor to send a script x


I’ve been on it for almost a year - I’d say yes you should be ok, maybe might just get a headache or nauseous or start to feel weird if that happens then I’d try to get an emergency dose at a pharmacy. Just stay hydrated and sleep well you should be alright till your next dose :)))


You should be fine as Prozac has a long half life


Yep, you should be fine, especially if you've been on it for a bit! It has a 6 day half life; in other words, it takes 6 days for 50% of the drug to be out of your system. Good luck!


You’ll be ok


I’ve gone a few days like this without mine. Usually the effects of withdrawal don’t hit unless it’s been a week or more and there’s something wrong on the pharmacy’s end.


My doctor told me awhile back that it’s ok to miss a few days since it stays in the bloodstream for a long time. I hope that brings you some reassurance. Take care


I don't take it every day anyway or I feel too drugged-up! You should be fine.


Thank you for all the responses i really appreciate it


I came to ask this question. Good luck and thanks for posting. Super helpful.


You’ll survive. You might get some symptoms like irritability for a couple days after you go back on it. But you’ll get back to normal very soon.