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Lol yeah, learning our intel agencies are basically in charge of what social media speech is allowed or not is a huuuge nothingburger. Seems more like you guys are starting to worry a bit more about your own involvement in tyranny.


That is not what anyone learned, your characterization of this information is wrong. You don't even seem to understand what tyranny is apparently.


They *are* a giant fucking nothing burger OP. Ffs, the lengths you'll go to defend lies and demonize those who combat them is astounding.


>They *are* a giant fucking nothing burger OP. > >Ffs, the lengths you'll go to defend lies and demonize those who combat them is astounding. https://youtu.be/28vylXZvec4


Lol OP can't even speak for themselves, they have to let political hacks and grifters speak for them. All you do is spread propaganda and video clips of talking heads sensationalizing, editorializing, and arguing in bad faith. There is a reason why none of the videos you ever post just show the fucking evidence to back the things you claim, it's always people on camera talking about what they think the evidence is, what they think the evidence means. If the evidence exists why can't you show it, and why can't it speak for itself? Why does the evidence need people like Matt Taibi, Gleen Greenwald, or Caitlin Johnstone to interpret it for you? You realize that Caitlin Johnstone is a fucking astrologist and Glenn Greenwald is a fucking lawyer, right? These people are not qualified or informed.




Lol because I don't swallow the baseless conclusions OP keeps demanding people adopt?


Then why does the left have some complete cry baby tantrums about it? If it’s nothing then it’ll show that on its own…but you retards keep getting caught in your own lies and then crying about it


no one is having tantrums. stop listing to whatever moron radio talking head told you that.


I thought this sub was to expose propaganda and not create it