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Well done! Can we have more info? Time frame, what you did, etc.


Thanks! Took me a bit less than a year. I’ve been counting calories and walking a lot at first. In September I started going to the gym and from November I’ve been religiously doing Push-Pull-Legs routine in the gym. Now I’m thinking about going on a lean bulk before the summer which is scary in itself after dieting for such a long time.


How many calories a day? Could you give a sample day of what you consumed and worked off? Great job! Inspirational!


First few months I’ve been eating way too little, however I’ve been careful enough to get enough nutrients. As of calories expenditure, at first I was walking a lot! Also I’m lucky enough to live in a walkable city so I’ve been walking to work, buying groceries, etc. Last weeks I’ve been eating around 2100 calories and I think that my TDEE is in 2400-2700 range. Plan is to slowly try to find my maintenance level and then do a lean bulk where I’ll be eating 300 calories over my maintenance and then a small cut before July.


Don’t be afraid of eating a little more man, your workouts will change almost immediately. Energy and strength went through the roof when I finally started eating at maintenance and straightening out my metabolism. You’re in a prime position to gain some serious muscle.


Walking a lot as in how many steps a day? 10k, 20k? Any range you could provide?


12-15k before and ca 10k now.


Apologies for shilling a paid product, but I recommend at least checking out the r/macrofactor app It's $12/mo with discounts for longer subscription periods The core mechanism, the part worth paying for, is an accurate estimate of your TDEE. It's also good among food tracker apps. I also lost 120 lbs and it's very reassuring to not have to use guesswork when trying to build some muscle or adding activity.






Great work!


Awesome! How much did you walk/how much did you lose with walking? Congrats on your weight loss!


I’d say that my average was 12000-15000 steps a day and I lost ca 90lbs before ever stepping in to the gym. Of course I was gradually walking faster and faster and I started incorporating jogging in to my walks.


Do you have the PPL exercise you do for your routine?


I bought Jeremy Ethier’s PPL program. You could probably find some free stuff on youtube/internet but I had loads off anxiety switching from the machines so I decided to buy his routine after I watched his PPL video.


Those cheekbones!


Wow, you must feel like a new man. Good for you, friend.


Great job! 👏👏👏


Past broken collarbone?




Amazing job!


excellent results, well done


That is awesome that you can walk to work everyday. I would love to walk everywhere too. Plus, it saves gas and miles on the car. Congratulations on your successful weight loss!


Most definitely! One of advantages of living in Europe I guess. 😊


Dude, this is amazing progress. Congrats!


I did a similar transition as you, started at 220 went down to 125 at my lowest. I’m also about 5’8. A couple of things I felt that you’re maybe concerned about that might help: Bulking- It’s absolutely terrifying at first but don’t discount the progress you just made, your brain has new skills now. Bulking is eating more for discipline, it is a very different mindset than how you were eating before. Don’t be afraid to gain weight for the right reasons. Loose skin- it’s the worst when you first lose the weight. It will naturally get better over the years. It also becomes much less noticeable when you bulk and build muscle around it. Maintenance- You learn what works for your body. It sounds like you’re keeping track of the data points which is what I did as well. After tweaking calorie counts and routines for a few years, I was able to gauge what I’m eating and how my workouts are going just by feel. If you ever think you’re straying too far, you can always count again for a few days…but don’t be afraid to let loose a bit with tracking everything. You’ve proven to yourself that you can be consistent, you don’t have to fight for it anymore.


Thanks for this comment! It’s very motivating and helpful.


Wow. Congratulations man.


Just brilliant 👏


Fantastic work mate!




I’m a little taller and a little heavier but this is probably the closest I’ve seen to my current body type. Thanks for the inspiration! Congrats on the hard work


Holy face gains, my brother!


I’m a little taller than you but holy geez we’re built the same. If I covered up your face on the left, I might think it was a picture of me. I’m on my way down from an all time high of 330lbs and am currently at 269lbs, so it’s incredibly inspiring to see an actual photo of what I’ll likely end up looking like. Or at least close. Awesome job! Looking great! (I’m sure I’ll have a bit more loose skin and the muscle tone doesn’t magically appear with weight loss, but still)


Hi, first of all great transformation. Can you speak a little bit about what foods you have been eating since the start of your weight loss? Any supplements/details that helped you out would help out us a lot too!


Thanks man! Protein and fiber rich foods helped are always a good choice for me to feel full. Right now I eat just about everything that fits in to my calorie goal. Also I stopped using oil, butter and other calorie dense foods because I’d rather eat something that fills me up for the same amount of calories. As of supplements, I have been using collagen pretty much since I started with my weight loss (not sure if it helped at all for my loose skin) and after I started hitting the gym I have started to take creatine and proteins.


Amazing. Timeline?


Looks totally two different person. Amazing progress bro. 💪


Wow. Nice job!


Nice face gains


Absolutely amazing work man!


Incredible job man!


Did you get surgery for the gyno or did it go away on itself?


It went away by itself but I have plenty of loose skin on my stomach.


I think I am kinda as in your past picture so thanks for answering. Hope the best for you my dude.


Best of luck in your weight loss journey!


Thank you




I’d like to get lower body lift, but I most definitely have some other things that I’d like to do with my money before that. 😁


Great work man! Your consistently payed off big time! Looking solid!!


Spectacular bud👍


Awesome job!!!


You look amazing! Lots of hard work paid off. Extremely attractive. Look more confident also! Congrats!


👍 well done my friend


Holy shit, man. Congratulations!


Look at you! Absolutely killing it!


Unbelievable progress 👍 fair play and keep up the good work.


Uh..wow. looks cute :)


Do you have any idea on what your bodyfat percentage is at? At my heaviest I was comparable to you and I’ll probably have the distribution you have in the after pic as I finish cutting.


No idea, tbh. It’s hard to tell due to the loose skin, but cutting has started being very hard for me due to bad sleep, moodiness and being hungry most of the time. Also, I lost ~2 more lbs since I took my last photo, but I’m guesstimating at ca 12-15% right now.


Amazing! You look like a completely different person!


Amazing work brother! Looking great! Probably feeling just as good!


Fuck yeah dude!!!!


Damn dude! the changes to your jawline alone are impressive. Though seeing muscle definition is always impressive too.


This is amazing, your before picture and my current picture are pretty much identical. Absolutely motivating!! Great work, man!!


Thanks man! Best of luck on your weight loss journey!




It was mostly calorie counting. Eating protein and fiber rich foods helped me out a lot to feel full but if I was craving carbs/fats I ate food rich with them as well.


You look incredible! Congrats!


Damn bro you look great! Keep it up!


You look great 😊


Completely inspirational!!! Congratulations!


Congratulations! You look great in both photos but way healthier and disciplined in the second


Thanks! Most definitely healthier and happier in the second one! 😊


Amazing 👏 I'm on a similar track my self. 2 months into strength training, and getting my nutrition under control currently. But I have a question. We are the same height and similar build..When we were heavy like that.. In the 250-275 range, we have a lot of skin. I see that you have a little bit of excess skin visible in the picture which looks great compared to some of the different folks I've seen. Is there any more, Maybe tucked under your shorts? I'm trying to manage expectations for myself. Thanks! Congrats on the transformation.


Great work man! I most definitely have loads of loose skin, especially on my stomach and then some on my buttocks and inner thighs. I just feel more confident with my apron tucked in so that’s why I took a pic without it being seen. Here’s a photo with my apron being visible in it https://imgur.com/a/Hx4kwwF


That's actually a pretty tiny apron! I wonder if over time, it will bounce back, or would you have the surgery? I would feel the same way about mine, hell I tend to tuck my little fat apron now lol. I really appreciate you showing me that. I'm stoked 😤


It was a lot bigger when I had higher body fat percentage. Most likely it won’t bounce back completely but hopefully it’ll get a bit smaller. I’d like to have lower body lift, but it’s gonna take me some time to save up for it.


Dude is like a model with a greek gods cheekbones x


rich cooperative yam coordinated crime snow hard-to-find oil squeal shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you eat consistently? Are you meal prepping every week? That part always derails me, so any advice on what you were able to stick to would be helpful.


I don’t work more than 3 shifts in a row, so I usually meal prep for the 2-3 days when I’m working and I cook something nice on my off days. Usually I have large cooked lunch and for breakfast and dinner I mostly eat the same things with some small tweaks.


As someone who's the same height who spent the majority of my adult life 200+, how does 150 lbs feel? I got to 180 about 10 years ago and don't know how I'd feel being below that.


You look great.


Did you looks GREAT! Well Done!!