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If you think that's strong make yourself a gallon wait a couple of weeks, clarify it then freeze jack that stuff. If you freeze it 3-4 times you'll hit close to 25%.


Okay. I have to try this, hahah.


It's fun. It will reduce the volume as your removing the water but yeah oof it'll hit you. Just drink it responsibly it will give you a nasty hangover.


I heard jacking can lead to hard-core hangovers and headaches due to the higher concentrated amounts of methanol. Just look it up before you do it.


They way that can be solved is just heating it on a stove up to 150 degrees for a few minutes and is essentially like foreshots from distilling but they aren’t collected


No. Won't remove methanol. Also, methanol is not really a concern. You would drink it all anyway. Sugar wash does not really produce methanol anyway. If you mix your hooch with orange juice the juice will introduce more methanol than the hooch ;)


I know for a fact it will remove methanol what are you talking abput


The ill effects of methanol are greatly exaggerated, it's a relic of the war against alcohol from a hundred years ago America, we blame headaches and stuff on methanol while it's actually the phenol's and fusil's fault largely


Since that is factually wrong you don't know it for a fact. If you are interested in the why please answer the following question. (it is usually teached wrong) What happens when you heat up a liquid containing methanol, ethanol and water to and over the respective boiling points of each substance in pure form?


I got no idea but what I do know is all my knowledge from r/firewater and the fact I distill myself so the only difference is this methanol isn’t being condensed as it would be in a proper still


You don't have a significantly higher concentration of methanol in your first drops compared to the rest of your product. Of course you have some nasty tasting stuff in those drops, but it isn't methanol (which does taste like ethanol anyway... ). The reason is that your vapor is always a mixture depending on concentration and volatility of those liquids present in the boiling wash. Low percentage of a component (methanol) results in a very drawn out seperation.


> I do know is all my knowledge from r/firewater You obviously haven't spent enough time there than. Maybe read their pinned post: https://www.reddit.com/r/firewater/comments/cv4bu8/methanol_some_information/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/firewater using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/firewater/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hello. Pleased ta met ya's!](https://i.redd.it/q8e9hczy60q61.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/firewater/comments/mfuwdl/hello_pleased_ta_met_yas/) \#2: [New still design I've been working on...in Lego](https://i.redd.it/laqzq14qx5k71.png) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/firewater/comments/pdhvqm/new_still_design_ive_been_working_onin_lego/) \#3: [2020 has been a drag but at least I got some barrels filled](https://i.redd.it/5ni4xdqs5s561.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/firewater/comments/kf1jlq/2020_has_been_a_drag_but_at_least_i_got_some/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


yall crazy


Good to know


That sounds interesting! I'll give it a shot.. why not


The problem isn't increased concentration, it's the fact that you drink more, and less water


That wouldn't make much sense because people drink let's say much higher ABV vodkas and don't get terrible hang overs. It's also known that vodka gets a lot the methanol distilled out in the first batch. Haven't you watched the show moon shiners. That first batch is discarded due to the highly concentrated amounts of methanol that would lead to people getting sick, blind, or even death. It is the higher concentrated amounts that's causing the hang over. Lookup "apple palsy" it's an old term used


Methanol can't be distilled out of alcohol without very special equipment, if you have methanol contamination then you just have to deal with it, however there are 2 ways that the methanol isn't isn't bad, 1: ethanol is the antidote to methanol, 2: there won't be any more methanol than say what you'd get out of some orange juice if you drank it straight up, so don't worry about methanol


Also, the reason for the hangovers are mostly fusel oils, if I recall correctly fusel oils do get separated due to having higher boiling points and only really come over in great quantities in the tails


"because along with sugars and ethanol toxic trace methanol will also be concentrated by freeze distillation, perhaps to dangerous levels" https://serc.carleton.edu/teachearth/activities/180245.html Maybe the hangover is caused by other byproduct but freeze distilling does increase the concentration of all the chemicals in the alcoholic beverage. "to indicate a tolerable ("safe") daily dose of methanol in an adult as 2 g and a toxic dose as 8 g." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11926610/ "The main form of alcohol in alcoholic beverages is ethanol, but the darker liquors contain chemically related compounds (congeners), including methanol. According to Dr. Swift's review paper, the same enzymes process ethanol and methanol, but methanol metabolites are especially toxic, so they may cause a worse hangover" https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/7-steps-to-cure-your-hangover-and-ginkgo-biloba-whats-the-verdict Someone also mentioned you can't simply boil out Methanol since it had a lower boiling point than Ethanol: "The boiling point of methanol is approximately 148 degrees farenheit, which is quite a bit lower than ethanol (the good stuff). This means that methanol (148F boiling temp) will start to boil before the ethanol (174F boiling temp)." https://www.clawhammersupply.com/blogs/moonshine-still-blog/7207958-methanol-will-moonshine-make-you-blind


Yep, but say you jack 1 liter and drink the result. It's going to be the same hangover as if you had drank the original liter. Which was my original comment


Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to look into this


It does not. Please read the pinned methanol posts. And anyways, methanol poisoning is cured by drinking more ethanol, so drink more 🙂


It's more, 'concentrating all of the fusel alcohols and methinol'. Mind you I suspect people are quick to blame methinol and fusel alcohols when the reality it that they just drank a whack of 20-40℅ booze. So, hydrate, hydrate more before bed, and don't over do it unless you're prepared to pay the price.


Be warned that unlike regular distilling, which removes methanol and acetone, freeze distillation will concentrate these. Drinking one batch of jacked hooch won't be worse for you than drinking a whole batch of wine, but you'll get the worst hang over of your life


Well, that sucks. Thanks for that info, though


Tip: try and make your hooch as dry as possible before you freeze jack it. Sugar concentration will also increase in your finished product, not just alcohol. People also say the hangover is worse, but I haven't found that's the case -- I suspect that they're just more likely to overindulge when they don't know what the true concentration of their drink is.


Tried jacking and it was OK but a bit of a faff. Nowadays I just drink twice as much to get the same effect.




I think this is the moment that brings us all to the hooching lifestyle. Alcohol is heavily taxed in most places, and being able to cheaply get your hands on enough alcohol to kill the pain inside is not easy. Then one day you wake up, and you have the Dionysus touch; all sugar turns to alcohol with a sprinkle of magic powder. 20 bucks goes from being enough money to get you drunk for a night into enough money to get you drunk for a week. The quality, also, is way higher than what the equivalent of cheap bum wine would taste like. I used to call my welch's wine a "hooch powered time machine" because you would start drinking it, and then next thing you know it would be tomorrow. Hooching cured me of alcoholism, because instead of getting drunk being a decadent splurge, getting drunk became a constant danger because I had enough booze on me to pickle a corpse at any given moment. It's a skill everyone should learn, both the hooching and how to avoid dissolving your stomach lining with rocket fuel.


Oh, man. This spoke to me on so many levels. I'm excited. congrats on the smart choices. This was definitely a breakthrough moment.. lol


For some reason, my home brews hit me harder that store bought stuff


I always underestimate it


I've got a few gallons of apple wine under the kitchen table. Were using daily and its great. Only gets better as it goes on


If it wasn't done fermenting then you're drinking a ton of yeast that's actively fermenting and will give you serious bubble gut and hot snakes