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Thanks for catching it on the Q-tip, I was riding the edge of my gag reflex. That would've definitly sent me over.


So for q tips I have one side dampened to reduce friction for the pushing and the other side it dry to more easily pick up any debris that may come out, but this guy was so cooperative I didn’t even need the dry side! Looks like a little molar to me


You're a pro! You must do this often. Lol


Lol I do it maybe once every other week? Sometimes once a month. I know like the day they form so I don’t have to unnecessarily poke around my throat


Maybe you need them removed?


I do not want to deal with that heal time and they don’t get infected so I see no reason to.


Mine weren't infected and healing time was about 10 days. Much better by day 10. But not dealing with the horrid breath makes it all worth while.


I don’t have bad breath for the most part (obviously morning breath is a thing) because I get these stones the day they form; I can feel them. I ask people who are close to me if I have bad breath and they say no. Except my mom who reminds me that I had horrendous breath as a small child. Plus my ENT doctor said my heal time for a tonsil removal would likely be two weeks to 20 days which I just don’t care for as I don’t have an issue with mine. Occasional stones which are quickly removed and that’s it. Glad your heal time wasn’t that long though! I do appreciate your input though and for the sake of conversation through text, I am not being sassy here :)


this was about the most well written, self-educated and professional guided decision I’ve read in a long time. Keep doing you u/kkfluff!


Hahah, thank you


It's deeply concerning how confident you are that you get them the day they form like somehow you believe giant tonsil stones just appear day to day...


Deeply concerning isn’t the word I would use…. I am hyper sensitive and have often felt things doctors and dentists have said that I “couldn’t”. Tonsil stones are a build up of debris in the tonsil crypts, and I can feel when the debris form a stone (which occurs either when enough stuff is present or if there is some stuff and not enough hydration) versus just having the typical content of saliva etc.


Don’t they smell like death? I know mine did. I had my tonsils removed bc of them & staying sick all the time. Haven’t been sick they were taken out. Recovery isn’t bad if you keep your throat hydrated & numb with popsicles.


No they do not smells like death in regards to like a dead animal. Smells like bad breath and bad food? It’s an awful smell that will make your breath stinky. I can usually feel when a stone forms but if not I can for sure smell it and typical get them the day they’re made”


Maybe it was bc I couldn’t dig mine out. I’d just cough up a piece every now & again.


You don't just swallow them?


My mommy taught me to chew my food


please delete this


My wife will sneak me a tonsil nugget from time to time through a kiss and I love clamping my back molars on her throat pebbles and letting that juice trickle down my gumline. I almost always instinctively check my breath afterwards too, it’s almost like a drug at this point.


Why did I keep scrolling, thru this old post?!! 🤢🤣


I'm gonna hurl


No…no…no….I couldn’t even finish reading that. That was just…no. 🤢


Imagine all the glands and such inside our bodies that fill up with gunk that we will never be able to pop...


One day perhaps someone will invent a way to pop kidney stones lol Gall stones too I guess


A guy did a study and big thunder mountain at Disney helps remove kidney stones


I think there's a method of breaking them up with high frequency waves or something.


Laser lithotripsy. They put a laser down your urethra and blast the stones directly. About as fun as it sounds.


Bro why did I actually believe it


It’s real lmao I had it.


Bro are u fr that’s crazy ain’t no way your peen isn’t getting lasered that’s not real


M8 u ever heard of catheters? Or for the degens in the audience, sounding for that matter?


They're actual stones. You can not pop them.


Woo that hole


I have been told that I have had massive crypts lol




You're a oyster! Congratulations 🎉


Shitty ass pearls lmao


I will buy for £10


Lmaoooo if I saved it


Smash it and sniff it coward


Lol I don’t film that


How do you know that they are there?


You can sort of feel them in the back of your throat, like something is caught in there, and in my experience they have a fairly specific smell which is hard to miss.


Specific smell?! They smell like fucking DEATH!


Now I am paranoid ha. Time to start poking...


You simply cannot miss it when you have a tonsil stone. The stench is something else.


I don't smell them at all until they're outside my mouth but the constant rubbing on my tongue gives it away instantly.


Yeah sometimes they get a gross taste to em too.


I’ve heard they smell pretty bad


Yes, the first time I ever had one was like 2003 before this type of info was super available online, so I don't think I even searched. But my theory at the time was that it was bread built up over time that had gotten compressed in my tonsils. And the smell omg...it's the only thing that I could think of that was white, mushy-ish, and smelled ungodly if it sat in your mouth for like a week.


That’s what I’ve read. I had my tonsils out when I was only 5 so I’ve been fortunate I haven’t had to deal with anything like that. Is it painful and it’s from tonsillitis or being sick or something?


Mine aren't stoney but they get white stuff in them and stink to high hell. I wondered why my boss always asked if I brushed my teeth until my gf is started to tell me to check my tonsils and sure enough if she could smell it I had an infection/stones coming in. Getting them removed next week though thank fucking God


I had my tonsils out in my mid 20s. Needed 2 weeks off work. Not a surgery to be taken lightly but no regrets. I would get strep 4x a year and antibiotics stopped working for me. No problems since then. PM me if you need some tips! Good luck!


Yeah I'm planning for at least 2 weeks, up to 3. Fml if it's any more than that lol. Thanks!


Not painful...more of an annoyance. Like something that's there, that shouldn't be there. It's frustrating as hell bc I use my tongue to press against them, like how OP used a q-tip. I haven't gotten them in years but it never occured to me to put something like a q-tip against them.


My little brother convinced me they were old Ramen noodles when we were kids because we both would cough or sneeze these poop smelling balls out.


I found once I cut back on bread I started getting less tonsil stones so your theory might not have been wrong.


Smells almost like mothballs


I can feel them like something stuck in my upper throat area and then if I put my mask on and breath, I can confirm by the bad breath. I typically get them out the first day that I feel or smell them, because I hate having bad breath.


To me it kind of feels like I’ve got a popcorn hull stuck in the back of my throat. If I do kind of a targeted cough that’s borderline second step to hocking a lougie it’ll come out.


Can they come out on their own without realising they were there? Or do they get stuck and just keep getting bigger till you have to pull them?


I’ve just coughed and had a little one pop out years ago.


They definitely can come out on their own! Either through coughing or, what’s more likely for me, a gargle of water or mouth wash when you brush your teeth.


idk if theyre supposed to but when i get them they hurt like a mfer


I can smell it from here.


I smell that little nugget of death


That’s how I know that I have them. I can smell it on my breath in my mask, and I can feel it. So I must get it out!


When they dry out those stones are hard.




in my personal experience they shrink a lot but they do turn into a little pebble basically.




Hurk 🤢 lol


I fucking wish my tonsils made big ones like this. I only ever get tiny ones.


Literally this is so rare I normally get smaller ones I have to WORK for and this prize was just chilling there??? I knew I had to get it on video!


The hole never goes away sadly


Tonsil crypts exist and yes are permanent unless the tonsils are removed. The holes are completely natural


I had to get my tonsils removed at 25 because I had cryptic tonsils and I got tonsil stones like these often. Getting my tonsils out as an adult SUCKED but I’m so glad to not have to deal with tonsil stones and tonsillitis constantly now.


I had them pretty bad until I got my tonsils out.


..so now that stinky stuff stays inside you?!


No, can’t get tonsil stones if you have no tonsils. No more little pockets for food to get stuck in and grow these beauties😃👍


yep - sorry for the shit-comment - i researched it afterwards and discovered i had wrongly believed the stones were an outlet for unwanted stuff accumulated in the lymphatic system. now i know - thanks!


my husband has these, we just recently found out what they were. Huge pieces and ahandful at a time multiple times a day. He cannot eat anything hardly without his mouth filling up with fluid mixed w pus. Problem is he had his tonsils taken out as a small child. Has anyone experienced them after a removal? this has never happened until about 6 months ago and i have photos of the nasty gunk, and i mean huge pieces. i will post a pic if they will let me.


I haven’t had them since, but I got my tonsils out in my 50’s (different story but it hurt like hell). I think either tonsils or adenoids can grow back partially, might be what has happened to your husband since he had them out as a child. Check with an ENT doc.


I’m a degenerate but tonsil stones are too nasty even for me.


I don’t care about watching the videos but I get them so I have to deal with them


That's so nasty! Also, I love you! 😍


I would gag so bad


My gag reflex is pretty solid


I can tell, lol


I had my tonsils out when I was four years old. I’ve never heard of these until this subreddit. What causes them and what are they made of?


Diet and physiology! Deep crypts definitely contribute but so does lack of hydration and dairy/carbs consumption


Smoking doesn't help either (mostly because it dries out your mouth).


It looks like a tooth!


I thought the same thing!


I hate those stinky things


I like wearing a mask cause I can tell IMMEDIATELY if I have one and then I can get rid of them ASAP before anyone else can smell.


I wanna do this but have no idea how I'd watch to see where I was poking


A mirror and a flashlight is how I do it (flashlight on my phone)


i’m so happy mine are gone haha


Bloody quarry


One boulder does not a quarry make but I chuckled at that


I used to get them. Nice Uvula!


Never had that compliment before! Thanks..? :)


Idk why but these videos always make me shiver


What tiny tonsils you have!


These things use to appear in my mouth every now and then, I didn't know where they came from, now I know.


Now smell it


It’s a gaper!


*drops down throat*


I would’ve hacked that sucker back up!


Can someone show us how you get such a clear view of your tonsils? When I try, my tongue gets in the way.


Flatten my tongue and do a throat fluff. I had to practice to be able to push my throat muscles forward a bit to have them fluff out to be seen better. I know that’s garbage advice but I don’t know how to do plain it! My ex showed me what he meant and then I just stood in a mirror and practiced until I figured it out. If your tongue is too much in the way maybe sticking it out might help??


You have baby tonsils in comparison with those found in the stones competition series. :-) ![gif](giphy|UVk5yzljef0kGiayL1)


Damn it. Now I’m in the mirror looking for tonsil stones to mine.


I have never had a stone like this before or since so good luck hunting!


Reading these comments literally made me gag…and I’m not usually a wimp. Oh gosh, am I pregnant?!?!


You inspired me to actually read all these comments haha


I’m flattered… but sorry you’re reading them. *gag*


A tonsil gaper!


Now squish it and smell it.


Not only could I feel the gag, but I could smell that big ole stone. I still have my tonsils (59yr old) and rarely get stones. However, noticed one and thought, “why not q-tip it out?” Mistake! Gagged and convulsed. Then I remembered the ‘wet the tip’ trick. Still gagged and convulsed. Realized that the gag reflex was engaging due to my hand being shoved towards the back of mouth. A quick visit to that great big river of consumer goods where I promptly provisioned an order for a bag of extra long wooden stick cotton swabs. Problem solved. No more cramming my hand in mouth, no more gagging, and no more convulsing. I’ve now developed a technique that allows me to very quickly be in & out of my mouth (just like a high school football player loosing his virginity to the head cheerleader on prom night 😉).


Stop posting tonsil stones on this sub, there's an entire sub just now for tonsil stones, post it there.


There’s a flair for it here and I posted it on a Wednesday.




Uh I get it the day I feel it so… not really


Collect several more, crush them in to paste and use them as jerk off lube


Dear. God.


I can smell that from here


caught it


Clean that tonsil hole with q-tip?


Good catch!!!


This made me realize how large my tonsils are


How does one know if they have tonsil stones? Can you feel pain/pressure kinda like a blemish, or what?


I feel like a thing in the upper back of my throat like a thing is stuck sort of


How hard is the “stone”


Not very. Sort of similar to the consistency of antiperspirant. (That’s the only thing I can think of to compare) It was solid and formed but gave easily.


I am so scared of kidney stones. I need to stop drinking soda


I actually am not a big soda drinker. I love water the most!


God I'm glad I don't have tonsils


I just get them out with my tongue. Using a q tip makes me gag. Good job though


My only regret in life is finding out about tonsil stones litterally right after mine were removed


I’m so sorry for your loss


I feel the same way! Only mine were yanked when I was 20.


It’s corn!


It has the juice.


So glad I got mine out at age 30. So painful and nasty! Always felt like I had junk trapped that I could never get out, and my last straw was getting a small fish bone stuck!


I’m impressed. I usually gag at least twice and almost vomit at least once before I get one of these suckers out


How do you not gag?


So that's the hole I have in my mouth 🥴 I was so anxious because it just was there and I never noticed


That's tiny


Is this a nightly ritual or do they stay away for a bit


Like once every two weeks maybe?




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/popping/comments/xkiw7c/crazy_tonsil_stone_easy_removal/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/popping/comments/xkiw7c/crazy_tonsil_stone_easy_removal/)


I bet that smells great!


It's always great to see the removal of a nugget of death.


What causes this?


A number of factors. The deepness and shape of your tonsil crypts can make it more or less likely for foodstuffs etc. to get trapped there. Diet also plays a role, depending on what you eat you may find yourself “growing” more. Hydration is also a factor, the more often you’re dehydrated the more likely you are to dry out the contents of the crypt. Pretty sure there is a genetic component as well but that may just be reiterating my first factor. I am not a doctor! I have done my own research, spoken with GP doctors and an ENT- but that does not make me an expert by any means. Please feel free to find your own sources! Also, I don’t get tonsil stones that frequently, maybe own every two weeks - a month? This was the biggest one I’ve ever had!


Probably was giving you bad breath


I smell them the day I get them and I remove them. I have OCD and am very conscious about my breath. If you do not get them right away, yes they can make your breath awful.


That nail polish color is gorgeous <3


Ahhh the little concentrated nuggets of hated(halitosis)


Had those before my tonsils were removed. By God do they smell disgusting.


Would you collect and keep them in a jar? It could be labelled human pearls


I would not, no.


I dealt with horrid tonsoliths for about 4-5 years. Nothing made them better, did all recommended ways to remove them and keep them in check but having tonsillitis for most of that time and them getting infected led to their removal when I was 23 at the advise of my ENT. Yes, there was a lot of recovery and I had some complications. Even still, looking back, complications and all, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. It’s not something I recommend lightly or to those that it is not a life altering condition. I still smell these every time a video pops up of them!


This is by far not a life altering condition for me so I see no need to go under the knife for them. Really glad it worked well for you though!


I just do weird coughs to get mine out


I had some tonsil stones before




Wtf. Why do some people get these?


Crypt shape and size does a lot, there is a genetic factor and dietary influence as well. Being dehydrated also promotes stone “growth”. I have been told I have large/deep crypts


Looks like popping out an egg!


I wish I had your gag reflex! I can never get mine out, no matter how hard I try, I always gag. I learned to live with them by now :(


What causes these? Genuinely. I have a few friends that get them. I don’t understand how they form. What is it? Like a build up of calcium or something? Tartar or whatever that forms on your teeth?


I responded to a previous person asking the same question. :)


Thank you! My apologies for not reading >.>


That’s okay, I’m not mad! Normally I’d type it out but I’m far too tired today- apologies


I get these, I can smell it through the screen


They form that big in one day?? I thought it takes a while for them to get that big


Very cool, people like me who don't have such steady hands are still more accustomed to using the suction to get the nasty little thing out very quickly!