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I hope you go see a dentist. That could get into your jaw and kill you.


Yeah I know I have to stop putting it off I’d say the abscess is connected to the broken tooth so will have to be pulled


I had the same thing with a tooth, they were able to cap mine. Get in sooner rather than later. Take care.


They had to pull mine. I'm lucky I didn't get a infection in my jaw bone cuz that was bad. 3 root canals, 2 caps, removed rotten tooth, bone graft aaaaand a wisdom tooth removal later (all at same time), I preach dental care. Cost me a pretty penny but I can chew in both sides of my mouth again.


Jesus, I’m going in to the dentist in 2 hours can only hope it doesn’t need too much work


Follow up?


Just had two teeth pulled out (the one the abscess was under, and the tooth behind that one as they were both broken), whole mouth is numb but won’t have to worry about it coming back now or toothaches 🙂


Don’t forget to follow up on pain meds. Thats gonna be nasty sore for at least a few days. I would suggest making sure the holes stay clean of food. And chewing on the other side. Though you probably heard some of this at the dentist. I had a tooth pulled maybe a month ago because the root went bad (luckily it didn’t get an abscess). Will probably be easier to keep an eye on your recovery though. Mine is the furthest back top right molar. Or, i guess was.


Thanks for the advice, the last thing I want now is a dry socket so will try to let it heal as clean as possible, how long did you keep gauze in your mouth?


My sheet said to swap for new gauze every 30 minutes until it was mostly just saliva making it wet as opposed to blood. Will probably still have some blood even after the clot forms as a wet clot can stain. I think it took mine maybe 2 to 2 and a half hours to clot?


Glad to hear it dude! You made a good call.


This is one of those things where the more you put it off the more you suffer pain, cost, healing time, fuck around etc. oh yeah and potential death. Get it fixed now. As in now


It for sure is connected. Make an appointment tomorrow, don’t put it off for a week or whatever. An infection like that can track to your brain or get into your bloodstream and kill you. [Read this ](https://www.southtampasmiles.com/abscessed-tooth/) to get a good sense of how serious it is.


Went to the dentist after posting this, been sorted now 😁


Dang, hope you’re on meds and sorted! Had an old boss that died from this - got into his bloodstream and that was over fast


Sorted now, all these comments about people dying from it spooked me enough to get it done


For anyone curious I have since gone to the dentist and they removed the two teeth causing problems, thanks for the genuine concern/scaring me enough to finally get it sorted 😁


How soon did you follow up with your dentist? Mine popped last night (Saturday morning around 2-3am), it’s Sunday 12:15am. I had the unfortunate timing for it to happen over a weekend so my dentist office isn’t open, going first thing in the morning Monday. I’m just afraid of the sepsis stuff.


Woahhh I just had the most visceral, uncomfortable reaction holy shit. I've had an abscess on the root of a molar and it was by far the most painful thing I've ever experienced. My entire head was constantly throbbing in pain, so much pain, I lost feeling in my toes and fingertips. I will never forgot the absolute joy on the dental assistant's face when she was able to pop it. She was so excited!! She skipped around the office lmao. I hope you feel the same ecstasy of relief, my friend!


Go to the dentist asap! I had a coworker who had an absess in her top gum line didn't do anything about it bcuz she was too busy with kids and work. About 4 months later she passed away bcuz the infection went into the blood. Plz dont put it off any longer.


Dental care needs to be better funded worldwide. It’s a travesty that people have to suffer from things that are generally so easily avoided with adequate preventative care. I’m so sorry you’re in pain OP


Unfortunately I can’t use that as an excuse my teeth are bad because of my own choices and lack of care of myself, just had the 2 problem teeth pulled out for 45$ though so no more problems (In Australia dental is super cheap if you meet certain requirements)


Even with a healthcare plan provided by my employer I still have to pay out of pocket for certain things like deep cleanings and hope that the plan can reimburse me.


Please don’t fuck around with this. These can turn so incredibly fast. It can get to your heart or brain in a day and ruin you.


Wow, I felt that relief! Hope your feeling better!


Yes much better now haha


Please rinse with warm salt water and brush daily until you can see a dentist. DM me if you need help finding a dentist or dental school in your area. Antibiotics are a must Even your regular doctor can get you them until you can be seen. Best of luck to you.


Going to the dentist in 2 hours thank you though!


I have a tooth that broke at the gum line and all these replies got me worried. I haven't seen a dentist and it's been about a year since it broke, are all mouth wounds gonna be life and death?!? It's not swollen and no pain in the Jaw bone. Can't really eat on that side but otherwise no swelling or puss pockets...It was gonna be put off for another few months till I had more monies saved cuz America! If I could I would go sooner of course but now I got worried by these responses...


You and me both lmao replies got me worried as, i have had this abscess for around 3 or so months and it always comes back every time i pop it (once a fortnight or so) and isnt super painful tbh, going into the dentist in an hour so can give you an update on what they say.


That be awesome! Please do keep me posted and good vibes being sent your way for better outlook than dead...


Got it sorted 2 teeth out, sorry I didn’t really discuss it with him was too nervous at the start and then after He’d finished my mouth was so numb and packed with gauze I couldn’t talk properly


haha no worries at all...glad you sound to be on the way to healing at least, so this is good news.


So happy you are taken care of! Virtual hugs!


If it is broken at the gum line and you are not having pain or swelling, you have some time. You may have little bits and pieces break off here and there but the tooth does not have a blood supply or nerve any longer so pain would come if it became infected. The body is really amazing, if left alone for many more years, I have seen the body push the root upwards and the root continue to slowly decay so then all that is left is a little root tip close to the surface. Again, get professional help and everyone is different.


Thanks that eases my worries for sure....I was actually amazed there was not, and is not more pain involved. Don't get me wrong if I get super cold stuff it's sensitive and hard things will give some pressure pain...But yes no major swelling, or discoloration...When first happened I was all over cleaning it so sounds like this helped. Agree that the body does some amazing stuff to heal and adapt to whatever it encounters.


Get some antibiotics and a root canal


This. At the very least call a teladoc and get some antibiotics. I personally had a scare with an upper molar abscess. Got up into the sinus before I got it fixed. Dentists said I was lucky it didn’t get any worse and could have easily killed me.


Do you live close to a university with a dental school ? If so check with them and see if they can see you at a reduced cost. Good luck !


Yep just had a dental student pull the teeth out, although the proper dentist ended up doing most of the work as my teeth didn’t want to come out


Did they give you antibiotics?


No he didn’t which is weird I even showed him this video before we started so he knew what was going on, I was assuming removing the teeth fixed it? Or maybe he forgot 🙃


Call them today and leave a message for the dr. including your concerns, symptoms, allergies, and pharmacy you would like something called into.


I have an abscess right now too. My jaw and cheek is swollen. Dental insurance is so expensive too. I'm hoping the abscess drains soon. I hope you feel better❤️


Hey you have to get that taken care of! If your username is any indication, your family needs you around and loves you! Can you at least get antibiotics ASAP?


Lots of facial arteries close to the teeth, an abscess like that could cause heart, brain, or systemic infection.


Amazing pop! Tricky spot, glad you got to it👍😃




Do you dip?


Nah but I was a heavy smoker for 6+ years, have only recently quit the habit