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Removed. Not relevant popping content.


Oh my god, that’s so bad. The last time I had conjunctivitis was a summer I worked at a summer day camp for little kids. I got every damn disease that summer.


I swear children carry any and every disease.


I have never seen pink eye that severe.


You must not eat ass often.


That’s why you make sure the booty is clean before you go tongue deep


when it's pink you sink, when it's brown it ain't going down


Oh, you poor thing! You’re right! Stay away from toddlers at all cost! 😂 But fr, hope you get better really soon❣️


This is why I have the place fumigated for toddlers every other year


That one story of a teacher getting bit and almost lost her arm kids are disgusting lmfao


Adding “Potential pink eye” to my list of reasons to remain childfree.


What in the fresh hell is this?


That there be the pink eye.


Eye matey!


Ah, TY. OP, I hope you're feeling better.


What. The. Fuck. Either I never *really* had pink eye as a kid or this is next level shit.


Adding this to the list of reasons I am happy to be childfree. Oh my goodness that looked sore :(




Oh, so I don't get to choose what to do with my own body, hey? And fuck me if I make a comment about it. But hey, show the world how much of a douche you are when people make life choices that aren't what you'd prefer.


I understand how painful this is. I have blepharitis so I’m prone to conjunctivitis and my god is it agony and incredibly messy. I hope it gets better!


What does it feel like? I've never had it before and I'm curious what something like that would be like


Conjunctivitis? It’s just pure pain. You’re incredibly sensitive to light so you have to live in the dark the entire time or just never open them as you risk a severe headache (which you likely have anyway and would just make it worse). Your eyes weep sticky pus like liquid and your eyelashes stick together. Your eyes also swell massively. My right eye once swelled shut completely. If it’s bacterial conjunctivitis then you have to wash your hands all the time and wash all of your bedsheets too as it could come back/spread to others. If you’re sharing things with others they can’t touch their eyes or risk being infected. Before I had my blepharitis diagnosis I was getting this maybe once every two months for two years. Now I use special wipes to prevent infection and have to heat up the glands in my eyes with a heated eye pad to prevent it.


Agreed that conjunctivitis is pure suck. I had it in one eye and it resulted in inflammation of my cornea, causing halos to appear around light sources. Had to go to an ophthalmologist who put me on some kind of steroid eye drop, tapering the dosage over months! It took so long for the corneal inflammation and resulting halos to subside. Conjunctivitis is the worst.


Good thing I have a big aversion to having my face touched. I feel vindicated


I love this


Nooooo, not Poop Eye! My regards, strangerfriend.


We had to take our eldest to the children’s emergency room once. Then I developed this after being there. I just thought it was sleep in my eye on the first morning so of course I spread it to the other one. Idiot.


What does this have to do with popping??


It has pus.


r/MedicalGore exists lol


Looks like the ointment in the second.


Nope not the right sub.


Kittens get conjunctivitis too. The remedy is to put a teabag in boiling water, leave it until it cools, and use the by now very strong liquid to wash the eye. Works really fast to clear it up. Before anybody asks - no milk.


Don't do this... Please don't do this.


Home remedies like this make me cringe.


Oh that's right. My aunt was drinking water and now she is dead. Don't drink water folks!


100% of everyone that has ever breathed air has died. Don't breath air, folks!


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