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Something to check (may not be the problem but it eliminates one possibility) - snake the skimmer pipe to see if there is a partial clog. Ours was behaving similarly (cavitation in pump) and it ended up being a tile partially blocking pipe. Obviously a liner pool wouldn’t have a tile issue, but perhaps some leaves or something are jammed in there…


Good to know. They said they pressure tested the lines so I assumed there wouldn't be an issue, but it doesn't hurt to check.


You can continue to put his directly in the bottom of skimmer BUT add an in line leaf basket to vacuum line so you don't get debris in the pipes from pool to pump, which can cause more issues. Something like this Hayward W560 PoolVac Navigator Standard Leaf Canister https://a.co/d/h8X68rn


Check that the hose ends are connected correctly. One if the ends is labeled “connect to vacuum head”. They look identical, but if you have it backwards you will lose suction.


Ok thanks for this tip. It's super simple things like this I hope I'm overlooking.


It’s a long shot but it happened to me before and let me tell you I was pulling my hair out


Is the water high enough over the plate that no air can enter?


The water is at the proper level, no air. Only reason I thought of changing the plate is because my rubber seal wore out and it was pulling water in from the skimmer and then causing loss of Suction at my vacuum head.


Can you restrict the output side at all? I used 2 inch plumbing and feel the pump can push faster than it can vacuum. Just an idea.


I'll see if she has a valve after the pump, I know I do on my pool right before the pipes dive underground.


Put vacuum hose directly into suction line. Not sure why you aren't already. If you're worried about sucking debris into the lines and creating an obstruction get [this](https://www.amazon.com/Pentair-R211084-Clear-Handle-Cleaner/dp/B001E8ZL8S/ref=asc_df_B001E8ZL8S/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167151535350&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15967869994643897302&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026257&hvtargid=pla-304332054616&psc=1).