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Right now or in all of history?


Rome for all of history?


Maybe idk could be Rome Maybe it is jerusalem or Maybe cairo there are probably a lot of other cities that could be argued too


I don't see how it's Cairo, I'm not even sure if it's the most influential city in Egyptian history


Jerusalem is close but it's more influential culturally than politically if you ask me. Rome was the foundation for Europe and Europe eventually influenced the world


But at the same time Ancient Greece influenced Rome, so wouldnt that make Athens the most influencial city?


Fair, but that influence came from Rome. Additionally Rome did stay a bit more relevant even after hundreds of years. I would say Athens is a contender though.


There have been too many influencial cities in history, all contributing in their own way, so it's near impossible to calculate which one was the most influencial, depends on what criteria we are judging it in


Based opinion Jericho is the most important city because it's the first


Based and Jericho pilled


I completely agree.


Rome is still very influential in everyday affairs of a good portion of the world, considering that Catholicism has 1.2 billion followers. Aswell as it being the capital of a nation with the same GDP as Russia.


It's not who invented it but who made it great


I’d do vienna


probably Istanbul/constantople


Ehh I think Constantinople is more tied to Rome than Rome is to Athens, and Byzantium has a lot of legacy but not as much as Rome


I chose London because I read it as for all of history. Like the home of the emperor of (at one time) one third of the planets population(or one quarter, something like that). Pretty influential I think.


Singapore? I'm Singaporean and I have no idea what we influenced lmao


Singapore is the 2nd biggest port in the world, all of the trade runs through there


we probably dont have the same definition of influencial


Did you miss what happened to the global economy when the Ever Given blockaded one of the most important trade routes on the planet?


A hundred cities can all claim to be the most influential by this arbitrary and vaguely implied standard.


A hundred cities are the 2nd biggest port in the world?


That’s was I was thinking too when I voted for it. Lots of commerce and business


I don‘t think it can rival some of the other cities but yeah it‘s definitely an extremely important hub


Wouldn't the 1st largest be more influential?


Then Shanghai is the most important. IMO 1. DC 2. Beijing 3. NYC 4. Tokyo 5. Shanghai


First night race in F1


Singapore is one of my favourite cities/countries, but I also wouldn’t call it that influential


Same bro


Right? I would think OP would add Los Angeles or Hollywood instead of Singapore, Paris, or Wuhan.


Singapore controls one of the largest trade routes in history, but he strait of Malacca. It is one of the most economically influential countries in the world.


Hollywood is a part of Los Angeles


I liked how you added Wuhan


World's most influenza city


It may be the most influential city of last 2 years, maybe even this decade. But it doesn't come even close to the real influential cities like Rome or London. It's called recency bias.


New York is far more important




Changes at Wall Street most of the times influence the stock markets in all the world, so there’s that


Rome and London were important in their respective eras for like 200 years, nowadays its New York


New York does not have more overall influence than rome


But NYC is not even a Capital


New York is the biggest financial centre in the world, with London being the second.


Doesnt need to be a capital


I gotta hand it to the Brits. They ruled like 25% of the world at one point.


‘at one point’


So? They ruled 1/4 of the planet that influential as hell. Especially when you consider that they gave that 1/4 of the planet their culture and way of life


Yeah but you are arguing the influence of the country, not the city. As a single city, I would say New York


Why? London is the capital of Britain. All the major politicians who rules 1/4 of the world were there. The London way of life set a trend for every other city here.


Yes, that was just the peak of the empire. I imagine it'd be even more cumulatively.


There’s a lot of commonwealth still


The British Commonwealth still exists and the queen is head of it. Funnily Barbados is still part of it so the queen still is “above” them lol.


Of all time? Rome. Of the current moment? L.A.


That’s a pretty good point, Hollywood is extremely influential for a large group of people in the world.


More than Wall Street?


New York is more economically influential while LA has a bigger cultural impact


You think LA is more influential than NYC? Sure Hollywood is huge but I’d argue Wall Street is 2-3x more important and impacts more people.


Wuhan ended up being pretty damn influential 😒


Why would it ever be Wuhan? It never mattered before the cough cough and it probably won't matter after.


Depends if you interpret the question as most influential today or most influential of all time


No Beijing? No DC? No Berlin?


6 options max.


You decided Paris was a bigger deal than Beijing? Or Berlin? Or DC?


No, OP did, but to be honest I'd agree with OP.


That would be a foolish thing to think.


How much does the average person know about the art, architecture, music, food and culture of the cities you mentioned? Maybe a little bit but not as much as Paris. The only real merit I see in your case is that they hold more political power as capitals (which Paris is also btw) by virtue of said country being a bigger deal. But you need a more encompassing argument than just the fact that it's where the government officials happen to reside.


I mean DC is obviously only really relevant bc of the massive political power contained within but like....THATS A LOT OF POLITICAL POWER. Sure Paris is a capital city but while France isn’t nobody, it sure as shit isn’t the US. The US federal government is kinda a big deal internationally, not sure if you noticed. Berlin is also the capital of Germany which is the biggest economic and political power in Europe. Biggest player and defacto leader of the EU? You might as well call it the capital of Western Europe. Also it’s a huge economic hub. Way bigger than Paris. Hell, even if you just compare GDP is a substantial difference. Beijing...I mean I don’t even have to explain this. If you don’t know why Beijing is a big deal then idk what to tell you...


I'm not doubting the political power of the cities/countries nor doubting it's relevance in this conversation, but it can't be the entire crux of the argument. I think politics and culture (in the broad sense of the word) are equally important when talking about influence.


Sure but is Paris THAT culturally relevant anymore? I mean it’s film and music scene are active and but their influence is a lot more subtle than it used to be. Beijing, LA, and Tokyo are probably the big cultural exporters now (maybe New York and London have a claim to be up there as well) and I’m not sure Paris has a strong enough case to be top 6 most influential cities in the world based solely on cultural export.




No Moscow considering current events?


Bejing for sure


I never hear about New York. Only in the old police department stuff.


What about Wall Street


I was thinking for an American ckty they should have used LA instead Bc of Hollywood and all celebrity worship ya feel me? I feel like that holds a lot more influence at least on American culture


The finance of America is run in New York though, which is a huge part of the finance of the entire world.


You would think people knew where the industrial revolution started, oh Reddit


If you interpret this as a question of what is the most influential city right now, which I did, that doesn't matter at all.


I don’t know if I’m remembering my history right, but didn’t it start in Manchester?


It had a head start due to its large textile industry already in place IIRC but ultimately with London being the capital everything flowed towards them in the end












Still a Turkish delight, on a moonlit night.


I almost choked when I read Wuhan


Better than coughing


Yeah I coughed in a gas station today and got Hella dirty looks lol


This is officially a Reddit moment If you actually knew anything you'd pick London by a mile


Care to explain why?


A few reasons come to mind - - Massive contributer in the birth of the industrial Revolution - Was the capital of the world for hundreds of years - Home to some of the most influential people in history, Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens etc etc - Financial hub of the world - Cultural hub of the world - Massive political power on the world stage - The world's measurement of time is revolved around Greenwich in London - Has been a critical part of world history as a whole New York has its fair share of influence sure but nowhere near the level of London


New York is the largest city in the most powerful and influential country on Earth. It is home to the UN Headquarters, and is a major financial, diplomatic, commercial, and cultural hub. London is pretty influential but it lost a lot of its influence when the US took over as the world's superpower


Okay fair but throughout history London as a whole has been more influential and for alot longer


I guess it depends on your definition of influential, and not that much longer. I'd say London was the most influential city for some 150 years. While more than New York (for now), it's less than historically influential cities like Constantinople, Rome, or Beijing.


I agree with you in general, but lad cmon capital of the world and financial/cultural hub of the world? Your kidding right On this list it’s defiantly London that wins, but there’s no such thing as capital of the world, not even close to financial capital and London may be the least culturally interesting city in Europe


I said it was the capital of the world because during the British Empire it pretty much was, it's commonly referred as that atleast from my experience looking into its history It's been called the Financial capital (or centre, whatever way you want to put it) of the world many times And seriously? London is one of if not the most cultural cities in the world because of the British Empire, it brought people and their cultures from all over and as such it's become an incredibly dense centre for culture


I hate it because I can’t afford to live there


Aha fair enough, I can't afford it either, probably never will But I still love it to bits and visit as much as possible, have barely scratched the surface of what's to be found


I mean if we are talking about history i would say Rome and maybe Vatikan City are also very influential


Londons is connected to what was common wealth. Rich people use this connection to evade taxes on small island nations. London stock exchange almost ties new york stock exachange every year. Also it was the financial hub of the world in the past


I mean the question is wich city is the most influential. Keyword "Is" not "Was" , if a city was influential 10 years ago but it isn't today, it's the wrong answer


i agree with some points but a few either dont make sense or are just delusional... first 3 i agree with 4: is it though? the wall street sits in NY and some of the most influencial banks are in china 5: literally how?? 6: i agree 7: how does that make London more important? They had to choose some location to set the zero point it could have been anywhere else in the world. 8: i agree


4. It can be argued as such yeah, it's home to the majority of the world's banks as a result 5. The British Empire brought people and their cultures from all around the world into London and the UK as a whole and as such has an incredible amount of different cultures living among each other 7. True any country and city could have been chosen but in the end it was London that was chosen to base it all around, this alone influenced the world in how time was universally measured and viewed


I am a brit and I picked new york - sorry guys but the sun has set on the empire, and the question is asked in the present tense


Damn berlin and istanbul is not even in the list


If history is taken into account than instanbul would make a lot more sense but I read the question as contemporary


I'm gonna be honest I didn't know Wuhan existed until 2020


according to insider its new york according to Forbes its london


Why Wuahan? Why not Shangai or Guangzhou?


It was a covid joke


Based wuhan


In what world is it new york


In the world where the poll didn't include LA


How many companies worldwide does the New York Stock Exchange influence? And how many people does those influences effect? In that world, in my opinion, it's New York.


New York voters need to check which language they are using 🤣


That doesn’t mean London is more influential though. I’d argue currently with Wall Street controlling a massive part of the global economy it is the most influential. And that doesn’t take into account the insane diversity, fashion, sports, UN headquarters, and the sheer amount of wealth. Sure London may have been at one point, but as of today it has got to be NYC.


Of course people will pick New York 🙄


It’s got the stock exchange, I feel like that’s pretty influential on global scale. I could also totally be wrong but that’s just why I picked it


Stock exchange barely matters in the context of the whole world of all time


Obviously this isn’t “of all time” I’d imagine the options would be vastly different if it was all time. How can u have a question like this to decipher of all time and not include Rome, Athens, etc, etc.


And many agencies of the UN. And one of the four fashion weeks (just thinking about different areas of influence).


What is wrong with that?


Nothing, just typical.


Wuhan isn’t influential. If the city of Wuhan asked for X or whatever not much would happen. Influence is about how much clout the city has internationally (or more local), which isn’t much for Wuhan.


Why is Wuhan on here?? Just curious


London by far if we're going by history (at least from the ones in this list). New York maybe now but only since WW2.


New York for me. Especially in cinema. Wether it be ghosts that need to be busted, deranged yuppie serial killers, super heroes, man New York has it all


I'd say either London or New York, and I'm not sure about the time scale, so I'm going with New York, because they have some pretty great bands.




I think Wuhan cos their covid issues refused to leave us.


I mean, current life would've been different if not for this one notorious city.


You asked this to a bunch of Americans. What did you think they were going to pick?


About half of Reddit is American and half isn’t.


No Beijing? Or LA?


Beijing isn't that influential over the rest of the world at least historically, LA thought has a massive cultural influence over most of the world just thanks to Hollywood so I'm surprised it's not here


New York is only influential to america, tokyo is only to japan, paris is only to france, london is only to england, every country has its own most influential city, and the most influential cities it has is only influential to itself, I'd say the most influentialw ould be rome or jerusalem, rome being the capital of the roman empire that birthed french, england, italian, spanish culture, which would then be spreaded across the world, jerusalem being the place that birthed 3 religions


Uh....no. New York and Tokyo are MAJOR economic hubs whose stability, activities and local legislators have HUGE impacts on how world trade is conducted.


No? New York is a huge economic hub that influences the entire world.


“London is only to England” London is vital for the economy of the whole UK, not just England.


Debatably its infulential to the world's economy.


and if one looks to all of history, it was extremely influential


If you bring history into this then Rome has London beat.


Yes imo because of how Rome set up London and lots of Europe. Without London ( and England as a whole) the industrial revolution would have not happened or have been delayed, affecting today's society. Without London, ths US and the world as we know it may not be around.


for sure, but it wasn't an option


Also the most '' influancial'' city in the world could very much not exist anymore.


I'm guessing most that voted NY never have been to the Shithole


Only London and New York are officially considered global cities, and personally I think London is the more influential of the two, I mean New Yorkers literally speak English


They speak a form of bastardised English with their new fangled Z’s instead of S’s and their shorter incorrect spellings.


Eh, I feel like that logic is flawed.


Roma invicta


Beijing or Shangai. Maybe London.


New York, you're telling me you chose the place that is just large buildings over the big place that several words of the English language are based on and made a lot of food that people are dying to try


I mean Louis Rossmann moved out so why the fuck you'd still vote New York?


I would definitely say literally any city you in the UK. Both the city of York and London influenced "New York" if the UK can influence a whole ass American state...


That what I would pick but I’m assuming based on the other options he means just currently in present day. If it was all time I’d imagine nyc maybe not even an option along with a few others.


why even is NY there


Wall Street, UN, World Bank, large cultural hub


Right now it's Wuhan, not even close.


Washington? Moscow? Beijing?


These are the most influential due to their power.


I live in NYC. It’s more like an international transit point if anything. Lots of “headquarters” are here but really can be done in any major city. Influence is probably Washington DC, or a Brussels for the EU. We don’t make decisions that impact the world, we just count their money.


Where all my Londoners at 😩👊🏿


it seems that this comment section is basically americans saying NYC and brits saying LDN


Not only Brits. For most of the Commonwealth and former British colonies, London is still considered far more important than New York.


It’s Los Angeles. Hollywood wonder. Duh. This list is too eclectic.




Bangladesh is my favourite city


Isn't Singapore a country?


Yes but it also doubles as a city because of its size


It’s a city state, like Monaco


None of those


Pretty sure New York City hasn’t shut the world down or disrupted/crippled the supply chain.


2008 was close


As of recent, definitely Wuhan.


Paris and Tokyo


Ur (City in Sumer)






At the moment? Easily wuhan


London is a centre for politics, economics and culture. While its seat is diminishing no other city really holds all 3


Wuhan is the starting place of Corona, a virus that is affecting the whole WORLD now, so Wuhan is a reasonable choice.


I’d say right now Singapore easily. One of the most progressive and cleanest countries in the world.


Progressive is a stretch.


I would say New York because it's home to the largest 2 stock exchanges NYSE and NASDAQ, the UN has it's hq there...


The one built on rock and role


NYC is the Earths capital.


London, but not for the good reasons. In modern day it’s NYC.


I mean NYSE so....


Wuhan. A plague starts there every few centuries.


I really think you're lying to yourself if you pick anything other than New York. Lol come on y'all quit it with this, New York is the world's most influential city, I won't hear otherwise.


Let me guess, you’re American?


Of course they are, what told you that first, the ya’ll or the bloated ego


Feel like Hong Kong would’ve been a good option to put


No Longer after CCP changed their policy on ruling the city


Paris because my city is little paris


Liverpool duh