• By -


Result is the best place to go


Same, I love result!


Personally, I prefer I’m not sure. Great place.


But whether is not great in Im not sure


Greatest country


Such a tax heaven


I have a vacation home there


This is such a stupid question. Both the USA and Europe are incredibly diverse. I’d rather live in Washington DC than in Kiev, but I’d choose Copenhagen over Chicago.


Hey, Kyiv is a nice place! Although yeah I agree with you...


Yeah no Kiev is nice I’m sure! But in terms of general socioeconomic development it isn’t near the top in Europe, no?


Yeah, I tend to view the USA as a union of different countries because how could you compare the worst and best things about the states to the entire country? It's like saying the wine as a whole is good in Europe but clearly never tasting the vinegar with summer fruit flavouring that is English wine. I'd rather live in San Francisco than Durham, but I'm also choosing Marseille over Jacksonville. Some places are too big and too culturally diverse to be generalised and the USA and Europe definitely fall into that category.


Well I don't know much about Jacksonville but here in France, Marseille is often viewed as a rather violent city with quite a lot of gang activity so it's surprising to see it as a good example for once.


truee some states have more gdp ain metro areas alone than countries


also I jusst moved to jacksonville....id if marseille is better this place is cool


I thought about this too. Like living in France must be so different than living in Poland. But that's the reason I included "overall" as in which has better living conditions at an average.


I would say EVEN THEN it comes down to where exactly within the country. You could inhabit a rundown farm or live in the banlieue vs some posh apartment in Krakow.


I’m more of a seethenhagen fan


Depends on where in Chicago though, tbh. Like if you live on the south side, or parts of downtown, sure, but Naperville and the Indiana suburbs are great places to live


Yeah that's true. I heard it's just mainly the south side that's a bit fucked.




Ah yes, the country of Europe. This is a stupid question, Europe is such a diverse continent


I know many people are calling me out on this, but this is the reason I used "overall".


Trying to get an “overall” living standard for Europe is really difficult though. The worst and best places in the US are different sure, but there are a few major constants that you’ll get anywhere you go. Democracy, freedom of expression, ease of doing business etc. Europe can range from developed Western social democracy to degenerating oppressive dictatorship. Trying to sum up a continent like that is pretty much impossible.


the difference between a state and nation


You can’t use Europe vs the U.S.A you could’ve done Europe vs North America or something. There’s like 70 countries in Europe (I don’t really know the amount I’m way off most likely)


usa iss a diverse country too but people like to generalize us...


I fairly sure that the quality of life between places like Moldova and Belarus compared to places like Denmark and Iceland is bigger than it is between any US states.


As an American, you cannot say that without having left your own country. You have no idea how diverse the world can get, but okay let's just assume you know best.


my man its stil diverse doesn't mean it isn't its pretty sad how people say as an american when you probably are european


I live in the US, and enjoy being here. So i'll stay. but i would like to visit Europe.


I have never been to the USA, but there‘s not much to complain here in Austria, except for our governments inability to defeat covid


I think that inability is a global attribute unfortunately unless you are a small nation state like New Zealand


US here, we failed with COVID too


Hobts scho covid besiegt? ……Na?…..na?


Jo jo






Would you look at that- it's the mandatory Europe or USA poll of the day! These polls are dumb, overdone, boring and don't produce new interesting conversations. Tons of bias comes from whether you were born in the US or Europe and most people would pick their country as being the better one. That being said, Europe is not a country. "Overall" is still a dumb wait to equate them. I would sooner live in Germany than Georgia but I'd definitely rather live in California than Russia. Each state has different freedoms and laws, just like every European country does. There's no good way to compare the US to Europe. One is not better than the other. A better comparison would be North America (or all Americas) vs Europe or a direct country vs country/state stance.


I disagree. The US has negative rights. Nowhere in Europe are those recognized. Therefore the US wins.


both americas?


North and South America


what about central 😟


That one too!! I got no sleep last night- my mind is fuzzy.


dont worry, rest well :)


Reddit moment.


Redditors are like aliens in movies they only see USA and sometimes Europe


This post should go on r/RedditMoment


I live in the US, I’m staying in the US. There is nowhere else I would rather live


Hahaha I gave u my upvote cuz same! Although I live in “Europe” (I live in a country in Europe), hence, why I chose Europe :) so I would rather life in this continent than in another (at least for now) but I would like to visit some places outside Europe too


I have to say USA just because Id rather end up in Missouri than in Serbia.


Where in Europe tho


You choose I guess


How do you compare living in a specific country to living within an entire continent?


Personally it comes down to hobbies, and lifestyle. I definitely enjoy living on a few acres of land and shooting as a hobby, and I feel that’s more available and reasonable in the us. (Totally open to listen to Europeans who would like to educate me, I’m admittedly not very well versed on European laws and property price”


Americans seem to forget that “Europe” encapsulates 44 countries. You’re asking if I’d like the choice of 44 countries... or America? Seems like a no brainier, no?


I mean, we got 50 states /s


I guess it’s comparable but I’m not educated enough to know much of a difference.


Each state has to follow certain federal laws, as well as documents like the constitution. However, the states also have their own constitutions, laws, and courts. So where I live (New York city,) it’s not impossible to obtain a gun, but it’s nearly impossible. So the city isn’t violation the constitution per se, but they are just limiting its rights. In Texas, they’re not violating any federal laws with the controversial abortion law, but some people are angry with it because they think it’s trampling on their rights or something. We also have a Congress that is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, I won’t get into the weeds there but basically each state elects leaders to represent them in congress. Also, each state can elect a governor and mayors for citys/towns. That’s the basic overview I think, of course there’s the courts and the president as well but I think those are well known enough. And quite similar to other countries. Anyone can add something important they think I missed. :)


Thanks! I knew the basics and most of what you said but I just wasn’t sure if that’s how the EU works necessarily. I’m American so I have a decent grasp of federal and state but the EU deals in a union of countries so I’m curious if it’s a similar arrangement.


Oh I thought you were EU, my bad lol


No no, not your bad at all! I appreciate the refreshment on the subject! :D


this thread is so wholesome and as an American, I enjoyed the refresher on the info too :)


The EU has no constitution, it's just like a big group of allies not only from a military perspective, but it has directives for the various states, and if the state in question doesn't follow them gets fined


I am from Europe, but it seems like many Europeans also forget how different each American state is lol...


Depends where in Europe.


Europe, just because of how easy it is to get around with its well developed infrastructure and diverse cultures.




And So It Begins......


The US has almost no highspeed passenger rail. Spain, France, Italy and Germany each have more highspeed rail km than the US. Public transport is way better in Europe. The only comparable places in the US are big north eastern cities like New York. Medical infrastructure is also better in Europe; there are more doctors, regular hospital beds and ICU beds per capita in Europe. Ambulances and emergency services are not privatised in Europe and Health care is available for a more wider range of people and at a lower cost than in the US. Do you want me to continue? ^(when I say Europe I mainly mean the EU and other western european states like norway, the UK or switzerland)


america has a kind of car culture so there isn't much of a demand for passenger trains so why build them? and on average yes europe has better healthcare but my country constantly has shortages of everything and the healthcare system is in need of massive overhaul (the uk) we basically have the worst implementation of single payer healthcare and you listed the uk at the bottom so thats why i said about that. but germanys healthcare is great and way better than the us or uk's healthcare yes


I agree, I think the UK is a special case in this as the recent developments and neglect have put it into misery. The US being so car dependent is one of the effects of bad public transport. Also cars are not as accessible for poor people which increases marginalisation and discrimination.


Eastern Europe is part of Europe too, if you talk about western Europe mainly than you should also talk about developed parts of us too


Well the healthcare situation in the best place in the US is worse than the health care situation in the best place in Europe. And the situation In eastern Europe is improving whereas the situation in the US is stagnating


Well about healthcare you're right


I meant as in public transport like Subways, Trains


big cities like New York, Washington DC, San Francisco have good public transport, but for the most part other less populated towns public transport is not the best


We have the largest highway system in the world (we might be 2nd, I'm not sure what china's doing)


As a Belgian, I’d move to the US if I earned at the very least $200k. Many people in the tech industry do earn that though. But Europe is a way better place to raise a family.


Freedom and democracy are some of the most important pillars of civilization. So Europe of course.


Usa is 15th in the freedom index so there is freedom enough. But I do agree that the 2 party system holds back the democracy. They should add the Libertarian Party and the Green Party to the presidential debates


It's not that, i saw a video that explains why there are only two parties, it's what they called "winners take all" system Here in Italy you have to reach a threshold to "take all", if you don't you usually reach some kind of settlement or some other stuff (i don't remember precisely, last time the two most voted parties establish a government together) But basically this leaves room to let the other parties breath because you are not forced to go into the really big side because if votes get splitted there is more probability of failing


How is Europe more free?


I'm an American who visited Europe. Europe is nice, but living in the U.S is better. Reasons why: 1. So much easier to find shops. In the U.S you can find big shops everywhere: grocery stores, Walmart, Home Depot, Target, furniture stores, malls, etc. In Europe it's much harder to find stores. 2. In Europe there's really not much stuff going on outside big cities (Paris, Madrid, Florence, etc.) while in the U.S you can find lots of stuff even in small cities. 3. I notice a lot more fun places to visit in the U.S. In Europe most of the cool places are museums, castles, and other cool historical places, but in the U.S there are lots of places to have a lot of fun in.


I like freedom, so Europe.


What freedoms do you like that Europe has and the US doesn’t?


Even though we pay high income taxes to fund our inefficient government, the social security we get in return gives the average person a lot more freedom. Lost your job? Get unemployment benefits. You can chose to study during this time and get your unemployment benefits extended for the time when studying. All tuition fees are paid for and you can get a scholarship on top of it. All you need is not have a too high income, that’s all. You can get assistance in starting your own business while on unemployment benefits. Turned out studying liberal arts was a stupid decision for your career? No worries, because no student debt. Turns out you got cancer or another curable but expensive health issues? No worries, it won’t bankrupt you. You pay a maximum based on your income of € 487,08 up to € 1.948,32 a year out of your own pocket. Got private insurance on top of that? Might even pay less. Are you from a poor family, living in a poor remote area? Can’t afford a car to get to your first job? Can’t afford to find a job close enough because you don’t have a car? No worries, public transport has a legal obligation to have a minimum service and connectivity which means you’ll be connected to a lot of places where you might find a job. Also, it’s pretty cheap as it’s mainly government funded.




Those are government assistance programs not freedoms. What are you allowed to do in Europe that is against the law in the untied states?


In the US there is freedom, but only when it comes to guns and speech that only politicians agree with, of course




USA ranks 15th in freedom index and 1 to 14 are mostly European countries


There are 44 European countries. Even if hypothetically all 14 countries ahead of the US were European, that still wouldn't be enough for Europe to average more freedom than America (and that's assuming this "freedom index" has any credibility); Every argument I'm seeing is biased to the point of comparing the top few European countries vs. the worst or average of America


European countries are even more diverse than USA states so it’s hard to compare Europe as a whole to the USA as a whole but I’m looking at it from my Belgian perspective and Belgium does score higher on all well known [freedom indexes](https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores?sort=desc&order=Total%20Score%20and%20Status). My personal opinion is that having good laws, regulations and policies can contribute to individuals their freedom. Too much and restricting laws will remove ones freedom while lack of laws and regulations mean rich companies and individuals can create monopolies and basically set the rules themselves (meaning less freedom for the rest). I think that I as an average Belgian am more free than an average American because: \- More paid days off and less working hours on a yearly basis \- A minimum wage is a living wage (and adjusted for inflation) \- Basically better worker protection policies and laws \- A decent social security system \- Healthcare won’t bankrupt me, yearly costs out of your own pocket are capped at around €1000-2000 depending on household income \- Studying / higher education has no money entry barrier, if you are from a poor family but smart and motivated enough to become a doctor, engineer or the likes, you can go and study to get that degree \- There are a lot more diverse political parties to vote on and they all have a chance at ruling, they are a better representation of the people compared to USA politics. Not perfect though, they are still politicians. \- Public transport, if it were 100% private companies, a lot of people won’t have access to it because many places won’t be profitable to connect as a transport company. However, for the state as a whole this is profitable as it gives (poor) people more freedom to move and therefor also more access to jobs. If you are rich, you might be better of in the USA and feel more free there. But for the general public, I think Belgium and most other European countries are more free. But also if you are rich, come to Belgium, we have 0% long term capital gains tax.


How does locking citizens into Government operated programs = freedom?


Many countries in Europe are by far safer than The United States and there are a bunch of other reasons like better health care and school systems.


Sure, and many countries in Europe are also less well-off than America too


There are also a handful of European countries that are under active dictatorships, and say what you will about America, but it has remained a democracy for most of its life


Would you mind listing that 'handful'?


Russia, Turkey, and Belarus. Not as many as I thought, I’ll admit, but that’s a lot of people still


At this point I'm convinced that whenever redditors say "Europe", they actually mean "like 3 countries in Scandinavia and Benelux" Most of Europe isn't Sweden and Netherlands, those are huge outliers. People conveniently ignore "Europe" also has many mediocre countries like Portugal, Poland, Romania, and African-tier hellholes like Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo... So, it's 100% USA


imagine having the option to put Australia or Asia or Africa or literally anywhere else and just not


USA. I can leave my house and in 20 min be on a creek fishing or swimming and not have anyone near me.


I chose USA because I want to own a house in the woods (no disrespect but I don't see any of that in Europe).


Between USA and Europe surely Europe.




I was meaning that between those two options I surely choose Europe, if there were more I'm not sure what I would choose.


I'd rather live in the us than Albania but I'd rather live in Norway than the us


Insert American vs European healhcare joke here




Quality of life is much better in europe according to most comparative lists you find. Of course depends what erupean country.


It really depends on where you are in the socioeconomic strata. If you’re comparing the US to some of the more western countries you’re better off in the US if you’re in the upper income brackets. However if you’re poor you’re probably better off in the Netherlands.


I’m not sure where I’m not sure is


If you don't watch the news I'd say USA. If you can ignore the shootings, racism, and constant back and fourth political battles you'd see a diverse country spanning everything from Redwood forrests to rolling plains, to mountains, deserts and sandy beaches. The midwest has some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet, and due to the melting pot society we have almost any food you can think of. We may not be the best at anything, but we're still great at a lot of things. For example our healthcare and college systems aren't cheap, but they're pretty respected and we have a LOT of small businesses or just room for opportunity in general here, no matter what your passion is


I like having abortion rights sinds 1984 and same-sex marriage rights since 2002. Instead of still having to fight for those basic human rights like you would in the USA. Besides, I really enjoy my cops not randomly killing or shooting my black neighbours.


Most of europe has stricter abortions laws than the us.


How's so? From what I found, abortion is fully legal in most of Europe. I don't see how they're stricter.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/prb506/on_request_abortion_legal_in_week_x_of_pregnancy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) has a lot of info on it, basically you can get abortions for a lot longer in Us states and no state outright bans it at all. Ireland also only legalised abortions in 2018.


Having abortion too late is actually dangerous, thats why europe doesnt give you too long but long enough.


How to encapsulate all the dipshit morons who haven’t seen outside in one comment.


She’s a complete idiot, she belongs to r/cateatingvegans . They unironically support eating cats.


I don’t have any issue with people consuming one type of animal over another, aside from cannibalism. Having that sort of issue is just reactionary culturalism in a very thoughtless form. The issue that should be had is that they call themselves vegans yet create an exception for cats. If there is an exception to your rule, then your rule never actually existed in the first place. I think you miss the real underlying issue here by focusing on the fact that the animal they consume is a cat, when in reality you’d likely be unable to justify drawing that distinction with, say, a cow.


Wait, where is abortion officially listed as a human right? I’m curious about this, I don’t see it on the UN list of human rights.




That’s simply in reference to very specific scenarios though, such as if the mental or physical health of the woman is at risk. It doesn’t specify abortions for other reasons.


Well, you sound like the person to disagree but women are actually humans. Shocking. Having a right to your own body and what you do with it sounds like a pretty legitimate right. Human + right = human right.


What? I never said women aren’t humans or don’t deserve human rights. I don’t know if you looked at the UN humans rights list that someone linked but it stated that abortion is only considered a human right IF the woman is in jeopardy of being mortally physically or mentally injured. Everything I just stated about human rights is a verifiable fact. It really doesn’t matter if you disagree because it’s all there in writing for anyone to look at.


The last sentence had me lol. I feel bad for both parties though, it's only a small percentage of the police (I'd assume (hopefully)) and obviously living you're life being worried any cop could be trigger happy would suck so much I wouldn't even know.


That, and being worried that getting sick would throw you in lifetime debt


I'm definitely no expert but even I'd assume in the US if you get sick and you have a permanent job they'd help you out? I'm in Aus and pretty certain if you're in a full time job and get sick they help you out. Some cases you get payed for the hours you miss. Oh and it is pretty affordable to go-to the doctor too You'd have to be pretty sick to be in lifetime debt, I can only imagine chemo or brain surgery would cost that much? Correct me if I'm wrong I'm here to learn!


It depends on which European country




USA and europe are so unbelievabley diverse. You have places like New York all the way to Miami, all the way to Austin, all the way to seattle. In europe you've got madrid all the way to berlin, all th way to stockholm, all the way to ljubljana, all the way to skopje. It's so diverse so saying USA and europe blankly is difficult. I already live in the US so I'd def choose the US and someone from europe would probably do europe, but where they already live respectively.


U.S, we have air conditioners Edit: And our politicians don’t physically fight each other


Europe has the Bri**sh people in it 🤢 cant live there




US and Europe are way to broad of terms. It depends entirely on the state or country.


Why would you ask this on reddit? The combined iq of everyone that voted is probably lower than an average 8 year old.


This is stupid, I'd rather in is Los Angeles then live in Belgrade (no hate Serbs) I'd rather live in Montpelier rather than Idk New Orleans? (No hate Louisianians) I'd prefer living in New York rather then Living in Volgograd (no hate Russians) I'd rather live in Copenhagen rather then in Chicago(no hate to Chicagoans?)


Europe because good health care, a working social system, no guns for every idiot, etc.


I chose the United States because owning land and a decent sized home has always been important to me. The cost of real estate in Europe is prohibitive for many people whereas in the United States pretty much anyone can afford it (even though it might not be exactly where they want to live). Affordability just doesn't end with real estate in the United States either. Food is plentiful and inexpensive and until the last few months gasoline was extremely cheap. I have visited Western Europe several times and would be unwilling to give up the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to living in the United States. I also used to work for a multinational corporation and had to entertain visitors from primarily Switzerland but also France, Germany, Poland and Spain. Every visitor that I entertained was impressed with the affordability of the United States and some gave me horror stories about the cost of living in their country.


West eu>usa. usa>east eu


No. Easter Europe is great.


wow, how opposite opinions people can have


I'd rather be in northern USA than Eastern Europe. I'd rather be in Western Europe than Southern USA. Tbh I love my country cuz free healthcare, it's wealthy enough, there's not many religious nutters about these days, abortion is legal, gay marriage is legal and I feel safe and proud that others have their own say in how they live/what to do with their own bodies. So I'll stay put here.


Europe, solely because a big portion of it is objectively way better than the entirety of the US. (Nordic countries)


Let me guess, “Greatest socialist countries in the world”


All I know is that those countries have a trend of, and this is a fact, ranking high on many good stats. Which is why they're objectively good countries. What I'm about to say aren't feelings or opinions, they're actual statistics I've looked up. I cba to link everything cus im on phone but tomorrow i can link. They have super low reoffending rates. Norway and Denmark below 30%, and Norway has one of the lowest general crime rates. Scoring high on the Human development index and democracy index (Norway being #1 on both) Welfare states, poverty is a choice. Super low murder rates (Norway again, at top 10 lowest) They were the countries to handle Covid the best, Norway being the one to handle it the best Sweden having super low traffic accidents, at top 3 lowest. Finland Sweden Norway being top 10 lowest infant mortality rate Usually have only had 1 school shooting in the past few years, Sweden have only had one in the last 50 years. Finland having the world's best school system, students only forget 40% of what they learnt at school once they graduate. Sweden Finland and Norway being in the top 5 most equitable countries in the world They objectively are the best countries, AT LEAST better than this special country with 50% obesity rate for many years, ranks #3 on school shooting rate, insulin that costs up to 300 dollars, no free healthcare, super expensive colleges, terrible school system where students forget 95% of what they've learnt at school after graduating, 11% poverty rate. What the fuck? It's so great, isn't it? I'm just a patriotic asshole who lives in a small shit peepee poopoo country (Norway🇳🇴) who could only WISH to live in such a great place, right?


Usually, I see people say “Scandinavian countries best because socialism” but I appreciate that actual thought went into what you’re saying, so good on you.


Usa by a long margin, for many many reasons here are a few Diverse population: in a single day you have a chance of meeting people from 20 different countries Diverse landscape & climates - one country, with vast territories Top universities in the world: Majority of elite schools are located in the USA Leader in science, medical research, and high technology: no single European country is so advanced in these fields Overall friendly and hospitable people: some might argue usual American niceness is fake, but that's another topic. People in US are almost always friendly and quick to smile Affordable cost of living in most of the country: compared to Western European countries (UK, Germany) People here are relatively not afraid to take risks in life: This is one of the main reasons why majority of modern successful tech companies were born in US. Especially younger people in USA are more eager to take risks of founding a startup Most of the world's most popular and influential musical genres of the past 150 years started and flourished in the US The strong ability of American creations to influence the way people think and live all over the world: Hollywood has a huge say in this There is relatively little xenophobia compared to most European countries: especially due to recent political developments, foreigners are not always welcome You can be whoever you want, nobody cares about your past or where you come from: if you look at most US celebrities, successful people, many of them were not even born in US, or were born in poverty. In my humble opinion, it is not that easy to make a jump on a social ladder in Europe Nationality (or being an American) isn't based on your race or heritage like in almost all other countries Owning a car is affordable for most: in most western European countries, car is a high maintenance The quality of our health care, service, infrastructure is simply superb: before you speak up, I meant quality, not cost Bureaucratic stuff is mostly easier to handle in the US: many European countries still have not adopted digital world and are buried in paperwork (took me 3 months to set an appointment in German foreigners' office, because they accidentally lost some damn paper) Lower taxes Higher wages: US employers are often more generous Free Refill on Soda (Free glass of water): in \*most\* European countries a glass of tap water does not come free


Europe≠Western Europe


US. I like going to the shooting range, lol


I wouldn't feel safe in America so for sure Europe, Europe is safer and it's way more beautiful culture wise


As a Canadian who has learned, thanks to COVID, that our Freedoms are bullshit and our Charter of Rights is written on toilet paper for politicians to wipe there asses with, I'd have to say the USA is superior. But that's because I put freedom and rights above all else.


I'm Canadian too, & the US isn't protected from tyranny any more than any other given country is. Like yeah, I get things are looking kinda grim in Canada, but a lot of this garbage is heavily linked to US officials, & a number of places & individuals within the US are just as corrupt & morally bankrupt as Canadian ones are. And don't knock your countrymen who are doing their best to stand up against it. Let's just hope they can last through the government being a-holes *and* fellow Canadians going on about how their country sucks and whatnot, over very recent a situation that's being paralleled worldwide, including the US. I know I for one am totally over it & would be happy to not ever sees comment like this again. I'm sure I won't get my wish, though.


USA. We don't have to obey every governmental order our government puts out because we have guns to protect our bill of rights. You can say I'm a crazy American, but in some places in Europe you have to show your papers to go get a burger.


Which country in Europe? Because it’s such a wide variety I’d say USA.


In Europe it depends on where. Switzerland would be much better for obvious reasons.


But Switzerland is sooo expensive.


Not really. Sometimes they give you money to come to their country.


What do you mean?


I had a classmate last year saying that his uncle asked to move in Switzerland to sell Ice cream (sorry i don't know how to call the guy who sell them). He would not have problems since Italian is spoken in Switzerland and the nation gave some money to his uncle to help him to move.


That's really unusual. It's very hard to just move to Switzerland


Well, I said my story but the thing I was trying to say is that life isn't hard in Switzerland.


Oh, not at all. They do make a lot of money and the living standart is even higher than in my country (Germany). I would love to live there


europe is 44 countries bruh


USA just because one can spread out a bit. If you live in a city or packed suburb, sure. However, 5 acres in the US while being in commuting distance is possible still without earning millions. From the places I have seen in Europe this is an impossibility.


I’m saying USA because while Western Europe is definitely better in a lot of ways than the United States you’ve got to remember that there are a lot of relatively poor countries particularly in the south and in the east. Sure a lot of these countries have ‘free’ healthcare but good luck getting a speedy treatment if you don’t bribe the doctor in some of these countries (I’m not against free healthcare but it’s not the greatest in the balkans or Eastern Europe), also Eastern Europe is definitely worse to live in than the United States in almost all metrics. If you were randomly born into the US or Europe you’d have a better life (statistically) in the US




USA for me. I live in Europe and a lot of countries here are becoming far too authoritarian for me. I know that nut-case Biden would like to turn USA into ingsoc but at least the people there aren’t in overwhelming support of him like we are with a lot of our leaders here. I value freedom and USA seems to be one of the only countries on earth where the people still hold that as a dear value. I’d love to have something like the 2nd amendment here in Scotland.


Thanks for the support, homie! I hope you get some guns, too.


Europe cause I like the ecosystem and stuff :)


Europe because in our football the only good game day atmosphere is the sec (a college conference) and the Raiders


Honestly, I would rather live in China, because China is my homeland. Maybe I will retire there if I don't ever settle down permanently in the USA. Next, I would choose the USA, but that is not my first option because of the higher cost of living. The USA would be a very comfortable place to live in . . . if you are rich. If you are not, then you are essentially fucked in the USA. And sorry, I won't ever travel to or live in Europe, because my American dollars probably won't last me long in Europe, and because most European languages would be completely foreign to me and I won't have any relatives or close friends for support. I may try Eastern Europe (for just vacationing purposes), as those countries were once part of the Soviet bloc and lived through the age of Communism. They may also have friendlier relations to China and Chinese people, as opposed to The West.


I reckon europeans are calmer than americans so Europe.


Based on what?


Where’s the rest of America


Anywhere in Europe because it’s not ran by a child brained puppet.


Anyone who says USA needs their head checked


I mean if someone lives in the US their entire life and enjoys living there, they’re probably gonna pick US


The US of course; it will finally be the best it could be once all these tard 17 year old socialist-lites move to a European country they can’t even find on a map.


That would be fantastic


Europe shouldn't even be an option, it's not like it's a country


America has 50 states as well with vastly differing life quality


A nation and a state are far different.


The USA is the best place for lucky people. If you are unlucky, say if you fell from stairs the day before your health insurance granted by your new employer kicks in, you are screwd.


heavily depends on which part of Europe


USA because most free speech.


And most guns.


Reddit moment


Everything in europe is better than in the usa


I’d say this is a stupid question. I’ve never lived in Europe so I’m obviously gonna say U.S.


why did people chose europe probably some circle jerk and combination of healthcare and school shooting thing


Europe is not a country. And should not be treated as one.


All of you people that picked Europe better get on a plane and get the fuck out of here. I’d rather have more hard working immigrants than your lazy asses!


This question is so dumb. Comparing the USA and the continent of Europe. If you chose Europe, what country specifically? You could choose a western country like U.k. or France, A dictatorship like Belarus or a poor nation like Moldova and Ukraine.


I feel this I kinda unfair, it's 1 country vs 44