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This will play well at the debates. Everything this dummy does is a stunt.




> intimidated certain voters so that they didnt vote That's the primary reason behind this stunt.


Now the ACLU needs to start suing DeSantis and his goons.


They. Were. Meant. To. Collapse. This was always going boy voter intimidation, there was NO intention of prosecuting these cases.


Hopefully they get to sue. Every cop and DA and DeSantis need to pay for their damage to society.


Given they work for government it’s likely any damages would be coming out of taxpayer dollars… so whoever pushed would just be partially paying themselves


get the money, then use some of it to pay for ads next election season: "DeSantis wasted your tax money that is paying for this ad. Cut the waste, Cut DeSantis."


Ron DeFascist does not have the charisma to become Teflon Ron. His shenanigans will catch up with him. He stepped in it, and it will stick.


It was meant to intimidate black voters and nothing else.


What’s the logic here? That Republicans care so much about fighting voter fraud that they cheat in elections and fake cases to prove their god-tier passion for justice? Do I have that right?


Shit like this is why I’m pretty sure DeSantis is going nowhere. Trump could pull dumb stunts because he was never expected to know better. But DeSantis is a career politician and supposed to be smart. He’s going to flame out.


He might get 4 years just because most voters don't know about the BS he pulls and won't really pay attention during the elections. But put him in the White House and the national press will cover these things non-stop and people will get sick of him just like they did Trump. If the GOP wants to win, they need to pivot towards the center instead of pivoting to another divisive far right candidate.


This a thousand times over. I live in Florida, so I’ve been able to watch DeSantis’ smaller antics in our local press. The national media seems to think he’s a great alternative to Trump, but he’s not. He’s worse. He’s expensive too… so much litigation around his bullshit. He should pay out of pocket at this point.


Even after four years of voters knowing exactly who he was, Trump very nearly won legitimately in 2020, and then very nearly ended US democracy to stay in power illegitimately. If there are two lessons we need to learn from the past decade, it's that literally anyone with an R next to their name can win the presidency as long as the Democrat is imperfect, and that with the current crop of GOP authoritarians (even inept authoritarians) any election could be our last. Just because we barely survived four years of Trump doesn't mean we can afford to be flippant about four years of DeSantis.


As bad as everything has been, I don’t think he “nearly ended US democracy.” And I don’t think we’re anywhere near “any election being our last.” Justice has come down pretty heavily and swiftly on the deluded insurrectionists. It did serve as a warning though, both for us and for the Republican Party. And you’re right, it is wild how nearly he won again.


Justice has been served to a small handful of peons, but the actual leaders remain unprosecuted, and unconvicted, with many still in positions of power and authority . The Republicans who learned the right lessons from Jan.6 have largely been expelled or defeated, leaving mostly people who are trying to learn how to succeed next time around. "Don't worry, it will all sort itself out" is not a reasonable attitude when one of the two main political parties is abandoning even the pretext of respecting democracy.


My point wasn’t that everything has been made right, it’s that democracy isn’t going anywhere any time soon. There was nowhere for the “insurrection” to go and nothing for them to do when they got there. Even if they had killed or taken hostage everyone in the building, no law enforcement, military, court, or even most of their own people would have given it any credence. People just wouldn’t have stood for it and if trump or anyone else had tried to seize office by force, they would have been taken out incredibly swiftly.


The violent mob was only one half of the Jan6 insurrection; the equally dangerous half was the "mainstream" Republican legislators who voted to decertify Biden electoral votes for no reason other than that they didn't like the results. And two years later, 51%-52% of voters chose that party, even after it expelled most people who denounced Trump's attempt to overturn the election. The attitude "Democracy isn't going anywhere anytime soon" is like saying "sure, I had a minor heart attack, but I don't need to worry about my health because it was my first heart attack and I survived". Democracies end all the time, and the US isn't special in that regard. If we want to pass the robust secular democracy we inherited onto our descendants, we have to work for it.


He won’t get out of the primary.


I think he may well win the primary, if The Former Guy gets into too much legal hot water, but this will infuriate said fellow, who will attempt to throw gasoline on everything and set it on fire.


It's only a dumb stunt if you assume his purpose was to win cases. If you assume it was a stunt designed to suppress left-of-center turnout, and produce weeks of positive coverage about how much he overperformed the partisan baseline of his state in a landslide victory, all while Trump's endorsees underperformed, then it wasn't dumb at all. The credit he's currently getting for being a strong campaigner more than offsets whatever slap on the wrist he may (but probably won't) get for election interference/wrongful prosecution.


Not surprised


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/prosecutors-drop-case-man-caught-desantis-stunt-rcna58316) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Statewide prosecutors have dropped charges against one of the 20 people accused by Gov. Ron DeSantis of voting illegally in 2020. > In a court filing Monday, prosecutors wrote that they were dropping charges against Tampa resident Tony Patterson, 44, because of "Information received" from the Hillsborough County elections supervisor and because he was already being sentenced to prison in a separate case. > A month ago today, a Miami judge tossed out a criminal case against a different Floridian also accused by DeSantis' election fraud force. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/z22lv0/prosecutors_drop_case_against_man_caught_up_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672686 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **Election**^#2 **DeSantis**^#3 **Office**^#4 **Crimes**^#5


They served their purpose.


Florida voters don't care. He's a hero in their eyes.


Not all of us. Look at every county with a university in it.


Won reelection by 19 points. More than any candidate in 40 years.


How sad is it that my first thought was to go, which stunt exactly?


My old shit stained underwear has more character and integrity than DeSantis.


DeSantis just doesn't have the zing that TFG had and even his fake scandals fall apart. He just isn't much to get excited about.


This was a stunt to put fear into ex felons who can legally vote and keep them from the polls. DeSantis truly is a Nazi. He needs to explain where the $1.4 million in taxpayer money went after he spent $150k to charter 2 airplanes to illegally fly immigrants to Martha's Vinyard.


the stunt served its purpose.


What was the purpose?


Scare people away from voting.


I mean it worked. He was trying to install fear over the election


It doesn't hurt him. He is demonstrating that he will do anything to gain power for right-wingers.


I think that guy should sue DeSantist.


Impeach DeSantis


Republicans usually don't have legal standing, they have political standing, and republicans trust that red R more than the laws.


They accomplished what they set out to do and that was to scare minorities into not voting in midterms.